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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8852093 No.8852093 [Reply] [Original]

Guys it's much worse than we ever imagined

>> No.8852101
File: 14 KB, 1692x83, bill nye sscientists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill nye is dead to me

>> No.8852106

>tfw I went to the same high school and undergrad as Bill Nye

Should I be concerned?

>> No.8852117 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 505x708, france.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he wear the bow tie?

>> No.8852124

Thanks, I just got promoted

>> No.8852127
File: 45 KB, 450x424, WhyKerrigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think of myself as a pretty progressive guy - a thinking version of SJW. But oh my gawd... I couldn't watch pat about 30 seconds. My eyes and ears are still short-circuiting.

>> No.8852143
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So when he watches his own show, he lacks a tool to hang himself with

>> No.8852146

Yeah, he became a multi millionaire while you shitpost on /sci/. He clearly got a better education than you so you should start looking for lawyers to sue your schools for neglect.

>> No.8852162

Anon, money isn't that important past a certain level. I certainly wouldn't prostitute myself like Bill did just for a lot of money, because it's simply not the right thing to do.

>> No.8852174

why did they make another lena dunham

>> No.8852179

Disgusting. Vaginas are disgusting. Degenerates... I hate degenerates... Dammit Bill Nye, you used to cater to kids, now you cater to adults. Fuck this Earth. Does he not realize this will make me complain about SJWs even more? He needs to be stopped.

>> No.8852223


Where were you when Bill Nye became gas?

>> No.8852229

you went to MIT?

>> No.8852240
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I'm a central-wing guy.

Every day, I try and defend people this right-wing tilting world is giving the stink eye.

Why do they make it so hard?


>> No.8852245

I want to vomit

>> No.8852266

Bill Nye the Shabbos Goy

>> No.8852308

wtf I want to commit a hate crime now

>> No.8852311

>show about science
>vagina jokes and dude whites

should we just rely on china from now on?

>> No.8852313

Where did you hear that he went to MIT?

>> No.8852315



>> No.8852324

that shit doesn't even rhyme, what kind of idiot thinks this is acceptable or funny?

>> No.8852361
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>> No.8852376
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>mfw civilization falls
Who here /wastelander/?

>> No.8852377
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>Crowd goes silent.

>> No.8852378

The sad part is that he thinks he's helping the world.
He's probably single handily created more climate change deniers/evolution deniers/flat earthers, than anyone else.

>> No.8852384
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>C̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶m̶ Science rules!

>> No.8852390

>Bagels with lox
You know /pol/ is absolutely wrong about the Jews running the world, but they do have a point about them running the entertainment industry.

>> No.8852393

The US is officially a lost cause. I for one, welcome our new chinese overlords

>> No.8852397

How long would it take to learn Chinese or Japanese anons?

>> No.8852399

imagine being a person who doesn't know much science, and seeing this on TV, and having this be your first impression of science

>> No.8852411

Wow i guess climate change deniers might have a point

>> No.8852412

I feel like Japanese would be easier to learn; plus, Japan is a better country overall. Maybe one and a half to two years to become fluent (writing, reading, speaking) if you're dedicated.
However, if we get fucked by China then knowing Japanese is gonna do shit for you.

>> No.8852416

What the fuck?

What in the fuck? Oh my God

>> No.8852456

I want to fucking die

>> No.8852463

Leftist are starting to pollute science now

>> No.8852466
File: 16 KB, 236x236, 1466253247641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't watched that show before this and I thought you guys were just memeing about it being a garbage normie tier ""science"" show. My god that was just utterly fucking terrible.It's pure cancer. Holy fucking shit. Even brainlets would be disgusted by that. Jesus fucking christ. I'm so glad Trump won because I know the type of people that made this were crying in their beds back in December. Fucking gas these people.

>> No.8852470

Absolutely disgusting

Just spread this around to destroy his name, fun fun. It is only right for person who isn't even a scientist.

>> No.8852472

if I was some dumb fuck American who saw this and thought this was what science was all about, I would want to take away all of its funding too

>> No.8852477
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these truly are the end times

>> No.8852489

I welcome our machine overlords when they fucking kill us all for making this garbage. I thought this was a science show, not a ((science)) ""show""?

>> No.8852490

Same. It's just cringe, pure and simple.
I used to think Bill Nye was cool.

>> No.8852494

This. I used to like Billy the Science Goy, but now I hate him. It makes me sad

>> No.8852587

What is causing this level of decadence in the West? Lack of war? Too much coddling? Or is everyone just too afraid to say anything because the Left has gotten so ruthless in dealing with dissent? Fucking hell. I've been a liberal most of my life, but these people are reaching levels of self-obsession that just cannot be good for civilization long-term.

>> No.8852591

Jews, it was Jews then and it's Jews now.

>> No.8852594

As an avowed liberal, I fully support a reaction against this type of buffoonery. It's just silly. Please stop.

>> No.8852600

This is what Bernie and Obama campaigned on, this is liberalism whether you like it or not. Time to change ideologies.

>> No.8852610

Nah. Transgenderism is a real thing. But maybe there are better ways of doing this. I mean, this kinda looks like it's supposed to be funny (no one complains about straight male stand up comedians talking about their "sex junk" and the sort of sexcapades they engage in with it) the problem, as usual with seemingly well-meaning SJW propaganda, is that it's just not very funny. It's 100% cringe. It's time to switch strategies. This one clearly isn't working.

>> No.8852615

Transgenderism is indeed a real thing. A real mental illness.

