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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8818823 No.8818823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If the university you are attending has lower rank than NTU (ranked 13) and NUS (ranked 12) (basically, gook's "Ivy league" schools, you should consider killing yourself.

>> No.8818825

Pick one.

>> No.8818832

QS ranking is a joke.

>> No.8818838

You're a brainlet if you trust these without actually doing real research on the university. It could be bribed by a university to give them a higher ranking.

>> No.8818843

Based on what criteria though?

>> No.8818849

research, facility, equipment and education.
Low rank shitter detected.

>> No.8818860

if ur university does not have a 5 star + rating, you should consider killing yourself

>> No.8818862

>caring about university ranking instead of curricula and materials provided
>not knowing how to teach yourself with books freely available

>> No.8818863
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>tfw my university isn't even in the top 700

>> No.8818874

>tfw reject from top ten uni
>tfw still got into lower top ten uni

But in all honesty. University ranking really plays little impact at undergraduate level.

>> No.8818877

Diminishing difference.
If you look at the top 30 universities (excluding the frauds that are NTU and NUS), they are pretty much the same in most fields. Ranking them is meaningless.

>> No.8818883


>> No.8818911

Seriously, NTU student here. I don't even fucking believe this shit ranking.
The schools paid a shit lot to get such a high ranking. Other actually prestigious schools like Yale or Berkely do not give a shit because people already know their calibre.

>> No.8818927

helo am top therty

>> No.8818935

These rankings are garbage.

MIT 1st? What is this list based only on Mechanical Engineering?

Columbia behind Cornell, JHU, UPenn?

Caltech higher than princeton, yale, columbia?

Carnegie Mellon significantly behind NYU, Northwestern, McGill?


>> No.8818976

MIT is 1st is nothing new. It's like the brain of the US.
Columbia is kinda fall behind in recent years.
I agree with you on the rest though.

>> No.8819018

MIT has free open courses online. Technically anyone can say it's their school.

>> No.8819019

Carnegie Mellon is only good at CS. It's mediocre at everything else.

>> No.8819020

generalised rankings are pretty pointless. Especially if they put Cambridge before Oxford

>> No.8819022

>tfw 19th

I'm okay with this. That said all world rankings are a just a set of arbitrary criteria with arbitrary weights, so it's all fairly pointless in the end.

>> No.8819062
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My uni's ranking is higher than that of ENS?!?!

>> No.8819151

that feel when 306

>> No.8819185

Cambridge here

>> No.8819198
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>top 300

>> No.8819214

Also number of international faculty, international students, ratio of postgrads to undergrads, citations per faculty (easily gamed through political agreements between colleges).

Basically, a European college that is funded by the govt and tasked with providing a high level of education to students of their own nation would be lower in the rankings than a commercially focused US college trying to extract money from foreign students.

The uni rankings are literally part of the multicultural agenda. And this comes from somebody in a top 100 uni.

>> No.8819228

Extending this point:

Providing rankings based on the number of international students really works in the favour of countries where domestic students have to pay fees (like the US and the UK). This is shown in the rankings.

In say, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc, the state pays full fees for national students. Foreign students have to pay higher fees (Completely rational I think most people would agree). This means that the ranking system is essentially another way of discouraging universal education.

>> No.8819596

>only top 14
Damn OP now I feel like killing myself

>> No.8819600
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>top 5 in the UK
Wow step it up bongs

>> No.8819602

Bitter hans detected. ETH and EPFL which are both European and gov funded (basically free to attend) are in the top 15

>> No.8819604

That makes zero sense. Why would foreign students not want to go to European schools if they are better and cheaper than American schools?

>> No.8819608

>not caring about the market value of advanced certificates and degrees
You're the brainlet

>> No.8819621

>only caring about about the market value of advanced degrees and certificates
Pretty sure youre the brainlet

>> No.8819653

what else is a degree good for if you can just "teach yourself with books freely available"

>> No.8819953

rank 40 nigga

>> No.8819956

>bachelor kiddies think their "muh rank" matters
Get that 300K, son

>> No.8819965 [DELETED] 
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The fact that people here care about university ratings really empasizes how braindead the average poster here is and how meaningless IQ is for smartness.

University ratings only matter to people who want to do research there and not study. You are like primates jumping on the opportunity to brag with your perceived status without even thinking first if it makes any sense.

