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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8833759 No.8833759 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met a genius in your university /sci/? Like the type they portray in movies

asking cause ive been going to a top ten uni for two years now and have yet to meet rain man, do they exist?

>> No.8833770

There's a 12 year old in my calc 3 class. Makes me feel like a mega brainlet

>> No.8833775

Is he smarter than you, or just in comparison when you consider that he's 12?

>> No.8833777

The latter

I just know I'll never amount to what he's going to achieve

>> No.8833780

I have, though he is an older employee. Doesn't waste time teaching anyone.

He focuses on emotional recognition software. Some punk kids broke his computers (they were easily fixed, thankfully). It hurt me to see the sadness in his eyes, all due to the stupidity of the average brainlet.

>> No.8833797

Knew a guy who taught at university. He's as smart as any NASA scientists and the guy didn't graduate high school.

>> No.8833830

Had a friend from an ivy. He did pure math. Published by his 2nd year undergrad. Also, by the end of his 2nd year he completed every undergrad math class and masters level math class the department offered. He attended REU style programs to supplement his education.

He never attended upper level courses from what I saw and aced all exams. he was textbook case of rain man.

>> No.8833847

Priest in my old catholic school used to work for NASA. He walked through the halls with a look of absolute disdain for the human race.

>> No.8833851

do you ever feel jelly

>> No.8833854

I've heard of people who were pretty good, but I never personally met someone like that after 4 years at a top 5 school.

>> No.8833861

>worked for NASA
>must be genius

>> No.8833877

there was a 12 year old in my database systems courses, always knew the content ahead of time (theory is piss easy but he knew every fine detail)

Too bad he was a turbo autist and couldn't help but try to have a conversation with the lecturer every class.

>> No.8833885

I went to a top university for 5 years (completing my BS and MS). In my experience, the kids that come close are always deficient in some small but fatal manner. For example, there's this undergraduate that was in my research group as a graduate (I was in a cryptography research group), and this kid was extremely sharp: he rarely missed a beat in class, did well on tests, and was able to read and remember research papers like no tomorrow. His flaw, however, was in that he had absolutely 0 creativity or capacity to generate anything new. He is literally just a human information retrieval system for existing knowledge and solutions to problems.

An example:
>kid starts talking to me about a paper he read
>I oblige, asking about how the authors achieved what they claimed to achieve
>15 minutes of standard back-and-forth
>me: "so the authors said [x] is hard. how do you think we could extend what the authors did to achieve [x]?"
>him: [shoulder shrug; deer in headlights look]
>me: "it might be interesting to modify the method by doing [y] to get closer to doing [x] by ..."
>him: [walks away]

>> No.8833892

One of my good friends is a bit like that.
He was a very precocious kid and has an extraordinary memory, incredible verbal and analytical skills (he once translated an entire passage in polish despite having never read a word in that language, just by inferring the meaning from other languages he knew), is probably among the best math grad students in the country, and doesn't even like math that much. He's also a bit autistic (I mean he communicates perfectly and is very witty, but he doesn't handle his emotions very well).

>> No.8833893

I know two, but none of them from uni. One is a cousin the other is a family friend. One is a musician with an tested iq of 170 and the other is a math genius that got his phd at 20.

>> No.8833894

No. Because I get the impression he came from a very well off family and had educational resources better than me. I'm playing catch up and he was really humble. He didn't really have friends when I knew him but he treated me really well and mentored me when I had questions. He was extremely nice. But he kept to himself and spoke to no one unless approached. He never bragged. He was very fact based and said things in a way that didn't come across as being competitive.

>> No.8833903

Oh, anon. That's just disdain for plebs (read: You).

He knew you lacked even a basic grasp of concepts and couldn't stand the presence of a brainlet any longer!

>> No.8833915

I will add. It isn't enough to simply say my friend is smart. His intellect matched or exceeded those of his professors as an early undergraduate student. I got the very clear impression he was smarter than some of our professors in class. I would say my friend is a prodigy.

There was another exceptionally intelligent math student in our class but he worked very hard for it. I never saw my friend out much effort in math or even study. He was one of the smartest people I ever met, and still I would rank my friend above that other guy.

Last I saw or my friend he entered a PhD at another top ivy. Saw he was ta'ing some class. No clue what he's doing now

>> No.8833919

Autocorrect is terrible. Apologies for the mess

>> No.8833920

Yeah. Although not conventional for course.
Moved from a medical science course at a higher-tier university to a business course that intersected with my Info Tech degree.

I met him reading Chinese accounts on the Mao takeover, and we talked world economics and history at an extreme pace that I could not keep with him.

He essentially scanned through every new piece of data presented and within an instant could overwrite and argue the practical course teacher's answer. I asked why he left the medicine related course for this easymaths finance course and he essentially replied 'I'm not good with people and it was boring'.

