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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8803505 No.8803505 [Reply] [Original]

This is a list of best scientists in their respective fields to have ever lived. Prove me wrong, /sci/:

Mathematics: Carl Gauss

Physics: Albert Einstein

Chemistry: Antoine Lavoisier

Logic: Gottlob Frege

Statistics: Thomas Bayes

Computer science: Alan Turing

Astronomy: Galileo Galilei

Biology: Charles Darwin

Geography: Alexander von Humboldt

Ecology: Rachel Carson

Sociology: Emile Durkheim

Political science: Kenneth Waltz

Linguistics: Noam Chomsky

Economics: John Keynes

Anthropology: Edward Tylor

Jurisprudence: Herbert Hart

Psychology: Burrhus Skinner

Philosophy of science: Stephen Toulmin

Philosophy: Immanuel Kant

>> No.8803510


Wat? Also get a fucking wordpress faggot.

>> No.8803520

>Jurisprudence is not a science
By definition it is a science of law
>Philosophy is not a science
Read W. V. O. Quine

>> No.8803522

>knowing this much about every field
I'm on the fence between saying it's impressive you're so knowledgeable, to saying you wasted a ton of time and don't know anything. Like jurisprudence. What the fuck is that? Did you google "list of science subjects," find jurisprudence, and then spend hours reading about all the scientist in that field?

>> No.8803525

Science isn't chess. You can't just say one person trumps all others.

>> No.8803531 [DELETED] 

>Physics: Albert Einstein
>Not Nikola Tesla


>> No.8803600

hello brainlet

>> No.8803606

Subhuman also it's Newton, lol at chomsky just lol

>> No.8803616

>Computer science
>Political science

Not science! :-)

>> No.8803965


Here's my list:

>Mathematics: John von Neumann

>Physics: Isaac Newton

>Chemistry: Fritz Haber (mainly due to his invention of artificial ammonia synthesis, arguably the most important chemical discovery in the history of the world)

>Philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.8803970

Yes!! Yes!!!

>> No.8803978

This is bait

>> No.8803993

>alan turning
>noam fuckwitsky

Lol how blue pilled can you get?

>> No.8804179

Mathematics: i'd say Neumann
Physics: Newton
Chemistry: Mendeleev
Logic: Kurt Gödel
Astronomy: Newton Again
Biology: Charles Darwin, only because he screwed over the first word of the chruch
Philosophy: Nietzsche

>> No.8804188

Mathematics: Niels Henrik Abel

>> No.8804201

>Not Freud
>inb4 Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience
Today it is irrelevant, but back in the day it was fundamental.

>> No.8804231


at best he was good at shitting on other peoples philosophy, none of his own ideas are anything worthwhile. but I guess he's popular with edgy repressed teens with an inflated idea of their self worth.

>> No.8804365

Computer Science: Steve Jobs

>> No.8804371

>Steve Jobs
>Not RMS

Sincerely, /g/

>> No.8804377

>worshipping a toe-fungus-eating, marxist walrus

>> No.8805562

what important results did rms come up with? literally worthless.

>> No.8805565

there's probably hundreds of scientists that live today that are better than those

they just lived in times when things were being discovered

>> No.8805568

yeah I bet you would have discovered all that if you were there smarty pants

>> No.8805571

>anything worthwhile
Literally the XX century has been influenced by all his ideas you ignorant cunt.

>le popular among x
Nice argument. Still everything post-Nietzsche is pseudoscientific psychology-based axioms babble anyway.

Keep deluding yourself pseud.>>>/lit/

>> No.8805576

>tfw no Nikola Tesla

>> No.8805585

meme engineer

>> No.8805618


somebody? yes

>> No.8805745

>Science & MATH
Though I agree that below sociology (inclusive) has no place here; Logic, Statistics and CompSci all have very very firm mathematical groundings and all require mathematical reasoning and theory to develop them and thus are welcome on the science and MATH board

>> No.8805751

Mathematics: Euler

>> No.8805768
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>Physics: Albert Einstein
>Biology: Charles Darwin
>Linguistics: Noam Chomsky
>Economics: John Keynes
>Psychology: Burrhus Skinner
>Philosophy: Immanuel Kant

>> No.8805797

You literally just picked the most memed scientists within each field... Well done OP, you dun' goof'd

>> No.8805801

I remember being thirteen

>> No.8805803

>Discover something first
>hurry best scientist ever

Pro tip. The average scientist today contributes more overall then aNY of these granpas.

He'll Turing cotributes nothing other than a concept in a paper. Claiming he invented computers is like saying Da Vinci invented airplanes.

>> No.8805811

none of these people are scientists though bro.

They are all THEORETICAL Scientists.

there is a big difference

you need to able to test observe and repeat your theories

example ; can you show me a practical example of a body of water conforming to the exterior of a shape?