>> No.8852620




He only turned into a commie in 2014.

>> No.8852626

It's some brain change sure. We don't castigate people with down syndrome though. You seem to want to do that witg transgenders for some reason, and people like you belong on /pol/ not on a science board.

>> No.8852646

And gender dismorphia belongs in the DSM

Also if you're not being skeptical of the scientific community you have no right to call yourself one.

>> No.8852648

Whatever you say, dummy

>> No.8852675
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what's missing?

>> No.8852692

way to go, america.

>> No.8852704


>> No.8852717

Are you guys sure its an agenda or its just Bill Nye out of touch?

>> No.8852718


>> No.8852719

I don't think Bill wrote this out himself.
He just whores himself out for money, either ignoring or not knowing that this will backlash so hard flat earthers will see a sharp rise in membership.

>> No.8852720


I've seen several Hollywood social accounts and they legit think this kind of stuff is funny. I think it's less of an agenda and more of the fact they're completely out of touch with the newer generations and reality in general.

>> No.8852732

He's Jewish, what do you think? both.

>> No.8852746


I have a Jewish friend and I don't think he would find this kind of thing funny. Why are you generalizing on a science board?

>> No.8852757

I understand the angry reaction and that's fair, but people saying its the "downfall of western civilization" or this proves liberalism is evil are overeacting. Its Liberalism that gives the right to tell Bill Nye the Bachelor Degree guy this is garbage.

>> No.8852758


>> No.8852761

It's not the cause of the downfall, it's a symptom. The cause is the extreme narcissism and laziness of today's people. Of course you can say that every generation has said this about the younger generation, but the thing is all of them their right. A culture becomes more degenerate and more degenerate from generation to generation and at some point a generation is so lazy, so short sighted, so narcistic, and so hedonistic they are too degenerate to keep the fundamentals of the culture itself intact. But it's not just that woman with this horrible song, a person like Donald Trump getting elected President is as much a sign of the downfall, as a woman singing on national TV about her Vagina.

>> No.8852765


What will happen at the height of this downfall?

Complete chaos?

>> No.8852767

I agree with most on there, but what's the gripe with the March for Science?

>> No.8852774


>It's not the cause of the downfall, it's a symptom

It isn't, you're having the same perfectly natural reaction as everyone in history has had to something extremely unpalatable.

>The cause is the extreme narcissism and laziness of today's people

I'll tell you what the cause is, and I'll tell you why its not a big deal. Its post-modernism. Post-modernism, like anything, has come up with some good ideas, what you're seeing is the garbage that everyone will forget about when they move onto the next thing. Given that this is post-modernism's big moment, its really pathetic. When Modernism arrived, it completely revolutionized the world and every field imaginable. Post-modernism? Its effected humanities, but aside from sociology and psychology, science remains untouched. Its crowning achievement is... this. And no-one even likes it.

There's no degeneracy, there's no hedonism (hedonism isn't necessarily bad anyway) its just people being retarded and edgy for money. And do you think Bill Nye is in touch with kids or anything? He's not even in touch with science, some dumb producer probably told him this is what is "hip". Well, given 28,000 people watch it and only 58 liked it and 3000 didn't, that proves its not. Of course, they'll kick and scream and say its only because misogyny, but then rational people will use their freedom of speech to say that's bollocks.

Have more faith in people.

>> No.8852790

Surely we have someone here who can hijack a nuclear console and launch everything

>> No.8852793

Yeah same. It's really like they made this show just to fuck with people on this site

>> No.8852796
File: 145 KB, 750x745, 1482103395715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bye nye is an mech engineer who worked for boeing before doing a kids show to inspire a new generation of sci fags


>> No.8852798


I think that for the last 4 or 6 years, maybe 7, people all over the world, of any culture, when they come in contact with stuff like this (because this been going on for a while!) had said the same things over and over:

''This is the end of our civilization / culture / country / values / ... "

Nothing ever happened. Been at it for years, looking, nothing ever broke out, society didn't shattered, the same retards kept being retards, those who disliked them kept preaching against them, people grow, people die, then the next batch comes in.

I don't know dude, as much as I like to believe that what will follow our current democracies is the most virulent and terrible of tyrannies, I don't think it will happen.

Btw. Plato / Socrates viewed it like that. That the bad thing of such a beautiful system in which the peoples could be anything whenever they wanted (a democracy) was that the ever increasing demand of this freedom would either lead to a tyrant taking over (by using the momentum caused by the peoples, in other words, fooling them) or the most violent of repressions.

Just felt like adding that up for no reason.

>> No.8852843

We're seeing it in Turkey right now.
Erdogan can stay for another 15 years and the death penalty is maybe making a comeback.

>> No.8852848


>> No.8852867
File: 383 KB, 960x684, 25946-1rm527d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkey is not Western civilization.
And it was never fully democratic to begin with.

>> No.8852871

>Does he not realize this will make me complain about SJWs even more?
I don't think you're on Bill Nye's radar as much as you think you are.

>> No.8852877

Don't be mistaken.

This isn't the fault of Science but the fault of Americans. The most degenerate people on the planet.

The sooner a civil war encapsulates them, the better.

>> No.8852879

And I will make him regret that! When he sees all the SJW hate, he will realize how degenerate and hedonistic they all are. I will fix this disgusting world. This show can't exist. It affects me personally by me knowing it exists. And then I will have to deal with SJWs everywhere because that's what the show will turn people into. And the SJWs are going to act degenerate around me. How is that right?

