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8800922 No.8800922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My professor just flat out told me today that I don't have what it takes to complete my STEM PhD and that he is cancelling my funding effective immediately. He hasn't even given me the option to graduate with a masters. He's outright failing me.

What the fuck do I do now /sci/? I have no job lined up and getting fired from a PhD program just 1 year before my thesis submission looks extremely suspicious to employers

>> No.8800928

What's your major? That's pretty fucked up

What did you do to get that?

>> No.8800930

nitrogen tank

>> No.8800934

What degree? What'd you do wrong by the way

>> No.8800936

Hmmm, I have the feeling you're omitting an important detail.

>> No.8800942

>What the fuck do I do now /sci/?
The answer to this question has always been the same even before you started school. Kill yourself.

>> No.8800969 [DELETED] 



>> No.8800972

What did you fuck up?

>> No.8800984
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Shouldn't have said no to sucking his dick, retard.

>> No.8800986

sounds like he got wrecked on qualifying exam

>> No.8801017

Holy shit, what did you do?

>> No.8801023

Sounds like OP majorly fucked up

>> No.8801027


My research wasn't delivering any publishable results for quite some time, and he was growing increasingly impatient. So I kind of expected this to happen eventually. But didn't expect he would outright fail me with no life line....I don't even know what the fuck to do anymore.

>> No.8801034

Go into CS

>> No.8801038

Be my girlfriend (male)

>> No.8801045

What. I'm stupid anons, but can someone explain to me why this would be grounds for failure? I can imagine there could be many instances where research results aren't publisable because the results are not significant enough or basic premise of the research is flawed? Don't you get a new or adapted experiment?

>> No.8801072


>He hasn't even given me the option to graduate with a masters.

since when do you need publishable research to do masters? There has to be more to this

>> No.8801075

Kill him and his family desu. You are probably so far in debt already that without your degree you are fucked, so take him down with you.

>> No.8801090

If your results aren't significant, you're not asking an interesting question.

>> No.8801091

>since when do you need publishable research to do masters

there are two types of masters programs that are prevalent (in the US at least). thesis based (meaning you need to publish) or project based (where you do some research but are more focused towards developing something for industry).

>> No.8801116


Do you even know how science PhDs work?

>> No.8801126

He cant do that. Meet with phd stud guidance coinselor and science ombudsman. Or sue him. Wish you best of luck OP

>> No.8801134

How is that even possible legally, dont you have a contract?

>> No.8801136

What field ? Maths ? Physics ? Biology ?

>> No.8801140

>tfw fourth year phd student with no publications and still collecting experimental data

>> No.8801142

there are thesis and coursework only masters.

>> No.8801144

You need to give details on this, OP. How long has this been going on for with no results? Now you've got me paranoid.

>> No.8801147

it might be different for him, but at my school contracts are semester based (including summer) and guess what, spring semester is coming to an end.

>> No.8801161

That's the dumbest thing I ever read on this board.

Science is about FALSIFICATION. Finding out that there is no effect is just as valuable as finding one

>> No.8801181

Doesn't matter numbnuts, research and experimental results that are funded are supposed to be published even if the results disagree with theory or hypothesis, that way when the next person tries it there's previous results to compare to. You can't just ignore scientific results because you don't find them cool enough.

>> No.8801197

Drop out ASAP to freeze your shit, go someplace else next year.

>> No.8801200
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You have to have meme-worthy stuff to research or they don't give a fuck about it.

>> No.8801203

>Doesn't matter numbnuts, research and experimental results that are funded are supposed to be published even if the results disagree with theory or hypothesis, that way when the next person tries it there's previous results to compare to. You can't just ignore scientific results because you don't find them cool enough.

Sure sure, but this is not what happened.

What probably happened was that his results weren't relevant at all. This is the only reason research would get canceled and OP dropped. A PhD thesis doesn't have to be ground breaking, but it has to be complex enough that it shows that you master your specialty.

Notice that if OP wanted, he could still find a journal and publish the results. The only thing that would happen is that his published article would not get him his PhD, and that means that his results are boring as fuck and are not showing the craft of a true expert. And now that OP's advisor has given up on him, they have decided to cut his funding because universities don't have money to waste on boring, amateur level research.

>> No.8801210

It's suspicious to internet strangers too, OP. What were the circumstances under which this happened?

