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8833682 No.8833682 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post legitimate scientific hypotheses, theories, facts and mysteries that give you goosebumps and creep you out

>Fast Radio Bursts might be very old signals of an alien transport system outside our galaxy

>> No.8833689


>> No.8833690

Iron Stars

>> No.8833721


>> No.8833766
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>four-legged trackways appear 18 million years before the first tetrapod fossils

>> No.8833789


>> No.8833803

Nothing like that but this activates my almonds and sprinkles biskets on my butter

>> No.8833832

this is /sci/ material. more than your gay college experiences.

>> No.8833863

Just playing the odds, that is not too surprising -- I have left footprints all over the world every day for 50 years, and might get another 30 or 40 years worth before I die, at which point I will add one (1) skeleton to the possible fossil traces I might leave.

One organism can leave millions of possible trackways, but only one set of remains.

>> No.8833890

>Ecliptic alignment of CMB anisotropy

Explain this please. Should I go to the church?

>> No.8833909
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Not that scary but still interesting what's going on there.


>> No.8833917

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum creeps me the fuck out

>> No.8833921
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>> No.8833931

Stuff in this thread is mostly interesting, but I don't see how any of it can creep anyone out.

>> No.8833933

almost everyone already knows this one but going to post anyway


>> No.8833939

Humans are mostly scared by the unknown.

>> No.8833943
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What do you guys think about the Great Attractor? What that might be?

>> No.8833960

Fear of things that lurk in darkness depends on the those things being able to hypothetically effect you. I suppose the false vacuum is a valid fear, if remote, but I don't see what the iron star guy is on about or most of the others.

>> No.8833963

>What do you guys think about the Great Attractor? What that might be?

Can't post it on a worksafe board.

>> No.8833968


super advanced ayys can be a threat too.

>inb4 /x/

>> No.8834505

Either they've been here forever and ain't doing shit, or aren't going to be here for a long fucking time and it doesn't matter to us right now. It's stupid to worry about.

>> No.8835786

Scientists say by the year 2078 the planet Mar's moon will become hotter and hotter. It could potentially crash into Earth if it winds up fling away from Mars due to the heat. The sad part? Nobody is sure why this will happen and we may not have the time to deflect the heat shield... Even if we can build the heat shield the atoms would be moving so fast due to Martian radiation that we may all day anyway. Either way we're all probably dead by 2078.

>> No.8835796

HIV / AIDS was probably the negligent accident of some fucker in 1957-1959 who was testing a new oral polio vaccine.

>> No.8835834


>> No.8835846

i searched it online nothing even similar to what op says appears.

>> No.8835915

>they havent contacted us because they went extinct long before we came on the scene

>> No.8835917

You cant be sure the thing you dont know about will not affect you... because you dont know about it

>> No.8835918

Why is that being covered up/is not commonly known?

>> No.8835921

They arent here anymore because they left for a new universe. They know something we don't

>> No.8835927

look at you brave little man not afraid of the dark

i bet you've been injecting since you were 8 years old

>> No.8835929

Surprisingly, seemingly a few of the influential people on the Science and Nature review boards for this particular area have financial ties to the guy who did the thing.

And the people who first figured this all out are outsiders with no proper science degrees, who published in popular science outlooks, which made the scientists "circle the wagons".

And because the guy who did the thing, is a litigious fuck who sued the first guy who published this.. Sued for defamation. Settled out of court.

And finally, because of some people with "good" intentions who believe that even if it's true, it's better to lie about it, to prevent concerns about modern day vaccines.

>> No.8835938

Yeah i guess it probably would be better to cover up something like this if it were actually true. Look at the damage president antivaxx is doing. No man-made calamity necessary...

>> No.8835944

ur mom

>> No.8835993
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> stable universe higgs boson ~124-135
> our universe's higgs boson ~125-127

Gonna be a close one

>> No.8836200


Okay now I'm fucking spooked

>> No.8836205

S-speaking of which, does anyone else here have any of those?

>> No.8836211


Fucking hell I didn't expect this thread to actually freak me the fuck out.

>> No.8836230
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My theory about fast radio bursts are that they are black hole lightning. This means that so much charge builds up an a black hole that it causes dielectric breakdown of the very thin interstellar medium.

>> No.8836269
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>> No.8836276

The fact that the universe has a proposed elliptical shape has no relation to the fact that our orbit does ffs. Thats just confirmation bias.

>> No.8836303
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this trace fossil has been found in every period of the Phanerozoic (541 million years) and can still be found today on the ocean floor

the process or animal that would produce them is completely unknown and has never been observed

>> No.8836326

>tfw you get nightmares about this kinda thing happening

>> No.8836339

Just bees you spaz

>> No.8836340
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Getting too spoopy.