>> No.8819971

You kinda shitfaced yourself
>to do research
Why else would you
1- go to a university
2- be on this board

>> No.8819980

>I don't do research, I just attend classes because I'm shit

>> No.8819990

Most people go to get qualified to go into industry, dumb niggers!

>> No.8819993

wrong board faggot

>> No.8819999 [DELETED] 

If this board was actually mainly frequented by people who study to do research and do research it wouldn't be so shit.

>> No.8820006

Sorry, but rarely does the industry give a shit what certificate you got. All they want is experience in the field, not how "cool" your Uni was.

>> No.8820015

how many proper universities are there in the world? By proper I mean not two or three huts in Africa

>> No.8820022

impossible, but there are several of us here, you can see some cool mathfags in threads that actually discuss math from time to time

>> No.8820056

>usc not even in top 25
>probably not even on the list
Wew lad

>> No.8820064

It's 136 bro.

>> No.8820068

That list is s homosexual

>> No.8820093

It's ok, everyone who is not a math major is homosexual anyway.

>> No.8820095

Try and get a job at some top flight finance company with that attitude.

>> No.8820107

at least ill have a job afterwards :^)

>> No.8820116

Is this the new IQ meme?

>> No.8820131

Jokes on you senpai, mine is (when I was there) ranked 9 (nine)

>> No.8820176

how is it possible for ENS and Ecole Polytechnique to have such shitty rankings? imho both of them are top notch

>> No.8820765

Yep, I don't know why every European uni except for UK's ones have low ranks.

>> No.8820946

What if I'm out of university?

>> No.8820988
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>tfw Arizona State University

Why do I even go on living?

>> No.8820995

On the bright side, you're in the world's most highly accredited party school.

>> No.8820997

Stupid Singaporean get the fuck out of this board now. Go back to r/singapore you scum. Unless you can get into NUS or NTU medicine, you're a brainlet.

>> No.8821013
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What's the point if I'm not going to any parties.

>> No.8821014

UNAM's deepest flawd are that they accept every single retatd with a passing grade from HS, and so.e faculties are just terrible.

>> No.8821733

Nah, anyone in NTU and NUS are brainlet, medicine or not.

>> No.8821845

Fuck you m8.

>> No.8821867

Well, considering how stupid Europeans are, I trust these rankings.

>> No.8821893

But Americans are also fucking stupid.

>> No.8822302


Why is McGill so high? Did they rank it solely on medical school? How in the everloving fuck is it way above UoT, UBC, Waterloo, etc?

>> No.8822349

tfw uni is 68

>> No.8822407

t. yurpoor

>> No.8822425

McGill is unironically the best uni in Canada. Its ranking reflects that.

>> No.8822430

A-at least we have 5 starts

>> No.8822470
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If you're not in the top 5 universities and/or you post smug anime girls while telling people to kill themselves on anonymous online mongolian cattle-herding outposts you should re-evaluate your choices.

>> No.8822522

Wew lad

>> No.8823766

>School is not even indexed

>> No.8823824

It does for getting into a good grad school

>> No.8823876


some countries aren't alowed to "have" elite schools by law

>> No.8823889
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>The university i attend is my worth

>> No.8823894

>My occupation is my worth
>My IQ is my worth
Same deal

We're essentially cattle

>> No.8823921

i don't think the building in which you learn essentially the same shit is as telling as IQ and occupation
maybe thats just me though, i've always been anti-academia, its a fucking joke

>> No.8823960

But it is a part of how people evaluate you.
Deal with it.

>> No.8823964

Why do we 'evaluate' people in the first place?

>> No.8823971

Damn, USC is only barely better than UCI.

>> No.8823984

But fifth in the UK is Edinburgh at 19th internationally.

>> No.8823987

>UCL above Imperial

>> No.8824026

It's ok, anon. I'm right there with you. I'm still assisting a professor with fairly groundbreaking research, though. Don't let the pretentious assholes get to you.

>> No.8824045

If you have all of the following
>Have good GPA
>Pursuit a hot field
>Having a good advisor/boss
>Is making decent or will make decent money
>Attending a reputable school

Then it is OK for you to not give a shit about the list in OP. However, if you fail at all things, then you can only attribute to the fact that you are in a top school to feel better about yourself.