>> No.8801214

Talk to:
Your DGS. Find out what your department's policies are and whether your PI is even allowed to do that.
Your committee chair. Hopefully you chose someone with clout who wasn't best buddies with your PI.

My guess is: your PI is out of money or just doesn't like you as a person.

>> No.8801217

Take stock of what you've done, your reasoning, and whatever it is you've learned.

>> No.8801223

Were you the OP from last week? The thread about how you thought your professor wanted to cancel your research about how gender and sex aren't the same?

Fuck man I told you then I will tell you again now. You should have burned that research and let it go. Even if you are right, we all know that no one will ever let you publish that gender is different from sex, as true as it is. The establishment does not such research kindly.

>> No.8801234

How could you find out such a thing from research? It's literally just a question of semantics and definition.

>> No.8801238

Agreed desu, this guy did u a favor informing u as early as he did. Save ur money and bug out.

>> No.8801240

>It's literally just a question of semantics and definition.

Not OP but most people assume that gender comes from sex. If your sex is male, then your gender is male (or masculine, etc.).

If you were to show that gender is different from sex you would have to find biological and psychological gender expressions that do not come from sex (sex biologically defined as your chromosomes).

>> No.8801249


>> No.8801297

>Gender and sex
Holy shit you triggered my autism so fucking hard

>> No.8801308

Sex, technology, effeminacy and mascuilinity.

>> No.8801311


>Hey man can you just make up some cool science bro haha we really want the publication subscriptions and payed access

>B-but the results actually day that the likelihood of this having significant effect on cancerous c-cells is m-miniscule at best and the effects are m-minor.


You are the cancer killing science.

>> No.8801465

i'm sure that op was just trolling

such a topic can hardly be called science, i'd be surprised if they even accepted his proposal in the first place

>> No.8801479
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no..fuck no. what the actual fuck? My PhD is (was) in quantum optics.

except my PI is head of my department and with a stroke of a pen is going to destroy my life.

I've emailed like a hundred people asking for advice. Made dozens of phone calls. But everyone is either fucking busy or "SORRY to hear about my situation" but can't help.

at this point, I'm seriously considering pic related

>> No.8801485

What does falsification have to do with insignificance? Learn how to read and stop meming.

>> No.8801488

Do YOU think your research has value? I suggest you continue it independently and make fucking this guy over your life goal.

Quantum optics is a very interesting field. Look into its commercial applications. Build something amazing.

Count of monte Cristo this faggot by becoming successful.

What do you have to lose?

>> No.8801494

Sounds like a scenario straight outta my fucking nightmares.

Is it really that life-destroying? You can't just become a high-school teacher or some shit?

>> No.8801501

this 1000 fold

>> No.8801507

look up a company called magic leap. could your work potentially be used to miniaturize retinal projection technology?

>> No.8801508

Yeah good luck getting research done without a lab and funding.

>> No.8801509

>Quantum optics is a very interesting field. Look into its commercial applications. Build something amazing.

Did you even read my thread? I'm getting kicked out of my PhD because I failed to do which you are naively suggesting.

Fuck no. I would just get bullied by high school students. Not an experience I want to ever repeat again.

>> No.8801513

its unfortunately a meme, sorry.

>> No.8801515

You've already surrendered. you don't think you can come back from this, so you won't.

You have technical knowledge and acumen you've gained from this work. Use it.

What would you have done if you had gotten this PhD?

>> No.8801517


Not him but if he is getting kicked out of a phd program without even a masters, then not only is he worth about as much as a bachelors, he might be worth even LESS because he couldn't follow through on his project.

He's somewhat fucked

>> No.8801518
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Guys, let this be a warning to you all. A PhD is a big fucking waste of your time.

>> No.8801519


>> No.8801529

well fug

>> No.8801554

everyone knows this. i only went into a phd program because i couldn't find a job.

>> No.8801557

kek. story of my life

>> No.8801562

no lol

>> No.8801613

This is truly a sad thread for /sci/ence, and yes, this may be a warning forma everybody

>> No.8801641

I should've worded m post better. My point is that science is rooted in asking questions about nature. All findings, by that token, should inheretly be interesting.

If OP's success is contingent upon a certain outcome, the nature of the question as he/she asked it is unreasonable or flawed.

OP, I would talk to the graduate coordinator for your Dept. Or provided you haven't actually royally fucked up your experiments, talk to your PI about structuring your scientific question around the results you've generated so far.

