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8819509 No.8819509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i want to date a guy thats really smart and has a phd in mathematics but im worried im too dumb for him. im a sophomore in college and im majoring in psychology. do differences in intelligence cause problems in a relationship?

we're just 'dating' right now but i like him and yeah

>> No.8819512

Psychology isn't even a real major, you better be a good housewife.

>> No.8819514


Sorry but your relationship is destined to fail, he'll grow tired of being with a brainlet and look for a different dick to suck

>> No.8819515

im going to med school (hopefully)

>> No.8819526

i sincerely hope you die in a fire.

>> No.8819563

Sophomore in college...
PhD in mathematics...
what's the age difference here?
It may well fall apart for an entirely different reason

>> No.8819568

Op are you sleeping with your professor?

>> No.8819569

>do differences in intelligence cause problems in a relationship?

That depends. If he's looking for someone equally smart or smarter than himself, you're obviously a bad fit (from your own admission).

Most people don't really work like that, though, and place more importance on other aspects of their relationships.

The best thing you can do for your relationship is voice your worries to him. I'm not quite sure why somebody who's studying psychology would need this advice, though...

>> No.8819576

19 and 26
no. all of them are ugly but ive had one be really flirty with me last year.
so how do i go up to him and say "hey, i think you being smarter than me is a problem?"

>> No.8819579

Well, Med school isn't something that you should bang on. Considering how difficult it is to get in. How do you even have time for him considering you need like 4.0 gpa, extracurriculars and MCAT studying. Judging by your tone, it isn't sounding very realistic. Doctors literally have no time to date, 10/10 times their relationships fail, it's not until later on when they settle down like when they're 30+ then they have some spare time on the side for dating.

>> No.8819581


>> No.8819583

Are you a girl(female)?

>> No.8819584

I really think you are getting worried over very little. The only reason this would cause problems is if you were too dumb to be interesting. As long as you have hobbies and interests it will be fine.

>> No.8819587

my retarded cousin got in with a 3.3 so i know it's possible


>> No.8819605

>so how do i go up to him and say "hey, i think you being smarter than me is a problem?

Don't do this, my gf is very neurotic and communicates this to me all the god damn time and it's getting irritating. I enjoy spending time with her, and that's all that really matters to me.

She's younger than me too, though our age gap is only 21 and 24.

>> No.8819620

If you're a girl then it's not a problem because smart guys know that women are dumb, and will look into different talents than intelligence in a woman. If on the contrary you're a guy, then you're a fucking homo and should have more urgent concerns

>> No.8819623

That's not the average GPA. At least for the med schools worth your time. Still, not supposed to bang on the fact that miraculously you're gonna get into med school with a lower than average GPA. Because for all we know your cousin could've got lucky. Med schools worth your time like HMS, JHU are a crap shoot even with perfect GPAs.
t. Applied to both of the above but got into a high ranking med school still

>> No.8819650

>so how do i go up to him and say "hey, i think you being smarter than me is a problem?"

Just say that you think he's smarter than you are, and ask him if that's a problem for him.

If yes, you saved the both of you a great deal of time.

If no, you can put your worry to rest.

Obviously, as >>8819605 says, you shouldn't go on and on and on and on about this, just as you shouldn't go on ad nauseam about anything because it gets really annoying in the long run.

Most if not all successful relationships are about good two-way communication between the involved parts.

>> No.8819655

she better know:
how to ride that dick
who to suck that dick
how to grind on that dick
how to cook for the digestive tube that enables that dick to be alive
how to clean around the house for that dick
how to wash that dick
how to eat that dick
how to eat that cum
how to cook with that cum
how to become a dumb cumrag, bitchflap

>> No.8819663

how is this /sci/ related fucking whore

>> No.8819682

Do you really have to do this.

