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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 286 KB, 1227x734, Modern Scientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8849545 No.8849545 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't any of these guys attend to the march for """science""" thingy? Did they not want to be associated with SJWtards and what they call science? :^)

>> No.8849551

Did you follow anyone home, OP?

>> No.8849580

Didn't Veritasium attend one?
P.S. I didn't attend for the exact reason you posted. These marches are a fucking joke.

>> No.8849604

whos the one the botom right ?

>> No.8849612

sam harris

>> No.8849640
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>> No.8849651

>march for 'progressive' politics

No thanks.

>> No.8849658

Fuck Trump and the retards that follow him.

>> No.8849659

Whats this about im dumb explain

>> No.8849668

1. they're busy
2. dont give a shit about politics
3. hate the way march for ""science"" of using science to push a political ideal

>> No.8849671
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which SJW tards are you talking about?

The /pol/ alt righters? or the braindead mass that represent their antithesis?

Surely you know the importance of being specific when talking about these things anon!

>> No.8849696

>science is about man hating, legitimizing degeneracy and destructive libtard politics
There is only one kind of SJW anon!

>> No.8849708

because except for black science man, none of them are social """"""""""scientists"""""""""" who were marching and pretending to represent real scientists and mathematicians. i could almost guarentee that the majority of the people that majority didnt have any degree, were studying some bullshit liberalk arts degree like art history or womens studies, or people who had to take a biology class at nursing school before they dropped out because it was too "hard". fuck these jackass mega brainlets.

FYI you dont have to like trump to dislike this march. most of /pol/ didnt understand this and based on previous threads, even though i didnt vote because both major candidates were shit, im still accused of being a trump supporter. they are completely independent of each other.

>> No.8849739
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>Didnt vote for any alternatives
>Vote trump because he opposes intervention in syria
>Increases military budget
>4 weeks in he wastes a couple of million on syria
>Drop moab on some terrorists
>Now shittalks north korea

>Realize the military industry complex is real and all off this is just to start profiteering again

>Depression sets in again

>> No.8849756

that's what you get for thinking a populist demagogue is anything but that

>> No.8849757
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Theres two kinds.

You are one of those! And you are as bad as those who you fight! BUT MEME ON BRAVE MEMER!

>> No.8849764

The side that calls themselves SJW and campaigns for social justice.

>> No.8849768

>even though i didnt vote

You sound like a /pol/tard.

>> No.8849770
File: 419 KB, 1026x1108, detroit before liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure don't seem to have any problems with actual SJWtards who try to normalize man hating, anarchy, pedophilia, assimilation by immigration and the rest of the typical libtard agenda. But by all means, hate the white man who wants to make America great again!

>> No.8849773

Fuck that jew loving zionist shill

>> No.8849774


You dont seem to understand buddy! I cant give you more (You)'s sorry

But have a bump so you dont leave empty handed.

>> No.8849780
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Back to plebbit, kiddo.

>> No.8849787
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I fucking love science xDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8849788

yeah, thats definitely why not a single scientist supports your march for """science""" :^)

>> No.8849796

>detroit before liberals.jpg

Jesus fucking christ. Yeah, it was liberals that ruined Detroit. Not the complete collapse of the American car industry.

Fucking hell /pol/ are great at finding the wrong conclusion about why something is shitty.

>> No.8849799

It's obvious from context to anyone who's graduated kindergarten.

>> No.8849804


This. Poverty is destroys great cities.

>> No.8849808

look, you get a big spectrum for the types that attended the science thingy.

if their motives were sincere to begin with, they have clearly been politicised, if not corrupted. The sensible thing that could have been done was to draft up a formal letter detailing the repercussions of Trump administration's policies on science and have universities and research institutions, possibly individual scientists sign it. And send it to the White House. And yeah, have media buzz around it. Far more sensible.

>> No.8849809
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But science

>> No.8849810
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>the complete collapse of the American car industry.
>thats why niggers rioted detroit with drugs and turned it into an uninhabitable hell hole
yeah yeah, we know SJWtard. blacks crimes are all whiteys fault. why don't you go back to roleplaying in your fictional world.

>> No.8849820

You're a fucking idiot.

>Detroit is reliant on the motor industry
>The motor industry collapses
>Due to the economy being fucked, the rich (mostly white) people leave
>Meanwhile, the poor (mostly black), can't afford to leave
>With no jobs, they've got nothing to do, and don't have the foresight to create new business
>So they all act like criminals and ruin the city they live in

The fall of Detroit isn't an influx of minorities, it's the exact opposite, it's white flight. If you want to have a more effective argument for how blacks are inferior, surely you should be asking why they weren't rich and able to move away like the whites were.

>> No.8849825

The race riots caused a lot of that white flight, though, Anon.

And while poverty does correlate with crime, ruining your own city even further should be an obvious "don't" since you ruin any chance of business returning there.

