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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8819659 No.8819659 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8819666

Bet you any money the announcement will be a seminar on the possibility of water on other celestial bodies. The only thing about Europa they could possibly say that would excite me is that it has active hydrothemal events.

>> No.8819668

They seem to have one of these every other week. MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: We found what looks like pubic hair near the exhaust port of the rover. Proof positive of alien life unless Carl is a pervert and didn't clean up before we sent it.

>> No.8819675

much cynical

>> No.8819677


I'm being optimistic actually. If history repeats, it will be that they're confirmed there's a 60% chance of Europa having an ocean.

>> No.8819678


>> No.8819683

You can only get your hopes up so many times before you become cynical.

A pre-announcement announcement by "news" media is tantamount to "we have nothing to share that really matters on a level where popsci cares".

>> No.8819686

NASA has never had anything to share that really matters, faggot
the work of JPL is literally everything of value that they have

>> No.8819689

I don't blame NASA or whoever for blowing this stuff up. It shitty clickbait journalism trying to make every discovery or invention into something it isn't

>> No.8819699


>> No.8819700

idc i want to know about it either way

>> No.8819718

>hey guys we found little microbes haha

>> No.8819722

Oh look, another major announcement about it's search for ET. How many is this, like 5? And that's including that one where they mostly had to retract their claims.

>> No.8819725

it's probably not anywhere near as exciting as you think it is

>> No.8819734

Agreed... endlessly announcing AMAZING thing to be announced... ends up being something mildly interesting

>> No.8819743

>hey guys we found a planet that is the right distance from its star that might allow it to have liquid water lmao

>> No.8819745
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>repeating exactly what was said in the post you are quoting

>> No.8819765

when they eventually announce aliens no one will care

>> No.8819771

are you implying that wouldn't be fucking groundbreaking?

>> No.8819773
File: 899 KB, 680x697, 3a3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huffington post
been there done that

>> No.8819800

>repeating exactly what was said in the post you are quoting

>> No.8819814

It would be funny if it really was aliens this time.

>> No.8819822

is there a stream for this?

>> No.8819853

Guys, insider here, NASA found evidence of biological molecules from a geyser erupting from surface

>> No.8819860


I would also like to mention this means there is a chance of more complex life below the surface.

Of course all that a geyser can pass is miniscule.

>> No.8819866

Theyre just fucking germs they just sit around and dont do shit except kill you sometimes ffs.

>> No.8819873

but it would prove that life, or at least single-cellular life isn't very rare

>> No.8819876

Guys, NASA employee here. We found aliens! Live, breathing aliens. They are crab like and fast.

>> No.8819880

just another bug hunt

>> No.8819899

Also, based on composition and tissue density we suspect they are pretty tasty.

>> No.8819902

It proves life is common, that life is not special and anti-science fags would be btfo

>> No.8819907

Shut up, you're fake news! Aliens found us, and courts won't let me stop them invading! Sad!

>> No.8819913

why would anti-science fags think life only exists on earth?

>> No.8819932
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>> No.8819937
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Can I serve their legs at my movie theater?

>> No.8819938

because god made humans in his own image and this is the only world living things exist to live, to be judged and to serve god. any other being is demon spawn and is an abomination.

>> No.8819939

>You can only get your hopes up so many times before you become cynical.
>some faggot actually expected ayylmaos from NASA
kill yourself

>> No.8819943

Oh look another click bait shit people take seriously.
FYI i found new life in my fridge the other day,it my be a new kind of microbe.

>> No.8819945


There's a reason this survived so long. When alien life is eventually found they will find a way to interpret it and find 'passages that vaguely confirm life outside earth.

>> No.8820049

Just throw it under "the lord works in mysterious ways" and call it a day

>> No.8820054

>and this is the only world living things exist to live
please show me where in the bible this is stated

>> No.8820094

yea im getting sick of this shit

>> No.8820099

>"We are positively THRILLED to announce to you that we can add another entry to our long, long list of vague maybes and possible potentialities. I know, I know, this blew our minds too!"