>> No.8852895

It was a relatively successful secular islamic democracy and is still part of NATO.
It might not be the end of the Western civilization but it is catastrophic for the Turkish, don't think it couldn't happen in the west.

>> No.8852923

Wealth obviously, and social media.

>> No.8852928
File: 90 KB, 898x960, 1486015422369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you just fuck off for one thread?

>> No.8852935


I kinda liked it.

>> No.8852937
File: 5 KB, 293x172, descarga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was never ranked as "Free" in Freedom House Index.
It was only secular because the army regularly had to step in against the Islamists. (Last successful coup in the year 2000, last coup attempt in 2016)
This means democracy as we understand it in the West (strong separation of powers, rule of law, checks and balances, strong competing party system, free press) never consolidated in Turkey. It wasn't a true democracy.

Lastly NATO membership has nothing to do with democracy, Turkey was a full blown dictatorship when it joined.

>> No.8852950

>It was only secular because the army regularly had to step in against the Islamists
A powerful force that kept the Islamists in line.
Might not be ideal but now Erdogan had purged them from the military, it's probably the last coup we're going to see in Turkey for a long time. In that sense is has become less secular and more Islamic.

And as of short there were term limits for the President, that has been done away with and the President stopped being more of a ceremonial function to being the highest form of government. Add to it the new referendum and I have listen a lot of ways in which Turkey has become less democratic, which means it was somewhat democratic before this entire debacle.

Not sure what you're arguing with here, I never claimed Turkey was a European style democracy, just a one of it's kind in the middle east, a pretty good accomplishment.

>> No.8852961

>Not sure what you're arguing with here
That democracy is in retreat worldwide, sure, but only in the countries where it never consolidated to begin with. It's not the downfall of Western civilization or anything of the sort.

See >>8852867
Turkey's "democracy" was a fluke brought by the 1990s and the possibility of joining the EU. As the tide reversed so did Turkey. Democratization spread in the 1990s but did not consolidate in many of these countries.

>> No.8853009

>And it was never fully democratic to begin with.
neither was USA. A democratic republic is not a democracy.

and banking

>> No.8853016

>A democratic republic is not a democracy.

>> No.8853030


>> No.8853039



>> No.8853052

man, this is bad

>> No.8853097

You can't make me.

>> No.8853185


>> No.8853221

I don't even care anymore. I'm a creationist now. At least when I used to go to church there were cute girls with decent values. This is the future that secularism and science will bring us.

>> No.8853229

>bagels with lox

>> No.8853232

fucking kill yourself, money isn't success

this is china-tier mentality, you wouldn't happen to be Chinese, would you?

>> No.8853241

>being a burncuck in 2017
wew. Did you even listen to any of his speeches dude? its exactly what he campaigned on +his whole shpeal about wages and THA WHAAAN PRHAAHSANT

>> No.8853248
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>I have a Jewish friend and I don't think he would find this kind of thing funny

Trump just give us the order
So god help me please

>> No.8853254

>looking at trends is unscientific

>> No.8853259

No one cared who he was before het put on the bow tie.

>> No.8853272

I don't even want my ME degree now that this turd is associated with it.

>> No.8853275

Groovin on repeat, thanks for the link anon

>> No.8853366


Want sex: go to a bar
Want to get married: go to church on Sunday

>> No.8853378

March for Science was just a pretext for libtards to march for their own agendas with the excuse of marching for "science"

>> No.8853449

>march for their own agendas with the excuse of marching for "science"
One of their agendas is science

>> No.8853455

Except when science includes nuclear power. Or GMOs. Or behavioral genetics. Or economics.

>> No.8853461

>One of their agendas is science

hearty kek

>> No.8853462

its pop sci that theyre marching for. Science on sex, nuclear, vax, and gmo are apparently not nice enough for them

>> No.8853468
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There is "science" and there is [math]science[/math]

>> No.8853473

He's a Bill Nye

>> No.8853475

They're marching because the current potus sincerely doesn't believe in science, I think it's mainly because of the EPA thing
Liberals are overrepresented there because trump is a republican

>> No.8853482
File: 216 KB, 600x338, do_not_want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Environmental racism
>Blacks mostly live in the inner cities
>Inner cities have a lot of traffic
>So the pollution is higher than in other places
>This mostly affects blacks

>> No.8853486

I love the way they frame the discussion.
By saying "you should stop denying X" you make your adversary focus on the defense, as you've already "established" that X exists, so they have to justify themselves.

>> No.8853487

This is like the simpsons episode where they go to Brazil and Bart watches a kids show that has girls twerking in the background

>> No.8853489

Like 70% of scientists are liberal

>> No.8853491

We also don't pretend people with Down Syndrome don't have Down Syndrome just because some of them might feel like they're not different.

>> No.8853494

In the US, at the moment.

>> No.8853502

In most other countries science isn't as politizised and there isn't as much science denial as a result, it's sad really

>> No.8853508

It was the same in the US a few decades ago.

>> No.8853509

I dont see the big deal. They didn't say anything that was inaccurate.

>> No.8853530
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>> No.8853531

Fuck me this is sad.

Gone are the days of Sagan and Feynman.


I could listen to Feynman forever.

>> No.8853533

If I pull that off, would he die?

>> No.8853553

We can take this further. I'm a central-left person who hates the fact that he won, and I'M happy those people were crying.

>> No.8853559

You see Feynman had the advantage of being a genius that loved physics, he ended up giving public lectures and being a "public intellectual" incidentally. Most """"scientists"""" in the public sphere today [math] wanted [/math] to be there.