>> No.8805815

bow to your gods.....

these men you have never met

who wrote books you have never read

and all the while you have faith in their lies

sounds like you just joined a religion bro

>> No.8805817

The time of discovering is essential.
With the knowledge people had at that time, then there is a great likelihood the others wouldn't have reached the same conclusion with the same evidence, until years later.
If Mendel for instance didn't discover dominant and recessive genes, then someone else probably would have - but it could be decades later.
If one could rewrite the history and make a large number of these scientist die as children - there is a good chance we would be decades behind in our scientific understanding of the world.

>> No.8805836

How is von Neumann a meme? I don't think he is, but other math threads called him a meme

>> No.8806311

>Carl Gauss
Stop memeing his name he is called "Gauß".

>> No.8806312

The earth's oceans.

>> No.8806314

>They are all THEORETICAL Scientists.
aka. the only scientists who ever did something remotely useful.

"Applications" are a meme, every idiot (also known as engineers) can do that.

>> No.8806518

Physics: Newton
Life: Richard Feynman

>> No.8807511

his early work in ai research with sussman is still extremely relevant after decades.

>> No.8807521
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this guy

>> No.8807618

classical (symbolic) ai is irrelevant

>> No.8807637

>Entire thread
>No mention of Maxwell or Boltzmann

Up your game

>> No.8807648

Newton should be mathematics and physics

>> No.8807892

>very very firm mathematical groundings

>> No.8807929

Psychology is empirical science you dumbass

>> No.8807932

explain the replication crisis then

>> No.8809697

Maths: Mochizuki

Physics: The Bogdanoffs

Philosophy: Sam Harris

Astronomy: Neil DeGrasse

Magic: Grothendieck

Psychology: Elliot Rodger

Philosophy of Science: Richard Dawkins

Chemistry: Ted Kaczynski

Economics: Ben Bernanke

Political Science: Sdefan Molymew

Anthropology: Varg Vikernes

Computer Science: Bill Gates

Biology: Ken Ham

>> No.8809699


>> No.8809702
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witen. just...

>> No.8809718


how is that broken window working for you m8?

a fucking plagiarist

>> No.8809722

Memeology: richard dawkins

>> No.8809743

>Economics: John Keynes
Funny way of spelling Ludwig Von Mises

>> No.8809751

Are you the faggot Mathematician from the previous thread?

>> No.8809978

Hahahaha! Mongoloid tier sophistry.

>> No.8809986

Geology: James Hutton

>> No.8810516

>having an iota of respect for any economist ever
So far, every economic theory has turned out to be just a flawed ideology. The point of science is to make models that predict reality, not to justify your personal utopias.

>> No.8810536


Figure Index score
Isaac Newton 100
Albert Einstein 100
Ernest Rutherford 88
Michael Faraday 86
Galileo Galilei 83
Henry Cavendish 57
Niels Bohr 52
J. J. Thomson 50
James Clerk Maxwell 50
Pierre Curie 47
Gustav Kirchhoff 43
Enrico Fermi 42
Werner Heisenberg 41
Marie Curie 41
Paul Dirac 40
James Prescott Joule 40
Christiaan Huygens 39
William Gilbert 37
Thomas Young 37
Robert Hooke 36

Figure Index score
Leonhard Euler 100
Isaac Newton 89
Euclid 83
Carl Friedrich Gauss 81
Pierre de Fermat 72
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 72
René Descartes 54
Georg Cantor 50
Blaise Pascal 47
Bernhard Riemann 47
David Hilbert 40
Jakob Bernoulli 40
Diophantus 39
Gerolamo Cardano 37
François Viète 36
Adrien-Marie Legendre 36
John Wallis 36
Augustin-Louis Cauchy 35
Fibonacci 34
Archimedes 33


>> No.8810952

Can't speak for the others but linguistics is definitely science. You probably don't have a clue what it is though. You probably think it's about translating and interpreting, or documenting and classifying obscure languages.

>> No.8811013
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I don't know what I'm doing how do I fix this chart and add more subfields

>> No.8811023

Phi of Science: Kuhn

>> No.8811100

his model for scientific revolutions doesn't match up with what actually happens at all

>> No.8811146

Computer Science ... Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. Bill Joy, too.

Computer Engineering ... Lynn Conway and Carver Mead.

>> No.8812057

>Logic: Frege

>> No.8812072

Oh anon... there must be more women right? Like... Ada Lovelace!

>> No.8812096
File: 242 KB, 918x1125, OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Biology : Charles Darwin

Physics : Albert Einstein

Chemistry : Antoine Lavoisier

Your list is pretty perfect (but please, sociology, political science, linguistics, etc are not science)

>> No.8812501

You're only impressed co's you're fucking dumb

>> No.8812725 [DELETED] 

pls respond

>> No.8812750

I agree for the most part. However I disagree on some:
Isaac Newton
Ludwig von Mises

>> No.8812752

This. Einstein, Turing and Darwin are red flags.