>> No.8820106

>buying crab legs at a movie theatre

It's like you are trying to get yourself sick

>> No.8820130

Doesn't matter how many cells it has, it's an alien therefore /sci/ BTFO.
>"hurr ayyliums are not reel!"
>"durr we're alone in this fuckhuge universe!"
If there are bugs on Europa then god knows what could exist on the earthlike exoplanets.

>> No.8820149

bigger bugs?

>> No.8820177

So the omnipotent and omnipresent God can't created life in other places? I mean God made animals too isn't?

>> No.8820208
File: 1006 KB, 600x904, aaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>major announcement about search for life
>nasa is defunding search for life
>search for life is now pay per view


>> No.8820215


CIA front

please die.
You are not real news. Heck even news isnt real news its fake. But atleast its only funded by your jewish overlords.
>inb4 doubting everything ive said here without evidence.

>> No.8820217

it's you who requires evidence

>> No.8820226

Wow, fermat's little theorem must provide such little interest to you.

I have evidence. I just dont need to share it.

I could prove it to you. But i cant be bothered to lift you out of ignorance. Have fun proving it to yourself.

>> No.8820233

sorry, read my post as Fermats LAST theorem.

Damn google autocorrect.

Also. add extra sarcasm.

I added sarcasm, but the page was not large enough to contain it (swish).

>> No.8820238

wait, is this sarcasm?

>> No.8820253

Like 90% of the shit religious people believe it isn't in the book.

The point is that dumb faggots THINK it is. Muhammad explicitly told his followers not to make depictions of him because he didn't want people getting anal about his appearence. His followers responded by getting anal about him not appearing instead. A dumb faggot doesn't have to be right to do something dangerous, he just has to be a dumb faggot.

Fundies don't care if Jesus references aliens, they'll deny he ever said it and shut you out if you try to explain it.

>> No.8820257

plus jesus was an alien himself right

>> No.8820458


>> No.8820506


The cancerous fedora is strong in this one.

>> No.8820669

>be me
>be reporter that can't wright
>be interviewing person who can't talk
>have audience that can't read
>be the """science""" correspondent

>> No.8820743

>be NASA
>constant threat of budget cuts
>announce an announcement about the search for life on other planets
>get people hyped
>countdown to announcement
>hype level increases
>countdown reaches 0:00
>intern still setting up microphones
>announcement happens 15 minutes late
>"ugh, hello, we are excited to announce that we detected an earth-like planet infinity trillion miles away. no aliens. no aliens whatsoever. we will now show you this shitty slideshow about something you don't care about, and then we'll answer some questions about this that our interns which we planted in the audience will ask us"
>wonder why people in government and the general public want to cut our budget
>repeat process every 3 months

>> No.8821408

Im a actually an auditor for NASA so am in their building quite a lot. The big excitement this week that i presume will be the basis of the announcement is that through the relativity of light and time dilation they were able to look at earth through to the future and what they saw was beautiful. Everyone was mixed race and no drumpflets to be seen x pls fund

>> No.8821422

>confirmation that a molecule of the two most common and reactive elements in the universe is also common

>> No.8821836

aliens are angels

>> No.8821873
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mfw we get to be the apocalyptic invaders for another species

>> No.8822589

>NASA says they have an announcement
>NASA: It's not aliens
Every time

>> No.8822620

>Finding cells elsewhere in our own solar system means life isn't rare

What a retarded leap of logic to make.

Get raped, NASA

>> No.8822661

Is this going to be a weekly thing on /sci/ now?

>> No.8822675

I know it's not the case, but I wish they saw a dead Europa fish in one of the water plumes or something because that would increase the chances of me eating an alien organism before I die.

>> No.8822689

>WHERE ARE YOU HIDING ALIENS????? >AYLMAO NASA = Never A Straight Answer!!!

