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8792726 No.8792726 [Reply] [Original]

Is autism the next step in human evolution?

>more intelligent
>visual or pattern thinking
>better at science and computers
>have an advantage in a technologically oriented future where verbal communication is made obsolete

Would the human race benefit if we implemented eugenics to mass produce autism?

>> No.8792730
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>> No.8792764

>more intelligent
Only a tiny minority of the autists are actually intelligent. The rest of them are barely functional retards.
If I'm not mistaken the percentage of highly intelligent individuals among non-autists is higher than with autists.
Nevertheless, they aren't very social. Humans have thriven this far because they are very social animals, as opposed to neanderthals, for one.

>> No.8792776

High-functioning autism, maybe, but I doubt it helps with reproduction so it won't be a lasting branch.

>> No.8792823

no because autists suck at breeding. And once we outbreed all non autist all you got left is people who can't breed

>> No.8792827

No, it's more likely from exposure to pulsed fields at ELF to microwave frequencies pre and in early childhood, certain compounds, and the potent immune response following multiple immunizations being given at the same time, as well as the inflammatory response to their adjutants.

Generous estimates now indicate autism rates are at 1 in 42 children, it's probably much worse. ELF to microwave band radiation activate voltage gated calcium channels (especially L-type) leading to aberrant calcium signalling and chronically elevated intracellular calcium (increased peroxynitrite generation). Autism correlates with chronic inflammation and gut problems, etc. It all goes together. Refer to Timothy's syndrome for evidece of overactive VGCCs causing negatively altered dendritic spine mainainance, arborization, and deleterious effects on synaptogenesis.

Autism might, occasionally, afford special abilities, but as a whole it's negative. A large portion of autistic people need to be taken care of for life, have major intellectual deficits, or simply drool on themselves all day. Don't think of rainman (which was caused by agenesis of the corpus callosum), or some savants. Think of the person yelling and not properly understanding their environment or the signals being provided to them.

>> No.8792833

>pre and in early childhood

Garbage keyboard.

>> No.8792925

Autism is just a type of retardation that can be cured if it's treated early on. One section of the brain fails to become operational at the same time as everything else, so it gets "left behind" if you don't go back and retrain it. The reason why autism is such a problem is that parents see their kid arranging toys and shit and think "oh, he's a smart kid, there's nothing wrong", so they just ignore him when the issues actually do start coming up. This relates to the fallacy of "person is smart when it comes to one thing, therefore they are smart when it comes to everything".

>> No.8792929

Nothing changed since the last time you made this thread.

>> No.8792956

>having a goal
>having steps

>> No.8792966

>Everything in the universe being quantized
>Not being able to delineate everything into hard and absolute steps
>Anything whether abstract or mechanical, not being composed of discrete steps

Don't be so quick to buy into the atheist religion's talking points.

>> No.8792969


> never get gf
> never reproduce


>> No.8793179

The factors by which autism is generally diagnosed are advantageous in an environment where communication occurs mainly non-verbally and outside of direct contact. Obviously, it would be a fallacy to equate this to an evolutionary advantage and draw eugenicist conclusions, because any species in the process of evolution would be unable to determine the future conditions that would most benefit it. Dinosaurs didn't "evolve" into undergound cave-dwellers before the asteroid hit, after all. Ditch your social darwinist framework, however, and you have a compelling argument for de-stigmatising the label and bringing awareness to the reasons why those "on the spectrum" are valuable and beneficial to a society that is in the process of negotiating shifts in modes and forms of information.

>> No.8793188

On its own, that's simply feel-good garbage that's symptomatic of a culture in the mid stages of decay.

Yes, obviously a given individual can do things. The argument is not that autistic people are inherently broken or useless, it's that there are factors causing otherwise healthy and normal people to develop incorrectly. The underlying features of autism are inarguably pathological. We need to grow up and face this, fast.

>> No.8793207

Hahahaha fuck yo' face.

>culture in the mid stages [sic] of decay.

Who the fuck do you think you are to identify what "decay" is? What social ideals are you assuming as objectively preferable such that you're passing judgment on others in such a blatantly superior way? What do you think "normal" is, and who told you that it exists?