>> No.8801652

>post hoc theorizing
>for your phd


just lol

>> No.8801659

You at least have a B.Sc. You chased the dream, and failed. It's not the best result, but at least you won't be at your day job thinking "what if..."; you had a shot and it didn't work out, that's closure if nothing else. From here, I'd get any fucking job you can and just take time to mentally convalesce from this fairly devastating shot, about a year or so. Enrol yourself in an engineering B.Sc and complete that. Don't give me any of that "But engineering is for teh brainlets, BS" you just flunked out of a PhD, so science clearly isn't for you, but if you were able to get into a graduate program, I bet you have what it takes to be and Engineer. Don't want to be an engineer? Try nursing. Whatever you do, don't be a fucking snob, because if your graduate experience proves a single thing, it's that you aren't cut out for research.

>> No.8801665


What in the world makes you think that engineering is a good option for a person who flunked out of a PhD because he couldn't generate relevant results? Literally half of an engineer's job is to design and create things that are relevant.

>> No.8801666



>> No.8801684

lol, maybe if you believe every engineer is Tony Stark. A lot of Engineers can make good buck doing fairly routine work.

>> No.8801701

this. i turn the crank on bullshit tract housing and strip malls. make good money without working hard at all. mostly shitpost on 4chan at work.

>> No.8801709

Ask the department chair if you can get a masters. In my opinion they should just hand you your masters because you were that close to phd.

I did a phd, and they gave me my masters at some point in the middle, after I had passed qualifying exams. It was no big deal for them to just hand me a masters, and it shouldn't be, since I had done 2 years of course work and passed quals.

Kicking you out of the program is a "fuck you". Not even giving you a masters is like a "fuck you and your mother and the horse you rode in on and your children's children, forever".

See if you can talk to someone more reasonable about it.

>> No.8801782

Yeah. I'd see if you can at least get the masters. Then you can teach at most colleges and some universities.

>> No.8801785

Most reputable universities won't let your graduate without at least three first author publications in good journals.

>> No.8801791

actually quantum optics might be an electrical engineering phd

>> No.8801798

Does PhD have the same earning potential as BSc? I've heard it's a curse to get a PhD in Engineering.

>> No.8801808

OP I think i read a story about someone going on a killing spree in a similar situation.

Don't be that guy but try to come to terms with your professor. Escalate to the dean if necessary.

>> No.8801824

assuming you're talking about going into industry: it has significantly higher starting pay (around $150k), but that still doesn't make up for the years you "lost" getting the phd.

it's definitely not the way to make the most money. most engineering grads are brainlets (in it for le STEM meme) and they rate their decisions purely on ((($$$))). they're happy doing process management or QA in a cleanroom or factory floor, or being a code monkey, just pay me. if that describes you then by all means, a PhD is a curse for you.

>> No.8801833
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If OP was a woman would this have happened to him?

>> No.8801856

kek no

incompetent females just get pushed through. usually, they'll even graduate early since advisers want to get rid of them so they get easier projects and help from lab mates.

>> No.8801935

>to him

>> No.8801953

Really fucked up that he won't give you the option of getting the masters.

>> No.8801962

The key word here is 'thesis'. You have to complete your thesis to get a masters. Your dissertation is for a Ph.D. If op wants to continue in the program the best option would be to find another lab. If op made up data, got caught cheating or the like, then it might be more 'challenging' to get support from another PI.

>> No.8801976

A lot of engineers don't even do engineering. They just have a job that requires an engineering degree.

>> No.8802076

>he can't into Donna Haraway and intersectional cybernetics

>> No.8802085

Fuck you, CS is not for failed scientists.

>> No.8802108
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currently finishing my master's, about to enter PhD program (already been accepted)
officially /scared/ now

hope something comes up in your favor OP, you poor luckless bastard

>> No.8802111

No, let this be a warning to you. OP is fishing for attention for some reason. I'm actually in a PhD program and there are a few things wrong here
1) you don't earn a masters degree a year before you submit your thesis, you earn it when you advance to PhD candidacy.
2) No PI will fire you for "uninteresting results". They won't even fire you for no results if they think you are exploring the science properly which, if they must, they will talk you through your next steps. They are literally there to oversee the project and provide guidance along the way.

I've heard this usually happens if there's lack of motivation from the student, the student isn't working, or the student gets depressed and does both of the former.

Get to the point OP. What's the matter? Be self critical for a moment.

