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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8854362 No.8854362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you a climate "denier"? You should go to jail!


>> No.8854371

sounds good

>> No.8854377

everyone that posts on /pol/ should go to jail even if they believe in climate change


>> No.8854384

Sounds good. They weren't really helping society anyway, just conspiracy theorists.

>> No.8854391

If you morons agree with him, you deserve a horrible death.

>> No.8854395

Can we keep this guy being retarded and climate change being real separate?

Both are true, but we all know 4chan can't move on with their lives without swaying to some extreme of a side to stick it to "team 2".

>> No.8854422


>> No.8854435

This is breitbart levels of reporting. The headline is literally fake news. He never said "climate deniers should go to jail" and the youtube link is in the fucking article. This is the worst level of being wrong, when you can verify that it's false in a single minute.

>> No.8854436

Nice to see you aren't actual scientce advocates and are just political hacks.

>> No.8854438

I believe in anthropogenic climate change, but does anyone else think it's weird that it's the only part of science that you're not allowed to dissent in

>> No.8854444

>The headline is literally fake news.
No, it's not.

>Do you think that jailing skeptics as war criminals is right?
>well, we'll see what happens...

>> No.8854446

It's because is the only part of science that has become heavily political, so yeah, any side you take on this automatically you're siding with a political party

>> No.8854451

ok but isn't that bad

There's scientists that dissent in way weirder ways than "maybe much of the changing climate is caused by nonhuman factors" in other fields

>> No.8854458

You realize that no reputable source will ever infer what someone means, right? Or do you actually just read blogshit for your news?

>> No.8854461

You're defending Bill really hard, makes me wonder who you voted for.

>> No.8854469
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Nope, not defending shit. I simply don't have patience for autists who use infowars and breitbart for news.

>> No.8854472

Yeah, enlightened smart people like you use HuffPo and Salon.

>> No.8854475

Watch the video for context, he makes it very clear that he has no problem with making illegal disagreeing on global warming and jailing people.

This guy doesn't care about free speech, what an asshole. Science guy my ass.

>> No.8854476

they should be walked to the Wall and be shot

>> No.8854481

boo-hoo rebcunt tears

>> No.8854486

Yes, that's a reasonable interpretation of what he said. Jailing people over protected speech is absolutely retarded, but that doesn't excuse dishonest journalism.

>> No.8854487

This is pretty much the only thing this dumb engineer has been right about.

I'm a physics grad student at a top 5, you state-school mongoloid.

>> No.8854490

No, you're a tool for the green lobby. Get the fuck off /sci/ you piece of shit.

>> No.8854496

Dude, solar roads man

>> No.8854506

Nice strawman, desu.

>> No.8854514

You strawmanned first, bitch.

>> No.8854521

We already jail neo nazis and koo klux klan members, why not degenerate tards poisoning the general public with their stupidity.

>> No.8854527

Let's jail GMO deniers and homeopaths too.

>> No.8854529

Ever heard of free speech, retard?

>> No.8854535

we dont jail KKK members, fäm. But thats mostly because its 95% made up of federal agents, trying to figure out who the other 5 percent are.

>> No.8854548

Not the same guy, but just use al jazeera and go outside more often.

>> No.8854549

maybe free speech is not such a great idea

>> No.8854556

>We already jail neo nazis and koo klux klan members

Not for being neo nazis and KKK members though.

>> No.8854557

>Al Jazeera

Nice propaganda

>> No.8854558

indeed. censorship is the greatest weapon available to advance scientific thought. Wrongthing will only stray us from the path set forward by our enlightened peers who know better on what we should say and think.

>> No.8854564

perhaps certain fields would be better off if certain crazies would have been silenced. consider psychology & freud
have you ever thought that maybe free speech is not something necessarily fundamental to civilization... it really dates back to enlightenment. j.s. mill, for example, is for free speech with some pretty weak arguments if you really look at them.

>> No.8854577

>al jazeera
Good luck with anything related to the arab world.

>> No.8854578

Any censorship bureau we would have created, would have been inevitably be corrupted and infiltrated by people no longer with the best intentions. Freedom of speech and thought is the only possible way to avoid such undeserved power from falling into incompetent hands.

Also, no matter the damage done by freud or others, it was a lesson from what we built something new.

>> No.8854580

Whatever problem you see with free speech, any alternative potentially results in much worse.

>> No.8854583

While you're at it, maybe we should jail smokers and drinkers for harming themselves.

>> No.8854594

But think on how many people would still be alive today if we had only censored jesus christ.

