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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8788196 No.8788196 [Reply] [Original]

how do I learn to enjoy math?

>> No.8788201 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8788204

Have a positive puzzle-solving attitude, try doing the problems on project Euler, it's quite fun to figure things out.

>> No.8788215

Read How to Think Like a Mathematician : Kevin Houston on Cambridge Academic Press (libgen.io is your friend).

Watch some intuitive demonstrations https://youtu.be/kjBOesZCoqc?list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2xVFitgF8hE_ab

>> No.8788230

stop seeing math as this archaic notation game perpetuated as something only very smart people are capable of.
dont look at the problems you see on /sci/ and on high university entrance exams and say "shit, im so dumb", and then hurt yourself emotionally

Dont think of math as a subject, that has only specific things to it. You're ruining the beauty.

Math is essentially anything that you can give structure and information to visually and logicallly.

Math is adventure into imagination and solving your own little arguments you've applied to things.
Let's try.

>Okay, so how long does it take to finish a tissue roll on a set volume, depending on the thickness of the tissue?
>Okay, we'll we know its a spiral, and it layers on each other.
>or fuck that, lets just appropriate to circles and test the relationship.

And just through fuckin about, I probably found and interesting relation or special cute equation involving sine functions and width of paper.

Maybe I can't even solve this problem, which means I have to look for more math tools, maybe calculus, or perhaps vector labelling will help me sort it out more.

You simply think of the most weird shit if you want to and if it interest you, and ONLY IF it interest you, play around with it.

It's literally having questions about real things, non existant things, heck maybe the size of pepe's lips compared to his face interest you.

It's just that we can use logic and thinking creatively to solve anything we want to and the challenge and retrieval of the answer, gives us the drive of fun and satisfies basic human curiosity.

>> No.8788479

Use math! Then you see it as handy and it would please you when it helps you.

>> No.8788660

When I get fed up, I just think about how no matter how mundane the problem I'm solving might be, I'm getting better at understanding the source code of the universe. To me thats a valuable thing. It makes me enjoy life a little more.

>> No.8788731

do alot of it. shortcuts

>> No.8788763

Stop thinking of it as boring work your doing because someone else told you to and think of it as game full of discovery and adventure.

>> No.8788800


Get better at it.

Math, like anything else that's not a spectator sport, is only fun when you feel like you're good at it and can continually make improvements.

I didn't like Math until I made myself get an A in calculus II (got a C in calc I).

This led to getting more As in Calc III and Differential Equations, then I realized I was pretty good at math and that's when I started to like it.

Then you read a book on philosophy of math and realize that we can create entire fields of mathematics starting with just a couple of assumptions about the properties of an object.

Then it gets cool.

So my advice to you is: suck it up, get straight As in your math core subjects, and if you finish calculus with good grades and still can't find interest in what you're doing, then you shouldn't be doing math.

>> No.8789040

You need to start with the fundamentals then slowly work your way up. Once you start getting the stuff that is generally held as more advanced then it becomes fun.

>> No.8789056

I had a 3,7 in Calc I (germany) and try now to get at least a 2 in Calc II, I don't know why I'm failed in Calc I, I've learned 2 months 4 hours everyday until the exam.

>> No.8789061

Examine the reason you're doing it. If you're just doing to it to feel smarter than other people you won't get very far.

If you actually enjoy solving problems in your same time you'll do fine.