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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8843157 No.8843157 [Reply] [Original]

Let n be an integer.

>> No.8843163

sure, n is always an integer
if you said let n be something else then we'd have trouble

>> No.8843165

OK,done it

What now?

>> No.8843174

>relies on something as vague as axiom of choice

>> No.8843205


because n is for integer

>> No.8843217

Let i be a nigger

>> No.8843218
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>> No.8843220

n = -3
m = 23.2 + e^i
get rekt

>> No.8843231


z = 7/5
r = 1 - i
p = 4

>> No.8843236

I use n for continuous variables

>> No.8843241

>p = 4
I used p for something that wasn't a prime in a test once and my professor told me to stop asap lmao

letters have meaning

>> No.8843258

>continuous variables
it's okay anon you won't contribute anything of worth anyways so no one will really mind

>> No.8843259

People use n for a natural number or unit normal vector, among other things.

Variable assignment doesn't use the Axiom of Choice.

We often use p for a polynomial.

>> No.8843269

stop being an autist. the first was clearly in the context of numbers, the second a joke, and the third one again in the context of numbers.

even in A[x] one will often note arbitrary elements by f, g and reserve p for irreducibles / primes when doing anything serious

>> No.8843271

What's k for?

>> No.8843276

kilo you brainlet

>> No.8843286

Back to high school for you

>> No.8843288

>if someone says something bad about me that means they don't understand the basic things I'm talking about
this attitude will get you nowhere honestly

>> No.8843292

>stop being an autist

Look who's talking.

>anything serious

Hows intro to algebra going?

>> No.8843294
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Let [math]n \in \mathbb{C}[/math] be an integer.

>> No.8843304
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They told me I could be anything I wanted to be, so I became an integer.

>> No.8843321

Let x be a number.

>> No.8843328 [DELETED] 

n = nigger

>> No.8843333

>Polynomial Rings
>Not involved in serious work

How is being a brainlet who can't into algebraic geometry going?

>> No.8843341

Nice quads but mentioning polynomial rings and irreducibles like this is a little embarrassing. Yeah algebraic geometry is important, but you are like a little babby, trying to impress me with your knowledge of arithmetic.

>> No.8843346

nice quads buddy

>> No.8843353

>brainlet BTFO by anon with good taste in math
>bonus quads

>> No.8843374
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>posts a high-school level wikipedia article backing up his high-school level understanding of mathematics
>tells me to go back to high-school
you trying to start a fight?

>> No.8843378

>[math]\mathbb{Z} \subseteq \mathbb{C}[/math]
oh boy i'm fucking triggered

>> No.8843382
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WTF you can greentext latex? i did not know this

>> No.8843385

if it's not true then why is it so common to represent an arbitrary complex number by "z"?

>> No.8843386

fuck off
that notation is understood to mean canonical inclusion by literally anyone
even children understand that the integer 1 and the complex 1 are "the same"

>> No.8843393

>let nigger be i

>> No.8843398

yeah i know faggot but it still triggers me

>> No.8843410

I use dot products, cross products, [math]\times[/math], multiplication dot and decimals all interchangeably, possibly even in the same expression

>> No.8843412
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>assume g = 10m/s

>> No.8843414

>"the same"
you can't even bring yourself to take the quotes off

>> No.8843417

>not denoting all of them and function application by writing them one after the other in the same expression
>what do you mean it's not clear? they're all algebra actions you faggot, they commute. brainlet.

>> No.8843421

they're obviously not literally the same, as I said before, canonical inclusion. I always call isomorphism "the same" with quotes

>> No.8843425

>he doesnt study anabelian geometry

>> No.8843428

Decimals are haram.

>> No.8843434

i have no option but to use them in my nuclear physics course

>> No.8843442

k is the "sample" number of the frequency domain when you convert a discrete time function f[n] with a discrete time fourier transform

>> No.8843447

>in ODE class
>write all my differentials as [math]\partial[/math]

i am unstoppable

>> No.8843456
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>tfw writing + D instead of + C

>> No.8843468

>assign every variable [math]\xi_i[/math]

>> No.8843483

I don't follow your meaning. Consider the following: You roll a k-sided die n times. What is the probability that each of the k faces appeared at least once? why'd the author elect k?

>> No.8844025
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>tfw changing [math]e^C[/math] into [math]C[/math] without further comment

>> No.8844144
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let [math]f(x)[/math] be a function

>> No.8844502

Alex is a stupid INTEGER

>> No.8844522

Let OP be a faggot.

>> No.8844528


>> No.8844562 [DELETED] 

Let n stand for all niggers

>> No.8844655

let x be a constant

>> No.8844662

That's because I am too busy studying Anabel's pussy instead.

>> No.8844670

Rudin uses p and q for rationals iirc.

>> No.8844850


just gave my an ODE flashback, good times

>> No.8844853
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>Let x be a real number

>> No.8844945

Let n be a nigger.

>> No.8844976


What is sqrt(n)

>> No.8844989

It's m/s^2

>> No.8845005

ur mom

>> No.8845022
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let ur mom be of schwarzschild radius -1/12m

>> No.8845027

>let n be an engineer.

>> No.8845064

Let u and v be vectors...

>> No.8845075
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>Solve for x

>> No.8845098


>> No.8845101


>> No.8845156

is w the most neglected letter in math?

>> No.8845161

there's nothing wrong with this, if [math]e^c[/math] where c is an arbitrary constant, then it's an arbitrary constant [math]C[/math]

>> No.8845163

It's the second complex variable, after z.

>> No.8845165

o is up there

>> No.8845166

just before x, what a shame. Always in it's shadow

>> No.8845214

There is nothing wrong with this though

>> No.8845312

This and non-script l

>> No.8845502

no it's not faggots
if [math]C \in \mathbb{R}[/math] is arbitrary, then it cannot be [math]e^{C}[/math] since [math]\forall x \in \mathbb{R} e^x > 0[/math]

>> No.8845511
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>he doesn't know about the fixed point of the exponential function

>> No.8845528

Use it all the time in stats and ML

>> No.8845549
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i had a chuckle at this

>> No.8845555 [DELETED] 

but most of the time people do what that guy does, C>0

>> No.8845573

nevermind I am retarded, deleting these quads

>> No.8845586

>"for all epsilon < 0"...

>> No.8845679

please explain

>> No.8845766

>assume [math]\pi=3[/math]

>> No.8845835

>differentially small

>> No.8845871

I'll buy that for a dollar.

>> No.8845901

>using [math]x^2 \sin y dx dy dz[/math] for your differential element of volume instean of [math] r^2 \sin\theta dr d\theta d\phi [/math]

>> No.8845909
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>> No.8845927
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>Cylindrical coordinates

>> No.8845949
