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8800035 No.8800035 [Reply] [Original]

This may not be the norm for this board, but I want to hear your opinions on this article regarding "pre-diabetes" being a misnomer and whether or not it should be labled as "Stage 1 Diabetes"

What are your thoughts on this article?


>> No.8800155

>So let’s call pre-diabetes what it is: Stage 1 diabetes. Why? Because it is.

>As a passionate diabetes educator, inspirational speaker and health coach, she is sharing a flourishing approach to diabetes with health professionals and people living with diabetes.

>passionate diabetes educator, inspirational speaker and health coach

Damn boi those are some credentials.
Basically its all just semantics.
Call this that. What does it change?
Prediabetes is already taken very seriously and treated if deemed necessary. But you need a red line

Plus its not the job of any doctor to stop you from being a fat shit with a death wish.

jk heres your metformin goy, want some fanta to push it down?

>> No.8800166

>not a doctor

its like im living the meme

>> No.8800801

lol, okay.
But if I have it (which I do) and I take care of myself will I be "normal" or "LIKE normal, but the prediabetes is laying dormant in your body"?

>> No.8800814

what does "i have pre-diabetes" mean though
do you have someone in your family thats diabetic, have you had bloodwork done

>Pre-diabetes literally says you don’t have diabetes — but you do. Your blood sugars are higher than normal, a defining characteristic of diabetes.
no a defining characteristic would be a clinical test performed under specific circumstances

>> No.8800819

>Stage 1 — The body’s ability to regulate blood sugar is impaired and blood sugar is higher than normal. One may already have signs of diabetes complications. Treatment includes maintaining healthy body weight, eating healthfully, being physically active and possibly adding medication. With proper treatment one may go into remission, or be able to prevent or delay moving to Stage 2.

no shit dude you mean to tell me if i go on a five year ben&jerrys binge and roll around in a mobility scooter i might also become pre-diabetic? almost like you have to take care of your body or something

>> No.8800828

It's somewhat in my family.
My dad was diagnosed like 10 years ago, but is healthy now because my mom is a health nut and takes care of him.

My grandfather (now deceased) had full type 2 and my uncle has Type 2.
However, I imagine they didn't take care of themselves at all.

I did get bloodwork done. Just recently in March of this year, my Hemoglobin A1C test came out at 5.8% putting me in the pre-diabetic category (with anything about 6.5% is considered Type 2 Diabetes).
For context, healthy non-diabetics range between 4.8 to 5.6 %.

I've been running every day (and soon plan on adding in weight lifting to my exercise regimen).
I've also been eating less garbage and eating healthier foods and have lost weight already.
It will be hard, but I plan on keeping up the pace for life - It's my own fault I put myself at risk at my current age of 28.

Sorry for blogging.

>> No.8800835

>Diabetes advocate, author, speaker and coach
What a fucking authority on the subject.

It's just semantics to try and get people to pay attention more but all it will cause is further confusion.

>> No.8800863
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>health coach

>> No.8800898

I'm sure that you've come to the conclusion that there might be a genetic element to it. The main factor that you can control with type 2 is how you treat your body. Since you've understood that I can only wish you good luck.

>> No.8801195

I completely understand. How bad are my chances at this point?

>> No.8801498

Why would she want to do this? Maybe she is selling a book

>> No.8801921

Some people see prediabetes like if it's no big deal. Why would that be?

>> No.8801956

Didn't read the article, but maybe changing the name would encourage retards who are prediabetic often for many years to change habits before they develop type 2 diabetes.

>> No.8801968

Look at her last name

Ulterior motives are everywhere

>> No.8802062

What's the full scoop on prediabetes - Is just a "wake up call" or is it a point of no return that isn't as severe as the full condition?

>> No.8802075

>Clinically, you are diagnosed with “pre-diabetes” when your fasting blood sugar is between 100 (5.5 mmol/l) and 125 mg/dl (6.9 mmol/l). You are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes when your blood sugar is 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l) and higher. Who are we kidding when one point stands between pre-diabetes and diabetes on tests that often need to be taken more than once?

Who are we kidding when one point stands between normal blood sugar and pre diabetes.