>> No.8822836
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>implying christians cannot adapt their beliefs to the evidence of alien life
>implying that christianity is the only ideological front that denies science

>> No.8823680

Why the fuck are there so many Redditors on this site?

>> No.8823804

they shut down a subreddit for the alt right and they all screamed bloody murder and left in a huff

>> No.8823813

Those were both written well before we'd even be capable of proving whether or not extraterrestrial life exists, though.

God and Aliens have the same amount of evidence for their existence at the moment. It's hypocritical of you as a /sci/entist to belittle one while supporting the other.

HOWEVER proving extraterrestrial life's presence or nonpresence is ultimately doable via the scientific method, while God requires discarding it. So I guess aliens have a higher possibility of being irrefutably proven.

>> No.8823842

Isn't that confirmed already? I bet it's going to be something like
>guize we detected minute amounts of x bla bla likely hydrothermal vents bla bla bla huge implications for the most important scientific dis-.. bla bla bla... more bullshit

>> No.8823853

Good, that means if they get too rowdy we can just attack the weak points for massive damage.

>> No.8823855

Why would such news be bullshit?

>> No.8823858

aliens are angels and demons. demons and angels are aliens. science and religion are both true in their own way - two sides of the same coin. God created the big bang. Mankind evolved into what it is now. God "creating" Adam was God imbuing consciousness in the first human. Fallen angels/aliens had infighting between them and splintered off into various groups, creating different religions and interacting with humans. They gave humanity fire, and educated mankind with regards to technology. We're still being guided and advised.

>> No.8823860

It's sensationalist pop-sci garbage. I literally could care less that another moon has geological activity.

>> No.8823875


>> No.8823878

>be anon
>can't spell
>is brainlet

>> No.8823880

Thing is, even if microbial extraterrestrial life is confirmed, the biggest push back will be from ethic fags. Religiousfags simply don't have a say in the matter, but if some pseudointellectual jerk starts spamming through journalists
>muh contamination
>muh perfect ecosystem
>muh DISRUPTIVE human curiosity
NASA won't be able to send even a probe to gather samples

>> No.8823890

Those are actually legit concerns that affect humanity and our own place in the world. I'm fine with non-invasive exploration, but we have to draw the line somewhere otherwise we'll treat those alien ecosystems just as we do those on Earth (destructively), and this is plain wrong and unacceptable.

>> No.8824044

Except their not microbes and you faggots can keep dreaming.

>> No.8824089

why does nasa keep doing this bullshit? There is water all over the place, it stopped being interesting after water was found on Europa.

>> No.8824100

When are we going to see some Europan shrimps, lads?

>> No.8824105


I agree with sterilizing probes.

However, people need to understand that every year, several hundred kilograms of rock that was blasted off of the surface of the Earth, after life already arose here, lands on Europa and embeds itself into the ice, where it is later subducted into the warm-ice layer and eventually ends up in the sub-surface ocean. We know that microbes can survive being blasted into space and can survive landing from space embedded in rocks, we know that microbes can remain dormant for millions of years before reanimating once conditions are right, and we know that this process of material from Earth dumping onto Europa has been going on for -billions- of years.

Even if life never arose on Europa independently of Earth, there's a good chance that Earth life landed there and took hold, evolving to fit Europa's sub-glacial environment and continued to change over time for billions of years independently of Earth's biosphere. Any more modern life that was transported there after the original 'seeding' took place would probably just be eaten by the pre-existing life which at that point would have been far better adapted to surviving there and would simply out-compete the newcomers.

That actually holds true even if Europan life arose independently of Earth life; if E. Coli for example were dumped into Europa's oceans while they were sterile, it may find a way to eke out an existence and gradually evolve to better survive and diversify etc. However, if E. Coli showed up today and found itself in a giant ocean of highly adapted, successful organisms, it probably wouldn't be able to find a niche and would just die off due to the over-competition.

