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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 456 KB, 1000x1000, Polar_Attraction_a_forbidden_love_story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8798654 No.8798654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which boards do you browse other than /sci/?
Here's my list:

>> No.8798685


a few times a month peek at /pol/
after a few minutes get bored of monkeys throwing shit at each other

once a month mayby /diy/

>> No.8798729

And mostly, even though I would like to stop, /r9k/

>> No.8798737

/sci/ and /mu/ exclusively

>> No.8798741

So you're one of those /pol/tards polluting this board. gtfo

>> No.8798745

What an interesting world we live in.

for me

/biz/'s diamonds in the rough created by actually knowledgeable people are the only reason I sift through the cryptoshill threads

>> No.8798752


>> No.8798754

I also used to browse /v/, /g/, /tg/, /biz/ over the years at different points, but not anymore.

>> No.8798757

And sometimes /pol/ for happenings info

>> No.8798759

/pol/ to get up to date on news
/sci/ less often nowadays

>> No.8798762

I also rarely visit:

>> No.8798763


>> No.8798769

I mainly go to the degenerate ones like /b/ to keep myself in check.

>> No.8798773


In that order

>> No.8798778
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I did /tv/ years ago

I did /r9k/ for some times, and I sometime browse, but I have a few fuckbuddies so I'm not a robot.
The nice thing is that it has porn

I did /fit/ and I got fit, but the board has content for only 1 month and then you find better resources. And I'm not gay enough to stay for the pics of men

I do /pol/ occationally, but being "redpilled" and discussing the ideas in public is detrimental to your career, so I try to stay away from those ideas.
And some /lit/ people have a better overview than the kids there.

/diy/ looks very good, if you have a project for it

/g/ is just mean. I mean on /sci/ people also give hate a bit, but /g/ seems to be soley composed of angry and bitter people

>> No.8798790


>> No.8798808



>> No.8798811


>> No.8798816

they're here because they think they have a high IQ

>> No.8798832

these along with /sci/ are my main boards, I do go on other boards but only when it's a slow day on the main 3.

>> No.8798836

stay asshurt reddit fag

>> No.8798838

Notice how the majority of people are /pol/ users and a small minority of autistic screechers shit up threads screaming 'GB2 /poll/ WAAAAAHHH"

>> No.8798839

Why do so many of you browse r9k?

>> No.8798846

>tfw to intelligent not to like traps

>> No.8798849

yea i notice
probably a raid
since the race threads don't work

>> No.8798851


It's kinda counter-productive.

>> No.8798857

I mainly lurk on /mu/bleep

>> No.8798859

it's a raid

>> No.8798868

they are sad and need to be a part of something bigger
i wonder what you can offer the poor souls?

>> No.8798874

/biz/ would be much better if all the scam/get rich quick threads would be constantly pruned and the OPs given out lengthy bans.

either that or just stop phone posters from making threads.

>> No.8798888

Main boards are:

I'll also hit up /tg/, /diy/, /ck/, /biz/, and /pol/ on rare occasion.

>> No.8798889


>> No.8798894

/pol/ for the latest happening
/x/ once in a while

That's it.

>> No.8798895


>> No.8798897
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>tfw to intelligent for a GF

>> No.8798900

>/pol/ for happenings
>not /news/
what kind of meme is this

>> No.8798903


>> No.8798912

/co/, /mlp/, /r9k/
Plus like a dozen boards I only check out occasionally.
I can't stop. Send help

>> No.8798927


bunch of other boards couple times a month just to see whats going on

>> No.8798928

Oh shit someone posted my OC

>> No.8798934


>> No.8798939

Main boards

Occasional boards

Not many like me uh

>> No.8798940

It's great OC my friend. Truly a wondrous piece of art

>> No.8798963

I meant /fit/ not /lit/. Don't know what happened with my writing there.

>> No.8798965


>> No.8798973



/r9k/ when I want to examine other people's desperation and feel better about myself

/pol/ when I want to see a bunch of retards roleplaying as niggers that want to genocide whites, has a weird charm to it

>> No.8798985

/sci/ main board
/fit/ when at the gym
/wsg/ for the lulz
/gif/ for the faps

>> No.8798988
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>being this new

>> No.8798997

/vg/ (/gsg/)

I will check on /tv/, /pol/, and /his/ for memes occasionally but never posting.

>> No.8798999
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>> No.8799006

so you're a nice person?

>> No.8799008
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I try to be. The only thing I'm certain about is that I'm a practicioner of meme and mathe magick.

>> No.8799013

80% of time spent between /sci/ and /mu/
The rest spread between /pol/, /diy/, /lit/ and /his/.

>> No.8799014


>> No.8799024

are you a gril?

>> No.8799031

I'm in europe but checked /pol/ during the USA elections, it was pretty fun desu.

>> No.8799035


In that order of frequency.

