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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8868942 No.8868942 [Reply] [Original]

>Professor is late to class

>> No.8869047
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>> Professor shows up to class drunk

>> No.8869058
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>Professor shows up to class holding a beer

>> No.8869062

>Professor is early to class and stares at the clock for 5 minutes straight.

>> No.8869064
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>Professor shows up to class with a keg

>> No.8869216
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>Professor has sex with students in class

>> No.8869221

fucking sucks desu

prof just made mistakes the entire time

>> No.8869237

>professors phone rings during class and he takes it

>> No.8869243
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>Professor gives the student who had sex with extra marks

>> No.8869251
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>Professor craves blowjob by his male students

>> No.8869255

>professor is genderfluid and floats away when a student accidentally referred to xe as he

>> No.8869256
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>Professor (female) touched my butt.

>> No.8869258

my thermo professor always showed up drunk, yet was still the best one we had. never made a single mistake, narrated everything without looking at notes or slides and shit like most do nowadays, great explanations.

>> No.8869261

>skinny manlet professor shows up with wife beater showing off his tribal tatoo on his shoulder / upper arm.
Only did it twice, then turned up with a suit for the rest of the year. im assuming he got into trouble for it.

>> No.8869262
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>professor yells at autistic kid because his proof is messy and lazy.

>> No.8869275
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>professor (female) is in love with you

>> No.8869282
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>> No.8869341
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>professor comes at the exact minute the class starts and actually teaches

>> No.8869881
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>professor drinks whiskey with you during office hours

>> No.8869889

pick one

>> No.8869893
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>professor doesn't show up to office hours
>it was your day off work too

>> No.8869895


Professor is genderfluid and proceeds to use the navier stokes equations on his gender while performing spectral analysis on his sex.

>> No.8869898
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>Professor tells students to discuss topic then takes a smoke break outside

>> No.8869899
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> there is no professor for the class

>> No.8870067

>you are the professor!

>> No.8870075
File: 84 KB, 900x972, Science+in+2017+trigger+mentionlist+dailytumblr+trigger+large+controls+collection+dailytumblr_67f6c1_6248215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor is on the spectrum

>> No.8871452
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gugure! Kokkuri-san - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.03_[2014.10.26_20.14.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor with accent so thick that no one can understand what they're saying
>Professor tries to give moving speech about the virtues of science at the end of the semester but no one can understand it
Once had a Biology class that might as well have been taught in Chinese. The only way to get anything done was by reading the textbook ahead of time. That said, easiest final I ever took. The practice exam she gave us to study from was the exact same as the final. Two questions had numbers changed, but everything else was the same, word for word. I wonder if she's still teaching here or if she went back to China.

>> No.8871463
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>recitation instructor shows up late on a quiz day so we don't have time for the quiz

>> No.8871515
File: 38 KB, 580x435, 1492873616117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor sucks his own dick in the middle of class

>> No.8871540


>> No.8871838
File: 380 KB, 584x553, IMG_1199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor puts a bike lock into a pillow case and proceeds to strike at all the cis-white-males for perpetrating patriarchal values and for systemic racism

>> No.8873140

>professor sucks a fucking black cock for fun while placing his shoes in the mircowave

>> No.8873162

Based prof

>> No.8873165

>professor starts commenting about the evils of capitalism.

>> No.8873177

>prof just doesn't show up to 50% of lectures

Give me my money back, I barely learned any linear algebra

What sucks is that when he actually showed up, he was actually a really good lecturer and explained things well

>> No.8873183

>Professor says truth is a spectrum
>fails every white male

>> No.8873193

>shows up late
>stands in front of the class

>> No.8873261
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>Professor spends 75% of the semester traveling around the world with her show horses

>> No.8873481
File: 80 KB, 680x674, 1460600802538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor practices cannibalism during lecture

>> No.8873494

>autistic kid yells at professor because his proof is messy and lazy.