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8859930 No.8859930 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone given up on relationships as a consequence of scientific/mathematical pursuit?

>> No.8859934

>given up
You are assuming we had a chance to begin with.

>> No.8859940

Give up most of your limited time for pussy and for a boring ass conversation partner


explore mathematics / science.

Make you're choice and take into account the fact that time is the most precious resource a human can have and that every other resource (happiness, money, whatever) is generated by converting it to them through effort.

>> No.8859985

I posted something very similar to this a week ago and I got a warning.

>> No.8860040

>explore mathematics

>> No.8860159

Relationships just seem like a meme that exists because a society can only exist if people are somehow nudged towards having kids and raising them. However, that it helps society survive doesn't mean it makes you happy personally and once you actually have kids and find out it sucks: gotcha, there's no going back. For a lot of people this meme is a parasite.

>> No.8860176

So far I've only turned down relationship chances because it seemed obvious they wouldn't work out and would bring me frustration, if there was a chance for a successful relationship I would not give it up. I'm the worst procrastinator ever so the time I'd dedicate to it would probably be wasted either way.

>> No.8860190

Why would you center your life around one other person? Imagine having a group of friends and then one of them asking you to spend less time with your other friends and more with him. Kind of a dick move. Don't put all your apples in one basket, but do try to cultivate reliable friendships, I'd say.

>> No.8860191

They're not mutually exclusive if the partners you have are also genuine friends of yours. In essence, it means you'll have a more fulfilling relationship that's more likely to fall in line with your interests if you date people you met for purposes other than dating them.

If you do meet someone just to date them, you probably just want to fuck. For that, a hurdle might be mutually realizing that that's what the relationship is all about. If you tell them outright, they might not be happy about it. However, if you identify something about yourself that makes them disinterested (i.e., self-investment in math & science, lack of communication, anime) and exhibit enough of that quirk to slightly perturb them without hurting them, you can come to the mutual agreement that a relationship isn't the right way to go. In this way, you're more likely to acquire a fuck buddy who wouldn't have otherwise agreed to it, and you're also much less likely to get bad exes in my experience.

>> No.8860194

We didn't evolve to progress science. That's why most people in here are permavirgins. It's very rare for superior genes to be passed on.

>> No.8860199

because some might actually want to do just that you fucking autist

>> No.8860221

I understand that and you can do that if you want, of course. What worries me is that it creates a single major point of failure. If your lives become intertwined and your partner dies or breaks up or something else happens, you're in deep trouble. That doesn't happen when you rely on a larger group of good friends.

>> No.8860230

you're right again. shall we exchange a few more truisms?

>> No.8860232
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i really hoped this man would be the one.. but nope he's a fucking normie

>> No.8860235

normies don't understand risk, they don't see their lives as being special or valuable, most of them live from day to day and won't give a shit if they were forced to live on the streets the next day

I had normies laugh at me because I care more about financial stability at 20 than about pussy
the same normies that laughed at me were sitting next to their fat, flabby girlfriends that stared with such a blank look on their faces that it was clear to me they're were retarded

>> No.8860239


how's your girlfriend doing?

>> No.8860241

normies live to maximize short term pleasure, they feel like they wanna cum inside a bitch, they do that, they will achieve that easily

they want to get wasted? they do

they want to get rich and live a successful and happy life? oops, nope, that implies long term dedication, let's just get drunk again and hope the next day it gets better

dumped her ass because I was tired of trading my time and patience for her pussy
now she's depressed and I piss on her life

>> No.8860245

man I was fucking my ex-gf once and I had to came a few times in her pussy after that I panicked I went to the pharmacy and I bought some contraceptive pills

I was so disappointed, I thought fucking pussy would fix my life and make me happy but it fucking sucks, I spent so many months of my life trying to comprehend the concept of pussy only to come to the conlcusion that pussy is just a tube of wet meat that has no value, I can ignore my urges and set other goals that are less riskier and can make me as happy as pussy can

>> No.8860249

You are clearly not meant for mathematics pal

>> No.8860251

>Given up
Not really, but I don't care either way.

>> No.8860258

Brainlet did not detect my grammar mistake
brainlet detected

I always set up these kinds of traps for the brainlets that I engage in conversation with. I annihilated you argumentally.

>> No.8860261

either sheer autism or immature. don't worry guys, you'll go through various stages just like everyone else and with a bit of luck you won't draw as many false dichotomies as you do now. I wish you all rewarding lives.

>> No.8860268

She'll only cost 7million on his divorce, a bargain.

>> No.8860272

>you will all reach my conclusions
>everyone is beneath me and will do exactly what I did because I make the best decisions
>you just need more time than I did, because I am superior
if this isn't immaturity, then nothing is

>> No.8860275
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Not the anon you responded to but

>> No.8860276
File: 4 KB, 400x400, EFG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using that quirk deliberately for a fuck buddy seems borderline manipulative & sociopathic

but then again, so does meeting people just to get them to date you

>> No.8860280

Im a very jelous person. I get a shitton of emotional stress when dealing with relationships.

The pussy isn't worth it for me. Perhaps I'll get one once im 35 and my hormones declined a bit.

Relationships aren't necessary for happyness for me. My freedom is.

