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8810548 No.8810548 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be too smart?
Is there a point at which our intelligence starts to work against ourselves?

>> No.8810554

Intelligence is a strong determining factor in depression, so

>> No.8810560
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>too smert to have normal relationships
>too smart to evre find love

kill me

>> No.8810566
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after a certain point you become prone to crazy

>> No.8810581

My friend of mine is a genius, and the only problem I see is that he doesn't know how to be efficient because he doesn't need to be. While solving a problem, he will go through every possible step of the most complex resolution without making mistakes and arrive at the same answer as I at the same time. The problem with that is that at some point he'll find a problem he isn't able to solve because despite his speed, his lack of efficiency will keep him from getting to the end of it.

>> No.8810584

just trick him into trying to solve the halting problem or something

best case he learns a lesson, worst case he earns a nobel prize

>> No.8810586

>[Citation needed]
Most depressed people seem to be mediocre when it comes to intelligence.

>> No.8810602

They seem to be mediocre because of the depression. Take the depression off, and they will be performing above average.

>> No.8810606
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Some people don't genuinely grasp the concept that they are going to die, their loved ones are going to die and that there is no magical barrier stopping horrible grotesque suffering coming their way.

It takes some kind of intelligence to move past this once you fully understand this.
Like there was a thread earlier from a guy who attempted suicide and got cardiac arrhythmia from downing sleeping pills and alcohol, Why would you kill yourself if nothing matters and the suffering is already set in stone?

>> No.8810676

That is an opposite of a genius.

>> No.8810691

Most geniuses have autism and/or psychotic disorders like Mania or Schizophrenia. Autism is good for Math, Reading, and Visual/Spatial memory while psychosis is good for creative and "thinking outside the box". If you don't believe me, look at John Nash who was Schizophrenic or Albert Einstein who was either Autistic or developmentally delayed. Even problems like disassociative disorders or OCD have an advantage.
Except for depression though, that makes you retarded and delusional.

>> No.8810702

>relevant philosophical doctrine

choose 1, pleb

>> No.8810714

It's not productive for most people but it can't be refuted.

>> No.8810762
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>> No.8811215

>Why would you kill yourself if nothing matters and the suffering is already set in stone?
Why would you try to keep living if nothing matters, you know you will suffer and <100 years of existence means absolutely nothing when facing an eternity of non-existence ?
Why not just get over it already and spare yourself the pain ?
Biological life was a mistake, existence is absurd, it's either irrelevant if it ends in death or hellish if it continues forever. Unless you can trick yourself to live forever by constantly resetting your memory which makes every life episode you have irrelevant in turn.

>> No.8811221


and this stuff about too smart to have normal relationships is garbage. If you were actually smart you'd know how to have normal relationships, or at least fake them convincingly with your superior intelligence.

>> No.8811225

>Biological life was a mistake
How can you claim on one hand that existence is meaningless and then on the other hand claim it's a mistake?
What could your life have failed at if it has no purpose?

The reason nihilism is a joke is that even though most people can accept a lack of intrinsic meaning, insisting "hurr life is shit you should kill yourself don't do anything or be happy because it doesn't REALLY matter" is retarded and just makes you look like a 14 year old edgelord

>> No.8811312
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>Biological life was a mistake
[citation needed]
this is just edgebait

>existence is absurd
so it appears(key word) to many if not all of us

>it's either irrelevant if it ends in death or hellish if it continues forever

It's a good thing you know exactly what the reality of life is and how it works, anon.

As >>8811225 points out, you're using the widely-popular (even heavily memed by normies), paradoxical version of nihilism. The moment you have 'expectations' of meaning and combine that with a philosophy that tells you everything just is without reason, you're going to get problems.

The worst nihilism meme is probably the arrogant/dead-end attitude that comes with believing that you've finally done it; you figured out life. Give me a fucking break. Worrying about death and letting it affect your life is likely number 1 on the list of "most useless things to do."