>> No.8824062
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There are a few ways around that
It's just life
Capitalism works because different people produce different things that are worth different amounts
People need to be evaluated by others so others know what that person is capable of producing
Evaluation from IQ: Problem solving
Evaluation from Occupation: Skills and responsibilities
Evaluation from School: General performance

Ivy league schools serve to recognize with high responsibility, good character and general worth
A well-established institution like Harvard won't put their name on the line for someone unless they feel they're worthy
What does an ivy league school look for?
SAT mainly
The SAT is a good mix of academic material, and intellectual testing
The academic material may only be somewhat related to what you'll do in the school, but shows that you knew what you were supposed to, that takes a decent amount of intelligence
Ivy league schools also like to see what you did beyond high school
Sports are important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and therefor a healthy mind
Jobs such as retail can show attention to finances and show work ethic
Volunteer work in school or elsewhere, can show interests, experience, and commitment

Attending an Ivy League school is like a really good reference on a resume, it speaks for itself, it says
>this person is intelligent
>this person works efficiently and effectively

It unfortunately makes academia the thing i hate
It seems to make people forget about what you learned
Plenty of great schools out there, but they're not very well known, and therefor don't speak

>> No.8824246

It has nothing to do with capitalism

>> No.8824252
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i was just making a comparison holy shit
pic related

>> No.8824521

how so?

>> No.8824530

In theory imperial should even be above Oxford, but oxfords non-science courses boost it higher

But really. They rank ucl too high. Probably because of the immensely high amount of international students, though brexit might discourage them

>> No.8824533

Perhaps in the us. But in the uk, no matter if you go to the worst uni, you can still get into Oxbridge, imperial, lse or ucl for a masters/PhD with no regard for your previous university. They care more about your knowledge and passion

>> No.8824803

>Caring about US News Rankings

>> No.8824814

>They care more about your knowledge and passion

Eh, they care if you've achieved enough and have a couple of good letters of reference. I don't think they care too much about this "passion" nonsense.

>> No.8824845

>carrying about market value.
Want to be a classy wage slave? The salary you could get paid with your degree might be valuable to you but it is worthless(as much as your labour is worth) to the brainlets that will be paying you, and to me. Market value isn't any kind of real value, it's abstract and relativistic.
Have fun with being smart enough to carry out advanced work while being too ignorant to question what you are working for. Our education system is fine tuned for turning out complacent and uninformed drones, to even succeed well enough to be accepted into a prestigious college you need to be moderately wealthy aswell as complacent enough to be properly indoctornated by lower education, any Desenters are weeded out.
Can't have informed students questioning authority or the 60's counter-culture will happen again. That's terrible for industry

>> No.8824862

71. I'd believe it. Such a shit student body. Plus the huge emphasis on meme fields.

>> No.8825331

Could this ranking be more anglocentric?
Lmaoing at 19 and 22 position

>> No.8825801

>tfw 2

>> No.8825989

Stanford students lurk 4chan?
I don't believe it.

>> No.8825993

>Salty Europoor

Kek. Anglo master race.

Years back there was a guy from Cambridge, it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8826035

Unrelated question, is it usually easier to get a PhD scholarship than undergrad in US?Canada?

>> No.8826432

Not like anyone here would know anon because most people are just engineers.

>> No.8826495

I got a PhD program offer in electical engineering

>> No.8828355

Which school?

>> No.8828467


>> No.8828477

If you tell people to kill themselves on an anonymous imageboard over small, petty and pointless stuff like QS rankings you should probably consider possibly killing yourself.

>> No.8828503

>In theory imperial should even be above Oxford
Depends what science really. For hep I would say Oxford is better, but maybe not for medicine.

>> No.8828517

I only can see top small LAC's like Middlebury and Williams not having 4channers. I'd say every top uni has many 4channers, especially undergrad.

>> No.8828643

Take your pedophile cartoon back to >>>/a/ you fucking weeaboo. Your kind shit up the board.

>> No.8829052

>Emory, Tufts, Rochester, Georgetown, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt, Boston College
>above ~170

what a great list OP!

>> No.8829080
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Post actual universities in this thread

>> No.8829087
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>actual university
Yea more like university for flipping burgers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

>> No.8829109

It has basically the best physics department of any public university, so...

>> No.8829113
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>best physics department of any public university
Get into a real school dummy.

>> No.8829120

Literally no Cambridge graduate has EVER contributed to the sciences.