Although not creative, digressive and very involved to a degree so much that he spoke a mile a minute and started elaborating on the history of the world.
You could tell he thought and did things extremely fast, but unfortunately, never got to see his skills beyond world history and economic theory.

>> No.8833926

this thread is depressing desu

>> No.8833930


I'm not sure what he thought. He generally used to seek conversation with me because I had actually solved an open problem while I was an undergraduate. He just never seemed to grasp that you need to do more than just read and understand the papers in order to be able to do that sort of thing.

>> No.8833935

What problem did you solve?

>> No.8833945

I know guys who are super smart and also work super hard. I don't think literal geniuses would attend my rather non-noteworthy university though.

Still some guys put in so much work consistently that I'm baffled how they do it. I guess that's also a kind of mental skill, no?

>> No.8833959

>Also, by the end of his 2nd year he completed every undergrad math class and masters level math class the department offered

How the fuck is that even possible? That like what 60 credits at once? How the fuck? I don't believe it. Like he'd barely have enough time to go through the text, not to mention doing the problem sets.

>> No.8833967


>Because I get the impression he came from a very well off family and had educational resources better than me

That won't turn you into a super genius, anon. It's genetics. Simple as that.

There is nothing to be jealous of. It's just life.

>> No.8833972
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Guess who's retarded between the two of you.

>> No.8833978


Why? You can still do science. You don't have to be a genius. Just do what you can and have fun doing it at your own pace.

>> No.8833979

I knew a 16yo in my university's math department who was like this. He had taken almost all the undergrad courses my university had to offer, and was planning to apply to Chicago in two years with Princeton as his back-up. He could recite every definition or theorem you asked him to.

Yet when it came to original research, he was completely lost. My professor wanted to add his name to a paper he was working on, so he asked him to come up with a few corollaries to his main results. The kid spent the whole summer working on it, and came up with nothing.

>> No.8833985

i knew a rain man, but he met a rain woman in the department, and so all his potential was wasted, all the extra time he might have spent in the lab was instead spent banging her

>> No.8833986

I went to highschool with this kid that was succeeding at some theoretical ecology when he was 16. The kind of guy that was more informed at the start of puberty than most of us will be when we die. He'd just fuck around in the woods and read all day. Never really showed up to class or reached any kind of acedemic success but ended up getting published somehow somewhere in a legitamate journal.
Last I heard from him he gave me a huge bag of mescaline he said he synthesized. Apparently he lost it on some end of the world shit and disappeared.

>> No.8833988


So how the fuck did he complete all the undergrad courses then?

The proofs on the exam might be easy, but the once in the problems sets are usually pretty though. Not something you can just recall reading in a book.

Also the guy might have not honed his problem solving skills yet. He probably was just banking on memorising stuff.

>> No.8833990


> all the extra time he might have spent in the lab was instead spent banging her

Smarter than all the other geniuses to be quite honest. He realised that he's here to procreate first and foremost.

>> No.8833991
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>What problem did you solve?
How to reference my own posts.

>> No.8834002

teach me

>> No.8834036

I think it was more he came into university already have completed many undergraduate courses in math in HS vs the initial way I worded it of taking "all undergrad courses". So he was able to jump into graduate level courses in math as a freshman and sophomore. He took summer courses and when I knew him he was finishing up an algebraic topology course over the summer or something.

He had essentially completed all requirements to get a masters degree by his sophomore year minus a masters thesis. So even though he was qualified and had published a paper in mathematics he was still going to get a BS upon graduation.

I am no >>8833979 and don't know how soristion. My friend got all As except in on class the semester I was taking classes with him. He got a B in one. Cause the professor got ticked off he skipped 16 weeks of courses and aced his final. He aces every final and I never saw him study. Not once.

I don't know if he's still in a PhD program or graduated. He's was a grad student at one of the ivies

>> No.8834046

Most child prodigies are just people of normal intelligence who develooed early and don't amount to anything special in adult life.

>> No.8834051

I never had a class with him, so I can't speak directly for his class performance. He probably was just really good at memorizing, which would've worked really well for him at my university. Not too many of my undergrad professors liked asking proof questions that weren't just trivial exercises in applying the definition of something.

>> No.8834054

They often end up horribly socially handicapped.
Going to school, and socializing with your peers, is an important part of psychological, social, and emotional maturation.

>> No.8834059

> so all his potential was wasted, all the extra time he might have spent in the lab was instead spent banging her

This isn't a bad thing. A healthy relationship is good for your well-being and mental health.

>> No.8834068

what's with geniuses in movies and window math though

>> No.8834070

>a brilliant man banging a brilliant woman, producing brilliant children

why does this arouse me

>> No.8834081

No geniuses at my university (atleast in the math department)

There have been cases where people turn to me to help figure something out, but I'm just good at reasoning.

