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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8844726 No.8844726 [Reply] [Original]

>Massive amount of Pajeets in engineering
>India is still a third-world shithole

Explain this to me, /sci/.

>> No.8844746
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They are moving very rapidly in the right direction.
Considering they are a country of 1.3 billion, multilingual, multiethnic, multireligious and relatively young, I'd say it's impressive what they've done so far.

If the trends continue and extreme things don't happen they will become a nice country. I am rooting for them.

>> No.8844750

because their "engineering" education is equivalent to an associates degree in the US.

>> No.8844759

We have two indian engineering professors at our university. They all have long academic signatures but none of them have actually worked in the field before.

I wonder if that says something.

>> No.8844806

There are Indian engineering the degrees that dont even require calculus

>> No.8844970

I think that's insulting to A.S. Degrees and . An A.S degree is stupidy easy but it at least certifies that you have received a bare minimum amount of education. The average pajeet degree only certifies that you can cheat on tests and fake having an education.

>> No.8846720

Almost all of them are subpar and work for western jewish botnet companies for McDonald's tier wage.