>> No.8799037
File: 48 KB, 740x720, 1336097339196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't everyone? Why?

>> No.8799043


>> No.8799050

okay but don't spread gender dysphoria

>> No.8799055
File: 92 KB, 500x354, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry, I won't.

>> No.8799056

pls be in cornwall

>> No.8799061

Send nudes pls
for science

>> No.8799062
File: 66 KB, 661x600, 1490923276629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but no.

>> No.8799067
File: 523 KB, 722x525, homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send nudes

>> No.8799069

It's not gay. Aren't you a girl?

>> No.8799072

are you a girl or girl (male)?

>> No.8799073
File: 43 KB, 595x720, 845162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8799037 <- this was supposed to be obvious sarcasm.

Of those two I must pick girl.

>> No.8799076


>> No.8799077

><- this was supposed to be obvious sarcasm.

But do you have a vagina? A vagina you were born with?

>> No.8799079


Occasionally /i/, /gd/, /po/ (not to be confused with that fucking containment board), /ck/, /tv/, and [s4s].

>> No.8799081
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My pussy analogue can be used for that, but it is also the hole to let poo out.

>> No.8799087


>> No.8799093

are you bisexual

>> No.8799095

/int/ and /sci/

>> No.8799096


>> No.8799098

you said you wouldn't

>> No.8799102
File: 156 KB, 354x395, i&#039;m gay as hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry. I didn't do it on purpose.

>> No.8799105

so you are gay?

>> No.8799109
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>> No.8799115
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>main boards

>side boards

>pic related

>> No.8799122
File: 37 KB, 680x684, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic lol here's the right one

>> No.8799132

Can you go to another board?
I thought you people only browsed /lgbt/. It's your containment board after all.

We are very hetero here.

>> No.8799146
File: 397 KB, 549x673, 412351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a tranny, so I don't belong there.

>> No.8799149

Lesbian GAY bisexual transexual

>> No.8799155
File: 47 KB, 704x623, 1435457815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do check it out. It's nothing but MTF gender dysphoria and translesbianism.

>> No.8799157
File: 213 KB, 255x331, 1468004249135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/m/ - (only for weekly discussion of 1 series which has now ended)

/a/ is my main board but it's just shit without a popular/interesting show airing, and I cut down on watching anime since I've pretty much watched all the decent stuff.

/trv/ is a cool low-key board, it's probably the one with the oldest posters.

>> No.8799163

/pol/ (not on this site, though, too many brainlet latinos and fags like op)
Used to go on /r9k/ before it got invaded by the /lgbt/ shills.

>> No.8799167

Okay, I feel you. So what's the new gay board now?

Where do all those hip gay teens shitpost nowadays?

>> No.8799169


>it's another gay animeposter derails thread episode

>> No.8799175
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, 1476215117198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. I don't think sexuality is interesting enough for me to discuss it anywhere.

I dindu nuffin

>> No.8799179

>No idea. I don't think sexuality is interesting enough for me to discuss it anywhere.
I see. Then what is the gayest board in genera? In what board do you feel most at home. In what board do you read a post and think
>Oh, this guy takes it from behind just like me
more often?

>> No.8799191
File: 539 KB, 1280x720, 1241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/'s my fave, but that's probably because I just like this stuff so much. Maybe /mu/ is the one, though, with all those djent posters.

>> No.8799200

BASED anime gaybro

i had fun reading your posts, but i have to ask

are you the well off poster where your dad was a dick and left you with your mom? i nthe thread earlier where some guy posted anime fans had no father figures?

>> No.8799208
File: 494 KB, 800x1151, 45345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, my parents are together and love me. Nice to hear you like my posts.

>> No.8799209
File: 185 KB, 1536x2048, FeYZlft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>too many shitthreads, but come for postgrads threads and shitposting
>>only /dpt/ -- knowledgeable C/C++ programmers
>>only /esg/ -- probably most friendly thread, I idle there all the time
>>good for some discussion, but the userbase is a bit intellectually insecure and unintelligent imo

used to be a regular, but now only occasionally:
>>too much fantano and very little avant garde/experimental
>>way too many plebs and professional photographers with no artistic inclination
>> honestly worst shitposting among media boards, hard to salvage anything. i'd rather just go straight to mubi/RYM/ /r/TrueFilm or whatever
>> still fun but I don't have time nowadays. though too many plebs in /wayt/ threads

i wish i browsed more:

>> No.8799220

>Only ever visit if I want to argue with someone

>> No.8799234

>>>only /dpt/ -- knowledgeable C/C++ programmers


c toddler getting his buffers overflowed and memory corrupted

>> No.8799351

>discussing the ideas in public is detrimental to your career, so I try to stay away from those ideas
Really? So you prefer not to consider those ideas and be none the wiser just so you are not tempted to discuss them? I don't go to /pol/, but I have right-wing ideas that I also don't share with others, but that doesn't mean I'd ever try to block them out