Either way the only way to know is to find out by taking a look with some kind of probe. And for fuck's sake NASA, put some instruments on the probe that look for life itself, not just evidence of it. Optical microscopes are good for that.

>> No.8824110


>SpaceX develops the ITS
>decades later the system has propellant plants up and running on Mars, the Moon, and Callisto.
>the Jupiter system becomes a space-economic hotspot, surface colonization of Callisto and subsurface colonization of Ganymede and Europa are taking off
>space immigrant Jamal Brown, a young entrepreneur from Florida sets up a shrimp farm in a brine pocket embedded in Europa's surface ice sheet
>all is going well until seismic activity cracks the ice sheet around Jamal's shrimp farm and some of the crustaceans escape into Europa's interior ocean
>most starve but a few make it to the bottom and find geothermal vents colonized by Europan bacteria
>after a few decades of harsh natural selection the shrimp adapt well to their new environment and now fit into the Europan biosphere as the very apex of the food chain

and all was well in the solar system

>captcha; select all of the images of shrimp


>> No.8824117


>> No.8824146

>Hey guys we found organic compounds life may be out there stay tuned

>> No.8824147

Would such a thing even be possible? Panspermia by objects falling inward due to gravity is one thing, but could it travel outwards as well?

>> No.8824155

give any number of reasons why it's "plain wrong and unacceptable" you vacuous mook

>> No.8824171

Sssh. Don't shake the conditioning

>> No.8824187

Evolution doesn't work that way. It's more of random mutations that EVENTUALLY after a bajillion generations MIGHT result in something useful.

>> No.8824219

>objects falling inward due to gravity is one thing, but could it travel outwards as well

Orbits don't work like you think they work. All objects fall inwards for half of their orbit, but falling inwards speeds them up so that they end up slinging away again on an elliptical path. Spacecraft get around in space by accelerating along their orbital ellipse at specific times in order to change the shape of the ellipse so that they can coast to their destinations. The parameters of an orbit are determined by the gravitational field the object is orbiting in and the kinetic vector energy of the object being considered. A giant impact is an event that accelerates a large number of small objects on random trajectories.

Impact ejecta on an escape trajectory from any body can either be escaping prograde with respect to the Sun, retrograde, or on some more radial/polar trajectory. An object can be kicked either faster or slower with respect to the Sun. The result for an object moving faster is an elliptical orbit that goes higher than the starting object's orbit, and for an object moving slower is the opposite happens.

What determines how far the material can go is actually not the Sun's gravity, but the Earth's (in this case). Earth has pretty strong gravity, which means the impact energy must be very high in order to get any material at all going fast enough to end up on an escape trajectory. This also means that most Earth impact ejecta doesn't get onto a high enough or low enough solar orbit to encounter any of the other planets in the solar system. However, some of that 'nearby' ejecta will gravitationally interact with the Earth and the moon later on, and end up being gravitationally kicked around, which can then lead to further encounters with other planets and the eventual migration of material all throughout the solar system. On other worlds like Mars, with low escape velocity, much much more material can be blasted to beyond escape velocity.

>> No.8824232

>It's more of random mutations that EVENTUALLY after a bajillion generations MIGHT result in something useful.

Did I imply it worked any differently? I said Earth life dropped into Europa's oceans would eventually adapt to better survive, as long as it survived at all in the first place. Of course there's no 'choosing to evolve' or anything like that. Evolution by natural selection pressures results in organisms better adapted to their environment, through the filtering out of disadvantageous mutations and thereby the 'selection' of beneficial features.

