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8847848 No.8847848 [Reply] [Original]

Did the nazis contribute to science or were they like the dark age in the long run?

>> No.8847857

>Heisenberg was a Nazi
>Von Braun was a Nazi

So yeah some contributions. But their insistence on Deutsche Physik was only ever going to end badly.

>> No.8847858

>implying we aren't in a dark age now

>> No.8847868
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>> No.8847890

Didn't they use cruel scientific experiments to people they imprisoned? I wish we can do they. I wish we can get people who did awful crimes and do experiments on them for scientific research and the betterment of humanity. People will understand one day why I'm doing this.

>> No.8847895

Feminism: Men and woman are 100% equal
Feminism: If a man becomes violent, then a woman has the right to fight back through any means possible. May it be legal, social or physical.
Feminism: If a woman becomes violent then men have no right to fucking fight back that is sexist. HOW DARE YOU HIT A WOMAN HOLY FUCK.

Women were a mistake.

>> No.8847941

Sure they did. Also people don't want you to acknowledge it. A nazi scientist discovered a certain type of cells, Clara cells, but they aren't called that because he was a nazi.

>> No.8847945

NASA was literally all nazis after the war.

>> No.8847962

Jesus will judge you.

>> No.8847984
File: 38 KB, 622x350, 50s_pulqui2_sabre_mig15_ta183__by_desca97-dap6lke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1950s and 1960s advances in aeronautics and rocketry were built on the back of German engineers, captured plans, and prototypes.

Nazi Germany was the first country to send an object to space.

Even the 1980s B2 spirit was possible thanks to the research of the Horten brothers in the 1930s.

For example pic shows three early 1950s jet fighters (Soviet MiG-15, American F-86 Sabre and Argentine Pulqui II) and the original German fighter they were based on. (Focke-Wulf Ta-183)

>> No.8847989

The V2 rocket was pretty important

>> No.8847990

If Nazis won the war we'd be on Mars right now

>> No.8847992
File: 237 KB, 1200x1475, 1200px-Wernher_von_Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, the USA would have never gotten to the Moon if it wasn't for Von Braun.

>> No.8847996
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you shut your damn mouth. Mr. Brown was American as apple pie. don't you pay no mind to that pesky war business.

>> No.8848012

Nazi Germany was first country to find out that smoking causes cancer.

>> No.8848044
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>forgetting that it was communism that horribly set back science

>> No.8848187

German engineering was mostly rolling out unusable prototypes while any nation with brains kept them secret and wouldn't use them before they can be rolled out in useful numbers. And a huge part of it was literally just putting the heaviest shit they can onto some tracks and slapping a big engine so it should theoretically work if you don't push it too much.

Of course there were plenty of good ideas with those designs, and those ideas were later stolen because hey, free shit to disassemble.

Same with scientist, it's obvious some good scientists will be left alone during nazi regime, doesn't mean nazis really helped with technological advancements, in fact they hindered it with plenty of stupid shit.

>> No.8848194

>Why I'm doing this.
Go to school, kid.

>> No.8848197

Prove it.

>> No.8848200

I'd say we're in a Dark Renaissance
where everything is being claimed as a breakthrough such as gender identity, mass immigration, destruction of the lanugages and so on.
Those who are left in 50 years time will look back on this period as a massive warning.

>> No.8848505

They didn't call themselves the masterrace for nothing.

>> No.8848893

Grow up.

>> No.8849075


You tell me friend


>> No.8849110

It is self evidently the case. Bummer, I know.

Lol. Such butthurt from the same fag.

>> No.8849123

>Such butthurt from the same fag.
You have to be 18 to post here kid.
Go play minecraft and let the adults talk about science.

>> No.8849217

>It is self evidently the case. Bummer, I know.
"I'm right because I say so" isn't a terribly convincing argument.

>Lol. Such butthurt from the same fag.
There's a "posters" count available.

>> No.8849519

Being a medfag, I'll contribute.
Wegner's Disease
Reiter Syndrome

>> No.8849524

They did it without hurting any animals.

>> No.8849637
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>> No.8849732

A german (konrad zuse) invented the computer at that time. Burgers don't want it to be true.


>> No.8849794

>nazis contribute to science
Lrn2rocket-science, 'tard

>> No.8849812

>where everything is being claimed as a breakthrough such as gender identity, mass immigration, destruction of the lanugages and so on.
Those things really aren't as big a problem as you think. They're bad, of course, but the world isn't really all that different to 50, even 100 years ago.