>> No.8802130

This is wrong

>> No.8802141

Thank you

>> No.8802145

>1) you don't earn a masters degree a year before you submit your thesis, you earn it when you advance to PhD candidacy.
it depends on the school/department, you first year dumbass.

my department doesn't award masters degrees to phd students. if you want a masters degree you either need to get it first, or drop out and apply to the masters program.

PIs can also most certainly drop students if they aren't happy with how they are progressing.

>> No.8802158

>1) you don't earn a masters degree a year before you submit your thesis, you earn it when you advance to PhD candidacy.
Not every PhD program even offers the option of a master's degree, many grant one only if the student fails to complete his or her thesis but it's likely OP's school doesn't even offer that.

>> No.8802177

>op is fishing for attention
I really think so too
He called his dissertation a thesis, also, what kind of phd student would unironically say he's getting a "STEM PhD?"

>> No.8802187

you're absolutely retarded if you think phd students obsess over semantics like that.

as a phd student you are literally the lowest ranking person at the university. your position has absolutely no security. the janitor you see emptying the trash in your lab gets paid more, and is in a union that actually secures his job. you know what my graduate student union does? rewrites the semester long contract to be gender neutral and sends anti-trump emails.

if you are unhappy you have no way to retort because if you get labeled as a problem student not only will your PI drop you, but no other professor will touch you a) because you earned yourself a reputation, and b) because it would insulting towards your previous PI. you're given a shit sandwich and told to eat it and shut the fuck up for an average of 5 years.

so get fucked if you think anyone gives a fuck about whether you call it a thesis or dissertation, you retarded faggot.

>> No.8802239

Sounds like you basically were doing nothing and got "fired".

>> No.8802261

He technically can't kick you out so long as you pass courses.

He can end any department financial assistance,

>> No.8802288

Holy shit I legit was planning on getting a PhD and NEET around in the lab for five years while getting paid for nothing.
Changing plans now.

>> No.8802439

This is scary, but also everyone should keep in mind that OP has provided very few details and there's clearly more to the story than what he's saying.

>> No.8802472

OP here. What is the point in me providing more information about my situation? You faggots don't really care anyway when your default position is always going to be "HURRRR ITS YOUR FAULT XD XD".

My life is fucked. Its ruined. No one is going to hire me. Not even Mcdonalds because I'm "overqualified".

Good think my lab has some Nitrogen cylinders and I know how to operate them.

>> No.8802488

I'm in medical school and most of your post also applies to me in some form.

It's really making me think. What the fuck am I doing, putting my entire future in the hands and mercy of these people?

>> No.8802504

>my experience is the same for the entire world and every program, everywhere

>> No.8802529

Have you talked to your professor as to why he is doing this without offering any recourse?

>> No.8802543

Then just KYS then you pathetic little cretin

>> No.8802546

Why shitpost? You're not entertaining anybody.

>> No.8802557

OP isn't entertaining anybody by not telling the full story.

Naturally people want to help the OP, its a discomforting situation that he seems to be in, but nobody can offer suggestions or help when he is clearly hiding details.

And if OP did not come here to get help then (and this is what the situation looks like) he came here to use this place as his personal blog. Which is pretty lame and I don't know what he was expecting.

>> No.8802572

sue him and the school for discrimination

>> No.8802580

>"wahhhh /sci/ pls help what do ;("
>give us more info
>"no fuck you just feel sorry for me"

>> No.8802595

Engineers mostly fix things or optimize already existing solutions. Only the very best actually design cool stuff, even then it's usually just a very particular thing.

>> No.8802597

pfft, I know a guy who basically sits on his ass all day because all he does is make sure a critical system isn't broken.

>> No.8802602


Switch schools.

>> No.8802839


REAL OP here. Who the fuck are these impostors pretending to be me. Get the fuck out of my thread please.

Honestly I don't really know...been asking that question since I started my program.


Ok what additional details would you like to know? I have some free time now so I'll try to explain my situation more

>> No.8802846

>been asking that question since I started my program.

Why don't you start a fucking business and work for you instead of satisfying some clenched-ass advisor?

Business is simply finding something that works and repeating it. Surely you're smart enough for that.

>> No.8802863

He already has a B.Sc, there's no reason he couldn't finish an engineering B.Sc.
Unless you think an engineering Bachelors is harder than a science PhD...
No, you're right, it's for failed mathematicians.

>> No.8802928

I'd like to know the explicit reason that the professor thinks you don't have what it takes to complete your STEM PhD. Why is he giving you such a drastic punishment for whatever has happened?