The collapse of the automotive industry did not mean the remaining population had to destroy any embers of success Detroit might have had.

>> No.8849828

Dummie my vote was decided on syria, nothing more, there would be no syria right now if hillary was president.

>> No.8849829

i hate this meme word

>> No.8849838

As you're wrong like all the other times, I don't believe they are genetically inferior. I believe their culture, tendencies to use drugs and victimhood that keeps them believing that society owes them anything, prevents them from advancing.
You do know that white people didn't just find the car industry sitting there waiting for them to profit. If you don't think theres any intellectual difference between blacks and whites, you should have argued that they could have opened their businesses and ran their own shit rather chimping out and turning detroit into a zoo. But I'm sure you'll bullshit your way into blaming whitey for that too so I don't think you'll surprise anyone with your following posts.

>> No.8849845

>The collapse of the automotive industry did not mean the remaining population had to destroy any embers of success Detroit might have had.

I'm not saying it does. Not at all. I'm saying that the initial picture is wrong for implying "SJWs" ruined Detroit, when that's complete shit.

>you should have argued that they could have opened their businesses and ran their own shit rather chimping out and turning detroit into a zoo.

I did say that though. That's exactly what I said.

>With no jobs, they've got nothing to do, and don't have the foresight to create new business
So they all act like criminals and ruin the city they live in

>> No.8849857

>With no jobs, they've got nothing to do, and don't have the foresight to create new business
And why is that?

>> No.8849860

Ooga booga

>> No.8849862

I don't know. I'd imagine neither do you.

>> No.8849872

I think you do, yet you keep enabling it.

>> No.8849936

Modern scientists don't like philosphy
I don't see why people would have a problem with that though, philosophy has never achieved anything

>> No.8849940

I know Krauss in particular has spoken out alot against trumps presidency, watch his interview on rubin report or whatever

>> No.8849997

what the fuck is this argument about?
Post-industrial urban ruin is not exclusive to blacks.

>> No.8850064

science is philosophy.

>> No.8850073

nah it isn't

>> No.8850077

Not resisting that extra slice.

Don't bully the philosophers. When science runs out of sensible questions their time will come.

>they could have opened their businesses and ran their own shit


>> No.8850078

I honestly thought you were gonna side with the alt-right redditors after Trump did the 180, trigglypuffposter. I'm impressed.

>> No.8850079

fuck you

>> No.8850090

I think it's obvious to most people that these people clearly have no interest in science and are just there for political reasons. I am sorry that the US has to go through this.

>> No.8850104
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>> No.8850110

You titled the image "k" as if you had just presented some sort of argument that somehow shows that science is philosophy, but you didn't
Typical philosophers inventing their own truth

>> No.8850120

just trying to help you understand reality. calm down.

>> No.8850129
File: 9 KB, 656x290, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm going to explain reality to you, stay calm

>> No.8850150
File: 84 KB, 1057x605, sciense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go, since paint is facts now

>> No.8850159


>> No.8850162

>caring about another country more than your own
Huh? I get your stance but voting for another country's value as your main voting reason astounds me.
Atleast he stepped back, right? It's better that he learns the errors of his ways.

>> No.8850171

You do understand what happens in another countrie has a direct impact in anothet countries and even your own right? Especially war.

For example.

France and the us killed gadaffi because we couldnt control him, what happens now? Europe is getting flooded with african refugees, what happens after?

Every action has an efffect.

>> No.8850174

literally any counter argument is semantical or fallacious. yawn.

>> No.8850175

fuck im sorry for my broken english I need a new android keyboard.

>> No.8850232

the difference between me and a /pol/tard is that i chose not to vote for a president and not because my mom wouldnt drive me to the polls as i didnt do my chores. I did vote for everything else, just not a president as both candidates were shit and 3rd parties have no chance of winning as i live in a hard red state

>> No.8850249

anyone who writes """""""""""""x"""""""""""""""
or ((((((((((((((x))))))))))))))) is a /pol/tard
it's code for "jew"

>> No.8850256

couple questions regarding Nye's quote.
>the idea that..what you sense and feel is not authentic
I've heard a philosopher that argues the same. So is Nye pro or con philosophy here?
Also in some ways science is con to this because it would say stuff like you experience optical illusions and the sense of intuition is wrong and the entire framework, ever increasingly accurate instruments that produce objective reproducible data, experiments etc, of science is overcoming your flawed and biased intuitions, perceptions, and senses.

>> No.8850258
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>> No.8850264

anyone who desperately tries to label people as /po/tards is a SJWtard.

>> No.8850285

What are you talking about?

The black science man didn't go to the march but he is one of the principal promoters of the "I fucking love science xdddd" meme

>> No.8850294

>another thread

How many of you railing against the march are actually scientists yourselves?