But hey, everybody has their own convenient truth. If believing that (because that is what you're doing, you're putting scientific levels of faith into a philosophy) makes you happy, have fun.

>> No.8811324

Killing yourself would be another useless actions in a series of useless actions. Nihilism being irrefutable doesn't mean you should deny yourself the human experience, it just means your life didn't mean anything.

>> No.8811326
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>too smart
That's funny.

>> No.8811335

Somewhat, according to research by anders ericsson (sic, on mobile) on expertise. Basically, dumb violin players, chess players etc practice more because they feel dumb and like they have to 'catch up' to intelligent peers, but end up surpassing them.
Moral is be dumb, act like a dumb person would. Youll be fine.

>> No.8811338

>thinking intelligence and happiness are mutually exclusive
>finding ways to justify your sorrows by labeling your sorrows as a side effect of your intelligence



>> No.8811339

What is a genius for you then? Someone with low processing speed that can't do math for shit?

>> No.8811483

>Why would you try to keep living
For the fun of it.
>you know you will suffer
So what?
>and <100 years of existence means absolutely nothing when facing an eternity of non-existence
No matter how long you live you only live in a single moment anyways.
>Biological life was a mistake
Biological life simply is.
>existence is absurd
Existence is still a mystery.
>irrelevant if it ends in death or hellish if it continues forever.
Neither of those are necessarily true.

Don't be such a weakling. Nihilism is freedom.

>> No.8811490

In the sense that you start to think too much and overanalyze situations and socializing, yes

>> No.8811625

Cucking is the thinking man's fetish.

>> No.8811630


>> No.8811640

I always knew I was a genius.

>> No.8811670

not every inventor was autistic lad (thomas edison, issac Newton etc etc)

>> No.8811929

newton had turbo autism

>> No.8811976
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> Coworker says something about salvia.
> Proceed to impress everybody with the salvia super knowledge I got from reading the Wikipedia page a few years ago.
> Get fired without explanation a few hours later.

I'm pretty sure they thought I must have used salvia because I described the effects in the first person. It was an engineering company with military contracts so they were super paranoid about hippy types in their ranks. Also people in middle school thought I was gay because a teacher asked if anybody knew what LGBTTQ stood for.

>> No.8811984

Edison was a businessman who hired autists to invent things for him.

>> No.8812026

Maybe you aren't that smart after all

>> No.8812144

>What could your life have failed at if it has no purpose?
Having a purpose.

>and just makes you look like a 14 year old edgelord
>hurr durr you'll look bad in the eyes of normons who live life out of inertia without actually thinking about their condition too much anyway
So your whole argument is ad hominem ? Existentialists, everyone.

>muh reality of life
>can't talk about anything since we don't really know '''''''the reality''''''' of anything

>Worrying about death and letting it affect your life is likely number 1 on the list of "most useless things to do."
And suffering in the name of survival when you know your existence is going to end soon anyway and the eternal void awaits you somehow isn't. Alright.
Good for you, mate. Don't forget to put as much effort into life as you can and cause yourself as much suffering as possible, you wouldn't want to miss on your dreams now would you ?

I never said you should kill yourself. But human experience is not always something positive, if it becomes an inconvenience you might as well just do it without taking life too seriously like some of the twats in this thread do.


>> No.8812150
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>tfw to intelligent to score 100% on IQ tests

>> No.8812162

When you get too smart, people will swarm. At some point it will become to much of a chore. Kinda like those kung fu masters. And then they decide to ditch it all and went into hiding or pretend to be crazy to get people of their back

>> No.8812277

I don't know about you but when I die I'm breaking down and being redistributed through the pool of creation.

>> No.8812283

until you actually gain magickal powers that is

>> No.8812300

>teacher asked you what LGBTTQ stands for
Nice try underageb&. If you were in middle school long ago enough to have graduated and obtained an engineering job your teacher would have asked what LGB stood for, or more likely, they wouldnt have asked at all. You children dont understand that the LGBTQ acronym is VERY new and has been added to since its inception.