>> No.8819694

>don't talk to your SO, my gf is just a piece of meat to me and that's all I want
kill yourself

>19 psych student with 26 math phd
jesus fuck, this is a recipe for disaster. be forefront, honest and direct about your feelings and definitely communicate with him about things you feel strongly.

don't tiptoe around the issue

>> No.8819696

see this is how I know your relationship will fail
say "sorry I'm littering your board" and try to justify why this matters instead of giving this passive aggressive cunt shit. you said you're stupid but damn

kill yourself

>> No.8819701

If you aren't noticeably dumb compared to the average girl you don't really have a problem

I personally won't care about it. A man would much more care for your hobbies/interests, faithfulness and other personality traits.

>> No.8819712

>be forefront, honest and direct about your feelings and definitely communicate with him about things you feel strongly.

terrible advice

>> No.8819727

I honestly don't care anon. I just want to go to my state med school a few towns over.
How is that a disaster? We're doing well so far.

>> No.8819728


>> No.8820597

>being a doctor to date someone that you think is too smart for you.
You'll either crash on your way to med school or during med school. Med school is a treacherous course, you'll need superhuman willpower to get through shit like STEP where you'll study so hard just to get a mediocre score because it's the bar exam but for medical students, and it's not a pass or fail, you have to do well to get a good residency spot. On top of that, the 12 hour residency shifts as a surgical intern, constantly getting bullied into submission by attendings and senior interns higher up in the food chain. If your purpose ain't clear, a lot of things during and after medical school will break you. Have seen people succumb to alcoholism in med school, great irony if I were to say so, because well, their going to be doctors. Go do something else if you're not clear, cause going to a shitty med school in the first place fucks up your chances to get matches to a residency position of your choice, cause residency position wise you gotta choose a good one or else you'll really have a fate worse than hell. People there will know that in that programme you have to be there and not want to be there, and the cases of you being bullied will quite literally x2. Not surprised if either you drop out or I have to autopsy a surgical intern found in the back of the hospital with cyanide in her blood. Hope you understand what you're getting yourself into.

>> No.8820605

you better have a very feminine benis

>> No.8820610

>do differences in intelligence cause problems in a relationship?
not necessarily, but it can. the age difference will probably cause more problems.

>> No.8820611

It's implicit that I'm assuming you want a wholesome relationship as friends and partners

If you're a pathetic loser who wants a living sexbot then obviously that's terrible advice

>> No.8820612

>phd in mathematics
stay away from him. he will never have a real job that pays the bills. Statistically speaking 90% of the people in his major end up lucky to teach high-school pre-calculus.

>> No.8820623

As long as your pussy game is tight and don't try to fuck with his schedule when he's trying to get work done, you will be alright.

>> No.8820630
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If you do math without being homomorphic yourself, you haven't done enough algebra. Therefore, if OP was a guy dating a guy, this math man would not be a filthy casual.

>> No.8820637

>do differences in intelligence cause problems in a relationship?

As long as the person is smart enough to function as an adult human being then no.

I am a math major dating a total brainlet. She is studying cooking (now called "gastronomy" which I suppose is some made up sciency name for cooking) and is so fucking dumb it is surprising.

Because she is doing a fake major (again, cooking lol) she has to take the usual fake "college math classes" and I help her out and holy shit. She can't even manipulate fractions properly. If you give her the same problem twice, but reworded slightly, she will give you the same answer for both and have it wrong in both cases.

And despite all that we function well. She is a dummy, but she is my little dummy.

>> No.8820640

are you the same dumb cunt who has problems with orgasming? if so fuck off

>> No.8820645

Don't worry, men don't rank intelligence high when looking for a mate. here are the 3 thing that you should really care about, in order of importance.
1)Physical appearance
2)Insufferability (lower is better)

>> No.8820648

how do you not get bored

>> No.8820651

Gastronomy nowadays is super sophisticated. Good food is hard to make. Now, if she was passionate about it then you would know this, so shes probably shit at that too

>> No.8820664

r u a grill

>> No.8820715

pls be in







>> No.8820772

Just cross dress or something OP

>> No.8820788

From my experience right now, I'm dating a total brainlet (casually I'm also going for PhD in maths), and it was good for the first month, but I'm absolutely bored of her. Now, I'm not being an elitist, I wouldnt care if she was a brainlet if she was passionate about something, or interesting, with hobbies, etc. I'm about to break up with my gf because the only fucking thing she talks about is cats, eating and sleeping.

