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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8827475 No.8827475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I know you may not believe the things I'm going to say, but I assure you they are all true. As of lately I've basically stopped playing video games. Not willingly. This was a process that took years of slowly declining interest. I guess I'm just growing up. I figure I might as well give away these games to someone else to enjoy them. The catch is you have to solve this problem. It is admittedly challenging, but I solved it in 10th grade after learning Calculus 2 and I've seen 2 other proofs by professors since.

1) Provide your answer and a proof of your answer
2) If the thread dies before it is solved, no one gets the account

After you solve the problem and post your solution here you can contact me at
>skype: detectivejelly
>discord: MC_Urist#8661

A bear starts on the [math] y [/math] axis at [math] b [/math]. A man starts at the origin. At [math] t=0 [/math] the man runs right along the [math] x [/math] axis at a constant speed [math] S_m [/math]. The bear chases the man by always running directly towards the mans current location at constant speed [math] S_b [/math]. We are given [math] S_b > S_m [/math]. The bear will always catch the man eventually.

In terms of [math] S_b, S_m [/math] and [math] b [/math] what is the length of the bears path from its starting position to where it catches the man?

(Apologies for deleting the thread and reposting. I have moderate OCD).

>> No.8827498

There's a few more games in my inventory

>> No.8827544

Dude I have to go to bed but that's an interesting pb.

>> No.8827558

u sure this is even possible with only the position of the man given?
i mean cant u give more data like one of the speeds or smth?

>> No.8827577

Your formatting of it is annoying as fuck. i was forced to rewrite it just to read it.

Those [math] are beyond retarded.

>> No.8827585

if it's your account why you dont provide us with a screenshoot?


>> No.8827590

If I prove I'm the owner of this account I may instantly get banned. You're right, as it stands I could of just screenshot some random persons steam.
You don't have to believe me.

Rewrite it for others better if you want

>> No.8827593

why would you get banned
palm desert is a jap guys stop being a fuckin cuck that wants his homework to be done for free

realy guys? you are falling for this? it's like saying i am bradd pitt but i cant show you pics you gotta believe me

>> No.8827608 [DELETED] 

Breeches ToS
That link isn't to Palm Desert

>> No.8827619

Breeches ToS
This is lvl 6 MC Urist, not whoever palm desert is

>> No.8827649

This problem is stupid. Its a nonlinear ODE with well posed initial conditions. Pretty sure the solution is of constant derivative as well.

Just find where the bear's near trajectory crosses x.

Don't give anyone your games OP. This shit is too simple.

>> No.8827702

I have solved the question. Prove that you are the real mc urist, by starting team fortress 2 so that, the last played game section of steam displays tf2. This will indeed prove that you are not a scam.

>> No.8827707

I'm sorry, but I don't want to risk getting this account banned for breeching ToS. Supposedly as you're the one receiving it you'll understand.
Just post the final answer and your skype or something and then follow up with a proof if it turns out to be correct.

>> No.8827726

Banned from what? Steam? Steam doesn't have any such policy in its ToS.

4chan too doesn't have any such policies.

U r not providing a convincing logic for your shady behaviour and I'm starting to think that you indeed are scamming us for your homework

>> No.8827730

There was a quote somewhere that was from the ToS that said steam forbids transferring the account from person to person

>> No.8827749

Hacked your account via mitm attack. You have nothing to give now!

>> No.8827763

You earned it

I don't think I'll ever use it again.
I just figure it's better than deleting my games or letting it rot.
The problem is just so it isn't too easy to get it and you have to put in a little effort.

>> No.8827766

Not that guy, but there's nothing in ToS saying you're not allowed to play TF2.

Do you think Valve cyberpolice is monitoring /sci/ or something? If you're that paranoid, why are you making this thread in the first place? You're not going to be using your games anymore, so what do you have to lose?

>> No.8827790

Was trolling you anon...so as to force you online. And yeah, you are still online. This increases a bit of trust in you.

>inb4 You played dumb willingly

>> No.8827802

>I have moderate OCD
No you don't. You're just a faggot.

>> No.8828037

>try to give away steam account and give a problem to make it interesting out of good will
>get shit on endlessly

>> No.8828046

GIFs like these are criminal, do you know why?

They cruelly give the perceptive taste of being in that enviroment, witnessing such 'natural' beauty and then you are forced unto the harsh reality that this is nought by the rendering of someones imagination and that such an event or place will never be visitable by you in the material.

This is why it is criminal, because it raises and dashes your hopes for aesthetic perfection within the same time frame is takes you to appreciate it.

>> No.8828066 [DELETED] 

I can't argue against such a refreshing opinion, but do painters paint in order to try and capture external beauty or because the paintings alone are beautiful?

>> No.8828083


For instance, the abstract artist may paint an abstract canvas that has no tangible meaning, but may have symbolic meaning.

Whereas a realist, may paint a canvas to capture the raw imagery of scene without the need for 'meaning'.

So I would say that is is entirely subjective and dependant upon the intent of the artist, as it cannot be argued that it is tied to ideology, philosophy or even artistic movement as a surrealist is as able to capture natural beauty , as a Pre-Raphaelite is.

>> No.8828090

8828066, why did you delete your question?