Hopefully you know why otherwise your situation is worse than imagined

>> No.8803214

That's fucked.

Also, I understand that PIs can drop people for being dissatisfied with their results, but it's a rare person that would drop a student because their work isn't generating interesting results. As I said before, students don't just come into these programs with no direction and pull research ideas out of their ass. They are enriched with ideas and guidance of the professor. "I want to work on this Dr. X", "ok well first you should probably start by..." is generally how this goes and the student is meant to run with it.

What I'm trying to say is it's incredibly unlikely a professor would drop a student for boring ideas / results because they are likely the areas the professor himself wanted to explore. That and what PhD is going to throw a fit because their results didn't show what they wanted? This just sounds wrong to me.

OP, if this is the situation you find yourself in, go to the department chair. They deal with disputes between you and your PI. I've known people who have argued a date of graduation and won despite the professor trying to keep the student because they went to a third party (the chair of the department).

>> No.8803217


>> No.8803258

Not sure how much I can best elaborate on this, but it mainly involved a combination of me being seriously incompetent and sometimes outright fucking things up.

This one time, I was responsible for damaging a piece of equipment which cost my PI thousands of $ in repairs and several weeks to get everything back to normal. This pretty much caused everyone who used it to give me the evil eye.

But this other time, I forgot to turn off the inert gas cylinders off in the lab after a night shift, which basically flooded the entire lab. Unbeknownst to me at the time, there was someone else in the lab who had fallen asleep in his sleeping bag as he had put an all nighter the other day. The next morning, I find out the entire lab was evacuated due to a gas leak. Investigators eventually traced it back to me as I was the last person to have exited the lab according to the pass card logs. Basically, I nearly killed someone if it weren't for the windows being left open that day...

I was in the shitter for quite sometime after that. My lab pass got revoked for 3 months, had to be retrained on everything again, and was interrogated by the committee that oversees events like this. Its actually a miracle that I wasn't tried for attempted manslaughter...

Tales of my incompetency spread around from research group to research group which kind of (definitely) tainted my reputation. Historians would probably look back to this single event to trace my downfall.

Obviously, this affected my PI's reputation aswell, so he gradually grew more distant and started to set me up to fail by giving impossible tasks and deadlines.

So that sums it up, I think. I just happened to be "that guy" who somehow got into a PhD program. Was under the radar for a couple of years, until I fucked things up epically.

Seriously though, I am fucked. Due to my shit reputation I can't convince anyone to give me a second chance. They just want me gone.

>> No.8803308
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>big Rest In Peace

>> No.8803310

If you what you said is true, it's not even worth staying there anymore. You've ruined your reputation with the department, so it would be a sour few years getting your PhD anyway.

At this point, I would recommend >>8801197 if you still actually want to do a PhD. Hopefully you learned your lesson not to be a complete dumbass in the lab anymore.

Otherwise, you're going to look for a job that you're qualified for with just your bachelor's. If you don't have any relevant job experience in that field, look for internships/part-time jobs and work your way up.

Either way, you're probably going to be relying wholly on your undergrad connections if what you say about your department is true.

>> No.8803318

>inert gas thing

What a clusterfuck... I don't like the idea that this kind of thing can just happen without safety alarms going off and warning people of the leak...

Sounds like your labs need some kind of automatic fail-safe mechanism to ensure safety... Much better than crucifying workers that drop the ball. Processes fail, not people. Interrogated by some "board" for an accident? What a joke...

>> No.8803345
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OP didn't fuck his professor so he failed him, hahahaha.

>> No.8803369

I will now never forget to never, EVER, sleep in a lab.

You are a retard, fuck you. It is so funny that people usually joke about the dumb undergrads fucking up things in the lab but you are an overgrown dumb undergrad. Retard.

>> No.8803387

Well this explains a lot. You've got yourself to blame for that one. And since Academia is an extremely small world, say goodbye to any other phD offers in the next few years.

>> No.8803389

>sleeps in a fucking lab
>knew it was a bad idea but did it anyway
>dies because of an accident

You're the real retard here, stay mad

>> No.8803395

>Staying so late, being so tired that you need to sleep in the FUCKING LAB
That's already extremely dangerous, you know that ?

>> No.8803397
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> What the fuck do I do now /sci/?
Get a fucking job. I hear McDonald's is hiring.

Just remember to turn off the fryer at the end of shift you negligent bastard.