>> No.8853564

Just look at Rome and other examples. Collapse and replacement by other cultures.

>> No.8853572
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>> No.8853581

I'm a creationist now.

>> No.8853586

Yeah, I'm kinda tired too myself. Make as many progressive lyrics you want, but for fuck sakes, being actually funny is not that hard.

>> No.8853588

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.8853596

Why are you citing anecdotical evidence in a science board?

>> No.8853600

He wasn't citing any evidence

>> No.8853606

That mint chocolate chop ice cream should be beheaded...

The worst part of it is that it triggers more stupidity...so expect christian movies about how homosexuals are evil and a bunch of religious retardation.

>> No.8853611

9gag and bazinga.

>> No.8853615

Oh fuck I'm shitting blooooodd

>> No.8853617


>> No.8853618

are you a retard?

>> No.8853622

Sagan wasn't innocent of using his fame to opine on things he had no idea about, such as nuclear weapons.

>> No.8853634

Could maybe say today's big shot "scientists" are all doing it for the fame, but I think it is more subtle than that. I would put Richard Dawkins on the same level of "badness" as the very religious fanatics he opposes. It is trying to enforce their view instead of generating awe and inspiring people like for example I would say Sagan is the best example of showing the beauty of the universe.

>> No.8853639

100% of engineers are gay. Yet I don't see homosexuals co-opting engineering for political purposes.

>> No.8853647

What exactly is wrong here? Everything the singer is saying is objectively true.

>> No.8853649

Please read what was said

>> No.8853653

>>8853647 have to go back

>> No.8853679

Center-right here. Kill all partisans to be honest.

>> No.8853695


>> No.8853705
File: 91 KB, 1124x724, C98s2u9XkAALXzh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar

>> No.8853710
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2017-04-24-08-33-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bob who?

>> No.8853712

>female "comedian"
>tries to be funny by talking about her vagina

every fucking time

>> No.8853720

Damn there are people who think promoting sexual liberty in 1980+37 is being revolutionary.

>> No.8853726

>the current potus sincerely doesn't believe in science
EPA is shit

>> No.8853728


It is when there is a resurgence of far-right nationalism in modern day.

>> No.8853732
File: 211 KB, 1638x920, 1493048953365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

educate yourselves


>> No.8853741

I don't know why you'd think of it in terms of enemies etc., but he is like the most anti science president america's had for years. He thinks vaccines cause autism and climate change is a chinese hoax

What the fuck is that

>EPA is shit
It does incredibly important work

>> No.8853750

no, not really
it would be if you were promoting it in a muslim majority country, or in Paris, London, etc.

>> No.8853757

yeah DRUMPF is literally hitler and will never be president

fuck off. climate "science" is not even a full step up from social "science"

>> No.8853762

Paris and London are ahead of the US significantly on social issues
The music is retarded, but it's trying to spoonfeed undereducated americans basic truths so they stop bickering over actually the dumbest shit, america is where this stuff is somehow still an issue

>> No.8853763

>Paris and London are ahead of the US significantly on social issues
yeah they got really enriched the last couple of years :^)

>> No.8853766

>yeah DRUMPF is literally hitler and will never be president
Triggered, I'm sorry if i'm insulting your daddy god emperor, but he's scientifically illiterate

>fuck off. climate "science" is not even a full step up from social "science"
You can make predictions and testable hypotheses

>> No.8853769
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>Paris and London are ahead of the US significantly

I see your point, Ahmed.

>> No.8853774

I'm guessing you're talking about the immigrant crisis, which isn't even tangent to the point you fucking parrot

>> No.8853778
File: 72 KB, 795x470, 822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha what's you're point exactly

>> No.8853780

>the libtard infestation isn't related to importing ridiculous amounts of criminals

>> No.8853783


>> No.8853785

We're not talking about crime or whatever you mean by "libtard infestation", but crime is actually double in the US

>> No.8853787


It is the right thing to do, sell yourself to some old men and donate those money to charity.

>> No.8853789

honestly you're mentally handicapped if you think it's America that has an issue with sexual liberty, not the outskirts of London and Paris. Go try and preach your truths there.

>> No.8853791

>importing ridiculous amounts of criminals

>I can't read but I fucking LOVE science and sexual liberty ^-^

>> No.8853796

whats next bois? what can he do to top this? i personally think hes gonna show anime to xer audience

>> No.8853802

Don't worry. Bill Nye has a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. I have a masters in Mechanical Engineering. I am Bill Nye's intellectual supperior.

There are 2 genders. Male and Female. Males have XY chromosomes and women have XX chromosomes. Gender Dysmorphia is a mental illness which still lacks the proper study to fully understand it's impacts on the human mind. It often leads to depression and suicide and should not be encouraged. There have been some drug trials which have shown success rates in treating gender dysmorphia and they should be given the proper funding in order to treat this affliction.

I'm glad I could clear that up.

>> No.8853808

Is "importing criminals" somehow different to having them in your country in the first place and not doing anything about it

Maybe you need your own libtart infestation to implement functioning social support if your problem is crimiminals

Europe = little crime
America = lot's of crime
it's not complicated
I don't know why you started talking about crime in the first place, the point is gender identity, which is something americans don't understand
Both "liberals" and "conservatives" are screeching about it, even though it's really not an issue, or shouldn't be

>> No.8853816

Every culture which displayed this kind of soft and effeminate degeneracy fell in no time.