>> No.8828101

>try to ruse /sci/ into doing your baby-tier homework
>refuse endlessly to give any proof you aren't full of shit
>wonder why you get shit on

>> No.8828107

I'll restate it

My question was whether an artist paints a painting in an attempt to capture external beauty or because the painting in itself is beautiful.

I figured you had read the question which was enough for me. Sometimes its nice to appreciate opinions without thinking too deeply into them.

>> No.8828108

How would steam ever know? You're full of shit.

>> No.8828110

If it was so easy someone would of solved it. Even if there was only a 33% change I was telling the truth, it would still be worth the effort.

>> No.8828113

Someone may of already reported this thread to them.
It is not unreasonable to assume they have ways of detecting the transfer of an account between persons.

>> No.8828114

Oh, fair enough.

Anyway, here was my answer:

>> No.8828117

But you haven't fucking transfered anything retard
they can't ban you for playing team fortress at the same time somebody online said you would play team fortress

in the time you've wasted on this thread you could have learned how to do this and practiced five of them

>> No.8828120

I solved this problem when I was in 10th grade. This is not a homework problem.
I have given it to multiple, multiple people before. Only 2 professors have managed to solve it.

>> No.8828125

You are speaking to a board composed almost entirely of physics and math majors.
Do you honestly think you're going to trick them into thinking your differential equations homework is some sort of arcane challenge problem?

>> No.8828127

Then for the love of god someone plug this thing into a differential equation calculator, write up a proof, and rid me of this steam account
Because if someone doesn't I'm just going to delete the games on it anyway

>> No.8828132
File: 74 KB, 585x780, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like whoever is the owner of this account logged into TF2.
Looks like I can bank on this to further push my ~scam~

>> No.8828137

I'm not a lawyer. I don't know how much information steam needs before it can close down an account. But everyone is giving me a hard time when they don't know this either!

I don't care if it gets shut down at this point because obviously no one wants it. I just thought it'd be better off in someone else's hands.

>> No.8828201

I decided to give it a try, but I'm not expecting to get anywhere anytime soon—highest math I took was calc 1 before deciding to become a professional diver. I'm not amazing at writing proofs so even if I get it I won't post, but thanks for giving me something to refresh on. The speed that I forget how to utilize different tools in calculus without practice is a bit alarming; it's only been a few years and I'm struggling with this!

>> No.8828325

bumping because I'm trying to solve it

>> No.8829030


that isn't even a hard question

>> No.8829031


I don't use skype because it's literally malware and I don't use discord because it has nonfree javascript

>> No.8829129

proof?= all math books

>> No.8829134

nvm i didnt read everything

>> No.8829521

Could you post the solution if nobody provides one? :3

>> No.8829716

If you solve it you can choose the method of communication

Fantastic, better for everyone who isn't me
I don't care if you google it, get help or whatever

>> No.8829720

If no one solves it and everyone loses interest, I will post the solution and a full proof

>> No.8831211

Bump. Still working on it...

>> No.8831235

Done this before, I'm not interested im these games. Anyone willing to pay for the answer?

>> No.8831244

close to the solution

>> No.8831284

With those hours, you haven't even played games. And your list is lame. The problem is easy

>> No.8831363

The answer is [math]\frac{b}{1-\frac{S_m^2}{S_b^2}}[/math]. Since you "have already solved this before" you surely know how to arrive at this result.
Now that I've done your homework, send the account information to youareretarded@cock.li

>> No.8831451

C=(b+( ∞ Σ i=0 (m+xSm:b-root(Sb^2-m+xSm:b-y)))*[pi]*((1+3λ^2):(10+root(4-3λ^2))):4



If it looks weird thats not my fault :3

So i tried my best its prob wrong but i dont care

>> No.8831453

oh and my e-mail is lukafin2001@gmail.com

>> No.8831497 [DELETED] 

When did you solve this problem?

This solution is written in the back of a Martin Gardner textbook. I'm sorry, but you'll have to provide the proof.
However this is correct.

What is a?

>> No.8831509

Well 1200+ hours isn't exactly little
I once had a second account and have spent a lot of time playing games independently of steam, like ToME and Dwarf Fortress

This is correct, however the answer, but not the solution, is written in the back of a Marten Gardner book. I'm sorry, but you'll have to provide a proof.

>> No.8831521

You are summing with respect to i, but I don't see any i's in the sum

>> No.8831542

You're the one who supposedly wants to get rid of his steam account. I'm not going to bother writing the proof in a legible fashion before you send me the login details.
In broad terms, the answer can be obtained by parametrizing the path by the y coordinate and obtaining the time from the arc length of the curve (as an integral). The resulting differential equation can be solved exactly with the correct ansatz.

>> No.8831616

This account is at least a few hundred dollars. As per the rules in the original post take the effort to write a proof if you want the account.

>> No.8831633
File: 33 KB, 400x360, 11-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just provided a proof on another website. Sorry, but the /thread/ is closed. They won it per the rules.

>> No.8831645 [DELETED] 

In the meantime I'll write up my own proof

>> No.8831646

post the proof

>> No.8831658 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, thumbnail_20160909_233016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they sent me

My own proof incoming after this

>> No.8831662
File: 113 KB, 720x1280, thumbnail_20160909_233016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more pictures incoming of what they sent me

>> No.8831666
File: 117 KB, 720x1280, thumbnail_20160909_233025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8831669
File: 118 KB, 720x1280, thumbnail_20160909_233033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]