>> No.8803401

I really disliked the class I took with her, but maybe that's jus me.

>> No.8803410

Yeah, I think OP was just used a scapegoat here, but really, this is basic safety procedures.

>> No.8803412

Theres a guy in my group who is in his fifth year. Zero results and guys who are way newer have already passed him in understanding and competence. He doesnt have the focus not drive to earn the degree. Our advisor cut his funding and is close to fully kicking him out of the group. If you are in a phd and not working 60-80 he's a week you dont deserve the degree in my book. Mastery takes ten thousand hours minimum and thats about 40 hours a week for five years.

>> No.8803422

Killing yourself on the job nets you nothing. You need to be efficient, motivated, quick and be able to work enough, not 80 hours a week.

I think OP's problem was he lacked real motivation - he seemed to have ended up in a phD "by mistake", really.

>> No.8803454

My opinion is... If it's not safe redundantly, automatically and by default, then it's not safe...

I've witnessed some pretty absurd work-related fatalities in my life... Every time it caused a revamp of the security procedures so that at the very least it wouldn't rely on a single person being 100% infallible 100% of the time. Even simple stuff like not letting people operate equipment alone helped reduce accidents. Also, having a checklist

>> No.8803479

night shifts are idiotic and the time when most mistakes are made. your PI is a dumbass for trying to run you like slaves.

>> No.8803485

Budget cuts, I guess. Also, I guess OP was American and maybe they are not too regarding workplace hazards.

Then again, last week in a lab work I was just coughing my ass off because after experiments we had to clean the samples with pure Acetone. Oh, the joy.

>> No.8803488

most experimental labs are unsafe and have unsafe practices because the PI tries to save money, and has his phd students do everything whereas they are more concerned about time than safety not to mention that they don't know shit. if you want things done properly you get a post doc, but how many university labs have post docs?

>> No.8803495

My HS and Uni labs were extremely secure, and even then as 3rd year student, we are literally not allowed to be in the same room as an X-Ray radiocrystallography machine (which has dozens of failsafes already) without a supervisor because they are afraid we might screw up.

>> No.8803514

>So what field are you in?
>I'm in STEM
You don't seem to know bait when you see it

>> No.8803515


>> No.8803523
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OP tried to cover his tracks on /biz/ after he done fucked up and posted using the same "PhD Outcast" name.

He's a fucking high level Elite LARPer guys. And a rather sophisticated one, infact. This thread would have been 10/10 bait because he almost fooled everyone.

>> No.8803527

Fucking larping faggot

Kill yourself

>> No.8803532

How did he manage to last 5 years? Why wasn't he kicked out sooner?

>> No.8803553

Wow. Your PI did the field a favor.

>> No.8803554

>working 60-80 he's a week you dont deserve the degree in my book.

yeah, i've seen plenty of these people staying in the lab 60-80 hours a week. most of them spend a sizeable chunk of that time on things unrelated to their experiments simply because they live in some shitty apartment that they don't like to be in more than they have to. it's about quality not quantity.

>> No.8803556

Yeah... I don't have any sympathy for people like that.

That's how you do it right

>> No.8803560


>> No.8803561

research laboratories not labs for the students.

>> No.8803581

Kinda sucks tho. The whole goal of the activity is to use high-quality instruments by ourselves, in our "free time" - but we are heavily limited in terms of available hours to do stuff.

This activity is a bit special - they let us use instruments that are normally used in their research. Not the biggest, coolest and most expensive ones, mind you, but some stuff they use to do preparatory work and internal training. We're toying with an AFM, a Electron Microscope and a big X-Ray machine.

>> No.8803584

So I've denied to grad school twice now for shitty scores on the subject gres. I completely take responsibility for not knowing my shit but I want to know if its possible for me to still go to grad school if I take a few years off and apply again somewhere. However, what will I do about letters of rec? Is it even possible to apply to places without professors' letters? I doubt I will still be in good standing with professors years from now unless I see them on the daily. What do?

>> No.8803604

>he almost fooled everyone.

but it was obvious, anon. i wonder how all these genius grad students didn't see right through it?

>> No.8803605

When I'm swimming, I'm a lot more comfortable if soneone is watching at all times. Who knows, I might accidentally step on the pool drain and form a perfect seal over the suction and HOLY SHIT I CAN'T FUCKING SURFACE REEEEEEE people have actually died because of this braindead retarded bullshit

I always say what I'm doing out loud and confirm it with others to make it extra sure I'm not fucking it up. If I don't spot a mistake, someone else probably will.

