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8873946 No.8873946 [Reply] [Original]

Let a function meets all reuirements to have a taylor seies and a fourier series. Then is there a way to equate the two series and derive one from the other?

Inb4 local and global handwaving argument.

>> No.8873951

>Let a function meets all reuirements to have a taylor seies and a fourier series.
If a function has a Taylor series, that Taylor series is unique.
If a function has a Fourier series, that Fourier series is unique.
So if that function has both then of course you can equate them.

If you feel unsatisfied with that answer then maybe you should be more precise with what you mean when you say
>Let a function meets all reuirements [sic]

>> No.8873964


Cool. Let me fix.

Let a function meet all reuirements to have a taylor seies and a fourier series. Then what is the derivation from one series to the other?

Taylor -> Fourier


Fourier -> Taylor

Inb4 local and global handwaving argument

>> No.8873973


Compute <x^n|e^inx>

>> No.8873984


What does that even mean?

Do you know a book that explicitly states the derivation? If so, what is the name of the book?

>> No.8874013


Bra ket notation.

Its just the inner product between two functions. Id help but i dont know.

>> No.8874022


Computing a value doesnt answer the question of the derivation.

>> No.8874031

Not that guy but off the top of my head, I know Kraut's "Fundamentals of Mathematical Physics" has a chapter on infinite series which discusses the bra-ket construction.

>> No.8874040

Is it [math] \sum_k x^k \exp(ikx) [/math]?

>> No.8874049


Thanks but i meant a book that shows the derivation between the two series, not the bra ket notation.

>> No.8874062

Yes they should. As >>8873951 said they are unique.

So if you take the fourier series and expand out the sine's and cosine's in their own power series, you will ultimately get a power series for the whole function that should be the same as the taylor series. (Asumming all these series converge in the same nbhd and such)

>> No.8874072


That was my original plan. Using brute force. But the fourier coefficients are coupled with the terms and makes that rather difficult.

I figured there is a more elegant approach. I may be wrong.

>> No.8874076

It is not a calculation you actually want to do, it is just that you can prove that it can be done using the the properties of formal power series (again assuming everything converges nicely).

>> No.8874088
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It is simply change of basis

Going from Taylor to Fourier
1. Compute Fourier Series of [math]x^k[/math] for each [math]k[/math]
2. To find the coefficient of [math]e^{inx}[/math] in the Fourier Series simply collect the contributions of each term of the Taylor series to it

Going from Fourier to Taylor
1. Compute Taylor Series of [math]e^{ikx}[/math]
2. To find the coefficient of [math]x^n[/math] in the Taylor Series simply collect the contributions of each term of the Fourier series to it

>> No.8874112


If you showed it here, i dont think you would use the word "simple" as you did.

>> No.8874124

But that's what the bra-ket notation is, the inner product that it denotes is the coefficient of the Taylor series in terms of the Fourier series coefficients, and vice versa.

>> No.8874197 [DELETED] 


[math]a_n=\sum_k <x^n|e^{ikx}>*b_k[/math]
[math]b_k=\sum_n <e^{ikx}|x^n>*a_n[/math]

>> No.8874207

a_n=\sum_k <x^n|e^{ikx}>b_k
b_k=\sum_n <e^{ikx}|x^n>a_n

>> No.8874215

It's not that bad

The [math]e^{inx}[/math] coefficient of [math]x^k[/math] is

[math]k \left( \frac{k-1}{in} \left( \frac{k-2}{in} \left( ... \left( \frac{1}{in} + m_1 \right) + ... \right) + m_{k-2} \right) + m_{k-1} \right) \frac{-1^{n+1}}{in} [/math]

where [math]m_k = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}{x^k dx} [/math]

The [math]x^n[/math] coefficient of [math]e^{ikx}[/math] is trivial

>> No.8874225

having a taylor series (C^inf) and being equal to the taylor series (analytic) are two different things

>> No.8874231


[math] \color{YellowGreen}{>not \ \ using \ \ \langle \ \ \rangle} [/math]

>> No.8874384

>Brain-let notation
Only Physicists could invent such a hack job of good mathematics

>> No.8874408

you need to be more specific about what you mean by "having" a taylor series. for example, it's possible to construct a smooth function f such that the taylor series around x=0 is identically zero, but f(x)>0 for all x>0. so it's not possible to determine the fourier series just given the taylor coefficients at a point.

>> No.8874439


You cant compute the fourier series for the function x^2?

>> No.8874443


bra ket notation is just a nice way of expressing the interplay between vectors and one forms, which is a pretty necessary formality when you're dealing with complex vector spaces.

>> No.8874449


>> No.8874501

what is that image saying? What is A_l ?

>> No.8874506

consider exp(-1/x^2)
even if it is smooth, it still has an essential singularity at 0. meaning, the taylor series is valid for |x|<0 so nowhere