As for the time scales, it does not by any means take 'a bajillion generations' for an organism to evolve useful features, especially for bacteria. Nylon is a synthetic chemical invented by humans in the last century, and bacteria have already evolved an enzyme that can break it down for use as food, similarly to sugars. Even macroscopic life can evolve quickly under the right circumstances; Italian wall lizards accidentally introduced to a small island near Croatia evolved an entirely new gut structure, a larger head, and stronger jaws, as a result of being forced into a herbivorous diet, in just 30 years. To think that a population of Earth life introduced to Europa (again, as long as it could survive in the first place and continue to reproduce) would not rapidly adapt to better survive in its new environment and diversify to take advantage of different aspects of said environment is not supported by what we see on Earth.

>> No.8824338
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>Would such a thing even be possible? Panspermia by objects falling inward due to gravity is one thing, but could it travel outwards as well?

Considering that:

1. Over 100 meteorites that were ejected from Mars' surface have already been discovered on Earth's surface so far

2. Impact events that have occurred here on Earth (such as the impact that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event over 60,000,000 years ago) are known to have been so intense so as to release ejecta from Earth's surface and out into space

...then, yeah. I think it actually is possible for life on Earth to have been distributed throughout this star system over these past 4,000,000,000 years or so that terrestrial life has been around. And after billions of years, terrestrial extremophile bacteria could have evolved and adapted to survive in some of the most extreme environments of this star system.


Considering that:

1. This star system is only one out of over 100,000,000,000 star systems in this galaxy

2. This galaxy is only one out of over 2,000,000,000,000 galaxies in the observable universe

3. Life on Earth has been around for over 4,000,000,000 years

...if it turns out that life on Europa developed independently from life on Earth, then that could mean that life may have developed independently and survived and even thrived on other celestial bodies (whether they be: planets, dwarf planets, minor planets, moons, comets, asteroids, kuiperoids, etc.) within this star system alone.

>> No.8824475

is this thing in 5 mins? i don't understand how i am this easily confused by DST and timezones

>> No.8824489

please let it be something interesting

>> No.8824491

about to start


>> No.8824492

link: https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#public

>> No.8824497

i love how socially awkward everyone is

>> No.8824501

Just announce it already. During the TRAPPIST press conference a couple months ago, they made the announcement right away.

>> No.8824506

I have only met one astro-related scientist that was not awkward and a stereotypical nerd. Really cool guys when they get comfortable though

>> No.8824513


>> No.8824518

>found conditions for life millions of miles away
>don't have enough bandwidth for a live stream


>> No.8824519

>Hydrogen plumes
>In the vacuum of space

God dammit, NASA

>> No.8824522

NASA does it again
fucking nothing

>> No.8824524
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>> No.8824529

scuffed livestream

>> No.8824531

That's borderline experimental

>> No.8824555

did they just say 300pizzas/hour ?

>> No.8824556

i think its 167 kcal a second

>> No.8824558

Neat, but I think the caller was confused..

>> No.8824560

Wait, what did they even find in Europa? I could swear we already knew everything they talked about.

>> No.8824562

hydrogen venting

>> No.8824564

Wasn't that only in Enceladus?

>> No.8824565

* and it was enceladus not europa

>> No.8824568

yeah, sorry
idk why they are discussing europa i also missed that

>> No.8824576

someone call in posing as elon musk

>> No.8824581


>> No.8824589

I bet they're desensitizing us to these conferences so that when the one we're all waiting for actually happens: everyone will be like 'meh.'


>> No.8824593

This is exactly what they will announce. Then conclude that methanogensmight exist there.

>> No.8824594

Is there a live stream? wtf

If not, this is just another publicity stunt to get more funding.

>> No.8824597

>we have two new findings except the other one was actually the second time we found it lmao

>> No.8824613
File: 105 KB, 857x1285, Oppw-kizaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to anal your mother rn. Yw.

>> No.8824623

I don't get it

You make a spacecraft go all that way and let it sniff some Hydrogen but you don't also let it sniff for Methane so you're left with half an answer and some wishful thinking

>> No.8824625


>> No.8824652

But they did find some traces of methane in the plumes, didn't they?