I don't know about you, but as long as you're not a fucking wall, I doubt he'll break up with you.

>> No.8820814

Well, she has a vagina.

>> No.8820815

>I just want to go to my worthless med school. I have no goals and no ambitions.

Jesus Chris you sound like a woman. "Studying" psychology as well.

Don't worry this "le med school XD" phase will soon pass after you nearly fail all biology and chemistry classes. What is this, your 3rd excuse so far for studying "psychology"? Next you'll switch to saying you'll get a job as an forensic profiler after you've taken your first criminal psychology class. Don't worry you'll soon find out that there are literally no jobs in criminal psychology and that phase will pass as well. Next once you've exhausted all other options and you realize you literally cannot get a job in psychology you will say you can get a job working with children or some bullshit. Assuming you're not extremely ugly you'll marry some poor cuck man 15 years older than you working some shit job that pays well. At first you'll work as an elementary teacher and then once you realize you can cuck your husband you will only work part time as an kindergarten "teacher". Eventually that, too, will pass and you will be "selling" your "jewelery" on Etsy while your wageslave husband works 10 hrs a day.

Soon you will be in your early 30s 60 lbs overweight sitting at home all day as a "full time mom" in some shitty suburban American town.

This is your future.

>> No.8820839

>A man would much more care for your hobbies/interests


>> No.8820846

>and yeah
You're right. You are dumb

>> No.8820847

Men who think they're smart generally (GENERALLY) don't get with women who they think are smarter than them.
I don't know why, maybe it's just me, maybe it's like a subconscious violation of masculinity etc., I don't want to delve into social science here because I'll get burned at the stake.
I've never been able to have a relationship with a "smart" man outside of casual sex. Every boyfriend I've ever maintained was blue collar as fuck, but it honestly doesn't matter, we had good conversation, good parties, and really good sex.
Unless you're looking to pop your babies out and settle down and all that pussy shit, don't get your panties in a bunch because it's not that big of a deal, and that weird insecurity shit is not attractive.

>> No.8820851
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>and yeah

>> No.8820860

i am that wageslave husband. never marry boys. never marry.

hopefully if she keeps getting fatter she'll just die from diabetes or something.

>> No.8820872

Stay strong brother.

>> No.8820873

>i want to date a guy thats really smart and has a phd in mathematics
>has a phd in mathematics


>> No.8820883

This is like totally real, I swear

>> No.8820893

Avoid talking maths unless you really know what you're talking about or you asked him to teach you or something like that. As long as you're someone interesting being "too dumb for him" shouldn't be that much of a problem.

>> No.8820895

>I enjoy spending time with her, and that's all that really matters to me
Translates to
>my gf is just a piece of meat to me and that's all I want
Yeaaaah how bout you go kill yourself instead

>> No.8820919

He's probably not gay anyway

>> No.8820920

Why even ask this question. I'm going to tell you what you already know: it depends on the person.

There's been many great scientist who had perfectly average wives. I'm sure many people feel the need to have an "intellectual partner," but strangely enough I've noticed that the more brilliant a person is at science and mathematics the more simple and less nerdy they seem.

>> No.8820921
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Forgot my picture

I've never met a nerdy person who was anything really special at mathematics or science

>> No.8820925

This isn't science or mathematics related. Go to /adv.

>> No.8820933

Pull the stick out of your ass

/sci/ has tons of shit posting anyway. Coming here to get an answer was probably more reliable to them than going to /adv/

>> No.8821215

I know an elementary Ed major who's dating a math PhD student. It's possible

>> No.8821227


I genuinely feel sorry for you OP, you get all this actual advice and you have the shittiest mentality towards it. You are going to have a HUGE wakeup call and probably have a mental breakdown unless you change your one-track mindset. You came here wanting to hear a specific answer and you've disregarded everything that isn't exactly what you want to hear.