>> No.8812336

because most are mediocre

>> No.8812693

These days, everyone is terrified of subjecting their ideas and opinions to an adult level of scrutiny, so, if you have any plans of being liked by more than a handful of people with academic concerns, yes. Intelligence is a detriment.

>> No.8812754
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> your teacher would have asked what LGB stood for, or more likely, they wouldnt have asked at all.

Nope.Here's a letter my school board sent to teachers in 2004 telling them to talk about "LGBTTQ".


>> No.8812763

Depends on how smart you are, really intelligent people are not even affected by their emotions because of how rational their brains are.

>> No.8813331

Nihilists (the normie word for sceptics) isn't worrying about death. It's realising life means suffering, if not for yourself (protip: it is) for the others, and that you'd be better not being born.
I'd recommend reading "Better never have been" (Benatar) and "Inconvenience of being born" (Cioran).
You see to be awfully condescending about radical scepticism, but it's the hardest philosophical problem, and it probably has no solution except lying to yourself.

>> No.8813339

lgbtq isn't a new acronym, mouth breather.

>> No.8813368
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Collectively, probably not, but individually, highly intelligent individuals are actually much more prone to mental and emotional disorders than the nominally intelligent. They are, by definition, an aberration, and rarely does one mental aberration not include several others and, sadly, negative aberrations are more common that positive ones.

I actually work for a group of psychologist that, as one of its function, does IQ tests regularly, as part of separating learning disabled students from the "severely emotionally disabled". And yes, we quite often end up finding individuals with IQ's in the 150-170's, who are all but entirely dysfunctional.

(At the same time, I feel the need to point out, once again, that IQ tests are not all they are cracked up to be, as /sci/ is so blindly fond of them, but this is one of the few things they are actually good for. ...But that's another rant for another thread.)

Even among the highly functional and highly intelligent - intelligence does not necessarily come with wisdom. This maybe anecdotal, but I know of one girl, for instance, who has tested above 150, multiple times, as have both her parents, both of which have multiple college degrees and are millionaires... Who is currently serving a near life sentence in prison for armed robbery, because she thought it would be fun (as well as entertaining to become a major drug dealer).

However, unlike pic related, life is not a point distribution game. There are a lucky few who have everything in spades - and of course, a lot of unlucky folks who have nothing at all.

>> No.8814105


Yeah, eventually you learn to shut up and just mutter "Yep, how about them things".

>> No.8814107

Yes, humanity is already too smart. Our technology is fucking up our own habitat with pollution and could potentially kill ourselves in nuclear war.

>> No.8814129

>not the most autistic virgin of all time

"you endeavoured to embroil me with woemen"

>> No.8814195

Something is going to destroy this habitat sooner or later. If anything, we're not smart enough, as we've not yet managed to head out and set up a backup plan for that inevitable day (which could very well be next Tuesday).

Granted, either way, I suspect it's not so much an excess of intelligence, as it is of a lack of judgement when it comes to priorities and the inability to take the long term view over the short.

>> No.8814404

Yes, sometimes you have to keep things simple and don't look beyond the surface. Like when you're eating food, don't need to mentally deconstruct into all the chemical elements and analyze all the reactions, just enjoy your fucking burger. Or when it comes to "love". Psychoanalyzing the process is a mistake. You have to keep it naive and macroscale to enjoy it. When you go too close to the rainbow, you can't see it anymore.

All perceptions are true, the one involving more intelligence is not more true. You have to know when which perception is good enough to stop processing it and trying to make it more accurate. Intelligence ultimately is the ability to accomplish a goal. Everyone's ultimate goal is happiness, so if thinking too much or too deep, makes you miserable, you may be retarded.

>> No.8814729

Intelligence has nothing to do with being so narrow focused in vision as to miss the bigger picture or fail to enjoy life. You can be a complete idiot and still do that.

