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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8844303 No.8844303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So i recently moved to France and just now started studying ( high-school here )

And in math i encounter this very basic function "analysis" they do ( pic related )
I have no idea on how it's called in English since i never seen it before, any ebooks that you guys know that might cover this up ?

>> No.8844337

1. Definition domain
2. Symmetry and periodicity (to reduce the domain of study)
3. Limits
4. Derivative
5. Sign of derivative (with a sign table)
6. Value of f and its derivative on every relevant point (including critical point i.e. the roots of its derivative)
7. If needed, roots found with the intermediate value theorem
That table is nothing but a summary of steps 3 to 7. Any rigorous function study will follow this model.

If you want to know what a sign table is, you just factor the expression, mark every real number cancelling any of the terms and determine the sign inbetween the roots by counting how many terms are negative.

t. Frenchfag who spent his CPGE shitposting on /g/ and still got a good school

>> No.8844354

Thanks alot, btw any books you recommend to pass high-school level math here ?
(i'm in Series S)
Also not just math, physics and biology too if you know any books related too, thanks again !

>> No.8844413

For math, if you have a textbook, just rush through the exercises as fast as you can but without leaving any logical hole, knowing all your derivatives and counter-derivatives in the calculus chapters. If you want hard exercises, you may find some that are accessible from high school here: http://mp.cpgedupuydelome.fr/exosup.php

Physics and chemisry are almost entirely method-based. Apart from reading your textbook carefuly or asking your teacher for exercises that are relevant method-wise, I don't really know what to do.

Biology is just scientific method and learning a shitload of definitions. I remember just reading diagrams over and over again when the exams were coming.

>> No.8845052


>> No.8845055

Thanks a lot man.

>> No.8845072


What is the average IQ of people in scientifical prépa ? Are they really smart or just hard worker compared to other people ?

>> No.8845096

Not the guy you answer to but most of them are smart and hard workers
If you go to a high ranked prépa you'll really meet some geniuses

>> No.8845132

Ok another question it that possible to self study things in prépa in few years and to try a "concours" to get a place in an engineering school ? Is that possible ? I really want to become an engineer.

>> No.8845311

Guy you responded to here.

If I'm not mistaken you can sit for the exams as a "free candidate" but you still need a teacher to validate your TIPE (a fucking shit show'n'tell of something out of the syllabus you invested 50+ hours in, but it's so boring that everyone just plays LAN CS in the computer room and buys a pre-made work instead). There is an age limit to the exams though. Also you can only try three times.

>> No.8845761


>> No.8846821

bumping for french ebooks

>> No.8846891

Yes you can do this "free candidate" thing but you'll have a malus that is around 1 point on 20 so it'll make it a little bit harder than if you try it with prepa.
But anyway it is totally doable if you are an hard-working guy

>> No.8846904

>Thanks alot, btw any books you recommend to pass high-school level math here ?
>(i'm in Series S)
>Also not just math, physics and biology too if you know any books related too, thanks again !
I think the level in french high school is very bad (in math) when i came to CPGE i watch what old french people did in highschool and i thought that i was a lazy retard, Politicien decrease the bac level each years (didn't know that there is so many people from CPGE here ^^)

>> No.8847033

Still got any recommendations on ebooks i'd need to pass :) ?

>> No.8847102

To pass in CPGE and success in you can read the CPGE MPSI math programme or L1_L2 math programme. If you want to have the Bac S just use annale and your high_school math book

>> No.8847119

Op how old are you ? My brother do that at 15 yo...

>> No.8848237

I'm 16 years old.

>> No.8848244
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You should be 18+ to be here.

Can we get the attention of the mods into this thread?