>> No.8854621

People who don't go to a top 5 shouldn't be able to voice their opinions.

>> No.8854628

Where did you get your gender and holocaust studies degree?

>> No.8854644

Hes the perfect mascot for /sci/

>> No.8855908

Who the fuck denies climate? Climate has been around for billions of years.

>> No.8855983

>just posting a clickbait article with no commentary
>copying the thread subject directly from the article title
This isn't reddit.

>> No.8856009

They should be walked to the Edge and tipped over the side of the Earth.

>> No.8856015
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>> No.8856016

You should have muted Moses. That fäm was the one who started!

>> No.8856110

More evidence that climate change is a scam

If I deny evolution, nothing happens.
If I deny physics , nothing happens.
If I deny AGW, go to jail.

We are living in the neo dark ages people.

>> No.8856116


Which means it's a scam
No other scientific displine is this touchy

The truth doesn't fear investigations

>> No.8856121

>Gender theory = bunk and not science
>Cultural appropriation shit = bunk and not science
>Global warming = real
>Man made global warming = potentially real

There you go

>> No.8856132

i myself n can't wait for paintedgoldnakedbill(nye)

>> No.8856139

Look theres a reason scientists don't make good leaders.

>> No.8856141

what does it say?

>> No.8856157


>> No.8856347

The worst part about all of this is the fact that Bill Nye could've had a really solid show.

Instead, we've attained the unwanted abortion of Hollywood Jews.

>> No.8856439

no they should be walked to the poles and thrown inside the earth

>> No.8856444

it's a graph that shows the bell curve of iqs of different races

>> No.8856460
File: 109 KB, 550x550, 1491619922511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ok with this
>staring at THAT much evidence, and just saying "nah no thanks"
we'd honestly be better off without those people

>> No.8856461

The irony in criticizing someone for wanting to jail people who disagree with him, then wanting people people to die when they disagree with you.

>> No.8856464

the problem is that not wanting your tax dollars to go to government boondoggles is the same thing as being a denier.

>> No.8856488

/pol/ sure is retarded. You can legally lie about anything you want as long as you aren't lying in order to trick people into buying your product. That's called fraud, which is what Enron did.

>muh free speech
>deyz persecuting me
Truly pathetic

>> No.8856491

Breitbart is not fake news

>> No.8856494

Free speech laws doesn't mean you should say wrong things

>> No.8856498

Hahaha, nice one.

>> No.8856499

>If I deny AGW, go to jail.
you're still here, rebcunt

>> No.8856502
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>>8856444 (Checked)

>> No.8856505

It's endorsed by the fucking president, you dumb tit

>> No.8856511

>Racial equity

I'd like a 50% equity stake in niggers.

>> No.8856513
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Fucking this, the government needs way more fucking oversight if it wants to actually deal with climate change and move towards trying to control it, or else we're just gonna end up with thousands of wind farms and solar roadways and other such shit.

>tfw when people will never stop being afraid of nuclear power

>> No.8856516

>investing in niggers

>> No.8856552
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>he doesn't know how to do business

>> No.8856584

denying an universal truth in order to keep your business alive should be illegal, he's right
It's not like conspiracy theorist are valuable member of society anyway

>> No.8856585

So is fucking your own daughter

>> No.8856612

>Al Jazeera
No thanks, I'll stick to a reliable, honest & unbiased news source like Russia Today :+)

>> No.8856620


>humanity would be in utopia without Jesus Christ!

Men have murdered eachother over women and resources since the dawn of humanity. Or did you think mythology did that..?

>> No.8856627

Honestly, with all the scandals popping up in the field of climate science with shit like the NOAA whistleblower and climategate, I've become more skeptical of climate """science""" than ever before.
>You're WRONG it doesn't matter what points you bring up you're just WRONG lalala I'm right manmade climate change is DANGEROUS AND GOING TO KILL US ALL SOON

>> No.8856642

Disagree. Anyone with interests in science should at the very least explore /pol/ a little bit. It is a fascinating microcosm of social interactions. No other board has people from Switzerland and people from Brazil and people from India arguing about circumcision at 3 am.

>> No.8856663
File: 27 KB, 300x142, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No other board has people from Switzerland and people from Brazil and people from India arguing about circumcision at 3 am.
Yes, Reddit

>> No.8856683
File: 659 KB, 680x647, 1493047282443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

Try and say half the shit 4chan users say and see what happens.

