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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8876608 No.8876608 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so based?

>> No.8876611

stop posting pedophiles on /sci/ faggot

>> No.8876637

Is this a random shitpost or is there evidence?

>> No.8876656

He's based because he's ~40 y/o, has a shit ton of experience in science (nuclear chemistry), so in turn knows a lot about how reality works.

He should do some more introspection and think out his video's when he's tackling political issues though.

>> No.8876779

is that the guy who got buttblasted by brexit cause it cuts his funds yet criticises """feminists""" like Anita for making money from idiots?

also his neck size is fucking ridiculous

>> No.8877651

he's right about political issues you butthurt /pol/tard

>> No.8877653

thunderf00t is based because both sjw and alt-right retards get mad at his correct opinions

>> No.8877665

Isn't he the retard who tried to disprove anarcho-capitalism and got his ass handed to him by Stefan Molyneux?

>> No.8877671

anarchocapitalism is a religion

>> No.8877987

T. Anita

>> No.8879328

anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron

>> No.8879336

Isn't this the guy who thought Futurama disproved the existence of God because he doesn't grasp First Order Logic?

>> No.8879462

>The only popular youtuber who is also an active science researcher
>The only popular scientist who is not also a complete cuck who bows down to feminists or black lives matter, nor to the bullshit white nationalist agenda of the cucks of /pol/
>The only popular science news commentator who doesn't scream "LOL XD SCIENCE" at everything and is actually critical of the new "inventions" by fat cats like Musk and small scammers like Fontus.

How could he not be based? The only reasons some people dislike him are purely political, which you adds to how uncucked he is.

>> No.8879465
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>anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron
>not anarcho-socialism

>> No.8879498

>The only popular science news commentator who doesn't scream "LOL XD SCIENCE" at everything and is actually critical of the new "inventions" by fat cats like Musk and small scammers like Fontus.

Wasn't one of thunderf00t's "busted" videos debunked because he couldn't cube-square?

>> No.8879510

That would be interested, show proof.

>> No.8879544

>He should do some more introspection and think out his video's when he's tackling political issues though.

>j-just because he''s intelligent at science and math, doesn't mean he's intelligent about everything!

statistically, it almost certainly does.

>> No.8879616


>> No.8879627

If you do some introspection, you'll find that Trump's policies are actually extremely good for the environment and humanity and that he's the most pro-science candidate of them all.

>> No.8879630

it may be poorly named but it's a real thing

>> No.8879631

The economics is right, but the model assumes everyone is a humanist who values every one elses values equally. The economics guarantees a truly value neutral society in which the most members of society which provide the most collective utility will end up with the most influence.
The mistake ancaps make is thinking that everyone's values subjective marginal utility scales are equal in an objective sense, which is entirely ridiculous because you can never be objective about other people's marginal utility, because you can only view the world filtered through your own value scales.
t. former ancap

>> No.8879632

He's a huge fedora who manages to sound like a colossal retard whenever he swerves out of his lane.

>> No.8879693
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He's a fucking retard that has painted himself into a corner, going after SJW's and feminists for years and then sperging out about Trump and shilling for the Democrats last year. Like that fat ass cancer man that plays vidya.

>> No.8879715

>has painted himself into a corner
>videos get 200k views on average
>gets 3000$ per video on patreon
>has full time job in scientific research
i think he's doing pretty well for himself

>> No.8879728

Fuck off Thunderfagg0t

>> No.8879802


A math mistake is pretty minor when he shows video from an event hosted by Elon Cuck himself where it is seen that none of the cars even fucking work inside the hyperloop.

>> No.8879861


>> No.8879889

it's the worst thing you can falsely accuse someone of being so it's what you should call anyone you don't like

>> No.8879978


Christfags detected

>> No.8880035

Or maybe he thinks independently without tying himself to a political side, so he'll call out the fools on both the left and the right as their relevance comes and goes. He's not painting himself into a corner; he's appealing to a free-thinking audience. If everyone was a political ideologue, he'd be pretty cornered right now, but that doesn't seem to be the case over on YouTube since they don't act to silence their users for their political views.

Google's gotta keep that video sharing monopoly somehow, and sites like Vidme and Minds are waiting on the sidelines for Google to really drop the ball. They can't let go of these guys. At least, they can't yet. And that's not even speaking of the big names on the site who are looking out for Thunderf00t, Sargon, Shoe0nHead, and their ilk.

>> No.8880036

Being orders of magnitude off is not a minor math mistake especially when he didn't even get the concept of the square-cube law right. And why the fuck are you judging Elon on not getting it right the first time. Space-X's first three rockets blew up but now they're recovering and reusing first stage rockets. Results matter more than what some pissy /sci/fag has to say.

>> No.8880085

Being orders of magnitude off is as easy as not enough 0s. Thunderf00t has made a shitton of videos of considerable length so I'm guessing you can probably find some errors here and there, just like everyone slips up, but folks are making it out as though his errors stem from incorrect knowledge of scientific principles or bad math when they're errors in computation. His detractors are are using these two examples to claim his other work is suspect, which is ridiculous given the body of his work.

And as far as the square cube law thing, yeah if you increase all dimensions of a shape proportionately it's true volume increases faster than surface area, that's fair enough of a criticism.

But that still strikes me as unlikely to be an error from lack of knowledge. It was an error of oversight that you can argue his extrapolations from the behavior of simple scale model he cooked up were oversimplified.

And in any case, I wouldn't consider his entire video on the hyperloop to be "busted" by that one criticism. While I personally think the hyperloop's problems are mostly just engineering problems, claiming they busted his assessment by that criticism alone comes across as sensationalist.

>> No.8880620


>He should do some more introspection and think out his video's when he's tackling political issues though.

Why bother, no-one else does. Politics is about how to persuade people to give you power, not actually doing anything useful.

>> No.8880833


>> No.8880841


>> No.8880893

Next video when and what?

>> No.8880903

>disprove anarcho-capitalism
How does one "disprove" a political ideology? Did you ever go to school?

>> No.8881615

You can disprove it by proving that the political system can't exist

>> No.8881736

You need the thunderpill

>> No.8882024

Watch the rest of it. They do more than just debunked that one aspect of thunderf00t's analysis. Yeah, thunderf00t is a smart guy but he fucked up with his Hyperloop busted series. Even Einstein goofed up by putting the cosmological constant into his general relativity equations because it predicted the universe was expanding.

>> No.8882900
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He is not very acidic

>> No.8882989

Isn't that a porn site?

>> No.8883014

>A math mistake

No. Try "many" math mistakes, many of them extremely basic, and couple that with his absolute refusal to accept that he was wrong, AT ALL. The guy is a narcissist and a brainlet.

>> No.8883036

I would have agreed with that until his ego started getting in the way

>> No.8883335

don't trust a word this guy says about anything other than chemistry, nuclear physics, and beekeeping

>> No.8884334


laughed out loud