Makes me think my plan to become an educator/instructor is a good choice.

>> No.8834086

its an autism thing

>> No.8834088

Being good a good researcher does not a good professor make.

>> No.8834090

what kind of sorcery is this?
>inb4 newfag

>> No.8834103

I don't want to research or profess, just teach. Community college probably.

I'm not dedicated/knowledgeable enough to get a PHD

>> No.8834189

found this guy at my highschool:
>he was the worst student in my year by far
>he never studied anything school related until he was 18
>he would get shitty grades but still be approved because the teachers had no balls
>he was approved at a great college in the humanities, but he needed to end highschool, the math teacher decided to not be a pussy and actually make him study
>guy started learning math from 0 when he was 18, professor made him fail anyway because the guy was so fucking lazy
>second time doing highschool nigga decided that he would start studying math
>he learned calculus and linear algebra in months
>when he finished highschool people said that he made every professor in school look like a fucking brainlet in math and physics(it was a good school)
>he is now in the best university of my country, he is doing pure math.
>he hates classes so he studies at home and just go to the university to do the exams(his grades are fucking high).

he was a very funny guy, not autistic, just genious.

>> No.8834197

I am a genius. Ask me AMA.

>> No.8834214

Yeah wtf? My dad works for NASA. Probably a 130 IQ, very smart but not genius. It's mostly average scientists there..

>> No.8834224

The only man to ever show me up regards spatial reasoning - when I thought something wouldn't go when it would - was a man doing a PhD in chaos theory, math.

But while they were definitely sharp they were never *that* that far ahead of me in my work area.

>> No.8834236

Once the neurochemical changes of puberty kick in there's zero guarantee of them being an ongoing luminary.

>> No.8834241

Kid at my school who's graduating pure math w/ masters in 2 years. Super social frat bro, fun and nice guy. Lives and breathes math. Loves telling me about what he does with great enthusiasm.

>> No.8834257

Memes not genes faggot.

>> No.8834266
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>> No.8834288

just a story to show how this guy was crazy:
>he was working on prime numbers in highschool
>professor tells him that there's no formula to calculate exactly how many prime numbers there are in a given interval, just approximations
>the guy goes with one of my friends to the gym, he was talking some random shit about zyzz and steroids when suddenly he stops and start walking in circles
>guy gets a paper in his bag and write down some ugly symbols, my friend asks about what is he doing and the guy simply says "I had an idea"
>next day we know discover that he found a formula that calculates exactly the number of primes in any given interval
>he gets mad when he notices that his formula is hard to compute and that similar formulas do exist(differently than the professor said)
>he simply says that the formula is worthless and do it again... yes, next week he had a better formula.

No one knows what he is doing with those formulas since he doesn't tell anybody since he discovered that they weren't that new.

>> No.8834317

I believe it

>> No.8834409

Theres a kid in the math class I TA for.

He can do insane calculations in his head very quickly. I honestly thought he was cheating in someway when I first saw him do this.

But overall he is not very bright. Gets a lot of homework wrong because he tries going off on irrelevant tangents.

>> No.8834492

He just sounds like a hardworker, when you commit an insane amount of your time teaching yourself something it kinda sticks with you all day. It's the reason why people can figure a homework problem while eating dinner with their friends (i've done that eating a hot dog).
Everyone in my high school thought I was retarded and expected me to not pursue anything. Jokes on them, I discovered MOOCs and ended up going into Aerospace Engineering. Only STEM major in my graduating class.

Learn to differentiate unbelievable tenacity from genius.

>> No.8834493

They lurk at casinos

>> No.8834523


Tbh most people on here end up socially handicapped anyway and they`re still dumber than a 12 year old taking calc 3 classes.

>> No.8835149

Most child "prodigies" are just kids that had their childhood ruin because their parents couldn't accomplish anything in life so they use their kids to try to accomplish what they couldn't by cramming them through college at an early age.

>> No.8835162

This. It's the same thing as the poor kids who get shoved into pageants over and over again, the parents who have their kids playing baseball in traveling leagues and the like.

>> No.8835185

>He realised that he's here to procreate first and foremost.
I doubt that, it's more like he realized that nutting in a girl feels really good

>> No.8835207

My father was an electrical engineer, and I taught myself CS. So I already knew everything in my degree, because of this I was able to finish all my classes in two years by petitioning for independent study courses.

>> No.8835278
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I may have. He's so passionate and deeply knowledgeable about fields he doesn't even study for his major. You can see his eyes light up whenever he talks about genetics and microbiology and music and pharmacological neuroscience. And he always has some really thoughtful insights and different ways of seeing things. He's just fascinating to talk to.