If you are looking for a circlejerking hivemind answer that will reaffirm what you were expecting (read: wanting) us to say, take your shit to reddit and fuck off.

>> No.8821253
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If your boyfriend is still with you he probably doesn't mind that you're a brainlet, dont make this into a thing when he hasn't given you any reason too.

Also, brainlets can be doctors but you have to work really hard, that doesn't mean majoring in psychology. If you really want to do anything with your life major in something like chemistry or biology or biomedical engineering.

>> No.8821261

In this thread op ignores the laws of averages and banks on being an outlier by siting other non traditional cases. Never mind they said they just want to bang a phd, as if fucking a guy with a degree is any different than fucking a guy at a bar.

>> No.8821279

You have to always remember he's smarter than you. If you don't understand what he does and end up not respecting that out of ignorance, the problem is with you, not him. It can get really fucking annoying when a partner doesn't share a sense of ambitious drive that you have in regards to STEM. An ignorant partner can end up belittling what a STEM major does and push their kids away from knowing how civilizations are built and maintained because they don't understand how significant being smart is. If you ever at any time feel to label him a "geek" or a "nerd" because he's spending time reading about a millennial prize problem, just remember: you're just a hole. I mean that in the literal, figurative, and colloquial sense.

A lot of STEM majors love learning and then using that knowledge. If you have a problem with that, it's not going to work out. Personally, I'd be weary of a dumb girl as the mother of my children. If she's not uber hot and somewhat submissive as described above, I'd feel cheated and any imbalance in intelligence or ambition would fester resentment.

>> No.8821296


I can confirm this

t. homology expert

>> No.8821322

so, the brainlet major?

>> No.8821327

>so how do i go up to him and say "hey, i think you being smarter than me is a problem?"
that's a statement not a fucking question you dumb broad

>> No.8821349

>smart guy
>dumb girl
sounds like a pretty good deal

>> No.8821374

I am sorry to have to say this but, you really should leave him alone.
Your IQ is only a minor part of the Problem you have.

You are asking for relationship advice on the "homework and brainlets" subsection of a mostly national socialist anime website.

He is miles out of your league.

My standards may be so low to date such a mentally deranged person but his sure a s hell arent.

>> No.8821383

If it's really your lifelong dream to be a md, you can go the Caribbean route. You're never gonna get a residency outside of family medicine, but hey, you'll be a doctor.

>> No.8822101

Honestly OP the intelligence difference is as much a problem as you choose to make of it, stem types are typically bad at communication and can come off as arrogant or a know it all without meaning to, as long as you acknowledge this and don't fault him for it, as long as you don't feel bad that he thinks your stupid, you should be fine on that front, he will likely not know that something is wrong between you unless you expressly state so and why you think so.
I wouldn't worry too much about him getting bored of you, if y'all are already dating he either already enjoys spending time with you, or he is only in it for sex and thus the intelligence thing is irrelevant

However there is a large maturity difference between a 19 college sophomore and a 26 PhD soon to be of not already professor that will likely render the relationship untenable

How did y'all meet exactly?

>> No.8822122

You're posting to a board that has a hardon for STEM subjects - you're not going to get a fair opinion. Fact is, it's possible to graduate from STEM with mediocre intellect. It takes more hard work, but doable. I know plenty of idiots who have done well in mathematics through hard work.

Just because he's done mathematics and you've done psych says very little about compatibility.

>> No.8822123


>> No.8822126

Only when people make them problems.

I had a girlfriend who was struggling in maths, something I feel pretty confident about. She wanted no help from me about it.
She got all self-conscious any time I started explaining stuff.

Never really understood that people have problems with the beginner stuff til dating her.

>> No.8822146

If you are studying psychology you will end up working in fast food forever so just marry him a be a good cocksock.

>> No.8822154
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a-are y-y-you a-an a-archaeolog-g-gist?
b-beacuse I h-have a l-large b-bone for y-you to examine