>> No.8851771
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>Alternative facts are i

>> No.8851776
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>> No.8851792

>don't have the foresight to create new business
because they're black

>> No.8853103

A march that reduced "science" down to regurgitating what "popularizers" say.
I'm a mechanical engineer. Which makes me a "Science Guy". But unlike THE "Science Guy", I've been in practice for almost twenty years. I hate that he uses his old degree to claim authority in an unrelated field. And really hate that he botches simple things that should be related to his degree, such as deflate-gate.

>> No.8853110
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>> No.8853179
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Some of them were, and the rest certainly approved of it

>> No.8853224

>I'm a mechanical engineer
>which makes me a Science Guy


>> No.8853293

bill nye's quotation isn't too terrible, definitely the least embarrassing out of the four. it just reflects some ignorance of the field, particularly in the context of dismissing it.

also you cannot utilize such instruments and data outside of your first-person sensory experience, they simply augment your ability to understand your surroundings, and are in no way contrast to it.

>> No.8853352

Mocking Bill Nye. That's his degree.

>> No.8853391

>supporting your side is wrong
>supporting other side is wrong
>not supporting either side is wrong

>> No.8853422

nothing wrong with origami

>> No.8853514

It exists within a specific philosophical framing of knowledge, that does not make it philosophy in and of itself.

>> No.8853524

There is literally nothing wrong with Dawkins' first quote and his second one, in context, refers to creationism (if I remember rightly he was talking about how he had been told before to keep an open mind).

It's a position called naive realism (basically the universe is how I perceive it), it's a legitimate position to take. However I think he meant it in a more dismissive tone than how it's presented here.

>> No.8853565

Just came from the always retarded echo-chamber comments section of arstechnica.

Yay science!
Save us from the problems science created.

>pretend Obama didn't gut NASA

>> No.8854036
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>Trump does something bad

>> No.8855282

But the picture said he's a dumbo compared to old people!

>> No.8855506

>"the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence"
there is literally no way to conduct science without conducting philosophy. you don't understand what science is and how it derives information if you think it is not dependent on philosophical stances. there is nothing objective about the scientific method.

there is no such thing as an inherent "common sense". and yes, refusing to consider alternatives to your worldview is the definition of ignorance and being a slave to cognitive dissonance. his quotation reflects his ignorance of the field.

>> No.8855532

>philosophy has never achieved anything

Other than helping some of the most notable and important physicists in history. Please reference >>8849640 in this very thread for evidence.

>> No.8855686

meditations was rather enjoyable

>> No.8855690

literally me down to specific reasonings and reactions.

>> No.8855718

why does he look like a cyborg zombie?

>> No.8856828


>> No.8856831

>there is no such thing as an inherent "common sense"
Not to you there isn't

>> No.8857356

t. brainlet

>> No.8858442

>Being so dumb you misunderstand Dawkins first quote
I sure hope you don't do this

>> No.8859091

But Obango did not gut NASA.

>> No.8859144

please explain to me what "common sense" is.

>> No.8859331
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not that anon but, in this context "common sense" is intuitive based thinking, which can be useful with training and in the right situation, but most people's "common sense" is built with a framework of biases and skewed perceptions.

>> No.8859502

ironically even your definition of common sense is a subjective interpretation that holds it's own biases, and this is the problem with his quotation. it hold arbitrary, subjective judgements as something inherent to reality.

>> No.8859539


He used to take a lot of LSD and mediate in solitude for long periods of time. He basically exist in between dimensions.

>> No.8859587

no you misunderstand, that's what Dawkins is referring to exactly referring too, that is his definition, so his statement holds true

>> No.8859595

yes, and that's his own subjective definition that is not inherent to reality.

why should a philosopher agree with his definition of common sense, and hold themselves to it?

>> No.8859657

>>supporting your side is wrong
>>supporting other side is wrong
>>not supporting either side is wrong
The trick is that people don't like when others disagree with them. He probably voted for Trump and is mad that you didn't.
The reality is that it's not "Trump vs Hillary".
It is "My opinion vs everyone else's opinions".

>> No.8859664

>literally marching for bill nye's paycheck

There are some things so reddit that you would expect them to be lethal.

>> No.8859754
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>there would be no syria right now if hillary was president.

No, we would have WW3 with the Russians instead.

>> No.8859758
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>Black Science man
>Actual Scientist

>Not just a Science Spokesperson token negro there to bring ghetto apes closer to Science but failing hard at it because he doesn't rap the lessons out with S.W.A.G

>> No.8859763
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Moral of the story, niggers destroyed Detroit by causing crime, making the white population and the car industry leave, thus leaving behind only the savage black population.

Tell me how I am wrong.

>> No.8859765


> I believe their culture, tendencies to use drugs and victimhood that keeps them believing that society owes them anything, prevents them from advancing.

So you're telling me culture is not just an expression of genes? How come African Americans have the same rate of crime as African countries, despite having such distinct cultures? You make no sense, pal.

>> No.8860706

half of the guys on the right are not scientists

>> No.8860763

Informed physics
Tested philosophy

>> No.8860774

Physical philosophy