I could think he's especially smart just because I'm 5 years younger, but considering he's been written up for breaking the rules over a dozen times now, and the uni basically kicks people out after 5 times, something tells me they really want to keep him.

If I suck his dick will some of his IQ rub off onto/into me?

>> No.8835283

The could do calc 1 if mass education worked right

>> No.8835326

Was his name Mike?

>> No.8835398

It means you're a eugenicist

>> No.8835402

not @ University. He's a political science major. I read some of his papers & they're dead on, like 100% no grammar issues & all the ideas are there, and he hasn't peaked, since some ideas are like hard to grasp, but nevertheless for a second I can see them true. He's an unhappy genius I think-chose poly sci because the world stinks and he wants to fix it. Tried to get him to study physic, but he's not interested. the coolest thing about him tho: we once got into a fight and (he's homosexual) I called him a "self-proclaimed fag" and he was so mad that had he been any1 else he would've killed me, he actually put me in the killing position, he picked up a weapon and I knew I was about to die, but he didn't kill me. He just put it down and shrugged it off, like "hey, it's your problem"

>> No.8835406

I once talked to him and we agreed that sometimes it's right to give the wrong answer to teachers if the teacher's being dumb. he got a 135 iq when he was 3, but he's literally the smartest guy I've met. I honestly test him and his intelligence, and he's never failed. CONTEXT, it's all about it-he's never been like "wait what?" it's just that sometimes he forgets stuff.

>> No.8835408


We have a young kid taking a few higher level undergrad math courses. He's horrifically autistic. I hope he figures out that there's more to life than math sooner rather than later.

Being good at math is no replacement for social skills.

>> No.8835411

Terry Tao is good boy.

>> No.8835413

a little more about him: he's always been different than others and obviously the leader in charge

>> No.8835417

Are you trolling or just retarded?

>> No.8835419


>> No.8835420

Got it.

>> No.8835422

one more thing: breaking rapport tonality is all he's done, I've never heard him use anything else
if that tonality is a new concept (since his birth) I bet it actually originated from him

>> No.8835423

oh, and if you were >>8835408 then my bad, I meant to reply to >>8835413

>> No.8835424

ok brainlet u fuct

>> No.8835428

this is prolly a good spot to post this: i was reading a quantum mechanics text and realized strings are actually boomeranging particles
what's the fewest number of atoms in a boomeranging molecule?

>> No.8835433

If you're the guy going on about his poly-sci friend, then I'd honestly think about get psychologically evaluated. Your thinking patterns seem unusually erratic, and might be symptomatic of a larger issue, maybe Schizotypal. Not trying to be mean, like I was earlier, but sentences like this one:
>if that tonality is a new concept (since his birth) I bet it actually originated from him
are indicative of potentially serious lapses in rational thought and/or delusional thinking.

>> No.8835434

ok witchdoctor

>> No.8835437

let's b clear- you came into this thread assuming u'd be one of the talked about, but you're pisst

>> No.8835440

What does AMA stand for?

>> No.8835441

and anyways, i'm>>8835428
and have the poly-sci "friend. Did u ever think of this????did u ever ufcking think of it?

>> No.8835443

stands for askma I assum

>> No.8835447

or do u not read?

>> No.8835449

ok mr wynand papers

>> No.8835457

give me your achievements (it's what u were asking me to do)

>> No.8835458

I don't know if either one or both of you is the person I'm referring to, but please take a look at these posts and tell me this person's sanity isn't highly questionable. As far as I can discern, there doesn't seem to be any humorous intent behind them, which means that one can only be left to assume that the disjointed and deluded thoughts are the symptom of some sort of mental disorder.

The most recent three posts suggest he might be trolling, in which case he'd be one of the strangest shitposters I've seen here.

>> No.8835460

sorry mods, please don't ban me, i use shared internet so others would be punished-i'll stop arguing

>> No.8835461
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>> No.8835462

Seriously man, are you just pretending to be crazy? Genuinely curious if you've been diagnosed with anything like schizophrenia.

>> No.8835465

yes I have. now answer my question? are stringed particles possibly boomeranging quasipartciles?

>> No.8835467

I don't know anything about "boomeranging quasiparticles." I can't help you.

>> No.8835470

i'm also the imaginer behind the retractable-rotor-vaccumated-centrifuge (a misnomer) which may prove that speed of light is higher than c

>> No.8835473

I wasn't asking for help.i was outright testing. is your name Brandon? did we meet and you say that "people need to be killed because of co2 emissions"?

>> No.8835476

i'm ALSO a guy who decided calculus (integral and derivative) are the ONLY routes to reason mathematical systems

>> No.8835479

i hold the theory people before newton and Leibnitz knew calculus and eistein was an idiot

>> No.8835482

i'm about to btfo but here's one more thing: the political scientist is AT LEAST. that's AT LEAST, as smart as me.