>> No.8816465

I think he means intelligence breeds depression and not the other way around senpai.

>> No.8816467

>Too smart to ever find love
That makes you a socially inept person, far away from being """smart""".

>> No.8816482

Genius finds elegant solutions as opposed to technique based long and straightforward approach.

>> No.8817884

Overthinking, Overconfidence, Autism
These are the responses you will get

>> No.8818158

Smartness inhibits intention and asks for its realization.
So you need some intention to measure it against.

>> No.8818165 [DELETED] 

And no, you can't overrealize an intention I suppose. Maybe you could break some kind of harmony you miss later on just by realizing your prior intention, so you were smart but not very wise.

>> No.8818178

Yes, For Example, I'm Too Smart To Work Or Go To School

>> No.8818194

You can also jump in and out, like in martial arts, body and mind can be split but are supposed to harmonize. You can study your arm's force distribution, or feel it and get it together in a punch.

>> No.8818669

>people still fall for obvious b8

>> No.8818695


Hm. I was most depressed when I was dumber. Although it's hard to say whether my happiness is due to my academic success, or if my academic succes is due to my increased happiness.

I'd argue the latter as getting a handle on my depression was a very big hurdle that opened a lot of doors for me, but they're likely recursive.

>> No.8819564
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This does bring out a good point though. How is it that someone can both be smart and yet be unable to solve his own problems, problems which others find trivial.

Like finding love for example, or finding any affection from someone they are actually attracted to.

The only logical conclusion is that they are either incapable of solving the problem(hence not smart) or lack the willpower to do so(hence oblivious to reality).

Either way they are lacking in the mental faculties necessary to solve the problem.

Am I wrong?

>> No.8821314

Intelligence does not measure wisdom, discipline, or emotional stability. It doesn't necessarily include or exclude it.

"Smart" is a bit more vague, though, in the colloquial, it's entirely possible to have one sorta "smarts" and not another.

Specialization is what often gives rise to the general opinion that "intelligent" people are socially inept, however. People at the top of fields that require intellectual rigor have generally dedicated the entirety of their lives to said, and have had time for little else. If the field does not involve social interaction or the sort of physical training that leads to an attractive body, well, odds are such individuals are going to have less social skills than the average Joe.

But again, some people have everything, and some people have nothing.

>> No.8822111

Yes. But don't worry, you're nowhere near being at risk.

>> No.8822121

A case study: Ted Kaczynski

>hardvard at 16 or something
>UC PERKELE prof by age 23
>becomes disgusted by normies and technology
>unable to reconcile beliefs in a brainlet society, becomes a recluse in nature
>brainlets keep fucking with him
>bombs scientists leading technologica innovation to draw attention to his cause
>brainlets do not heed his warning, continue to follow leftism, technology, and multiculturalism

>> No.8822145

How did you deal with your emotions anon? I'm in uni and every time winter comes around, my mood drops and subsequently, my grades :(

>> No.8822895

Kinda skipping the bit where he was the victim of a CIA brainwashing program.

...and I know that sounds like, and should be, a kooky conspiracy theory straight from /x/, but the sad thing is, it isn't.

>> No.8822911

>tfw /pol/ faggots have co-opted the unabomber because he used the word leftist
>tfw the majority of them have completely misinterpreted a document written with (literal) mathematical precision, if they even bothered to read it at all

>> No.8822929

It's the opposite, actually.

>> No.8822952

My pet theory is that what we call "depression" is the conscious mind over analyzing itself, creating problems where none exist and then attempting to solve them by the same method, locking itself in a catch-22.

From its perspective:
>I want to be happy
>I'm not happy so there must be something wrong with me
>analyzing myself makes me more unhappy
>me analyzing myself is the root of my unhappiness
>I need to remove myself in order to stop analyzing myself
>I should kill myself

Basically the conciousness recognizing that it is not conducive to the happiness of the brain as a whole. There's a reason why we are one of very few animals that exibit suicidal behavior.