>> No.8853864

>implying religious women aren't lying cheating whores

Every church going, Christian, middle aged woman is a cock hungry fiend at church. Almost every woman i know whose cheated/ man whos been cheated on was "Christian". The philosophy of the religion itself is inherently selfish. Have fun getting cheated on you dumb bitch.

>> No.8853963

>social issues

Why should we care? Social issues change every few years. Who knows, in 20 years people will look back at this stuff and laugh at how stupid we were for thinking there were other genders or vice versa

>> No.8853968

>Is "importing criminals" somehow different to having them in your country in the first place and not doing anything about it
clearly yes

>americans dont understand gender identity
no discussion here, the point is that flaming faggot havens like paris or london don't either

>> No.8854035

>clearly yes
Philosophically maybe, but not really practically, the result is the same which is crime, and there is less crime in europe

>no discussion here, the point is that flaming faggot havens like paris or london don't either
There is no violence (unlike america where there is violence on all sides of the political spectrum), no one is harmed, everyone is happy. Sexual expression hasn't been an issue in western europe for a long time
In america some people are intolerant towards gay people and transsexuals, and liberals think they have to balance out against that by going way too far, which leads to the whole free speech mess

>> No.8854076
File: 305 KB, 669x492, Defend this pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just sexist

>> No.8854080

I mean the show could have been written by a guy

>> No.8854083


anime is trash

>> No.8854084


Most are not "far" right.


You say that like it's a bad thing. Also what does that have to do with sexual liberty?

>> No.8854089

>spoonfeed undereducated americans basic truths

Gender is not a spectrum. There's male, female, and varying degrees of mental illness.

>> No.8854097


Get a passport and go visit London and Paris.

>> No.8854098

There you go then

>> No.8854105

Been to london, why

>> No.8854111

in the top right, is the first guy stealing from the other or are they shooting at each other

>> No.8854125
File: 76 KB, 733x672, 1487188222059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.8854129


You cannot be "ahead" on social issues because they are subjective concepts that change arbitrarily with popular ideas of ethics and morality.

There is nothing to progress towards. No end goal or ultimate system of moralist completeness. It is arbitrary.

>> No.8854133

If I pull off your sex junk, will you die?

>> No.8854134

So I guess this finally confirms that all engineers are gay.

>> No.8854138

>implying the resurgence isn't reactionary

>> No.8854163

>mummy, mummy, look at me, I made an unsupported assertion and then sprinkled in some ad hominems

what about people with chromosomal combinations outside of XX and XY? And people who are hormone insensitive and look opposite to the expected of their gender?
If you have a masters you should understand the simplification of models is necessary sometimes to understand it at a rudimentary level and make statements easily at the cost of accuracy or with ignoring certain rare situations, but new evidence such as neurological and hormonal evidence that contradicts assigned gender should lead you to expand the model
I guarantee you'd have been the cunt who said "wtf no Mercury's perihelion can't be changing, you must have measured it wrong"

>> No.8854181


I don't think either London or Paris are half as gay as LA or San Francisco. US is a big place. Just because a hundred or so gays get punched every year in Mississipi for wanting to suck dick doesn't suddenly make the entire country significantly behind two relatively progressive cities on social issues.

>> No.8854190
File: 105 KB, 635x493, 1454861843444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was he ever alive to you? he's a TV actor with a BA in engineering

>> No.8854191

it would be extremely cisnormative

>> No.8854205

>science remains untouched
>muh scientific eugenics

>> No.8854231

Not that anon, but his TV show was pretty fucking good as a kid. VHS tapes of his show were better and more inspiring than a lot of teachers. He may be a TV actor with only a BA in Mech E but he was good at making children's television. Its a damn shame that the only thing he's done since is pander to people that saw his show in 5th grade 20 years ago.

>> No.8854238



>> No.8854247

I hope these cunts realize they deserved it when the next Hitler rises to power

>> No.8854269

>what about people with chromosomal combinations outside of XX and XY

XYY -> normal boy
all others -> braindead retards

>as neurological and hormonal evidence that contradicts assigned gender should lead you to expand the model

Some people are born with no legs or with 3+ legs therefore having legs is a spectrum and there are no ""normal"" amount or size of legs and they can change from day to day. This is science people.

> I made an unsupported assertion and then sprinkled in some ad hominems

You mean what SJW hippies do on a day to day basis? The only thing missing is you forgot to label your opinions with the word "science" to give it authority :^)

>> No.8854279

Why do you think Hitler rose to power in the first place?

Faggots spreading communism -> Fascists backlash

Happens every single time, go ask /his/

>> No.8854302

I know that's why he rose to power. The degeneracy got completely out of control. It's the natural human reaction. It's even happening in the Philippines right now but the media is blacking it out.

>> No.8854307

your analogy is a false equivalence - how many legs you have is not a social construct at all, gender is

>> No.8854494
File: 18 KB, 300x300, vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying social constructs aren't as real as facts

>> No.8854592

i wouldn't mind calling mr.rodgers that he was sincerely a cool guy in his private life and not a faggot shill like bill

>> No.8854598
File: 106 KB, 539x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-D0116-0041-019,_Albert_Schweitzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you can still be a scientists and religious right. there is no problem man

>> No.8854604

Is my hip a leg, is my foot a leg, it's all a social construct man.

>> No.8854614
File: 108 KB, 403x403, b618c45f14e39e083981e22c11b3fda4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just growing up, anon. Growing out of the atheism phase is a natural progression of adulthood. It's been happening since the 1800s.