Disagree with Muslims?
>banned for being islamaphobic
Try and have a rational discussion about Trump without ad homien attacks at him?
>banned for being a Drumpf supporter
Say anything remotely bad about minorities (besides whites of course, everyone knows they are now free game)
>Banned for alleged racism

If you think Redditt is anything like 4chan you are a idiot.

Redditt is so heavily moderated its not even about facts most of the time, just getting upvotes and getting people to agree with you. Arguement a are also one sided depending on moderation.

This site at Least allows free speech.

>> No.8856692

>people disbelieve in climate change
>those same people believe the earth is flat

>> No.8856706

>Guy thinks Tobacco industry is bad and liars
>Guy concludes maybe we should punish people trying to hurt other people and lie about it
>Clearly he means jail me and my family because we get our understanding of the climate from Steven Crowder

>> No.8856795
File: 946 KB, 481x922, throw him a bone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure but thats not not being a denier, thats offering different ways to tackle the problem. being a denier is to say there is no problem to tackle

>> No.8856819
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>the president decides what's real news and what isn't


>> No.8857445

He's talking about the professionals, in industry and the lobbyists not you and me. And he's right. They're fucking psychopaths.

>> No.8857642

Can we stop trying to treat climate change as fake news just because the left thinks it's important, WHICH IT IS

>> No.8857783

The president thinks climate change is a hoax propogated by the Chinese too

>> No.8857815

literallty that eagle from muppets #binnlie9/11ven

>> No.8857890

what about free speech?

>> No.8858041

What does fraud have to do with free speech?

>> No.8858319

Of course, I think everyone here agrees what the definition should be. It should only apply to people who think that climate change is something that we need to be concerned about.

However, there are a lot of people who think that anyone who disagrees with the pop-science and blatant shilling going around about certain things is also a denier.

For example, a lot of people would say that natural gas and coal are intrinsically dirty, but there are a lot of people trying to find ways to reduce their emissions. There's a dude in Texas named Allam Cycle who is trying to make a natural gas power plant that takes the CO2 generated from burning natural gas and pressurizing it to spin a turbine instead of using steam to do so, as opposed to using steam to do so, then directing the excess off site for safe storage.

If that works (they're trying to get it built now so we'll see) then there will be a fossil fuel power plant with virtually zero carbon emissions. Not only that, but as far as I'm aware this is funded completley privately with no government gimmes like a bunch of the bullshit stuff that other people are shilling use.

The company is called Net Power and is a joint venture between Allam Cycle, Exelon, and CB&I and Toshiba is trying to build the systems for it in case you want to do some googling.

>> No.8858363

Is he...dare I say it? /ourguy/?

>> No.8858388

He's a useful idiot most of the time and the other times he's just an idiot.

>> No.8858392

It's pretty stupid to deny climate change 2bh. But I am pretty skeptical that it's going to be DRASTICALLY DANGEROUS like so many articles proclaim.

This is an interesting counterpoint to the debate analyzing the misrepresentation of the mainstream data we've seen. The guy's not a climate change denier, but he's skeptical on the ethics and scandals corrupting climate science.

>> No.8858393

>tfw when reality has become a partisan issue
>tfw when your party is on the anti-reality side
Guess I'm voting libertarian next time around. :|

>> No.8858406

If only they could put up a competent candidate

>> No.8858448

And that's why you and all your kind will get killed soon.
Ever heard of : "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it ". Try to guess against who people will defend to the death this right.

>> No.8858540

We should have censored Adam and Eve. Humanity was a mistake

>> No.8858576


It depends what you mean by "dangerous". Certainly tens or hundreds of millions will die, and possibly civilization will end (unlikely but possible). Certainly EUROPEAN civilization will end, since Europe will be mostly underwater.

>> No.8858636

"We have to listen to the science. And the science says we're all on a spectrum."
-Bill Nye the Autism Guy


>> No.8858775

I don't agree with jailing but they should be tarred and feathered out of postions of authority. Not as part of the legal system, just mob justice

>> No.8858777

what you're describing is sequestration and if you want an engineering problem way more annoying than getting solar cells cheaper and more efficient, look into sequestration. it sucks ass

>> No.8858792


Idiots, nobody denies ACC with a scientific argument.
The arguments against it have the same level of validity as arguments against a spherical earth

>> No.8858799
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Whats going on with Bill Nye lately? Is he having a nervous breakdown? He seems to be having one of those celebrity career ending meltdowns like Shia Lebouf and others.

>> No.8858801


I agree with him. The Republican politicians who deny climate change and science in general are a threat to Earth's environment.