>> No.8849965

some of the things we know about the effects of freezing/hypothermia on humans come from nazi experiments


>> No.8849989

The nazi state's contribution to science was not noteworthy and wasted money on racial biology pseudoscience and torturing prisoners. They also removed jewish scientists (the most important scientists) from their positions, so they weakened their scientific growth significantly. Nazi scientists individually, on the other hand, were very important for scientific progress.

So basically, german scientists were useful. But the nazi system didn't offer something special to warrant giving it the credit for its scientists' later achievements, on the contrary, it was probably a hindrance.

The soviet system, on the other hand, was built on giving as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute to science, and in this way DOES warrant giving it the credit for soviet scientists' contributions. But even that had its pseudoscience (lysenkoism) in spite of the soviets educating and generating very important geneticists.

German scientists = smart
Nazi education system = shitty
Soviet education system = very efficient

>> No.8850018


Hail Trump! Hail Victory! Hail Our People!

>> No.8850032
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>the nazi were some of the greatest scientists ever


>> No.8850042
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Die kike

>> No.8850551

>Disgusting commies didn't murder a shitton of intelectuals

Commies are worse than Nazis, they're too retarded to see their own mistakes

>> No.8850908

The nazis are pretty much soley responsible for the tech that got us to the moon. They gave zero fucks about morals and were all about becoming the master race and besting their enemies. What do you think OP?

>> No.8850943

No. Everything the nazis supposed invented existed long before the Nazis.

As for the Von Braun meme, Goddard had invented guided liquid fueled rockets before him, and Von Braun even admitted multiple times his own work was based on Goddard's. The US just never had a need to use them in a military setting.

Things like the jet engine were based on the whittle engine, flying wings existed before the nazis, the US had radio guided bombs before the nazis... that's all I can of off the top of my head now.

This myth of "superior germans" only came above because of movies. They puff up the nazis to make them look good because it's better to beat a tough opponent than a dumb one. Half their stuff broke down on the battlefield, and even their basic propeller planes required more than twice the ground maintenance hours of allied planes.

>> No.8850948

Communism and nazism are the same thing.... They are totalitarian dictatorships. They are just slightly different flavors with different rhetoric.

>> No.8850998

All complete fabrications. Jet engines and rockets existed before the nazis, and their rockets were not long range ICBMs, nor did they go to sub orbital altitudes.

Various types of assault rifles existed in WWI. All the guns in BF1 were real guns, even if their real life behavior was slightly different and their rarity is not accurate in the game. Shaped charges were also invented in the civil war, although they were primitive, and some attempts at using them were made in WWI, in both wars their goal was to break fortresses and fortifications.

The Z1 was not programmable. It wasn't even turning complete.

A quick google search shows they didn't have the first microwave, and the first live TV transmission was in 1929.

I'm bored now but that's most of it debunked.

>> No.8851255

Before the Nazis, almost every major idea in science came from Germany.

After the Nazis.... name a single famous post WWII German physicist. You can't.

>> No.8851260

Implying that Soviet contributions to science were not a million times more numerous than Russia since 1990.

>> No.8851263

>I dont know any german physicists so they dont exist

>> No.8851380

t. brainlet
/sci/ has an autistic shitfit when somebody is wrong about science, but regularly spouts nonsense about politics and philosophy like they are an authority

>muh horseshoe
>muh dictator
>"ancient rome had a dictator that means they are the same as 1970s russia xdd"

>> No.8851596

>Long range ICBM
>Long range intercontinental
V2 wasn't IC

>> No.8851651

They regularly spout nonsense about science as well.

>> No.8851670
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>> No.8851696

Was it STEM cells?

>> No.8851711

Guided torpedoes were a meme. They literally sunk the submarines that fired them.

>> No.8851718

What were kibbutzes?

>> No.8851724


>> No.8851727

Gobels himself said communism and nazism are not that different in theory.

>> No.8851731

Horton either were innovative and the US later sold many ideas from what Germans were doing with their aircraft to build stealth aircraft.

Germans had superior MG IMO which was the Mg-42. Also Germans were doing a lot of "moon shot" programs many of which didn't have time to be fully mature. Look up the silver bullet. A suborbital bomber idea in the 40s!!!

>> No.8851734

Autocorrect is a crappy thing

Horton brothers*

They stole*

>> No.8851738
