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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8862636 No.8862636 [Reply] [Original]

What's the dumbest science-related thing you've ever heard?

>> No.8862641

moon is made of blue cheese

>> No.8862649

The IQ metric is useful and scientific.

>> No.8862655

earth isn't flat

>> No.8862657

Poland is on the moon

>> No.8862662

My friend lived in a flat and he was convinced it wasn't Earth.

>> No.8862669

Could you elaborate?

>> No.8862672

why hasn't the sun crashed into earth yet?

>> No.8862675

The entire thing called astronomy.

>> No.8862678

gawd esent reel cauze schience

>> No.8862679

He believed that the Earth was flat but that the flat wasn't Earth.

>> No.8862681

sex is a spectrum

>> No.8862683


>> No.8862684

But what does that even mean?
Did he think his door was a portal to another planet/universe or something?

>> No.8862702


>> No.8862711

Well first I thought I'd show him that it was Earth by having him carefully look out the window at the boats sailing on the water. I told him you could see that as they moved, they made noise so it would be impossible to hear while not on Earth. He said that this was probably just an illusion. Then I told him the flats in his complex surely had to be on Earth and he agreed they really looked like they did, but that was another illusion because he's not close to his neighbors so he can't be sure inside was Earth even though the outside it. Finally I told him about Earth's magnetic field and how his flat would get too much of the sun's radiation if not Earth. But he said anything above the roof was Earth so that's how he's protected.

>> No.8862716


>> No.8862719
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Tell me, is your friend clinically insane?

>> No.8862734

Effectively yes. He also has some pretty detailed explanations that only make me feel even more sorry for him. Like in order to explain the effect of gravity in his apartment, he invoked Einstein's equivalence principle to reason that wherever he is, his flat is accelerating upward at about 9.8m/s^2. Towards what, he doesn't know.

>> No.8862755

Sounds like your friend was doing a thought experiment, and decided to mess with you after he realized you'd always take him seriously.

>> No.8862794

>plateaus are tree stumps
Alright hold up do people really believe that a bunch of yggdrasils were chopped down? Is this a real conspiracy theory?

>> No.8862803

Probability theory is pseudoscience because the universe is deterministic.

We don't know how bikes work.


Earth is flat.

Or anything else where someone bases there view on some topic on giant misconceptions.

>> No.8862807

True by definition.

>> No.8862809

Oh you did NOT just deny .999... = 1 nigger

>> No.8862814

>.999... = 1
By the definition of the real numbers this is true.

>> No.8862818

It's the best conspiracy theory

>> No.8862829

Man that's some dark souls shit. I almost respect it.

>> No.8862837

Lol no I'm just autistic and wanted to extend the "flat is Earth" joke as far as I could.

>> No.8863219


>> No.8864176

pi is infinite.

>> No.8864328


Sounds like you have IQ below 100

>> No.8864355

That negative numbers exist.

>> No.8864417

Are you claiming that positive numbers exist?

>> No.8864440

the worst is when they say that every sequence can be found in pi because it's supposedly infinite

>> No.8864454

Your post

>> No.8864458

they're just the additive inverses of the natural numbers.
whats wrong with that?

>> No.8864474

Mountains are big tree fossils.

>> No.8864481
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>He doesn't know about the fungal shadow government theory

>> No.8864482

(((real))) numbers

>> No.8864484

>He believed that the Earth was flat but that the flat wasn't Earth.
I keked at this, but then

holy shit my sides at the guy not getting the joke, i mean >>8862679 was pretty damn obvious.

>> No.8864556

Brainlet dectected.

>> No.8864575
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>> No.8865267


>> No.8865286

IQ is not real, race is not real, gender is a spectrum and your bait image.

>> No.8865299

IQ is meaningless

IQ can be improved with practice

IQ cannot be improved with practice

>> No.8865305

Global warming

>> No.8865312

This, also:

Climate change is manmade
Climate change is real
Flat earth is impossible
Evolution saying that we all came from black people

>> No.8865320

Well of course IQ is real, dummy. It doesn't mean that brainlets still can't have strokes of genius.

See Nabakov and Salinger, who had IQs of 112 and 107, respectively.

>> No.8865331

It's called climate now that global warming was debunked.

>> No.8865339
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>> No.8866471

So during highschool I went on a Duke of Ed camp with the small group of 8 or so others that still did it. So after the day of sailing we all walked into the town near by to get some icecream more of less for a thing to do. It was about 8:30 i think, point is it was dark and the moon was out. It was a half moon, with clear skies so it was decently bright. So as we were walking we got on to the topic of the moon as it was very visible, and as it was a half moon, moon cycles. Being year 9 and no one being an expert on celestial bodies it was a pretty half-hearted "yea i guess that's it" kinda discussion, until this one girl spoke up. And holy fuck was it stupid. Quoting from what i remember "If half the moon is there (pointing to the moon), then is that the other half?" as she points to the glow of flood lights from what i assumed was a port or cargo yard. Till this day i have never heard anything more stupid, even on here.

>> No.8867213

Science and "Math"

>> No.8867230

she's probably an easy lay

>> No.8867231

No it's called climate change because the term global warming was confusing people. The entire Earth is getting warmer but that causes more mixing in the atmosphere so in some places it actually gets colder (the short term).

>> No.8867239

anything that involves the word "gender"

>> No.8867258

Every time people suggest evolution is taking us somewhere, Im baffled they got past high school without properly understanding it, the worst part is that most of the time I see it being suggested its by people who recognize themselves as skeptics

>> No.8868283

college is stupid tho. Too much busy work and it costs too much just for an education which if you're taking into a higher field isn't even complete

>> No.8868291

>people still dont realize earth is in square time

>> No.8868293

The Earth is warming because some people drive cars and have factories and not because we are coming out of an Ice Age.

>> No.8868305

See now, you put things that are false in with things that are true. Don't you think that's a bit disingenuous?