>> No.8860087

>why not degenerate tards poisoning the general public with their stupidity.
the spectrum

>> No.8860090

>6 threads about this doofus
>Giving Nye free publicity by reposting the same shit over and over again

>> No.8860093

hollywood deathclock
you know they killed alot of them on 2016 for staying silent

>> No.8860098

BA in social engineering

>> No.8860099
File: 341 KB, 1200x799, REU-SWITZERLAND_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear power deniers should be jailed.

>> No.8860123

Uh no, you idiot.
They are denying that nuclear power is safe enough to be used as an alternative to fossil fuels.

>> No.8860134

Maybe you should take a look at /r/thedonald, friend. It's the source of most of the modern /pol/ threads

>> No.8860312

So much for the tolerant left, who doesnt even believe in free speech.

>> No.8860321

Lock you up!

>> No.8860454

What the fuck
Think about what you're saying

>> No.8860526
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Say it with me ''Monsieur president''

>> No.8860711

which is just being misinformed by not looking at the data
just like climate change denial, misinformed by not looking at the data

>> No.8861082
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This guy was way better than Shill Nye

What ever happened to him?

>> No.8861121

Brainlet detected

>> No.8861278

So let me get this straight, nuclear is a meme, wind is a meme, hydroelectric is a meme, solar is a meme, geothermal is a meme, and fossil fuels are killing us. So we are just fucked then?

>> No.8861283

memes are part of a spectrum

>> No.8861284

How about we just lock you up instead? Or better yet we just kill you.

>> No.8861294

Just shut the fuck up you deluded rebbitor

>> No.8861301

Spot the racist.

>> No.8861303

Hollywood is objectively run by Jews though. It's one instance where complaining about Jews is perfectly justified.

>> No.8861318

Hollywood is only huge because consumers prefer Hollywood films over films made by industries ran by pure whites
It's the consumers fault, not the Jews
It's not the Jews fault that the masses prefer hollywood films over films made by pure white run industries

>> No.8861332

It's the Jews' fault their films suck though.

>> No.8861343

>the masses prefer hollywood films over films made by pure white run industries
What dimension are you living in? the one where white people don't get casted 90% of it?

>> No.8861344

wow... thanks, Stalin

>> No.8861345

It's the consumers fault they watch a lot of trash films
If normies watched good films, hollywood would make good films
That's how supply and demand works

>> No.8861346

Jews cast mostly white people in Hollywood, but Jews mostly run Hollywood

>> No.8861347

dream on pedophile

>> No.8861352

what a cuck

>> No.8861356

And how do you tell the difference exactly? Do you check the director and decide if you should like that movie or not?

>> No.8861358

Film is supposed to be a form of expression, like writing a novel or painting a picture. Only a greedy person would think like you described, which is exactly why Jews run hollywood.

>> No.8861372

Or Marx.
If I had a time machine I'd probably kill Marx, save hundreds of millions of lives

>> No.8861390

The truth absolutely fears poorly handled, politically motivated kangaroo court "investigations" expressly designed to suppress the truth and push a narrative, though.
Would you have liked Stalin's goons to "investigate" you for railway sabotage? Sure you didn't do it, but "the truth does not fear investigation," am I right?

>> No.8861399

>tolerant left
You're thinking of liberals. I would gulag you senpai.

>> No.8861400

White people are just as greedy as Jews, it's just that Jews have a knack for money skills in general
If the same percentage of pure whites had money skills as Jews, heaps of pure whites would be running things like hollywood

I don't care if a movie is made by a Jew or not
If I love the movie, I love it
If I hate the movie, I hate it
Steven Spielberg is Jewish, but I love many of his movies
Peter Jackson is white, but I love many of his movies

>> No.8861405

I was mostly making a joke man.

>> No.8861408

Oh ok

>> No.8861416

Eight years ago, fabricated sexual assault statistics were "endorsed by the president." Eight years before that, the Iraq WMD hoax was "endorsed by the president."

>> No.8861470

Al Jazeera is the most laughable news source there is. Not only is it obvious propaganda, but anyone who has access to an Arabic-English translation can verify this for themselves incredibly easily.

Take AJ+, which has a heavy focus on social justice issues such as BLM and transgender rights. Then take a look at Al Jazeera in Arabic, I guarantee you won't find any criticism of how Gulf states essentially treat Africans as modern slaves, or how homosexuals receive the death sentence in many of these countries, including Qatar, the country of origin of Al Jazeera. This massive political shift between countries is clearly indicative of an agenda. Both are inciting anti-Western sentiments, they just use different tactics depending on their audience and target market.