>> No.8854624
File: 8 KB, 210x230, ra,unisex_tshirt,x925,322e3f-696a94a5d4,front-c,217,190,210,230-bg,f8f8f8.lite-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science meme t-shirts like pic related

>> No.8854627


>> No.8854632
File: 1.95 MB, 350x197, 1466113911190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, what a catchy song. I'm gonna sing this all night.

>my sex junk - oh oh oh

>> No.8854633

Because they are wrong. Look I get where you are coming from, you don't want things to swing too far right, but you have to realize you are defending people who can only be described as degenerates because you are afraid reasonable people might become literally Hitler. Just leave behind the unreasonable idiots and join the dark side.

>> No.8854639

>You seem to want to do that witg transgenders for some reason
Why do people think this? Just because I don't think redefining the meaning of gender is a good thing I am castigating them? Just because I want to be honest with people who aren't afflicted with a mental illness and tell them that those people aren't really women? When someone suffers from depression we don't expect the whole entire world to change and we don't redefine happiness to include depressed people.

>> No.8854651

Lol another female comedian that only talks about sex

>> No.8854654

>how do you do fellow sci posters

>> No.8854660

Sex is funny. When I had my first time, I got flaccid from all the laughing because penis and vagina - hahahaha - and then I didn't get hard anymore and just watched her getting banged by a hot black dude while I sat in the corner laughing. It was great.

>> No.8854662
File: 7 KB, 216x250, 1450911345401s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being /sci/ /pol/ /fit/ master race

>> No.8854669


>> No.8854672
File: 268 KB, 1887x849, rickanmorty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take Rick and Morty off that now you philistine

>> No.8854679

>The philosophy of the religion itself is inherently selfish. Have fun getting cheated on you dumb bitch.

You know absolutely nothing about Christanity if you think it's inherently selfish. Selfishness is the exact opposite of Christian theology.
Just because a bunch of proddies are degenerate doesn't mean that's actually Christian theology. Don't be a retard anon, be better than people like bill nye.

>> No.8854690

Are you from the USA?

>> No.8854694

sagan actually commented quite a lot about nuclear disarmament

>> No.8854702

>Source: Freedom House
>Freedom House is a U.S.-based[4] 501(c)(3) U.S. Government funded non-governmental organization (NGO) that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, political freedom, and human rights.[5]
>US Government funded
really tickles my noodle

>> No.8854706

>You can make predictions and testable hypotheses

Provide just one climate model that made accurate predictions of the future climate.

>> No.8854806


I got to admit. I made fun of sheltered college kids about triggers for the better half of a decade. But now I understand, because everytime I see STE[A]M, I lose my shit.

>> No.8854807

Ayyy another Cornellian on here?

>> No.8854833
File: 95 KB, 254x263, 1000 lightyear stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh but excuse me back before science math and engineering existed craftsmen made stuff and craftsmen are artists and artists inspired science and therefore art is the same as science math and technology.

Fucking bigoted STE[a]Mlords I can't even.

>> No.8854838
File: 65 KB, 598x192, 1478654634413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good post desu senpai

>> No.8854857
File: 452 KB, 800x600, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers are faggots. Liberals must be executed.

>> No.8854954


I think this is the first time I've heard him speak.

> badda bing, badda boom

>> No.8854969


>> No.8854974

>being proud of your country and people is a far right position nowadays

>> No.8854978

One is fictional and the other is an actual living human being (no matter how sad of an excuse of one she is).

>> No.8854981

You're a tolerant guy

>> No.8854982

Former Bill Nye supporter here, it's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously tho, we can't let him have the atomic weights of carbon based elements.

>> No.8854983

Bill Nye the Social-Justice Guy.

Meme it.

>> No.8854986

It's not that simple.
> helping people trying to escape from civil war is the right thing to do
> the environment should be a major priority
I can't have those if I join the "dark side".

>> No.8854987

>he unironically likes Reddit and Memey

>> No.8854991

this is exactly what you wanted though

>> No.8854999


>> No.8855029

not him, but honestly I agree with you. It's awful, but I'm in the middle of a giant continent with a lot of money, so out of everyone, I'm pretty safe from climate change. But this shit has pushed me to the point where I'd rather billions to die from climate change than support the political left, and popsci pseudoscientific propaganda. In the last candian election I voted for the farthest left party, because I thought they had the best platform, but I can't see being able to force myself to not vote for anyone other than the far right from now on, just to spite these fuckers.

>> No.8855105

>helping people trying to escape from civil war is the right thing to do
You really have no idea what you are talking about with regards to Syria.

The left is full of shit man, they are less likely to solve any of your problems than you think. They just take advantage of empathy to win votes. The more likely group to help you would be people in the middle, which are definitely shifting right recently.

>> No.8855114

>cites chromosomal disorder that affect .000001% of people
>guess I win again bigots

You're a fucking retard

>> No.8855130

White people, am i right?

>> No.8855133

I've used this analogy every time people bring up the "different chromosomes" argument. You can think of the human body like a machine with two models, male and female. Those two models are the "correct" model but sometimes in construction errors occurr and the machine that comes out of production doesn't really fit either model. This machine is essentially defective in regards to the model specific features. Just because there are defective machines does not mean the definition of the proper machine has changed or become muddied.

>> No.8855135

Extreme Fremdschäming

>> No.8855144

>Karlie Kloss

Dammit /g/ meme magic's caused enough problems.

>> No.8855164

>voting based on spite
Sure sign of a retard tbqh

>> No.8855196

oops, misread the post and can't delete this now

>> No.8855287

But, this is everything the left DOESNT wanna talk about in terms of science?