>> No.8860295

Thanks. It's just that people around me seem to just assume that relationships are obviously good, but when I ask them to explain why I only get to hear things like "It feels good!" It almost feels like debating religious people.

>> No.8860302
File: 61 KB, 460x300, 1492892836016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start dating a girl
>cute, apparently perfect
>slowly find out she had a bad experience with a schizophrenic guy that tormented and basically gave her depression and made her stop going to a very good Electrical Engineering uni from my country
>ignore this fact, fuck her, she was a virgin
>blood on my dick, nice!
>suddenly everything make sense, when I saw the blood on my dick my life was completed, my autism was cured, I understood what the concept of vagina, wombs and women meant and how they were related
>1 month pass after first pussy-in-vagoo
>find out she still talks with that schizophrenic guy who wanted to murder and rape her
>find out she is friends with people who respect that guy
>those friends invite that guy every time she goes out with them
>I can't comprehend this, I can't understand this at all
>suddenly the "you can't understand women" meme hits my face hard like an uppercut
>dump her ass, she cries but I realize that since she is a brainlet she isn't truly suffering
>brainlets can't comprehend suffering at a deep level
>when brainlets cry it's exactly the same as when an insect runs from you after you hit it or spray it with bugspray
>it's instinctual, shallow, boring as fuck
>dump her ass and receive an increase in free time
>tfw now have more time for myself

>> No.8860314

It's not something you debate, you autist. And they're not inherently good. They're really hard work, finding a suitable partner is hard and not everyone's good at them. But they can be rewarding if you tick the right boxes and presumably possess the biological impulses for reproduction which in time have taken the form of more complex systems that some like to fulfil with relationships. Best of luck, either way.

>> No.8860342

>brainlets can't comprehend suffering at a deep level
>when brainlets cry it's exactly the same as when an insect runs from you after you hit it or spray it with bugspray
>it's instinctual, shallow, boring as fuck

>> No.8860378

>start dating normie brainlet girlfriend senior year of high school
>she wants to major in psychology
>over time I talk her into changing her mind to something more lucrative
>she was reluctant for a while but eventually caved
>we get to college and she doesn't take things very seriously, hardly ever studies, drinks every weekend evening, joins a sorority, and wonders why her grades aren't very good
>"maybe college isn't for me" talk begins sophomore year
>explain to her that its entirely her bad habits inhibiting her success
>she refuses to change, goes to more parties and gets mad at me for not hanging out with her constantly
>"you never hang out with me and my friends anon you are always studying"
>this goes on for months to a point that we very much exhausted the relationship
>we finally break up and my life is nearly perfect
>find out a week after we break up that she had been cheating on me with one of my friends from high school that went to a different uni.

I started high school a fat fuck, but her and I became friends anyway. When I lost a lot of weight and put on some muscle tone I was way too eager for a girlfriend and took the first girl that liked me. I didn't realize at the time that we really didn't have a whole lot in common. We got along, but our interests were very polarized. She was very much a pumpkin spice latte, reality TV watching, lack of any mature interests kind of girl. She was fun, but not something maintainable for the long term. I even remember a few months before we broke up just looking at her and thinking "Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with this bitch?" I highly recommend anyone in a similar situation quit cold turkey and enjoy unlimited freedom for free time, studying, and bro time.

>> No.8860383

you haven't give up on your relationship as a direct consequence of your scientific pursuit though. it had more to do with your interests not being aligned, your ex being a self-induldgent, immature, ill-adjusted adolescent and you being sufficiently immature to not recognise these things and the inevitable conclusion that they eventually led to.

>> No.8860394

I mean, the reason she constantly complained about not spending time with me was because I was taking 17-18 credit hours per semester and working as a research assistant 25ish hours a week for my department, which she rejected and saw as a waste of time. I guess it isn't as much of a scientific pursuit as others, but I felt it applied.

>> No.8860402

t. brainlet

>> No.8860484

Thank God autists like you won't consistently propagate their genes

>> No.8860819
File: 14 KB, 200x216, 1493165893748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's analyze this problem. Are we bitter or are we rational? Are the GF anons bitter for claiming we are bitter and fox&grapes?

>> No.8860821

no. nobody ever. satisfied?

>> No.8861015

It's better to have an average-looking fuck buddy in their late 30s than a serious relationship. Just be careful not to get mixed up with the clingy psychotic ones.

>> No.8861080

Case-by-case basis.



Some are both. Some of the "rational" ones don't make great points, but they at least thought themselves into the position rather than feeling their way in.

>> No.8862740

Engineer here.

I love my gf of 3 years but there are some times where I wish I had more space.

>"compromising" means not doing your 'boring engineering shit' and instead doing 'fun and/or practical stuff' e.g. going for drinks, parties, eating out, socialising etc.

>when I'm working on shit thats really important to me, e.g. entering design competitions etc. I have to organise my time so that I work when she is sleeping etc. (desu, it's pretty comfy and I get more done)

Her family is fucking retarded though - like they're all accountants basically. When someone sees a dude in the news who built his own plane, or someone who built their own house or some shit they send it to me and say ''''''seee!!!!! anyone can be an engineer lmao'''''. I take it on the chin because I think they're just trying to claw back points for literally training in "adding vertical columns of numbers".

fucking brainlets.