>> No.8803636

Isn't everyone constantly larping on 4chan?
If not, I feel sorry for people who are honest on an anonymous image board about Japanese cartoon girls.

>> No.8803641

So what if he sucks at trading? Maybe he sucks at everything

I'm just amazed at how his parents just gave him money like that. My dad would never commit this atrocity against common sense.

Maybe the incompetence is genetic

>> No.8803712
File: 174 KB, 600x450, 1467443847299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the little girl who got her ass stuck on the pool drain
>it sucked her intestines out

>> No.8803745

>I suggest you continue it independently
lol have fun without peers to discuss it with, no conferences and zero funding

>> No.8803758

Jesus christ that's some Final Destination shit

>> No.8803781

Oh man sounds like the chemistry program at my school, they were fucking ruthless, if you didn't get shit published constantly you were just straight kicked out on your ass. I always saw people chain smoking cigarettes and crying outside their building lol.

Good thing I did geoscience, it was retarded babby tier.

>> No.8804775

You could always just sue him.

>> No.8804778

P.S. I'm sure he would rather put up with a student he doesn't like than get involved with a lawsuit.

>> No.8804805

Keep telling yourself that "efficient" works. Maybe in theory land you can pull that shit. 90% of experiment is tinkering. You don't get as far by tinkering less. Dumbass.

>> No.8804818

Advisor took him on while going through a long, drawn out custody battle/divorce. So first year he basically just floated in the group. Then got two projects he flailed on until the funding dried up, and now he's been handed a project that is incredibly simple compared to other any other project in the lab and he still flails. Our advisor just can't bring himself to totally kick him out of the group because its kind of an asshole move. But he just damaged a 40k piece of equipment so maybe that'll change here.

>> No.8804824

MBA or Law.

>> No.8804837

Kek. While you lounge around in your equally shitty apartment, I'm getting results and making progress in a field suffering from incompetence. What's your excuse? "efficient" is a lie perputrated by leeches in the PhD system. Every person I've met who works sub 60 hours doesn't know half that they should know for how long they've been at their field. I'm 1.5 years in and I fucking silenced my other group with a few pointed questions about why their "best" data looked the way it does. Nobody could explain it and nobody had even asked why it looked the way it looked. "Its just some thing that happens with this kind pulse sequencing" was the excuse. When asked why that makes sense they admitted they didn't know but it had always been there.

>> No.8804913

OP is genuinely convincing. I never would have suspected them of being a larper, what with me being a general studies undergrad with no clear goal in life :^(

>> No.8805174

>brainlet thinks spending the majority of his life reaching the level a normal person would be at in half the time just so he can wow his brainlet peers is impressive


>> No.8805182

>I'm 1.5 years in and I fucking silenced my other group with a few pointed questions about why their "best" data looked the way it does.

you're the type of dipshit that everybody hates. you live in the lab, and you question everything and find problems in everything without providing solutions. i have a lab mate like you and he's an insufferable egotistic dipshit that thinks way too highly of himself. he's even starting to get on the nerves of my adviser.

>> No.8805619

>believing internet stories

you must be of 18 years of age to post in this site.

>> No.8805646

a lot of research in CS is meme level though

>> No.8806426


Just go the CS route and get a job at google.

>> No.8806450

This, there are so many engineers who don't do shit but design review and STILL make a good living.

>> No.8806481


>> No.8806554

Cheater detected

>> No.8806563

So you post here. Good thing I fired you.

>> No.8806622


>> No.8806836

>attempted manslaughter
That's not how that works. Yall niggas in a troll thread

>> No.8806932

published literature senpai

>> No.8806998

Yes it is, lel

>> No.8807407

damn. can you change advisors? maybe you just don't make a good team.

>> No.8807484

Also even if you don't get your guts sucked out, the difference in pressure between the pool and the drain can trap you.


>> No.8807766
File: 703 KB, 624x1160, 1424123148815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay here is what you do.

You take your bachelor and you go to a different university with basically the same master classes. You ace the exams and come up with an actual decent research project. Don't tell anyone what happened in your last university.

When you got your degree, then you must fuck the wife of your previous professor and send him a picture of it.

You are welcome. And good luck anon.

>> No.8807776

this, go forth OP. It has been mandated by the /sci/ gods.

>> No.8807790