I propose that everybody has diabetes.

>> No.8802336

Oh shit ;^(

>> No.8802454

Your post feels very fatalistic :(

>> No.8802470

>The main factor that you can control with type 2 is how you treat your body.
I meant
>The main factor, that you can control with type 2, is how you treat your body.

Don't know mate. It's pretty hard to determine whether type 2 is due to genetics because your family has it or it's due to lifestyle because families tend to have similar lifestyles. You're doing your part.

>> No.8802474


we dont care about semantics

>> No.8802485
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For context.
I come from a Mexican family.
I would to think it's more lifestyle than genetics because Mexicans do eat a lot of carbs.
My grandfather and uncle didn't take care of themselves, it seems like. My dad always told me (at least for my uncle), that he would always eat lots of bread, 100% milk, and who knows what.

I'm fortunate that I don't have the full disease, but fuck I'm so dedicated on being healthy.
As I said earlier, my dad had prediabetes 10 years ago and my mom has been taking care of him and he's fine now.
I'm fortunate to have my mom's dinners at the moment, but I want to learn more about what are the best foods to eat to completely avoid the transition to the full disease.

>> No.8802508

Wake up call. It's a
>change your lifestyle you fat sugar loving fuck or you're going to develop type 2 diabetes which is irreversible with the current best treatments

To be more specific.

>tfw have a friend who has been predisbetic for years and will eventually develop type 2 diabetes because he refuses to change.

>> No.8802512

okay, i gotcha.
I'm just afraid that prediabetes is already a point of no return.
Even when I go back to normal, I'm no longer going to eat junk anymore - I'm glad I enjoy the food that I have been eating.

>> No.8802520

Why doesn't your friend care?

>> No.8803329

I doubt they would care if I posted this over there.

>> No.8803361

It's not a point of no return and is completely reversible.

He's too busy smoking pot and playing video games.

>> No.8803707

Last I looked, pre-diabetes was not a good indicator at all of whether you might develop diabetes down the road --you have the same chance roughly, as somebody without pre-diabetes.

That being the case, pre-diabetes is just a scarier way of saying, "Great news, you do not have diabetes."

>> No.8803723

You got some sources on that? I really want you to be right.

>> No.8803896

That just sounds like managing the symptoms :(

>> No.8804170

Look better
Eat better you fat kunt

Dont look for excuses to keep being one, there is none

>> No.8804491

What is he best diet for prediabetes?

>> No.8804983

How many years has he been prediabetic?

>> No.8805195

Ask your doctor, look for yourself
Its your wellbeing at stake, not mine

I honestly dont give a fug, I just like proving people wrong in a cherokee smoke-signal enthusiast forum

>> No.8805254

>According to an ADA expert panel, up to 70% of individuals with prediabetes will eventually develop diabetes.
Is that only if it's left unchecked or will it happen even if people take care of themselves?

>> No.8805262
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• diabeetus in my family
• I am hypoglycemic
• doctor says it's "pre-diabetic condition"
On a scale of zero-to-ten,
how fucked am I, pre/sci/sely?

>> No.8805263

What was your Hemoglobin A1C?

>> No.8805702

>It's just semantics

as a free-thinker, passionate twitter activist and holocaust awareness spreader; I respectfully disagree.

Passion and drive is the most important credentials in this world. Did Einstein have any decent credentials when he wrote scientific papers while working in the post-office?

>> No.8806224


>> No.8806251

Even though I don't know him, I wish he would have the wisdom to change his ways.
Pray for your friend to find the will to change.

>> No.8806350

>Huffington post
That sure as hell is a respected peer reviewed journal

>> No.8807360

She provides no sources either

>> No.8809037

Truly wise words ;^)

>> No.8809136
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It does make a difference but in the opposite way. Health psychology has shown that locus of control is everything and emphasizing that you can change is highly effective in having people actually make healthier decisions.

However, prediabetes sounds like you don't have diabetes yet and you can prevent it by changing your behaviors. Stage 1 diabetes sounds like you now already have diabetes and changing your behaviors won't matter as much. So the woman is even more retarded and could even hurt diabetics.

>> No.8810127

According to this guy>>8804170, it sounds bad.