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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8873192 No.8873192 [Reply] [Original]

>What STEM final are you studying for?
>What are your homework/project/exam grades in the course?
>What is your current grade?
>What game plan do you have to study?
>When is your exam?
>How do you think you'll do?
>Are you wasting more time on /sci/ than studying?

>> No.8873213
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I'm studying for the big brother final.
Since you picked worst winner, looks you'll fail.
I, on the other hand, will get an A+.

>> No.8873215

Big brother is gay.

>> No.8873224

Weather Information Systems. It'll wrap up my Applied Meteorology minor tomorrow.
>study plan
I'm thinkin some Xbox should do the trick
98% in the class

I'm not too worried

>> No.8873665

>What STEM final are you studying for?
Cell/Molec Biology Presentation Tuesday
Entomology Final Friday
Physics Final next Monday
Nanoscience Final next Tuesday
Philosophy Paper Due Friday
>What are your homework/project/exam grades in the course?
Biology: A- (92.1)
Entomology: A- (90 soemthing idrk)
Physics: I think something like a 94-95
Nanoscience: A (96)
Philosophy: A (97)
>What is your current grade?
>What game plan do you have to study?
night before, like always, except for essay. thatll be slow work over the current week and then do half the paper a couple hours before its due
>When is your exam?
>How do you think you'll do?
pretty well, I plan on keeping my current grades in all classes. the exams should all be pretty easy
>Are you wasting more time on /sci/ than studying?
yep. I should be doing my bio project right now

>> No.8874435

I forget that americans are still going at this time of year.

>> No.8875384

I'm studying for genetics. It won't help, my professor has been absurdly difficult. Questions answered correctly are marked wrong for some students and not for others. There is no consistency for grading.

Fucking please how do you compare and contrast RNAi and retrotransposons what the fuck.

>> No.8875399

I'm a grad student so I'm done with classes, but I have to GRADE about 200 Gen Chem finals. That's the worst shit ever.

All you fucks in this topic, if your first language was one that doesn't use the english alphabet, please learn the characters fully before trying to write or else I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

So many exams with hindi names that I couldn't read on midterms...

>> No.8875963

Time series statistics. Grad class while I'm an undergrad, and it's actually pretty hard. Who knew?

>> No.8876156

Is 2 days enough time to study for a math test given that I know pretty much what's going to be on it?

>> No.8876295

Honestly depends on the math class

>> No.8876309

Calc III

>> No.8876318

Dan Memesling

>> No.8876331
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>>What STEM final are you studying for?
Linear Algebra
Energy Engineering
Physics 2
Computer science
>>What are your homework/project/exam grades in the course?
Linear Algebra: 29% out of 30%
Energy Engineering 25% out of 30%
Physics 2: 41% out of 50%
Computer Science 32% out of 50%
>>What game plan do you have to study?
Do 3 full previous exam papers every day
>>When is your exam?
Maths and Physics: Monday 8th May
Energy Engineering: Tuesday 9th May
Computer Science: Wednesday 17th of May
>>How do you think you'll do?
Overall 80% in Maths
Overall 70% in Energy Engineering
Overall 50% in Physics
Overall 50% in Computer science.
>>Are you wasting more time on /sci/ than studying?

>> No.8876382

>What STEM final are you studying for?
Mathematical Logic
Abstract Algebra
>What is your current grade?
Analysis (78%)
Logic (85%)
Algebra (92%)
>What game plan do you have to study?
Review basic notes, go over old exams, and practice problems
>When is your exam?
Analysis (tomorrow)
Logic (Wed.)
Algebra (Thursday)
>How do you think you'll do?
Analysis (eh, little worried)
Logic (Probably around 85%)
Algebra (Expecting maybe 75%)
>Are you wasting more time on /sci/ than studying?

>> No.8876396




>> No.8877097

If you did all the homework and are comfortable with it just do some casual reviewing of notes and homework.

>> No.8877111

A-And if I'm not?...

>> No.8877226

>principles of evolution

>bacterial pathogenesis
I'm fucked

>biochem: metabolism
I'll do ok

>> No.8877239

>What STEM final are you studying for?
Quantum Field Theory II
String Theory
Particle Physics II

>What are your homework/project/exam grades in the course?
Dunno. I really don't care either.

>What is your current grade?
I also don't know, and it doesn't matter.

>What game plan do you have to study?
Not study because they are all take-home exams.

>When is your exam?
Already have two of them, and another next week.

>How do you think you'll do?

>> No.8877288

Cell bio and biochem II tests tomorrow and a philosophy final paper due at midnight....Solid As going into them but still an absolute fuckton to memorize and can't afford to totally shit the bed, both profs don't have many questions so you miss 1 or 2 and there's a letter grade

Got my 30mg IR addy bottle, caffeine pills, gallon of water, grizzly wintergreen longcut and uplifting trance playing....perfect combo

>> No.8877459

>What STEM final are you studying for?
Machine Learning (graduate class)
Theory of Computation
Database Systems
Multivariable Calculus II
Linear Algebra I

>What is your current grade?
Don't know for Database Systems and Muti. Should be A's in Linear, Theory, and Machine Learning.

>What game plan do you have to study?
Going to review the textbook readings and do a shitload of problem sets/practice proofs.

>How do you think you'll do?
Hopefully B+ to A on all of them

>> No.8877604


Gen chemistry in 2 weeks and physics thermodynamics in 3 weeks or so.

Only really worried about chemistry because I suck at it.

>> No.8877616

>Studying for a physics exam on wednsday, just took gen chem and vector calc exams.
Didn't really study they aren't that of hard classes.

>> No.8877621

does adderall really work? i'd feel guilty about it but my tests literally have only 5-6 questions so i feel like i have no choice at this point

>> No.8877623

Failure analysis. Shouldn't be too bad, but I have to study a shit load of SEM images.

Survey of energy and power technologies. This will be a mixed bad. Half the time questions are super basic, basically glorified unit conversion. The other half the professor goes off the deep end with some insane problem. It's also one of those exams where you have internet access and you're expected to use it to complete the exam.

Diffusion and Phase Equilibria. This is going to be an absolute shit show. It's like thermo, mass transport, crystal structures, and solid state all rolled into one.

>> No.8877639

Go get a script, it's not hard to get.... I consider it an extra "tool" at my disposal. Went back to school at 24 with my sights set on med school so gpa is literally make or break. I don't abuse it, only take it when I do work. Any edge I can get to ensure I get to where I want in life....I don't see myself doing anything else so I will do whatever necessary. It's there when I need it during times I'd normally be burnt out or need to study very efficiently in a given time.