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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8865856 No.8865856 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel as though your parents and family members held you back as a child? Like...when they compared academic excellence to social development and chose to encourage the latter?
>"Whatever mom and dad. Now I hate everyone and my brain is all fucked up."
Tfw I ended up in comp-sci. On a side note, can I do anything to remedy my botched mental faculties? Is my whole development fucked?

>> No.8865871

>when they compared academic excellence to social development and chose to encourage the latter
This but the former instead. Now I'm a virgin NEET because >nogf in highschool fucked my shit up.

>> No.8865910
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>> No.8865919

normie go complain on instagram about how you're so bad at math

>> No.8865998
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>be in 2nd or 3rd grade
>reading at a 5th grade level
>excelling in math
>teacher suggests to my parents that they move me up a grade
>they say no

>they tell me about it a decade later
>give some excuse about not wanting all my friends and classmates to be older than me

I told my parents I forgave them. I told them I understood they were just doing what they thought was best for me. But to this day, every single time I remember it I get so fucking livid I want to scream and start breaking shit until my knuckles shatter and everything around me is dented, cracked, bloody, and in flames.

>> No.8866009

Parents not caring what their child thinks when making decisions about them are a real problem

>> No.8866051
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>having parents or family members as a child

>> No.8866143

>But we put you in karate!
>But we put you in Lego Robotics!
Can't read
Can't talk to other children
>You were in a good private school!
>You were a good kicker in karate!
24, still cannot look adult men in the eyes
Cannot even have adult females in my field of vision or else I'm nervous the rest of the day they're going to tell a man and have the man yell at me
>We let you go to your grandparents whenever you wanted!
Inhibited me from lifting weights from ages 11-13
Dad consistently yelled at me never to rape a girl, he would hold my face and look into my eyes to check if i would
>when you're in your twenties, will you date a smart girl or a rich girl?
>if you're at a party and your friends invite you somewhere else, you call us first right?
Age: 7
Questions like that arise daily, not answering or incorrect answers result in lectures about morality and spanking to help "embed the information with an intense memory"
>any interaction with Dad would be him mounting my arms and moving them, then he would tell me when to grab. He fixed engines like this with the intention of me learning the process. I was terrified of the noises the entire time and could only feel MOLESTED because of the spooning position he would keep me in

>> No.8866181

Seek help, Anon. I mean that in a supportive way.

>> No.8866182

>be in third grade
>reading at a level > 9000
>be attending a school so po-dunk and overrun by refugees the option to skip a grade doesn't even exist

get on my level

>> No.8866984

>implying moving up a grade would have positively impacted your life at all

I know a bunch of people who did it, and the only thing that happens is they graduate a year or two before everyone else. They're never even the smartest in the class, always average or below average even, who think they'll be the next Einstein by graduating at the age of 21 instead of 22 and getting Bs in physics.

>> No.8867067

Why do you care?

>> No.8867151

I feel like they effectively held me back a year in school. That's a whole year of my youth that I'll never get back.

>> No.8868475
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Honestly, why don't you anons go to therapy? It might just help you if you give it a chance.

No one is perfect. My parents are not an exception, neither are your parents. Now that I'm living on my own and really got to reflect on everything that they've done for me (good and bad), I appreciate them more.

You're ultimately responsible for your happiness. I guarantee you that someone who was dealt a shittier hand than you've been dealt has crafted their own happiness. It's never too late to socialize yourself or get better in a field that you want to go into. You just have to go against your grain for a while.

I believe in all of you, anons