If you showed a woman that, biologically speaking, men are faster and stronger they are, you'd be sexist.

If you showed people that blacks have that quick twitch fiber or whatever the shit it is, you'd be labelled racist.

If you showed that a town was shit even before blacks moved into it, env. Justice douchebags would call you racist too.

They don't want science facts. They want to hide behind the last bit of truth the world is clinging to in order for their (bullshit) voices to be heard.

>> No.8855290

4 u

>> No.8855295

>Neither side represents my interests
>But this one shits on the people I hate
>Guess I'll vote for that one then
Pretty straightforward logic

>> No.8855304



>> No.8855317


i love rick and morty but it's true sry senpai

>> No.8855341

bill nye is such a sell out loser. this guy is a grade a asshole too anyone who has dealt with him said he's the most rude person they've met.

>> No.8855349
File: 228 KB, 444x494, for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be very painful.

>> No.8855479

Really, social media is the only factor I can think of that would cause this sudden and large a change. We already know that there's a place out there for whatever obscure interest, delusion, or fetish you have, social media just extended this to more mainstream territory (moreso than the pre-Facebook internet did anyhow). More than anything else by a wide margin, social media broke down the internet/IRL barrier and bought the dysfunction of forums and anonymous Bangladeshi tapestry-weaving shitposting to the mainstream social sphere.

The left did get pretty haughty in 2008 (can you blame them?) so that may have accelerated things a bit, but shit didn't really ramp up until people stopped being super hype about Obama. Leftist political comedy and commentary really did get worse, too, everybody on all sides hates Trevor Noah for failing Jon Stewart and not even being OK in his own right.

>> No.8855712

You're /myguy/

>> No.8855777
File: 188 KB, 332x354, 1492118791954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being /trash/ /v/ /r9k/ master race

>> No.8855824

>carbon based elements
Ya blew it

Get out

>> No.8856356

So does your church/pope not spend too much time worrying about 60 iq somalians than catholics/proddies/whoever from the regions that made those religions what they are?

>> No.8856371

You ever notice how the word tolerance comes from tolerate? You never "tolerate" an objectively GOOD thing do you? Nobody "tolerates" winning the lottery, do they?

>> No.8856376

It's religion dude. Theology is literally any philosophical viewpoint you want it to be.

>> No.8856901

In what way does saying "Christianity does not preach a selfish world view" mean I endorse Francis' poor decisions as pope?

>> No.8857076

Will /sci/ admit /pol/ was right again or will it stick to their borderline retardation contrarianism mentality?

>> No.8857424

cringest thing i've seen in a while

>> No.8857428

>accusing anyone else of being mindlessly contrarian

>> No.8857437

Because trickle down is more scientific, amirite?

>> No.8857491

Maybe Nazeem will randomly detonate on the show and rid us of this cancer

>> No.8857494

How much do you think he's getting paid for this?

>> No.8857500

"Hey does this part of the cortex control voluntary movement in overhand throwing?"
>hook up subjects to fMRI and observe their behavioral performance of overhand, underhand, and an arbitrary movement
"Hey do blind people who use sound to 'see' vizualize space like sighted people?
>have blind and control subjects take behavioral test of navigating a room and then ask them questions about spatial layout to make inferences about where in the brain this is processed
"Hey do mtfs have girl brains?"
>Hook mtfs and ciswomen up to a fMRI and show them a Saks Fifth Avenue catalog to see if the mtf are girly enough

It's a dilemma for pro-trans feminist types: 'female' brains can only be known if 'female behavior' exists, and if 'female behavior' exists, most forms of feminism are false.

The science is telling us that gender is a philosophical question.

>> No.8857504
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are these people?

>> No.8857525
File: 40 KB, 350x547, IMG_0411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women written by a man
>cute, caring, feminine, funny and intelligent

>women written by a woman
>carature of a man in woman's body

>> No.8857527

Lmao nigga they don't write their own tweets or posts, they have people do it for them

>> No.8857531

bill nye has single-handedly made me believe in the jewish conspiracy

>> No.8857858

My biggest problem with this, honestly, is that they probably made the song by asking on random 12 years old on soundcloud
>hey bro wanna collab

>> No.8858324

but I bet socialism is answer, rite anon?

>> No.8858391

I have yet to watch this.
I liked Futurama, so is it more like that or more like that god awful Adventure Time lel so random garbage?

>> No.8858416

More like Futurama for sure.

>> No.8858434

okay thanks
I guess I'll give it a try sometime
Same, felt like a fevered dream, like some demented circus just shoving cultural marxism down the audiences throats and they cheer more more! Maybe I just avoid pop culture enough to have never seen it so clearly.

>> No.8858549

every day you drift further from the light of god

>> No.8858560

>uuuuuuggh stupid /pol/ tinfoil hats there's no jewish conspiracy forcing degeneracy in media

>> No.8858571

Yeah we dont treat Down Syndrome as normal. Its recognised as mental retardation. We still treat them as citizens, but if there was a cure for mental retardation we would use it.

>> No.8858575

I'm actually thinking this was made by Conservatives to turn people against the left

>> No.8858577

Bill Nye isn't Jewish.

>> No.8858580

Huh, I never liked syd. Guess I was redpilled before everyone else.

>> No.8858583


We also don't encourage normal people to alter their brains to give themselves Down's because they "feel" that they a Down's "soul".

>> No.8858594

>I don't agree with you. Go to pol/reddit
Such a great argument you'll be a fine scientist someday

>> No.8858987
File: 339 KB, 1500x1000, TFY_Beakman900x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys miss me yet?

