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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8801880 No.8801880 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody is advancing technology with the pure intention of benefiting mankind. Since Tesla, it seems like his quote about wandering though equations and coming out to something that has no relation to the world is coming true. Science is just a circlejerk of deception now.

Gravity & Black Holes

Prove me wrong /sci/ and show me the next great thing that will take away the power held by the elites and free mankind.

>> No.8801887
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>Nobody is advancing technology with the pure intention of benefiting mankind.
Was it ever? Tesla wasn't doing it for mankind, he was doing it because he was autistic and it interested him, he was doing it for the personal benefit of knowledge.

>> No.8801893
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>modern science
>for the benefit of mankind
Hahaha no, it will never be worth to help other useless brainlet faggots in the world.

One should be able to work for it, since no one deserves anything.

But too bad some retards are still feeding little niggers in Africa and yet they don't know how to use a fucking condom.

The only people that should be benefited from modern science are the scientists themselves and the rich people that are supporting the projects.

>> No.8801897

Moving forward stopped being the goal. Getting the 3rd world to expand exponentially and overtake us is the goal.

>> No.8802038
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I don't think so

>> No.8802040

This is why engineering is and always will be superior to science.

>> No.8802043

Tesla specifically said he chose to be an inventory in order to benefit mankind

>> No.8802262

>not a single person
>not one person is advancing science to benefit the human race

>> No.8802802

>medical science doesn't benefit the human race
>climate science doesn't benefit the human race
>engineering physics doesn't benefit the human race

You're retarded desu.

>> No.8802810

It is doing that. You're just being an impatient nigger.

>> No.8802812

Spreading GRIDS is a detriment to mankind, brainlet.

>> No.8802814

Medical science has probably caused more problems than anything else experienced in recorded history.

>> No.8802826

Yes. More humans living longer naturally means more problems.

>> No.8802847

I agree. I never understood the "I'm doing it to advance humanity" bs. Ask a bunch of freshmen STEM students about why they're going into the
It field and they'll say something to the affect of "I want to make an impact on the world"

Litterally the only legitimate reason to get into science engineering or math is out of pure interest.

>> No.8802849

Well people won't admit that medicine outside a closed system is a problem because they just assume better medicine equals better than. It's the same magical thinking you see with charities.

>> No.8802854


Do you complain that mcdonalds doesnt benefit mankind? Science is just another profession, where people get paid to do wok.

>> No.8802866

what the fuck are you babbling about

>> No.8802873

h o w ?

>> No.8802885

>The only people that should be benefited from modern science are the rich people

cuck post of the year, congrats

>> No.8802887

The proliferation of modern antibiotics and the elimination of diseases like smallpox and rinderpest (by proxy) has caused a catastrophic population explosion that shows no signs of abating any time soon. The artificial break in carrying capacity is fueling civil war and the depletion of the local environment as well as putting tremendous strain on resource-hungry global supply chains that are going to pose immense problems across the board in the near future, most pertinently for any attempts to mitigate climate change. This all would've been preventable if people would stop thinking of "medicine" as being some kind of generic pallative outside of closed systems.

>> No.8802894


There's no population explosion friendo.

>> No.8802904

>not spreading aids

>> No.8802909

This tbqh, fertility drops remarkably in developed states. "Overpopulation" is the new popsci "problem" that clueless people like to vomit their opinions on nowadays.

If they wanted to focus on a serious problem for the future, I'd be more scared of the disproportionate amount of power that rich people and corporate heads wield rather than the new flavor of the month science disaster. The biggest problems humanity will face are political, not scientific, if we're talking about the foreseeable future.

>> No.8802937

Given the last post I'd say this board has literal AIDS

>> No.8802958


I'll never understand why bullshit peddlers fucking always act so smug and sanctimonious.

>> No.8803540

Again, population "explosion" is a meme. Population growth levels off after long enough (spolier: it already has for some countries)

here's a video for you

>> No.8803749

>Vixra publishers are now having conferences

Fuck me.

>> No.8803759

Biology and medicine. Next question?