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8823621 No.8823621 [Reply] [Original]

>You can't know nuthing

When did you realize how profound this statement truly is?

It's so profound it doesn't even really make sense to state the statement.

Nor does it make sense to say it doesn't make sense to sate the statement.

does anyone know what's going on?

>> No.8823640

You dont know what you are talking about.

>> No.8823641

is 0 nothing? do you know it?

>> No.8823648

>You don't know what you are talking about.

I don't know if that's true, nor do i know if it's true that i do not know, nor do i know if it's true that i do not know that i do not know.

>> No.8823652

Is nothing something?

>> No.8823654

Go read fucking Decartes if you think you had an original epiphany lol loser

>> No.8823656

>you cant know nothing

The only time this is accurate or applicable is when you are dead

>> No.8823660

Come on anon. I'm sure you know SOME stuff. Don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.8823664

what do you know?

can you give us an example of something you know?

>> No.8823666

I know that I think and therefore that I am.

>> No.8823667

Thats the whole point. It vaguely describes someone having known truths, but those truths remain unknown.

Do you understand the stupidity in op's post?

>> No.8823668

How do you know you think?

>> No.8823711
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>> No.8823722

Well, there's something going on, even if that somethig is a simulation or what have you, that's still something.

>> No.8823802

Do you mean
>You can't know nothing
>You can't even know you don't know nothing/anything

In any case, it is an interesting statement.
We can now things though, certainly. It's just that we can't know what we don't know until we no longer "don't know" it.

Known unknowns and unknown unknowns and all that shit.

It's very interesting to think about, but also practically useless to think about. Due to the nature of knowledge, you can't guess an unknown unknown until you've already known.

You'd be acquainted with nothing then senpai kek

>> No.8824192

>You can't know nuthing
Nigger tire us of double negation. You just stated that you can know anything.
Repeat after me
>You cannot know anything.
>You cannot know anything.
>You cannot know anything.
>You can know nothing
>You can know nothing
>You can know nothing

>> No.8824361

What if baby was born with no senses. Would it know anything?????

>> No.8825090

it would know it existed

>> No.8825101


You can't say that you know something unless you already had some innate understanding of it. If you didn't, then you wouldn't know what you were looking for in the first place, and you'd never be able to tell if you've found it. Prove me wrong brainlets.

>> No.8825105

WRONG! I know (P or !P) is true

>> No.8825113

I'm literally banging your mom right now op

>> No.8825115
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>He doesn't know about fuzzy logic

>> No.8825136
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I know that OP is a faggot.
Its a universal constant that OP is a faggot.

>> No.8825391

how can our eyes be real if mirrors aren't real?