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8825407 No.8825407 [Reply] [Original]

Alright gents let's have a look at what REU's we're going to, I'll start off:

>Boise State

pic unrelated

>> No.8825485

Which one?

>> No.8825504

Hint is in the unrelated pic

>> No.8825518

Fuck you famalam. Waiting on news after my interview about it.

>> No.8825542

Interview? Dam son where did you apply to

>> No.8825557

The Boise State Mathematics REU. They did a video interview with me a week or so ago. Part of the second part of the process apparently

>> No.8825565

1+1 its not an observation about the reality, its a logical thing, so inductivity dont have anything to do with it

>> No.8825578

Fuck. Good luck famalam

>> No.8825583

Thanks senpai. Congrats on getting in. Which project did you apply for? I tried for the Cryptography one.

>> No.8825588

I got into the CS REU, but I listed crypto as one of the top choices

>> No.8825601


Complexity across disciplines?

>> No.8825604

Apparently the Math and CS REU's have separate crpyto projects.

That's the one I applied to.

>> No.8825619


Why BSU? What was it about their REU that made you want to apply?

>> No.8825626

Their cryptography project seemed pretty neat. I'm finishing up a abstract algebra class now, and their project uses a lot of groups. Figured it was a natural extension

>> No.8825659
File: 38 KB, 1280x1245, 555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a REU at Cornell for astrophysics :D

>> No.8825687

>Shitty 3.0 stats major cs minor
>Somehow land machine learning biostats reu with professor wanting to get tenure at my own university
>When my research is over I'm just gonna work at the university IT department and do code projects to put on my CV

Fuck I can't wait for summer,

If you're going JMU hit me up

>> No.8825711

>Define "1", "+", "=", and "?"
What the mathematician should've said desu senpai

>> No.8826362

>I've gotta start applying this fall
>only 19, rushed through college and high school
>have no clue what I'm doing.

Help pls

>> No.8826576

Start fucking applying early. Get two letters of rec from your professors in January at the latest. Carefully pick which REU's you want. Do the research on their projects. Write good statements of purpose/personal statements/cover letters. Write a CV and a Resume. Some will want one or the other. Work your ass off to be one of the top students. The funding cuts are affecting the number of REU's massively, so it will only get harder from now on. Some of the ones I applied to had a 3% admission rate this year.

Make yourself a shining example of academia and you're golden.

Or just be a girl/minority. They heavily favor those applications.

>> No.8827947


>> No.8827952


affirmative action?

>> No.8827960

Got into a REU at University of Arizona.

I already accepted the University of Arizona REU, but I'm also interviewing for a summer internship at another top 10 university. The summer internship at the top ten pays substantially more (almost double) than the REU at University of Arizona. If I get the internship, should I withdraw from the REU? The paper I signed says I can't, but I don't know if that's legally binding.

>> No.8827963
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I'm a CS major btw. I want to get into Artificial Intelligence

>> No.8828391

You'll probably be blacklisted from their programs in the future if you do, unless you provide a credible excuse.

>> No.8828829

Damn, guess I shouldn't then.

>> No.8828886
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, Just euthanize me fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rejected from all 8 REUs I applied to
I knew I shouldn't have gone into biology

>> No.8828931

addition of integers is defined by induction on the penis axioms, its a pun son, a joke.

>> No.8828934


Clearly didn't apply to enough!

>> No.8830096

I applied to 11. Got rejected from nine, and still waiting to hear from the last two.

>> No.8830261

Jesus, I feel really bad for you guys. Same thing happened to me for college. I applied to 10 and only got into my final pick.

>> No.8830302

Sad thing is, getting into grad school will be easier. Some of the ones I applied to got over 300 applications for 8 spots.

>> No.8830318

I'm just daunted since I hear a lot of grad programs have super competitive applicants, like thesis research, an REU, 2+ years of independent studies, publications, etc.

I imagine it's easier than REUs but after all these rejections I'm a lot less confident than I was a semester ago.

>> No.8830440

I mean, as long as you work your ass off you'll be fine. I don't know what field you are in, some require more publishing and some less in undergrad. If you don't have an REU, I think helping out with a professor's research would definitely be a leg up on a most people. Nice letter of rec too.

>> No.8830470

I feel ya last year I got rejected from like 12. I got into one this year, Chapel Hill for biophysics. I'm very excited, biophysics is my major field of interest but my school doesn't have much by way of it.

>> No.8830999

That's what I'm doing. I'm graduating in 2 years, so I kind of missed the boat for any summer stuff.

I should have taken it slower, honestly, because now I only have 1 year of research and I'm young, which I don't know if they will take that as a plus or a detriment.

>> No.8831006


Chapel Hill is the shit (especially in the summer). Enjoy.

>> No.8831312

Yay! Got any advice? I'm from California so I know nothing.

>> No.8831356

Whoa there, did you actually construct the true model of arithmetic? Can you tell me if Goldbach's conjecture is true in it?

>> No.8832657

Harvard here