In any case, the spacecraft is like 20 years old, and Enceladus wasn't even one of the mission's main objectives. It's understandable that it wouldn't be equipped with all the necessary instruments to thoroughly investigate everything about the moon. And it already did an excellent job with the resources it had.

>> No.8824684


I never cared; just want my 2D waifu in 3D

>> No.8824880

>It's hypocritical of you as a /sci/entist to belittle one while supporting the other.

If you think about one of our anthropocentric religions and not just a vague "god", I'd say one of the two is way more likely and not totally nonsensical.

>> No.8824925

Molecular hydrogen from Enceladus. It's evidence in favor of active geological processes like hydrothermal vents.

>> No.8824936

For fuck sake send a damn probe already.

No no I have much better idea, build a fucking space station of the moon so you can send probes all the time because the lack of an atmosphere makes getting into space require not much effort.

>> No.8825007
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>implying this isn't a mission to get closer to the portal

>> No.8825085

It's not like alien civilizations haven't sent probes to gather samples on earth...

>> No.8825095

I meant what I said. I literally could care less, because it's still slightly interesting.

>> No.8825096

Almost cried laughing idk why fuck you

>> No.8825114

Extremophiles don't survive the insane energies of a meteor impact nigga. Also, keep in mind that extremophiles are adapted to their environment. Those organisms growing on hydrothermal vents die if you put them in regular water.

>> No.8825146
File: 53 KB, 480x480, b27b97abaa4825465c3d053fd6819948_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are your manners /sci/? Dubs for truth.

>> No.8826369

NASA here:

Next mission we promise there will be aliens, no bullshit this time, just keep funding us okay?

>> No.8826382

Do they have valuabe respurces we can take from them and can we use them as slave laborers?
If not, there is no reason to care.

>> No.8826472

So basically there is evidence of hydrothermal vents which has the scientists excited because they support micro ecosystems on the floor of Earth's oceans.

>> No.8826480

>It would be funny if it really was aliens this time.
Like it was really funny every other time it wasn't aliens

>> No.8826493


If life can appear in two different places in one solar system that means it can appear everywhere there is liquid water.

That would mean galaxy is literally swarming with life.

>> No.8826519

inb4 "we've discovered a star 74739472 million light years away whose habitable zone may have contained liquid water within the last billion years"

>> No.8826521

woke af post dude

>> No.8826539


>Extremophiles don't survive the insane energies of a meteor impact nigga.

There was already life on Earth before Theia collided into the Earth about 4,500,000,000 years ago to create the Moon, and yet life managed to survive even after that.

Also: according to panspermia, life is distributed throughout the galaxy by comets, asteroids, meteoroids, kuiperoids, planetoids, etc. So no matter how intense an impact event is, it would seem that the simplest forms of life are always going to be the hardiest and the most likely to survive.

>> No.8826944

Walk away and go to /b/ inferior formation.

>> No.8827063

It would be big news if they would send in a submarine and fil large animals swimming around. Powerful imagery that would astounding the entire world. Possibly bacteria doing bacteria things is boring as fuck for the general public. And myself.

>> No.8827089


You're right that finding large, fish-like creatures would be amazing but finding bacteria would still be very exciting. It would be proof that life can exist outside of Earth and that the universe is likely teeming with life.

>> No.8827195

no, just a realist
what value do those aliens have if you can't take their stuff

>> No.8827196

Why is /sci/ filled with idiots?

>> No.8827204


Other NASA announcements before this are exactly as he described, they're hype. They can easily release this information to the public without fanfare, but they don't. Every time it's something insignificant. It'll be a great The Butthole Who Cried Wolf escapade here.

>> No.8827213

>anti-science fags would be btfo

In what way? The universe is full of penomenons an shit, nobody is btfo by any of them, why would one more make a difference to those guys?

>> No.8827214

Bible says nothing about what might have been create don other worlds, You lose.