If I'm coming on strong here, it's because you need to wake the fuck up.

>YOU need to grow up and face this, fast.

>> No.8793221

No. Subdivision is arbitrary, one macro stage can be divided into smaller ones that are individually more meaningful than the whole. Hence, stages.

>Who the fuck do you think you are to identify what "decay" is?
Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me I'm wrong? Get back in your place. If you were really secure you wouldn't be trying to drag down people who have, at the very least, attempted to rise. People like you are the lowest and most pitiable scum. The lowest of the low. And I want you to know it.

>What social ideals are you assuming as objectively preferable[...]
The post you responded to already contains an answer to your asinine response. Try reading it this time.

Ideally people would actually attempt to act in accordance with their purported value system. Instead of acting like disjointed, hedonistic, hackjobs.

>If I'm coming on strong here, it's because you need to wake the fuck up.
The beauty of this, is that it's this sentence here that concisely wraps up your entire reason for responding to me. You got a brief look in the mirror, and you didn't like what you saw. It is you who has chosen to remain asleep. It is you who is asleep.

>> No.8793692


shut up faggot. There are objectively greater and lesser ways to perform certain tasks. newsflash libtard, not all men were created equal.

>> No.8793761

*maintains eye contact*

>> No.8793940
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>outbreed all non autist
>implying autism is breedable

>> No.8794030

>Literal autism

>> No.8794044

One thing is for certain
OP isn't the next step of evolution

>> No.8795703

yes, one day, we, autistist will rune the world

>> No.8795726

>disease that affects a very low percentage of the population
>might not even be hereditary
>doesn't lead to an increased chance of successful breeding
>"the next step" in evolution
i fuckin doubt it

i'm also not going to point out how much of a retard you are for believing evolution is a series of steps

>> No.8795742

>have thriven

>> No.8795743


>> No.8797112

Being actually autistic? Nah
Being lost in the fucktarded sociopaths of boomers and gen x? Sure
There's a sort of wisdom found amongst millennials. Some of it is just being young and stupid, some of it is retarded, some of it is libtarded, but some of it is pretty good

Sucks cuz I'm just getting down being phony n shit. I think gen x sucked the most. they're sociopaths without the skills to hide it

>> No.8797141


>pulsed fields

Where the fuck did you grow up at?

Most children, even during the height of the Cold War, didn't grow up living close to microwave towers, electrical substations and switches. And those that did turned out fine.

>immunizations caused autism

You just announced to the world you're one of those annoying moose-knuckled active wear bored moms who drive their kiddies around in large suvs to soccer events. kys

>> No.8797146

Baby boomers are worse. They are the ones currently in power and they even diminish us millenials for being "too lazy" whereas they got a lot of their power by doing corrupt stuff.

>> No.8797178

>barely functional retards
I was diagnosed last October and can confirm this.

>> No.8797185 [DELETED] 

>no because autists suck at breeding
I have no chance of getting laid and I still want a vasectomy for the good humanity.

>> No.8797189 [DELETED] 

>no because autists suck at breeding
I have no chance of getting laid and I still want a vasectomy for the good of humanity.

>> No.8797193

>no because autists suck at breeding
I have no chance of getting laid and I still want a vasectomy for the good of humanity.

>> No.8797209

>I think gen x sucked the most
Generations follow trends. Gen X is between boomers and millennials so if they're worse, millennials will be the worst of all three.

>> No.8798707
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Without autism we pretty much wouldn't have Einstein, a bunch of other hews, and Isaac Newton. So pretty much autism is the master race and yes we should breed it but also have forced science education for them

>> No.8798779

Einstein wasn't autistic.

>> No.8798787

While I think all greats have a certain condition to them, but to label him as autistic is a bit too much, especially if we're going by levels of eccentricity alone.

Like Dirac was weirder behaviorally than Einstein, I can see people labeling him being on the autism spectrum.

>> No.8798797

What about Einstein's brain being physically different? Same for Temple Grandin.

>> No.8798834 [DELETED] 

>physically different
>must autism

>> No.8798837

>physically different
>must be autism