>> No.8829127

Are you saying that it's too low or too high?

>> No.8829128

Sure thing, I'll be sure to let Issac Newton know.

>> No.8829153

Issac Newton was the Bill Nye of his generation.

>> No.8829212

Waaaaaaaay too under-ranked.

Especially emory, rochester, and georgetown... Those schools are VERY good.

>> No.8829264
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#7 in world
#10th in country

which useless meme list is more important?

>> No.8829311

All rankings are silly, but


Is better

>> No.8829318

t. Pasir Ris resident studying Nursing

>> No.8829322

>Is better
Not really. I've no idea why people like the Shanghai rankings so much, it's arbitrary even by the ranking standards. I ask you: what does "number of Nobel prize/Fields medal winners on staff" have to do with how """"good"""" an institution is? They don't even have had to have won their prize while working there, or have done any of their degrees there. Just that they need to be employed there. It says nothing about the quality of that institution but is still included.

It's pointless and arbitrary.

>> No.8829332

can give me a quick rundown of the 'frauds' you are talking about?

>> No.8829339

All rankings are pointless and arbitrary. whats the metric for comparing progress in a field? It takes decades for someone's work to be recognized for a novel prize, so how can we gauge the impact of research on a year to year basis?

AWRU is preferred because it tries to measure research, where as qs/is news are concerned with stuff like student life, faculty to student ratio

>> No.8829378

preferred by who? literally everyone uses the QS one

>> No.8829861

In the 600-650 range
But I'm not paying a cent for education and the military doesn't give a shit whether my degree is from MIT or full sail so idgaf.

>> No.8829868
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Not even listed

>> No.8829922
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>Harvard in number 3

Take your retarded list with you and never come back you mentally challenged brainlet. What was the criteria? Prestige? Really putting Harvard over Cambridge and Oxford? baka

>> No.8830009

For one thing, the guys who won last year's Nobel prize were Cambridge graduates but I guess you're baiting.

There's several Oxbridge students here, I'm sure there's plenty from the top US universities as well.

>> No.8830017

Yale is only good at having an incomparably beautiful campus.

They aren't what they once were.

>> No.8830027

>If the university you are attending has lower rank than NTU (ranked 13) and NUS (ranked 12) (basically, gook's "Ivy league" schools, you should consider killing yourself.

How so?

A C student in an average university can get a good job if he networks properly before he graduates. An autistic man who cannot socially interact with people but is in a top ten university will not get a job. It basically doesn't matter all that much when it comes to the job market.

>> No.8830049

>network properly
Unless your parents knows some big guys that is pointless famalam

>> No.8830057
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>> No.8830062
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>> No.8830163
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>> No.8830187
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20+4 =/= 26
That comic literally made my IQ drop by 20.

>> No.8830225

Notre Dame, BC, and Georgetown get shafted because they are absurdly good for Business and Humanities, as well as theology by default because they are the Big Catholic Three of sorts. To my knowledge BC is making a move towards STEM, which could change things.

Tufts has a massive undergrad focus so their research output is lower than it should be for a uni of their caliber.

I have absolutely no clue why Emory, Vandy, and Rochester got shafted they usually rank very well.

>> No.8830245

>attending a university
>the year 2017 of our Lord

Enjoy your debt and 35K starting

>> No.8830247


>> No.8830251

That's a weird way to spell Caltech

>> No.8831081

How do the Singaporeans actually see NTU and NUS though?
Are they actually proud of being higher than Yales, UC Berkeley, etc.? Or do they actually know that the list is bullshit?

>> No.8831086

>tfw my uni, TCD is considered inferior to the top uni in most other Western European countries as well as fairly anonymous English unis

>tfw my uni is considered worse than two Saudi desert monkey unis

Well, it's a good thing I don't base my self esteem on the uni I attend.

>> No.8831164

Anime makes anything better mate, chill.

>> No.8831753

I go to Rochester and am very offended

>> No.8831783

I don't know which is worse, the redditor or the brain-dead retard who didn't get the joke

>> No.8831807

Oh what do we have here? The most recent episode of Ivy cucks unhappy with everything in their life have to flaunt the one and only thing they have going on in their life to appear happy.

