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File: 116 KB, 863x443, countries by fertility rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8837139 No.8837139 [Reply] [Original]

Only dumbasses reproduce.

>> No.8837156

anyone who procreates is a total fucking nigger.

>> No.8837222

This is exactly what the Jews want

>> No.8837260

>successful reproductive strategies are dumb

anon I have bad news for you

>> No.8837266

>This is exactly what the Jews want
ok, so?

>> No.8837270

>anon I have bad news for you


>Many studies have found a small to moderate negative correlation between IQ and fertility rates. However, these studies have been limited to the United States and some European countries. The present study was a between-nation study using national IQ scores and national fertility rates. There were strong negative correlations found between national IQ and three national indicators of fertility.


>> No.8837271

Good. I approve of what they want you fucking pleb.

>> No.8837272

Why would the Jews benefit from this?

>> No.8837273

good goy

don't forget the holocaust btw.

>> No.8837277

>so dumb he can't even understand reproductive strategies

must be a nigger.

>> No.8837297


>> No.8837302


>> No.8837342

holy shit haha 10/10

>> No.8837363

I'm going to become a fundamentalist Catholic so that I have more than 1 kid. I hate secular roasties.

>> No.8837371
File: 18 KB, 162x152, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only dumbasses reproduce.

No, you are the dumbass.

The fertility rate is measured by children per women. In places where it is extremely unlikely the children will reach maturity, more children are produced to improve the chances. In Victorian England the birth rate was high. Even seen in animals, where the Tasmanian devil is affected by face cancer they begin to breed younger and more.

The reproduction on that graph is showing the areas with the highest proportions of children not reaching maturity.

Doin feel too bad. Even Bill Gates and the Overpopulationists dont understand this.

>> No.8837372

>jew detected

>> No.8837524

The question is how wouldn't they

>> No.8837537

Shut the fuck up. Go look at some stats on *net* population growth. We are still headed for a nigger century.

>> No.8837550

Low reproduction doesn't mean no reproduction you silly virgins.

>> No.8837559
File: 108 KB, 357x368, brainiac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too intelligent to reproduce

>> No.8837577

That's retarded, the average intelligence in the west didn't go up much, but the birthrates went down a lot

What's far more likely is an inverse correlation between education and fertility.

This means, good news for the /pol/-tards:
You can prevent the so called "nigger century" ((c) this guy >>8837537) by becoming a teacher and educating niggers!

>> No.8837595

It's funny that they bitch about the Jews socially engineering whites like livestock but they can't be assed to do the same to those they consider inferior.

>> No.8837609

>educating niggers!
If that's even possible, no one in their right mind would live in Africa. You couldn't pay me enough to teach inner city Philadelphia, never mind Africa.
Nobody needs to socially engineer Africans to reduce their breeding. They need to stop sending food. It's that simple.

>> No.8837619

>but they can't be assed to do the same to those they consider inferior.
enabling them to choose easier ways which help them short-term but completely prevent them from developing is a great example of social engineering. this includes affirmative action, welfare checks, building fastfood places rather than schools, low police attention to their areas, profiting from prisoners in jail, and thousands of other tricks.
I feel like theres a clearly outlined hierarchy in America that goes like jews>whites>niggers>libtards

>> No.8837745


well, I guess it is obvious. Smart people realize that it is wrong to give birth to more people who will inevitably suffer and die after a pointless life.

>> No.8837798

That's a depressing pic.

>> No.8837830

>implying all of africa gets food aid
Food aid primarily goes to sub-Saharan African nations, you brainlet nigger. That won't do shit when families in Nigeria are still having 5 kids a year.

>> No.8837838

>africans will fill up their continent
>inb4 all 2 billion will be heading to fuck your sister
there's a buffer in north africa, not many blacks around the world with the exception of usa and brazil, oh and borders aren't actually open

we'll see how africa turns out, but the green areas on the map will become blue, inevitably

>> No.8837849

This isn't 2011, Gadafi was the bulwark and now the monkeys and sandpeople are pouring into Europe like a flipped hourglass.

>> No.8837869

They won't stop breeding if they are encourage to migrate. Their population curve is static.

>> No.8837882

>whites give jews rights and power
>all other peoples have either subjugated them, enslaved them, banished them, killed them, or some combination thereof
>thus the jew gains by... slowly killing his one ally and turning his lands over to his enemies

Something like that?

>> No.8837900
File: 948 KB, 994x841, 0338627ccf2b6f98563b266f9c71be1c4ae10cf0665ffc596912887acf7f2f3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you see? International Jewry is run by a secret cabal of rich and powerful nazis directly descended from high-ranking members of the Third Reich. They plan to finish Hitler's final solution by flooding European countries with third-world jihadis who will instate Sharia law and purge all the Jews. That way if the Jews come back, the Muslims will be the one to blame for genocide instead.

>> No.8838000
File: 143 KB, 1600x1200, dfdgdfbfdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instate Sharia law and purge all the Jews
i wish they did though.

>> No.8838007

who here /redpilled/

>> No.8838126

Making Europe more Muslim makes Europe less Jewish- but this is due to more Israeli immigration which will happen before pogroms rebooted.

>> No.8838167
File: 44 KB, 549x410, birth rates britain 1950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So 300 years ago everyone in England was retard and then they underwent a mass mutation that made them smart?

Of course its correlated with intelligence, you'll notice that areas with r-selection have a high infant mortality rate and so cannot invest very much into few offspring.

>> No.8838232


>the shittiest parts of the world have the highest fertility rate

it really makes me thinkk.....

>> No.8838269

Brainlet here. Mind if I reproduce with your wife?