>> No.8836355


>> No.8836358


>> No.8836360


>If bird-like dinosaurs are the ancestors of birds they should, then, be older than birds, but Archaeopteryx is 155 million years old, while the very bird-like Deinonychus is 35 million years younger. This idea is sometimes summarized as "you can't be your own grandmother".

>> No.8836364

Another article about the ayy FRBs. Pretty cool, and scary if I imagine planet sized transmitters.


>> No.8836365

Dumb dumb. Evolution isnt a group party, bird like dinosaurs could remain after truer birds came on the scene. Blacks still exist

>> No.8836367

so maybe there was a divergence in population somewhere? paleontologists are fuckin brainlets.

>> No.8836388

Everyone has. We suck each other all the time at the uni. It's makes things more fun also helps to get connections.

>> No.8836391


>> No.8836392

>Its a high shooler watched in a nutshell the other days and links the wikipedia article to try and pretend thats not where they heard it episode

>> No.8836400

how come all the monkies arent evolved into people yet?


>> No.8836420


Sorry to burst your vacuum bubble but I got the link from the previous thread on sci that was about spooky things.

>> No.8836441

Burst my rectal abcess at least

>> No.8836553

not trolling but why are you freaked about the CMB one??

>> No.8836592
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>Its a high shooler watched in a nutshell the other days and links the wikipedia article to try and pretend thats not where they heard it episode


>> No.8836596

Because that could mean that Sun is in the center of the Universe.

>> No.8836613

It's like people forget about speciation

>> No.8836621


>> No.8836640

Is that sure? For some reason it gives me the creeps if I think about that we are created or that we are some kind of experiment.

>> No.8836989

Check the English dictionary of planet science. Should be at most library's in WAHC

>> No.8837005

This is the only thing that kinda bothers me sometimes.

>> No.8837064

that's not what the observation states

>> No.8837179


In all seriousness it's probably a gigantic cluster of galaxies

>> No.8837439

Doesn't everyone know that life is just a series of blowjobs?

>> No.8837452

I must be dead.

>> No.8838030
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Penile fracture

>> No.8838256

Why does that spook you?

>> No.8838293


my mind is a bit blown, but wouldn't this be a result of relativity? I mean, all the little bits and bobs of distortion that we don't normally consider are going to add up, all those ripples and dilations from the movement of the earth and the solar system over billions/trillions of years building up over time from our point of perspective.

I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if every solar system or major body looked like the center of the universe, if you measured from its perspective, because of the way the effects of relative space-time would build up over such a long period of time.

>> No.8838376
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so basically god confirmed?
why isn't this religious peoples #1 argument?

>> No.8838402

electric universe and Kozyrev mirrors, also light being variable and not constant

>> No.8838592


>> No.8838605
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is this what happens when you run into a wall with a boner

>> No.8838708


>> No.8838722

You don't belong here.

>> No.8838731

Anyone creeped out about the anthropic principle?

>> No.8838813
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>Dark Flow

>> No.8838815

Ok, but if the metastable vacuum topples and transforms to the stable vacuum. Why should non-vacuum parts also go into stable vacuum? A planet for example is very far away from the lowest energy. Why should it suddenly turn into the lowest possible energy state?

>> No.8838835


This actually happened to a mate of mine. He called me late one night high as fuck to ask if I knew anything about sewing.

It took a while to determine he was interested in whether I could stitch up his cock before I told him to go to hospital.

Apparently he took around six months to regain full use.

>> No.8838888
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This is seriously upsetting

>> No.8838923

What is the hoopla? Aren't all points in the universe technically in the center?

>> No.8838994

yeah I don't get it either
anywhere you can see 13.799 billion lightyears in all directions, so it seems like you're in the center

>> No.8839094

You dont belong in the west.

>> No.8839104

> earth rotates around the sun in an elliptical
> find the universe has an elliptical shape
>"wow holy shit god is real we are kangz"
Or, you know it could have been any shape, it doesn't have to NOT be ours. Im sure in the whole universe there's a giant mountain formation that looks exactly like a human head. The universe isnt designed around how we'll interpret it.

>> No.8839221
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I also find disturbing that viewing from Earth the Moon has the exact same size as the Sun.

>> No.8839231

>Dark Flow

Oh sheit.

>> No.8839233

because religious people usually argue science is fake and god explains everything on the grounds that since they don't understand scientific explanations and they do understand religious explanations that god is the logical answer.

>> No.8839239

>Im sure in the whole universe there's a giant mountain formation that looks exactly like a human head.

>> No.8839248

I'm not without fear, this just isn't pushing my buttons.