Consider AJ+ from another standpoint. Most people I talk to when I mention AJ+ for whatever reason don't actually realize that AJ stands for Al Jazeera. In fact, this comes as a shock to many people who wouldn't believe that Al Jazeera would promote social justice causes. In reality, this is a carefully coordinated marketing campaign. Al Jazeera doesn't perform well in American audiences (take Al Jazeera America, for example, which was a complete disaster). I don't think you will ever see an AJ+ video which actually mentions that AJ stands for Al Jazeera. Once again, this is to hide the fact that their videos are not actual news, but rather carefully orchestrated propaganda from the government of Qatar to incite anti-Western sentiments.

Al Jazeera has a very clear agenda when you subject the organization to any nuanced analysis. Nothing about it is reliable.

>> No.8861535

>Hello, sharks! I'm here today seeking a $500,000 investment in exchange for 10% of my company.
>Now. Have you ever wanted to live like a Lord of the Manor, with your very own live-in help - housekeepers, gardeners, maybe even a personal chef - but you either couldn't afford to hire them, or couldn't justify the cost? Maybe your business hires temp laborers, but you're frustrated with their erratic availability? >My company solves these problems by being the first to offer you an app-based nigger sharing service. We work with independent contractors who hold slaves in every major metropolitan area in the US to guarantee you the niggers you want, when you want them. Twenty-four seven.
>I know what you're thinking, sharks, niggers are a big investment which can take up to twenty years to pay for themselves. How can ordinary people possibly afford them? But now, consumers can split the cost with thousands of others, and pay for just what they need, when they need it, plus a small courtesy fee. We cut out inefficiency and bring slavery well inside the budget of an average American family.
>Kevin: So, just to be clear, we are talking about owning human beings here?
>Yes, well, no. My company doesn't directly hold equity in negroes, but subcontracts-
>Mark: I like you, this is what America was founded on, what it's all about. But tell me, how much is this courtesy fee?
>That would be 1.25% of the yearly-prorated upkeep for the niggers you request, over the time you have them.
>Mark: 1.25%, is that some kind of joke? It's like I'm the slave here. Unbelievable.
>Kevin: Look, I'm a businessman. I'm always looking for the best opportunities here. But you're saying all you can offer me is a cut of this "courtesy fee," and no equity in the underlying asset, and for that reason I'm out.
>Thank you. Thank you for your time.

>> No.8861546

>Starts off by claiming that dietary fat does not cause obesity and heart disease.
Into the trash.

>> No.8861554

He is clearly a climate change denier and competent misrepresents the debate. Just because there are several stages of climare denial, this guy denies the evidence of the magnitude and effects of AGW.

>> No.8861568

Wow you're dumb.

>A media company catering to a Western audience has a Western culture focus! Id's uh cunspeerasee!!!!

>> No.8861614

>A media company sponsored by the government of an authoritarian, theocratic, and regressive regime promotes values of tolerance, secularism, and progressivism
>There is obviously no hidden agenda at play here

>> No.8861617

>what is a joke

>> No.8861653


>> No.8861659

>No other board has people from Switzerland and people from Brazil and people from India arguing about circumcision at 3 am.

There's /int/, but there it's more shitposting and light banter than arguing.

>> No.8861675

But they let Noam Chomsky talk
Atleast the "anti-western" propaganda they spread is legitimate in that one respect

>> No.8861682

I mean I can't say I am a huge fan of Chomsky but at least he is a serious academic worth listening to rather than some pseudo-intellectual borderline-conspiracy garbage.

My point wasn't that everything from Al Jazeera is garbage. My point was more that they the organization doesn't have any strict ideology they are adhering to, the main goal is to spread anti-Western ideas. That is why in Arab Al Jazeera they will be extremely conservative, like their government, while in the United States they will shamelessly promote ideas that would get people put in prison for spreading in the country it originates from and is funded by.

>> No.8861817

I dunno, a lot of content in the media is dictated by market forces. I'm not convinced that western al jazeera being closer to CNN than the ISIS newsletter is necessarily the result of a coordinated campaign to undermine "western values," as producing content for a different market/demographic with vastly different expectations already places strict limits on what you can get away with. The readerships of salon and breitbart don't overlap too much, for instance.
If anything they're just being pressured to collude with the already demonstrably colluding western MSM, under threat of isolation.