>> No.8859238

Clear evidence this is a /pol/ raid.

>> No.8859271

>yfw the actor that portrays Beakman is gay but nobody makes a big deal out of it

>> No.8859278

>/sci/ is pro-jihadist so it must be /pol/
back to >>>/r/eddit cockroach

>> No.8859280

I can tell you are a /pol/ak.

>> No.8859293

You can also tell me about the greatness of Quran but nobody wants to hear you cockroach.

>> No.8859570

I was at the one in SF, and I could not agree more. There where 4 separate communist groups there

>> No.8859618
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are in the wrong place retard, go back to your containment board and post awoo shit

>> No.8860347

Are you daft? Jewish control doesn't mean everyone of relevance is Jewish, it means the people paying for shit like this show are Jewish, it means most of the people writing/producing this shit are Jewish or under the influence of them. Bill

>> No.8860397

>containment board
You should go back to your containment site.

>> No.8860422

wtf I love /pol/ now

>> No.8860429

If you unironically wanted bernie to win, you're economically illiterate. I don't know how people can be this stupid.

>> No.8860616

This scientific paper blows these social constructionist leftists out of the water.

Leftists aren't scientific at all.

>> No.8860636
File: 41 KB, 539x448, IMG_0946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan just stole China's alphabet but yeah I could go to either. What I'd suggest is get meetme (dating app) and move ur location to someplace in Japan. Get WhatsApp numbers so a harem will be awaiting you once you move.
Yellow Pill is the best pill

>> No.8860642


>> No.8860674

Mongolia is actually great. For such a small country (influence and population wise) it really held itself together although it is sandwiched between two superpowers who don't care about overthrowing or corrupting governments. Really nice people as well and they all seem quite happy although they live in a ger on the steppe mostly. Fuck I need to go back there some day.

>> No.8860732
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Architecture, and woodworking, welding. That stuff is really more mechanical than art. Art came after civilization was built. Many art fields used to be thought of like trades are today. Most musicians were employed by churches and people used to take religion very seriously. Art used to be like blue collar work. But it didn't create society. You can argue that creativity (especially when it came to engineering) did but I wouldn't consider that art. Probably the only really necessary art form is cooking. But even that's more science than art.
Steam is for retards. I like art as much as the next guy. Pic related is some modern art I made but it is completely pointless. If art disappeared tomorrow, nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.8860758

downfalls don't neccesarily have 'heights'. Unless there's a huge China/Russia vs NATO war (which doens't seem that likely but could change in an instant), its much more likely we get slowly overrun by Islam until they erase Western Culture completely.

>> No.8860761

Maybe this tilt to the right is only a reaction to the the cultural currents of the past decades.

>> No.8860778
File: 286 KB, 1180x757, dontstopcoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one is harmed
Man, why do give these guys posting pics from Bataclan a reason to do this...
You know, there are a lot more problems than discrimnation by ebil white Evangelicals not selling wedding cakes.
>Sexual expression hasn't been an issue in western europe for a long time.
But for how long?

>> No.8860789
File: 23 KB, 280x300, 1251144665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art came after civilization was built.

>> No.8860808

That's not art. It's directions how to hunt. You wouldn't call a a textbook with diagrams art, would you?

>> No.8860842

What for God's sake did I just watch?

>> No.8860886

Things like this lead me to believe that a alt-right late-night show would be a freakin hit.

>> No.8860909
File: 21 KB, 494x484, asdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want normal reality back I hate this bizarro berenstain universe shit

>> No.8860931
File: 20 KB, 343x343, 9831289312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbon based elements
is that what bill nye used to "teach" before this sjw shit?

>> No.8860942

I've finally come to accept that Bill Nye isn't responsible for inspiring a generation of scientists, he inspired a generation that "FUCKING LOVES SCIENCE"!

I remember when I was younger and finding out he was a very preachy atheist kind of hurt my opinion of him, but I matured and came to accept that it was merely a difference of opinion, not something to be upset over.

But this...this is just bad. There is no excuse I can make, no logic to reconcile my old opinion of him with what I see him as now. That's it, I'm done, I can't look at him the same way ever again.

>> No.8860948

Sarge, I will kill you, myself and everyone else in these barracks before I ever subject myself to that again.

>> No.8860957

Lucky dubs confirmed for truth.

>> No.8860962


>> No.8860963

>Obama and Bernie
>Implying they were liberals and not Socialist Leftist Authoritarians

I'm pretty conservative myself, but lets not mix up terms.

>> No.8860974
File: 24 KB, 227x173, 161093861073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's worse, the video itself or the far right sperglords in the comments

>> No.8860999

Proof or fuck off. Even if you are correct it doesn't matter, science is apolitical, and if you you need to conflate the two then you've already lost.

>> No.8861023

You clearly have no idea how sex chromosomes work in humans do you?

If an individual has a y chromosome, it does not matter how many X chromosomes they have, they are a biological male. If they are all Xs then it doesn't matter how many there are, that person is a female.

>> No.8861398
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, scifinoirwallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro
Growing up I imagined the world much more amazing and more normal at the same time... say 1980s social values but with amazing technology and cool shit.

Instead everything has turned to shit. Dystopian social values and barely a blip in technological advance, and very little of that advance in shit that matters.

Instead of Blade Runner we got Brave New World with smartphones thrown in for good measure.

>> No.8861727

/pol/ has been nazi since it's inception. Not contrarian at all