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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8826977 No.8826977 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8826980


>> No.8826981


>> No.8826983

Can I get more feedback regarding your positions?

>> No.8826984

Reading math without spatial reasoning is like reading music without being able to hear it in your head

>> No.8826990

Cédric Villani claimed to have a bad spatial intelligence.

>> No.8826993

Yeah this kind of sucks.

My SAT math score was a 610 and my CR was a 760. I like proof based math but it seems like I have shit spatial reasoning because I failed Geometry in HS and I do very poorly on geometry questions.

Should I give up on trying to get a math phd?

>> No.8826999

Cédric Villani claimed posses bad spatial intelligence

>> No.8827000


>> No.8827004

claimed to possess*

>> No.8827007

>Cédric Villani
partial differential equations, Riemannian geometry and mathematical physics

That makes no sense though. Those fields require a lot of spatial intelligence, you would think he would be famous in like logic,algebra, or combinatorics.

>> No.8827031

Thats what he said, also jews are godlike at those fields and they have around 95 average spatial/visual iq

>> No.8827044
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Weird my ancestors are Jewish. I guess it makes sense now.

>> No.8827067



verbal analytical intelligence is easily acquired, spatial intelligence is not.

Hence why women and blacks can't into science, but Asians can.

>> No.8827077

But they dont contribue as much even due to higher population

>> No.8827098

Explain jews then?

>> No.8827114


Jews have a high enough general IQ that the spatial disadvantage doesn't matter.

>> No.8827120

That makes no sense.

>> No.8827128 [DELETED] 

i'm very curious as to how you would define that category without first defining a function

>> No.8827138

>spatial IQ of 95
Wow, is this serious? Perhaps I cab relate to them now just a little bit. I have pretty average spatial reasoning (I mean the actual average, not the /sci/ average).

>> No.8827162

blacks actually have superior verbal intelligence than whites

>> No.8827192

>ayyo hole up nigga
>A pile of money

Hmmm I wonder which one has superior verbal intelligence.

>> No.8827239
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>superior than

>> No.8827243

Only very few of them. Not every black guy is a good rapper. But black rappers are infinitely better than white rappers.

>> No.8827350


Yes it does

>> No.8827353
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fuck off back >>>/pol/

>> No.8827399

OP here. I don't mean it like that, I know that your intelligence can be changed to a certain extent but I was wondering how well someone with low spatial intelligence would fare in Mathematics. I don't want this to become a /pol/ iq shit fest.

>> No.8827405
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you need to go back buddy >>>/pol/

>> No.8827434

What exactly qualifies as low spatial intelligence tho? My spatial score is 10 points lower than my verbal and fluid reasoning scores, but it's still 120. Though I should probably be more worried about my average working memory...

>> No.8827435

citation needed

>> No.8827443

120 is still above average.
A low spatial intelligence should be below 100.
You still have an IQ just under 130. I wouldn't worry about anything related to that.
>inb4 I have an IQ of 145 and if you are under that you are a brainlet
I'm talking about the real world, not about the inflated IQs of a few autists on /sci/.

>> No.8827533

Don't give up. Most math has a geometric representation, so as you read a problem or do a proof, you want to think of the representation.

How much math have you taken so far?

Think for example about a function like 1/x.

What does it look like? Is it continuous? What is the domain? The range?

If you study enough problems, you could answer something like this easily. What happens if you change it to f (x) = 1/x +1
Or f (x) = 1/(x+1)

This is a basic example but it ties analysis,algebra, and geometry together.

You might not see these things at first but eventually you will. It's called math maturity. Your spatial intelligence basically just tells you how hard you have to work to get to that point.

Standardized tests showed me I had a high spatial reasoning so a lot of this came naturally to me. Even so, I've struggled to follow some things the first time I saw them.

Tldr: Hard work is a substitute for intelligence.

>> No.8827537

Mathematics requires a high ability to reason through logical structures. This has nothing to do with spatial intelligence (although maybe spatial intelligence could help you in some ways)

>> No.8827572

I agree that you have to reason through logical structures, but if you don't know what a delta epsilon proof means on the number line, or don't know what the graph of the cos looks like, you're going to have a hard time using and understanding them. You can do it based purely on the language and syntax but is much harder imo.

>> No.8827644

I have taken up to linear algebra and discrete mathematics, I was really good in those courses but I'm taking vector calc that's more focused towards Green's and Stokes theorem and it's kicking my ass because my prof has a hard on for throwing physics problems that force me to visualize rotations and shit.

I can't wait to take Algebra next semester = /.

>> No.8827658

Don't feel bad about that then. Without taking analysis, most of those theorems won't make any sense. I wish analysis was taught before the Calc sequence. It would make everything so much clearer

>> No.8827687

Maybe. Very little of math is inherently "spatial". The other guy gave an example of limits but outside of low-dimensional vector spaces over R/C it's not very easy to draw an accurate picture of most limits, whereas the concept remains identical.

However, if your spatial reasoning is bad you need to have good symbolic/verbal reasoning to make up for it, because the geometric teaching aids that help most people will not work for you.

>> No.8827862


Ashkenazi Jews are known for having above average verbal intelligence but slightly below normal visual/spatial intelligence.

Just do a bunch of psychedelics. If you want to do infinite legos in your mind, take some mescaline.

t. Grinning Ashkenazi Jew man

>> No.8827911
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Tell me more oh wise rabbi.

>> No.8827919

>>Hence why women and blacks can't into science, but Asians can.
this numale fails to see that being good at science is a cancer

>> No.8827933

White men have highest spatial IQ. Eat a dick everyone else

>> No.8827937


>> No.8827959

Cool. Jews still rule the world with their superior verbal IQ.

>> No.8827966


That's it. If you REALLY want to work on spatial and visual improvement, do psychedelics.

I have a far easier time visualizing stuff in my head after 200+ trips.

>> No.8827971


It depends. My spatial intelligence is technically good but I have some kind of math impairment in non-spatial areas. Even advanced organic chemistry was a piece of cake to learn but it took me 3 tries to get through Calc 1. Geometry and Trig (aside from proofs) was easy, as were some parts of calculus.

>> No.8827976

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

>> No.8827982

Too many retards ITT.

You only need great spatial intelligence for shit like X Geometry and Topology.

But with somewhat average to low average spatial intelligence you could still do math but not as the same level as the geometrists.

There's plenty of math fields that are not required to have spatial intelligence desu, so do some research about it and don't believe on the board that bullies the 90k starting /g/ CSfag AND believes in the "mathematical beauty" meme.

>> No.8828765

I guess I will just stay the fuck away from those fields. So, in order to fill my geometry gaps should I read geometry books that take a more analytic approach rather than a "spatial" approach?

Anymore spatially impaired people who can't flip shit in there heads or people of zion can help me?

>> No.8828928
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