>> No.8835484

fuck. this is like me, but imagine not even half as smart. I'm barely making it. how do you improve on your "creativity"? is it something innate? or something that can be improved with practice?

goddamn, I'm even acting as if there is some special algorithm to improved creativity. fuck.

>> No.8835493

is joke

>> No.8835494

I think that if you look at creativity as a muscle, you can help strengthening it by simply using it. I only have a passing interest in maths and science, so I don't particularly know how creativity can be exercised in those fields, but to use an example: if you're a writer experiencing writer's block, then a simple way to circumvent it is by simply writing stream-of-consciousness prose until some form of structural narrative forms out of that, which can either later be used to quell the writer's block, or expand the sphere of ideas. This is all conjecture, but it's been known to help creatives in the field of writing. But as cognitive science doesn't seem to know much about the source or neurological character of creativity, I can't say much about it in that regard.

>> No.8835508

I'll try 2 help. Physicist, of some sort, i assume?

>> No.8835519
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post isn't ALL related to this, but some of it'll help

>> No.8835597

no its a stupid fucking meme
this is how normies portray geniuses
I'm technically a genius, IQ of 153, but i seem relatively normal

>> No.8835605

i was doing calc as a kid with my dad when he was in engineering classes, i don't do anything now that you couldn't, everyone sort of balances out
i've always been under the impression its a mix of personality and intelligence
im pertty sure any 12 year old with a decent IQ could do calc, but theres not many 12 year olds who have the confidence and mental clarity to take it on
maybe i just dont understand
you really are at an advantage
he started early, sure, but that means he skipped alot of the essential things people need to grow

>> No.8835626

What percentage of this thread do you think is complete asspull

I'm going to guess at least 80%

>> No.8835629 [DELETED] 

nobody checked this get? reddit you need to go back

>> No.8835643

It depends how you define the technicality of the term 'genius.' If you truly possessed genius intellect, you'd probably know that no altitude of IQ 'technically' implies genius, as such a technicality is plainly absurd.

>> No.8835645

chek'd your got

>> No.8835657
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can you stop talking like a cartoon genius, holy shit
above 140 IQ is considered genius or near genius
genius: exceptional intelligence...

>> No.8835664
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>> No.8835671


Some people are also brilliant late bloomers.

We had an older engineering student whose math background was working as a surveyor doing trigonometry. He decided he wanted to become a civil engineer because he was having a kid and wanted to be able to provide for his family. He managed to solve a problem in one of his classes by writing a program in fortran and applying what he'd learned in his intro to linear algebra class. And it worked. He came up with a brilliant and elegant solution to a fluid dynamics problem on his own because he was exhausted working full time and taking night classes and simply didn't have the time to solve it the prescribed way. This was years ago in the 80's so he also didn't have the luxury of googling solutions. It still gets talked about from time to timein the engineering department.

I don't think he ever went on to do much of anything in math or science, But it's one of those flukes where an individual demonstrated immense potential unexpectedly.

>> No.8835674
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>> No.8835686

yeah some people just don't like to apply their genius in academic ways
call it wasted potential i guess, but they can live as they please

>> No.8835691

Dude, I have an IQ above 140, and I don't even nearly consider myself a genius. Anyone who thinks that a >140 IQ implies genius is bloody retarded.

>> No.8835702

why does this board love to pretend like >140 isn't a high IQ
maybe you have a different view of what a genius is, or maybe you don't apply yourself enough, but i'd say >140 is at least near genius

>> No.8835720

Statistically speaking it's significantly high. I'm not denying that. And I'm not denying that I'm smart, I've always been smart. Easy high grades, perfect 800 on SAT math, etc. etc. But my point was I don't think that's enough to constitute true genius. I've met two people in my life whom I regarded as definitive geniuses, and in their shadow I felt like an absolute mental midget. And those are just people I've met. The works of history's geniuses astound magnitudes more.

So to cavalierly say that anyone with an IQ over 140 is a veritable genius is ridiculous: it cheapens the term beyond meaning.

>> No.8835732

If it makes you feel better I was that kid taking university math classes in middle school and I didn't achieve shit

>> No.8835877
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> 80%
try upping that a bit

>> No.8835936

You is le retarded bro. Obviously, you took some shitty online IQ test. IQ tests are normalized s.t. the average is 100 with standard deviation 15. Meaning above 100 is smart, above 115 is _really_ smart and above 125 you are getting in the spheres of genius. 140+ is just ridiculous. Go and take some real IQ test and I bet you end up with something like 105.

>> No.8835939

So my small city has literally thousands of people in the "spheres of genius" according to you? 125+ IQs aren't uncommon at all.