>> No.8827217

Lots and lots of non-human living things exist. Last time I looked, Christians were not butt-flustered by the fact that pandas exist, as one example among many.

>> No.8827219

>Christians believe there cannot be aliens.
>Source: my ass.

>> No.8827228

If they found life elsewhere in the solar system that was NOT related to life on Earth, that would indicate very strongly, but not quite prove, that life is common.

If they found life that had somehow spread around the solar system, that would be cool but would not relate at all to how common life is in the Universe.

>> No.8827237

because people don't know the limits of their own intelligence and consider themselves to be informed sufficiently to render opinions.

>> No.8827254


I thought the TRAPPIST announcement was worthy of the hype and special conference

>> No.8827369

Every time you think the NASA meme is finally over they come out with shit like this. What do they even do anymore?

>> No.8827373
File: 43 KB, 564x845, bb435733159f4040f1c68c79f9dc7e8e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for NASA to make one announcement that lives up to the hype like...

>> No.8827385

Carl must be a mutant, to have hair that survives the trip and heat of atmospheric entry.

>> No.8827480


>> No.8827800

Those assholes find "evidence of life" every fucking month....
Getting kind of old now.

>> No.8828628

>not to be 2D yourself

>> No.8829293

Isn't the bible definitive proof of the existence of alien life?

>> No.8829320

The aliens might taste good, there's that.

>> No.8829434
File: 35 KB, 350x500, backinmyday-bet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bet you any money
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.8829514

their flesh is part of "their stuff"

>> No.8830767

Quran 21:30
Quran 24:45
Quran 42:29

The Bible with science I have no idea but it has been fabricated (e.g 1 John 5:7 which is not found in any scripts before KJV/1600)

The Quran on the other hand has scientific facts and for example says the signs before the judgement day
Few examples
1 A man will leave his home and his thigh or hip will tell him what is happening back at his home.
2 Great distances will be traversed in short spans of time
3 The consumption of intoxicants will be widespread.
4 Men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men.
5 When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common.

That was some of the 77 Minor signs I found.

Please do not speak with no knowledge about matter.

>> No.8830825

>The Bible ... has been fabricated (e.g 1 John 5:7 which is not found in any scripts before KJV/1600)

>7 And there are three who give testimony (in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.
>8 And there are three that give testimony on earth:) the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one.

It's more like a footnote that echos what was said in 5:7-8 in common terms: spirit=Holy Spirit/Ghost, water=Father (think Gen 1:2), and blood=Jesus aka logos aka the Word.

>4 Men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men.

This always happens at the end of civilizations:

>5 When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common.

This always happens when civilizations collapse. Just look at Chinese history.

>> No.8831439

Islam has the Djinn or "Genies."
Which are basically non-humans salients created by God and aren't purely evil or good.

>> No.8831455
File: 352 KB, 603x459, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot one from a Hadith
“The Hour will not be established-till the people of the desert (the camel shepherds) compete with one another in constructing high buildings.”

Obviously tall buildings have always symbolized pride and vainglory- but this is almost uncanny.

>> No.8831473
File: 19 KB, 228x221, IMG_0328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we going to eat some European shrimps lads?

>> No.8831479

Yeah, don't forget Quran 16:87

[math] F=ma [/math]

>> No.8831493

>NASA has a major announcement
>pop science morons get hyped up as fuck
>We discovered a patch of ice on Mars / Europa
>we have no samples of that ice
>in 10 to 20 years we'll send a drone to collect some and check it for life!
>There won't be any life
>NASA will forget to even send the drone in 20 years
>"journalists" will keep making money by claiming to find ice on mars every 2 years

>> No.8831494

We regularly find ice on mars, though.

>> No.8831501

reread my post.

second line: We discovered a patch of ice on Mars / Europa

We find ice every 2 years, and people get hyped. but we get the same results every 2 years. ITS JUST FUCKING ICE.

>> No.8831522

You're just fucking ice.