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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8814720 No.8814720 [Reply] [Original]

>question starts with Let ___ be ___

>> No.8814733

Let this shitpost be deleted

>> No.8814884

Fuck, who gives a shit if 'let' is used. You'll never work in Academia anyway because you go to a shit tier university, so stop complaining about temporary things in your life.

>> No.8815941
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>> No.8816117


>> No.8816155

Where is the 2 infinity answer supposed to come from?

>> No.8816163

Let [math]\mathfrak{G} _{\alpha}^\mathfrak{S}[/math] be a category of categories of categories of....... of categories (n-times)

>> No.8816183

they ran out of trash to put on that mee mee so they made something up and hoped no one would notice

>> No.8816188

not sure but the absolute value of negative infinity

>> No.8816271

Because everything we do it concrete and not subjective at all. Are you the same guy posting these over and over or are there more idiots

>> No.8816329

Double the numbers than in the previous infinite set (?)