>> No.8835954

Take intensive writing history courses. Nothing really works your ability to expand on previous arguments like needing to think out chains of evidence-based argumentative rhetoric and then refining into prose.

>> No.8835970

Dude, it is basic statistics. Online percentile calculator:
Roughly 4-5 out of 100 will have an IQ greater or equal 125. "Genius" may be the wrong word. But for every 125 dude, there is someone with 75.
Have you _ever_ heard someone saying his IQ is <100? No, everyone claims to have an above average IQ. And 140+ is just ridiculous and I don't believe it.

>> No.8836140

>I'd be smart if others weren't stupid I swear
you're extra stupid for not understanding that smart people overcome their surroundings

>> No.8836465

tfw suck at math but enjoy it a lot
tfw as the upper year courses are getting harder and harder realising that enjoyment and hard work isnt enough anymore

Anyone else know this feel?

I was top in high school because my computational speed is very fast (can think upto 15 chess moves ahead) so I used to think I was a genius when younger but I guess it's time to look into another field

>> No.8836496

>125+ IQs aren't uncommon at all.
You mean they are not impressive. However they definitely are uncommon. Like >>8835970 said, at 120/125 you fall around the 90-95th percentile. Obviously the ubergeniuses from Mensa and other high IQ societies are the rarest you can get, but it doesn't mean that any score below 145 is common.

>> No.8836509

Work harder. Even for geniuses (as you are if you are truly capable of thinking 15 moves ahead in chess), life is no bed of roses.

>> No.8837092

you're right, i'm retarded

>> No.8837128

I got tested twice at 150 and I never was a genius. I'm smart and got my Master degree at 20 but that's about it.

>> No.8837136

Anyone know the feel of being so narcissistic you literally cannot stand when anyone ever is better than you?

Really takes the fun out of everything when you try to pursue something you love and find out you're average or above average at it. Every day finding that there will always be people who do your love better, with more success, with greater prowess than you ever will.

How do I learn to live with gifted plebs around me when seeing that I missed a problem or two that someone else didn't on a menial paper makes me want to fucking kill myself?

>> No.8837161

There was a high school sophomore in my diff eq class. I don't think he had many friends

>> No.8837182

>4-5 out of 100 will have an IQ greater or equal 125
That is definitely very fucking common. Everyone will know several of these people.

>> No.8837189

>I got tested twice at 150 and I never was a genius.
Well, obviously since genius starts at 160

>> No.8837254

Figure out why it matters so much to you that you be good at something. Realize that people who are naturally good at things don't value it highly. Find something you enjoy doing regardless of your skill.

>> No.8837265

>How do I learn to live with gifted plebs around me

Get over your superiority complex, and accept that talent and skill does not determine your worth as a human being.

>> No.8837280

>social skills
fucking what?

>> No.8838379
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if you're actually looking to go into science 140 iq will put you around the average. True genius is only a few times in a generation. Being smarter than 99.9% of people is really unimpressive when you realize how little most people ever contribute to anything.

>> No.8838397

Most people are not genius that can learn immediately after a teacher teacher the problem. If that were the case, most people wouldn't even need homework. There are some cases whereas I had a classmate as a 15 year old that can learn Algebra 2 lessons right after a teacher does the problem. Most people are not like that and not even the higher level maths can do that.

>> No.8838418

>Like the type they portray in movies
You're ingesting a sort of mental poison. Stop.

>> No.8838425

What's the difference between the two? Neither are under your control.

>> No.8838436

two high geniuses are actually the most likely pairing to create a retard

>> No.8838439

If I can't contribute, I'd rather be dead. What do?

>> No.8838446
File: 20 KB, 534x335, Picture-1-720552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read up on people like Grothendieck and realize you actually can contribute if you're truly dedicated. If you're dumb AND lazy then idk, become a NEET or get a shitty job and make some kids.

>> No.8838457
File: 550 KB, 366x194, 1489155370247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally practice. Spend an hour a day in front of a notebook with no distractions write whatever the fuck comes up doesn't matter don't worry about grammar or spelling or even if it makes sense. Even if you can't think of anything just sit the fuck down for an hour and stare and that ducking note book till some shit pop ups. Every day. Soon shit will be popping up all over the place. I can't guarantee it will benefit your life but I can promise you it will benefit your life.

>> No.8838462

>Tfw ex was early childhood education and I could tell something was just off

Now I know

>> No.8838468
File: 112 KB, 900x900, vhagtfnjy6nx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to math camp and one of my friends was very very smart. He got a perfect ACT score, got accepted to multiple ivy leagues on full ride scholarships ... ended up going to a crappy state school

He ended up dropping out after he lost his scholarship due to skipping classes finally catching up to him. He transfered schools and majored in Japanese language

What a fucking waste.

