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8851028 No.8851028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The results of 7 studies showed that people have a bias to perceive young Black men as bigger (taller, heavier, more muscular) and more physically threatening (stronger, more capable of harm) than young White men. Both bottom-up cues of racial prototypicality and top-down information about race supported these misperceptions. Furthermore, this racial bias persisted even among a target sample from whom upper-body strength was controlled (suggesting that racial differences in formidability judgments are a product of bias rather than accuracy). Biased formidability judgments in turn promoted participants’ justifications of hypothetical use of force against Black suspects of crime. Thus, perceivers appear to integrate multiple pieces of information to ultimately conclude that young Black men are more physically threatening than young White men, believing that they must therefore be controlled using more aggressive measures

How do we combat these racial stereotypes, /sci/?


>> No.8851033

Maybe they should stop robbing and killing people.
There better ways to get your life on track.

>> No.8851034

>How do we combat these racial stereotypes, /sci/?
you can't

implicit bias tests aren't reliable enough yet (i.e. you can take it multiple times and get wildly different results), and the workshops that are meant to reduce implicit bias have been shown to actually increase it

>> No.8851037

Cut black peoples legs off

>> No.8851038

>Maybe they should just move out of the ghetto and get good jobs

>> No.8851042

where were the participants in this study from? were they from places where they actually interact with black people on a regular basis?

would the same result apply for black bears/white bears?

>> No.8851051

Helping black people escape the ghetto and integrate into society. It doesn't always work out of course, it's a slow process. I'm not reading the study but the bias is most definitely less pronounced in more diverse areas.

>> No.8851053
File: 46 KB, 552x774, 1483735948559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inhabitants of Naples complain about the garbage lying on the streets but at the same time they don't care about separated collection.

>> No.8851054

>Pitbulls are seen as physically larger and more threatening than similar-sized dogs

Maybe it's they're more prone to eating people's faces than other dogs.

>> No.8851063

Interesting point. I'm glad you brought that up. Because that's a proven unfounded stereotype. Pitbulls are gentle and loving dogs when not trained for fighting.

>> No.8851067

This is bait.

>> No.8851073

>hurr durr dogs = people!

>> No.8851084

Go to the nearest ghetto and take one of those less fortunate people back with you. Then find him a job.

>> No.8851096

Don't be so naive.

>> No.8851101

darker skin accentuates your muscle, this is why lifting competitors tan

>> No.8851105

you must do really well with analogies

>> No.8851120


>> No.8851139

>implying /sci/ will ever as much as look at a dumbell

>> No.8851145

This is because most negros don't value their own life and act extremely irrationally, so people are afraid of them. That's all it is.

>> No.8851172

It is the dark skin, dark skin makes humans look more "animalistic" thus subconsiously threatening. People are much more relaxed around light skin blacks then dark ones.

>> No.8851177

>Have a culture that glorifies violence
>Be responsible for 50% of the murders, despite being only ~20% of the population.

Top kek

>> No.8851341

Troll thread, but here's an interesting paper on size perception:


>> No.8851375
File: 45 KB, 485x363, 565765757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Brazilian, I find it truly funny. The average height of black men here is 5'7''. Also they are usually skinny as fuck. They look like scared puppies.

>> No.8851379

ours were bred for physical labor

>> No.8851392

So why they are not taller of heavier than white americans? And I'm not even talking about Germans, Dutchs and Scandinavians. Go to any thread on a black women forum about dating Northern European men. The most recurrent thought: "they're so tall ans strong. American men are truly disgusting. Where is my viking bae?"

>> No.8851420

theyre not that tall in the US either. Seeing black basketball and football players which make up like .001% of the black population brainwashes people. Some of the shortest guys ive ever seen were black. They probably average out to 5'9/5'10 like everyone else

>> No.8851462

Well studies show that Niggers have lower IQ and are commit more crimes so it's only logical for smart white people to consider them dangerous.

>> No.8851504

>Helping black people escape the ghetto and integrate into society

If you take someone who grew up in the ghetto and plop them in a middle-class suburbia, they will just end up bringing the ghetto with them. Many people neglect the fact that people who have grown up and created a life living in the ghetto have conditioned themselves to survive in such an environment.
Those to escape the ghetto through there own means do so successfully by adapting their culture/behavior to be suitable for affluent classes.

>> No.8851515

>pitbulls are gentle loving dogs
This is what pitlibs ACTUALLY BELIEVE

>> No.8851539

Please don't ban me from the gym for being black and filling in to a stereotype.

Are they gonna ban me from eating fried chicken and watermelon too? Because everyone fucking loves fried chicken and watermelon, but somehow it's a stereotype when blacks do it.

>> No.8851545

It's true everyone loves fried chicken and watermelons.

You do are agressive about this, chinks are more passive agressive, I suppose that causes the difference in perception.

>> No.8851584

Indeed, that's why we don't do that. Most social programs are aimed at the youth and elderly.

>> No.8851669
File: 90 KB, 437x586, racial_differences_rushton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pitbull analogy keeps on giving.

People shouldn't keep pitbulls as pets because they are a feral breed raised for fighting and can't adapt to a normal household environment.

Europeans shouldn't have imported feral niggers from Africa because they cannot adapt to modern civilization.

It's exactly the same thing.
Pitbull attacks keep happening because people keep making up excuses for this psychopathic breed.

"He was a good dog".
"He never attacked anyone until that point"
"He was trying to get his life on track"
"He a good boy"
"They are just like any other"
And so on.

These are the facts:

Pitbulls represented 60% of fatal dog bite incidents despite being 1.2% of the registered population in the USA.

Just like...

Blacks commit 52% of homicides in the USA despite being 13% of the population.

Genetics is a real thing that has an incidence on behaviour.

>> No.8851683

You need to do you're part to fight racial stereotypes by not eating fried chicken or watermelon in public. You are undoing all the work many other POC have done by playing up racial stereotypes because it's continent for you.
Don't be an uncle tom.

>> No.8851694
File: 165 KB, 303x311, Only_10_Int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People shouldn't keep pitbulls as pets because they are a feral breed raised for fighting and can't adapt to a normal household environment.
Kekest of keks. Had to stop there, sorry. Holy shit.

>> No.8851701

60% of fatal dog bites commited by 1.2% of dogs. Whine all you want the statistics say it all.

>> No.8851703
File: 45 KB, 531x612, Fatal-Dog-Bites-and-Attack-Statistics-in-USA-by-Breed-from-2005-to-2012-531x612 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have statistics on niggers too if you want them

>> No.8851715

Before I even ask you whose ass you pulled that number out of, I'll do a preemptive refute.

Modern statistics say 17.6%.
The older statistics we're wrong.

>> No.8851736

Nice paywall, my stats are more recent, too. (2012)

>> No.8851751

1) Still not providing source
2) You have a severely flawed analysis. That pie chart adds up to 100% while only representing a few breeds. Pitbulls are much higher than 1.2% of that sample.