Oh! My favorite show! Yeah! I love to watch it while I collect my scholarship funded with your tax money and that I got while on a lower ranked university, while I have sex with my girlfriend, and while I do actual research instead of being an undergrad babby flaunting meaningless numbers that only measure how much your university's administrators scrambled to build useless new buildings and manufacture fake data to send to university ranking organizations.

>> No.8831819

besides becoming a professors favorite student (which definitely does happen, its just not necessarily something you can force), networking during undergrad is a total meme

no one relevant will remember you from career fairs or info sessions

>> No.8831882

>TFW my school isn't even on here.
It actually strikes me as sort of odd though. I mean my school (CalPoly Pomona) is nowhere near top ten but its a decent school so you think it would be on there somewhere. The real Cal Poly is also not on the list anywhere.

>> No.8831896
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>tfw big where it counts

Sorry, I'll have to skip your dick measuring contest, too busy reinventing mankind

>> No.8831902

Which school? How many Nobel laureates has it produced?

>> No.8831966

Four. It's not very populated though.

>> No.8832030

These rankings are often times bullshit. Besides unless you're in the top percentile and go to a god tier school like MIT or whatever, your undergrad education will be the same. Prestige only makes a measurable difference in grad.

>> No.8832961

what the fuck are gook ivy schools? korean ones?

>> No.8832977

>He does research in a no name school
Enjoy having low tier funding.

>> No.8832988


Eh, I go to a low tier school (~700 according to the list OP posted) but we have decent DARPA & NASA funding

>> No.8833013

harvard is a shit school, everyone I've ever worked with from harvard has been completely fucking brain dead and autistic in the work place.

Everything they have is handed to them in life and they accomplish nothing on their own merits. I've had the pleasure of firing three harvard grads so far after they fail the "probationary" first year.

That school is the target audience for the big bang theory.

But don't worry, they still got literally 450k in benefits and pay when we fire them after 1 year. So they can only fail upwards.

>> No.8833381
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>people who come out of Harvard are autistic spoilt brats
What did you expect? Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are fucking assholes with personality issues. Obama's a beta cuck. Harvard's literally the school for overprivileged white boys with little to no contribution at all, who go there cus of muh prestige, they think they're the shit. Worst case is when you see doctors that graduate from their medical school, the pretentiousness doubles from both their school and their job, and I thought doctors on their own were pretentious enough. Holy fucking shit. Luckily I chose Caltech over that shitty ass cesspool. Never working with Harvard idiots again.

>> No.8833443

We know the list is bullshit.
NUS is decent but the ranking is definitely higher than deserved.
NTU is a joke.

>> No.8833451

t. UniSIM student

>> No.8833467

> uni is #305
> obvious bullshit since it's better than a uni close by which is #183

Good enough for me I guess

>> No.8833475

>degree good for
I thought /sci/ was for scholars, not for people who just go through education as a chore.

>> No.8833477

>Luckily I chose Caltech
so you are a virgin

>> No.8833478

Use this fag

>> No.8833504

And you don't even sound bitter at all!

>> No.8833514

Aha! That is where you are wrong. I'm a sophomore at Bowdoin College and I can say that there are swathes of people I know who are aware of 4chan, if not use it on a semi regular basis. People here seem to avoid college threads and what not, as it is very commonly accepted to not base your worth off of your college.

>> No.8833517

t. Mr. >70 rank point is too hard for me

>> No.8833521

Oxford here

From what I've seen people on here claim, there should at least be people from Stanford, Cambridge, Harvard and MIT. Probably from all the other elite Unis as well

>> No.8833636

>NTU and NUS are nowhere to be seen
Wait, so what were they ranked for again in the OP list?
They surely are not even good as "social" science or business.

>> No.8834134

>University of Michigan
>Ranked higher than Berkeley
shit list desu

>> No.8834171

I literally said in the post. AWRU is preferred for research comparisons. QS is more concerned with education and student experience
Yeah the Saudis pay famous professors 70k$ a year to be adjunct faculty at the university. Only requirement is to give a lecture once a year. They do this to manipulate rankings. Similar shit happens in QS which is why NTU and Australian.

>> No.8834212

>to the brainlets that will be paying you
are they really brainlets if they're quantifiably more successful than you are? maybe you should drop your noble little academic pursuits and become an entrepreneur and make the world a worse place for everyone but yourself

>> No.8834234

>decent DARPA & NASA funding
you're gonna wind up dead in the middle east or on mars