>> No.8838471

cool story dude, thanks for sharing

>> No.8838497

you're gonna need to provide a source on that, bud

>> No.8838515

Ur mudder and ur fatter.

>> No.8838524

Anime literally ruins lives

>> No.8838537

hahahahahhaa is that fucking picture real hahahahahahaa

>> No.8838555

math has way too high an amount of females to have that many virgins

>> No.8838609
File: 202 KB, 630x943, grothendieck wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because grothendieck wasn't a mathematical genius in the traditional sense, doesn't mean he had a relatively normal brain who only achieved anything was because he was extremely dedicated. Dude was an ascended-mage of abstraction.

>> No.8838670

unfortunately for the three of you, i'm smarter than both of them

>> No.8838673

>there's more to life than math
[citation needed]

>> No.8839208

yes, it is a well known fact that newton was the biggest whore in Cambridge and was sucking halley's dick while writing pricipa matimatika. His bitch einstein went on to dig his grave 200 years later and suck his, somehow not yet decomposed, dick

>> No.8839218

>estimated from average GRE scores


>> No.8839364
File: 2.21 MB, 2880x3024, physics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.8839386

>one of the smartest
>still fucking wrong all the time
made me think t b h

>> No.8839394

>if you're actually looking to go into science 140 iq will put you around the average
When will this meme stop?

>> No.8839402

Mathematics is the second most abstract field you can get it, only losing to philosophy. Are you saying that someone that can abstract a lot doesn't have a mathematical mind.

>> No.8839407

I guess it depends on the subject. For physics 140 is not remarkable, for bio it probably is.

>> No.8839427

Did you read what I wrote?

>> No.8839639

did he saied?
>nothing personnel kido

>> No.8839683

>yes I have
Case closed. Good work psychologists of /sci/.

>> No.8839707

>Dude was an ascended-mage of abstraction
You said that he doesn't have a very mathematical mind, but in the same post you said this.

>> No.8839717

It is remarkable even for physics. Statistically, 140 is a very high IQ. As physicists aren't only comprised of the very small chunk of the population with an IQ of 140+, most physicists are rather ordinary people who are interested in physics.
>inb4 people of average IQ end up giving up on undergrad
Not if they have a strong work ethic, which is needed to complete any major.

>> No.8839726

Where did I say he didn't have a very mathematical mind?

>> No.8839751

>most physicists are rather ordinary people who are interested in physics

thanks for the laugh. Even in undergrad this isn't true. Physics majors have the highest average in other tests like the MCAT and LSAT. They literally outperform people who spent their whole college careers studying for those tests. For whatever reason, physics just attracts smart people, more so than any other major.

>> No.8839772

He's going to be a school shooter or uber hermit.

>> No.8839803

My IQ is 148

I am a virologist.

The higher your IQ becomes the more autistic people see you as.

>> No.8839896

They have the highest averages on those tests because they probably have the strongest work ethic. Their average IQ, which is be the most objective measure of intelligence we currently have, is merely an estimative based on their scores on SAT, which can easily be aced by your average joe with a strong work ethic.

>> No.8839947
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>K-12 schooling

>> No.8840281

You gotta look at it from the opposite perspective: As long as there is somebody (preferably one of your peers ) worse than you at a given thing, you can feel good about yourself

>> No.8840291

>SAT can be aced by an average joe who puts in effort

Absolutely not true. I went to a school with a lot of rich kids whose parent made them do lots of SAT prep and most of them still didn't do that well. You can definitely prepare for SATs and it helps but innate intelligence is much more important.

>> No.8840499

You just achieved monster trips. Can he say the same?

>> No.8841221
File: 508 KB, 472x605, 1477360101306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high school

>> No.8842345


What an insecure loser

>> No.8842586

Washed up child prodigy here, can confirm. Just because I completed a biochem course at 12 does not mean I have any of the faculties to be great in a field.

>> No.8843413

They should have easily gotten 1400s or what ever the present equivalent is. Part of the trouble of being an adolescent is that one misvalues things.

>> No.8843819

why am I so pathetic /sci/? My only skill is my intelligence, but I'm only mildly sufficient, and I lack any creativity.
How did you get this smart? Whats your method?

>> No.8843837

>we will never get a third season

Why live

>> No.8843839

why do you want to be smart?

>> No.8843857

I value intelligence above all else. I also wish I was funny, but that's unrelated.

>> No.8843874

Most smart people are just fairly competent and get work done faster.

>> No.8843908

they go hand in hand. I've never met a genuinely funny person that wasn't really smart

>> No.8843917

I needed this thread.
Greatness comes from hard work.

>> No.8843940

I'm in a top 10 uni as well and apparently we have a number of postgrads younger than 16. Closest I met was a guy who had finished the entire math degree curriculum before he started uni, took all the exams for the 4 years in 1 year and went on for a PhD somewhere

>> No.8843944

honest question, was this guy chinese?