So yes, in that sense, intelligence is harmful.

>> No.8823022

cognitive ability =/= intelligence

deluding yourself into thinking something's wrong to the point you wanna swallow a bullet isn't "being smart", when you see people whine about "being too smart", it typically deals with a sense of isolation from their peers, thinking no one is able to empathize with you, being unable to find people on your wavelength, being unable to find people who are "aware" of what's "truly" going on, etc.

>> No.8823213
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I have this same problem. We live in an incredibly degenerate Jewish social order making everything 100 times worse, most of these fucks are so hopelessly stupid they are basically animals to us. They drink alcohol, fuck dat bitch, and shoot up drugs while some of up are thinking up our own universes and multiverses in psychonautic dream simulations.

>> No.8823686

>Being socially adept means you will find necessarily love instead of just meaningless relationships and carnal pleasures

>> No.8823957

You're the one who fell for the bait fucking newfag

Also I'm baiting, you probably didn't fall for bait, hehe, it's called trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.8825318
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Not that anon, but the gym.

Bad mood?
Can't get girl out of your head?
Too horny but don't want to fap?
Not horny but you want to rub one out?

Every time I hit the weights, I find myself becoming more objective. When I let it go for too long, I tend to stay inside and wither, then my mind starts to get the better of me.

So for yourself and your health. Hit the gym.

>> No.8825399

intelligence is one factor of many
if you were mega super genius smart, but had regular emotional maturity or toughness, you'd get depressed instantly

what you really want is high intelligence but also high everything else, mentally/emotionally

also, public service announcement: psychopaths think they are perfect and cannot possibly be convinced otherwise, but actually have learning deficits

>> No.8825402

Yes. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.8825403

have you considered that eventually technology will allow us to control our emotions so that we are always feeling good or whatever?

>> No.8825411

>or lack the willpower to do so (hence oblivious to reality).
this is where you're wrong

lots of smart people know exactly what they're doing "wrong" but have a problem with doing it; they want to have their cake and eat it too

motivation/emotions/etc is not intelligence

>> No.8825637

You naturally come to depression and Nihilism. Having enough intellect to adequately function but being narrow and stupid enough that you comfortably adhere to the system you're within, is probably best for 90% of people. With the 10% being the unfortunate but beneficially chaotic factor.

>> No.8825705

>every time winter comes around
Sounds like SAD. Try and find spots with natural light to hangout in or blow money on one of those meme boxes. Alternatively hit the gym like another anon suggested, get gains and brains, then spread your seed

>> No.8825714


i bet the doctor who thought of that name was real pleased with himself

>> No.8826003

For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.

>> No.8827212


except he has achieved a higher level of being, unlike you. Its like what Nietzsche said, those lower than you will bring you down and justify their inferior state.

>> No.8827227

16 yr old philosopher, what a visionary

>> No.8827562

If your abilities work against you, it's not intelligence. By nature of intelligence, it should only benefit you.

>> No.8827740

Maybe he isn't motivated to find the solution and instead just wants to challenge himself and figure it all out.

>> No.8827850

>some of up are thinking up our own universes and multiverses in psychonautic dream simulations.

Kill yourself, brainlet.

>> No.8828194


why do you assume that intelligence is necessarily beneficial?, I would argue that chimps are better adapted than us because they manage to be clever without having to carry the weight of sapience

>> No.8828197


that because you only need to get past the basic pillars of ignorant bliss to experience the effects of existential crisis

>> No.8828202


why would you not?

>> No.8828399

Didn't we just reach that point? Smart enough to be able to fuck up the planet and each other on a large scale, too dumb to care about sustainability.

>> No.8828494

Yes, check out Stephen Hawking.

>> No.8828609

>not smart enough to accept you dont need love to survive

>> No.8828655

I would advise not going on instinct when choosing your "love". Better to be rational about it.

>> No.8828661

How about you enlighten us then?

>> No.8828669

That's not nihilism that is antinatalism.