Maybe I'm just too worried about mundane and immediate shit.

>> No.8839365

It doesn't. Notice how the edge of the sun is still visible.

>> No.8839463

A fucking honeycomb.

>> No.8839774

Moon is moving further away every year. We just happen to be around when we can get nice eclipses like this.

>> No.8839811

determinism + big crunch = you live the same life over and over

>> No.8839922
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>thinking this is bad

>> No.8840417

>honey bees

hello brainlet

>> No.8840516

ah shit
The Federal Reserve has been coining money for half a billion years?

>> No.8840533
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>le edgy r/atheism argument
did you actually bother to check what the catholic church say regarding science or read history at all?

>> No.8840537


>> No.8840556

>le anybody who disapproves of my anti-intellectualism is <insert strawman here>

>> No.8840576

you made a completely idiotic argument saying that religious people are stupid and I simply said that the catholic church unlike what you have read on reddit actually supports science since the medieval times

>> No.8840580

>bitches about reddit
>posts literal reddit frog
Are you by any chance Canadian

>> No.8840602

That wasn't even me but religious people outright reject science in favor of a book written by some guy thousands of years ago with absolutely no evidence supporting any of its claims. "Supporting science" is only when they can somehow tie it into their own propaganda

So yes, religious people are stupid

>> No.8840622

not an argument

>> No.8840673
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>mfw a brainlet claims that a scientist cannot be religious

>> No.8840748

>a book written by some guy thousands of years ago
>some guy

Many different people were responsible for writing the books of the old testament, the Gospels, the epistles etc. What is this willful ignorance with which you pretend to speak about something with authority while simultaneously demonstrating that you know nothing about it?

Unless the "some guy" you are referring to is God and you are attesting to the divine inspiration of scripture.

>> No.8840913


Can someone kindly explain this as if explaining it to a child.

>> No.8841260

Oh jeez we missed their evolution by a millennia or two,big woop.

>> No.8841264

Nothing but a flawed reasoning.
Seriously its nothing.

>> No.8842235


> mysterianism—is a philosophical position proposing that the hard problem of consciousness cannot be resolved by humans.

>> No.8842292

>engineering department

>> No.8842339

>at the Permian-Triassic (251 million years ago), all evidence of forests disappears


>> No.8842450

Do you though?
Could the primordial particles/whatever state of matter exists at the beginning of the universe just arrange itself in a different manner, resulting in a timeline that differs from previous ones?

>> No.8842462


Now this is upsetting

>> No.8842477

What do they base this on?
They could not solve it, thus it is unsolvable?

>> No.8842515

explain urself anon.

>> No.8842522


>A controversial claim by Laura Mersini-Houghton is that it could be the imprint of another universe beyond our own

>> No.8842524

it also makes absolutely no sense given the evidence available

>> No.8842526

I rarely come to /sci/ but I must say that the average intelligence here is lower almost any other boards.

>> No.8842529

i know some graduate students in the physics department at UNC, pretty much everyone there thinks she's a crank

>> No.8842532
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I haven't read the article, I'm legitimately asking.
Fuck you too, friend.

>> No.8842542

that picture is an exaggeration, there aren't actually bones in the penis

there are, however, spongy sacks that get filled up with blood, and if the penis is bent too forcefully while erect it can rupture those sacks

>> No.8842545

Then go back home and circlejerk over Moby Dick

>> No.8842774
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>dark matter isnt real
>billions wasted on trying to detect that stuff

>> No.8842802




>> No.8842820

The fact that light takes 8 minutes to reach us from our nearest sun is enough to freak me the fuck out

>> No.8842824


>> No.8842827


>mfw light takes more than 3 hours to reach pluto

>> No.8842832


>The stars you see in the sky are not actually there

Absolutely terrifying

>> No.8842855

If that were so why shouldn't it repeat?

>> No.8842864

All we ever see of stars are their old photographs

>> No.8842866

Because they are in different arrangements.

>> No.8842873

>finite combinations
>presumably infinite repetitions

Why shouldn't a possible configuration repeat though?

>> No.8842878

Because there are a lot more combinations where they don't repeat than there are where they do.

>> No.8842882

If the combinations were finite then yeah, I guess some repetition would be possible.
Not sure why they would be finite though.
I'm not a mathfag btw, so this is just guesswork

>> No.8842952

I want to know what gravity IS, not how it works

>> No.8842965

just a damn time traveler nigger wearing some Nikes

>> No.8842972

>finite combinations
stop theorycrafting the universe you faggot popsci imbecile

>> No.8842976

he said scientific theories, anon

>> No.8843020

>make no claims
>brainlet redditor spergs out

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