>> No.8844561


>implying math guys aren't cucks they use to make their homework while fucking chad from studio arts on the side

>> No.8844964

>800 on math
Every Asians gets that. Sat math isn't hard.

>> No.8845000

sounds like an interesting dude

>> No.8845011

le geniuses see the mathematical concepts as clearly as one looking through the window can see the sky.

>> No.8845051

NICE Story bro. What is moocs ? Have you learn Aerospace on MOOCs or it was something that have introduced you to aerospace engineering ?

I like people which realise their dream against all odd and with the help of tenacity.

>> No.8845068

Please anon, elaborate on the characteristics of a verbal promise without verbal guarantee

>> No.8845128


MOOCs are masive open online courses
eg online courses to study

>> No.8845177

>MOOCs are masive open online courses
>eg online courses to study
And we can learn aerospace engineering for free ?

>> No.8845192

>Just because grothendieck wasn't a mathematical genius in the traditional sense

>> No.8845230

>I went to a school with a lot of rich kids whose parent made them do lots of SAT prep and most of them still didn't do that well.
>parent made them do lots of SAT prep
That's the problem. They lacked an internal understanding of what doing an SAT means. Their parents, who wouldn't be the ones taking the test, valued it more than they did.
You need to make it a goal for yourself, then you're gonna live it and breath it. Those kids were probably with their heads somewhere else in their free time or even when studying.

>> No.8845273

I consider myself a funny guyas I do a lot of jokes and people often laugh at them.
It takes practice. You should try to make puns and create punchlines all the time, mostly inside your head, so when the time comes for you to verbalize it, you'll think quickly and land a funny comment using the element of surprise. It's sorta like math in a way that you need to practice in order to get good at it. Most "naturally funny" guys are like that because their personality is inclined towards making jokes all the time, so practice comes automatically to them.
Also, you need to train yourself to be serious while telling jokes. A lot of comedians do it. Most jokes are comprised of absurd phrases, so telling them with a straight face makes them funnier because you seem to think of the absurdity of the comment as a normal thing.

>> No.8845338


Math is way more abstract than philosophy, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8845507


>> No.8845557

Philosophy is purely verbal, and it's up to who reads it to visualize it's concepts without any visual aid. Mathematics has a lot of visual elements, which takes some of its abstraction. Imagine yourself solving a trigonometry problem without drawing anything. It will take you a lot more time to solve it than by interpreting it visually.

>> No.8845565

See >>8838609
>Just because grothendieck wasn't a mathematical genius in the traditional sense
If you didn't mean he didn't have a very mathematical mind, please define what is a traditional mathematical genius and a grothendieckesque mathematical genius.

>> No.8845594

My score went from 1670 freshman year to 2310 junior year, after going through the Gelfand math books. The math section in particular requires zero intellect, just knowledge.

>> No.8845596

Also, I started actually reading novels in sophomore year, and I learned about that SAT essay "cheat"

Still couldn't get a percect score, but I was satisfied with an 800 in Math

>> No.8845597

I choked on laughter. Thank you guys

>> No.8845709

What's an essay cheat?

>> No.8845740

>His flaw, howeverhttp://i.4cdn.org/sci/1492617567852.png, was in that he had absolutely 0 creativity or capacity to generate anything new. He is literally just a human information retrieval system for existing knowledge and solutions to problems.

that's a distinctive "feature" of most "prodigies"/"golden kids"

this chart is wrong, "physics majors" should be waaaaay closer to right edge. as they mostly wank to Paul Dirac

>> No.8845768

Literally just writing as long an essay as you possibly can. Not even joking. Apparently length was a huge factor in SAT essay grading, to the point where you could get good scores without even wrapping it up.

I'm not sure if it works now, but back in 2011, it did.

>> No.8845770

I am profoundly gifted and creative, but I'm completly incompetent and spend most of my time in deep thought and none of it accomplishing anything
U got it easy, knowing you can change the world and sleeping all day doesn't feel good

>> No.8845774

Fug, I have a calc 3 exam today. I'm screwed.

>> No.8845779

nobody gets my 90% of my jokes now because they sound like an average conversation

>> No.8845787


>> No.8845804


>> No.8845988
File: 270 KB, 498x497, IMG_3542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a childhood story

>in class, forgot grade but before high school
>teacher mentions how einstein was a genius and it took him years of study to develop and understand the theory of relativity
>kid asks what is the theory
>teacher explains it "if you were sitting and enjoying with your friends, time seems to go by faster, while if you're taking a hard test it goes by slower"
>young me think wait wtf I understand that concept intuitively and it took einstein years?
>mfw think im an uber genius

guess its the teacher's fault

>> No.8846199

>I am profoundly gifted and creative,