>> No.8861859

Right but this isn't just any media corporation, it comes out of the extremely authoritarian and theocratic government of Qatar. Promotion of these types of issues, specifically gay rights and transgender rights, undermines the laws of the government of Qatar itself, where homosexuality is punishable by death.

The government of Qatar must know their credibility would be diminished by this, so they just call it AJ+ and the fact that it is Al Jazeera is little known and not under any scrutiny.

My point is that it must be more that would drive a socially conservative and theocratic monarchy to promote issues of gender and sexual equality. Clearly this must help the government of Qatar somehow.

>> No.8861873

Was pretty sound until the yanks got pissy.

>> No.8861907

>all the scandals popping up in the field of climate science with shit like the NOAA whistleblower and climategate
They're fake.

>I've become more skeptical of climate """science""" than ever before.
That's the goal.

>> No.8862086

I'm aware, but the operative difference here is that instead of being sequestered (sequestrated?) separately after the fact to reduce emissions the CO2 generated is used to generate power, which may end up being far more efficient than the alternitive.

We'll see how the plant they're building pans out, I beleive their timetable projects them having it built this year.


Dietary fat doesn't cause obesity though. Caloric excesses cause obesity.

Ketogenic diets which are specifically high fat diets are often recommended to obese people as a way to help them lose weight and they have proven results. Ketogenic diets can also help people who are struggling with weight management reduce their risk of heart disease.

The above link has dozens of sourced articles, feel free to peruse through those articles and pick them apart accordingly if you want to prove your view of reality correct in the face of overwhelming data.

You're fucking wrong kiddo


>> No.8862198

Fucking idiot, I don't know why mods are so permissible with kind of mental retardation type of posts, I suggest you to fuck off to another site, I don't know why retards like you deliberately come to 4chan.

>> No.8862499

Sure, but googling "AJ+" shows that it's part of the al jazeera media network. It's not exactly non-public information. If there was some pressing need for secrecy, I'd have expected it to be a little better hidden. Certainly competing media companies are aware of this.
I considered for a moment that the network could be viewed as a financial investment of sorts, where the government benefits from its growth whether or not it toes the "party line" everywhere, but even if it's merely a propaganda investment to promote qatar's foreign interests, going along with the western MSM is still the most effective way for it to grow, capture market share and viewers, and maneuver into a place where it can do that. The way it influences policy thereafter need not be some grandiose scheme, either, where subtlety can accomplish a lot. I dont think espousing enlightenment/liberal views in the west would necessarily be against the interests of an islamist state even outside some unified conspiracy to undermine the west, and the state's foreign interests won't necessarily align with "spread islam" everywhere and all the time.
Government involves balancing a lot of different issues and conflicting interests and what you've presented is just circumstantial, although, yes, something does seem amiss here.

>> No.8862516

>Dietary fat doesn't cause obesity though. Caloric excesses cause obesity.
>Ketogenic diets which are specifically high fat diets are often recommended to obese people as a way to help them lose weight and they have proven results.
This desu.
If anything intake of large amounts of simple sugars over very short periods of time is the dangerous/counterproductive thing, as that causes a commensurate spike in insulin levels, which contributes to insulin insensitivity and difficulty losing body fat. Dietary fat is not the enemy.

>> No.8862529

clime isnt changing it always was a spectrum

>> No.8862613

He also wants the US to have a one child policy, and penalize anyone who has "Extra kids". What can you expect?

>> No.8862637

I like this new Bill Nye, he's destroying /pol/ single handedly.

>> No.8862640


liberals are now full maoists

>> No.8862645

Not that I don't beleive you, but can you give a source for posterity?

I mean, if the penalty is well structured that could actually be a good thing...

What would be great is if we could find a way to discourage the idiots from outproducing the geniuses...

>> No.8862652

Episode 13. Apparently "catching up" with China is ideal. I do agree with him on the maternity leave bit though.

>> No.8862664

China is going to have to deal with an aging population soon though and it's gonna fuck them up hard.

The solution is arguably worse than the initial problem.

>> No.8862686

If AJ+ is technically open about being Al Jazeera, there is no scandal. If they try to hide it and they get caught (which they inevitably would), it would be a serious scandal which would ruin their reputation forever.

Also, the way in which it portrays these issues allows them to gain credibility among certain demographics, and with which they get to "control the narrative." As in, they can downplay atrocities and human rights abuses in Arab countries while focussing on human rights issues in western countries, giving Arab states a stronger reputation among an impressionable and younger generation.

On their website, it says they are "committed to hiring top talent regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, or other applicable legally protected characteristics." This doesn't sound like a theocratic Islamic regime.