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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8786583 No.8786583 [Reply] [Original]

/vg/ here.
I want to code my own 2D games in libgdx.

How much math and physics do I need to know?

Can you at least give me a list of shit I can google?

>> No.8786595

I've made my own games using C++, and the only physics I used was simple kinematics equations. You might need a little bit of trigonometry for moving objects, but you don't really need to understand how it works.

>> No.8786600

can you give me a list of shit so I can google it?

>> No.8786608

2D gamedev is normally not maths heavy at all. It's all about logic and structure. You might be slightly disadvantaged if you can't do basic algebra and use trig to solve right-angled triangle problems.

Learning what vectors are would be useful but you only need an entry level explanation of them and you don't need them to get started. Don't overcomplicate things.
Don't write your own physics/collision detection, use Box or Chipmunk. I suppose knowing how to apply basic equations of motion might be helpful if your game involves e.g. throwing objects around.

>a list of shit I can google?
What level of programming can you do already and what's the highest level of maths education you've had? You might be essentially good to go already.

>> No.8786612

What would be the math and physics needed to make a 2D fighting game?

>> No.8786619

Basic AABB (for collision detection). You just use (x,y) positions and widths/heights to find if two objects are intersecting.

>> No.8786621

don't I need trigonometry to calculate jumps?

>> No.8786623

Only if you want the characters to jump at an angle. If you want them to jump directly upwards, all you have to do is subtract from their Y value.

>> No.8786625

do I still need to stuy basic trigonometry?

>> No.8786630

It can't hurt, but you probably won't be using it much for a 2D fighter.

>> No.8786633

isn't a 2D fighter, basically the same from a programming perspective as a 2D platformer with PvP?

>> No.8786636

Have you written a Pong clone yet? If so you're probably 95% of the way there. Start by allowing two character objects to move around and then worry about detecting hits.

You're really worrying too much about the maths side of things.

Not to begin with. It might be helpful if you want to carefully define their jump curves, but to start, just
>add a whole bunch of upwards vertical velocity when jump is pressed
>every frame, if character is not on the ground, subtract some vertical velocity to imitate gravity
>deal with horizontal movement differently, i.e. maybe limit how quickly they're allowed to move while they're jumping or prevent them from changing their horizontal movement at all until they're back on the ground

>> No.8786640

yeah, I've done games before, that's why I want to tackle now my dream game.

but I'm still afraid I would need some shit I still don't know.

>> No.8786662

To build confidence before starting your real project, maybe make a tiny test game where you're a red rectangle jumping around on some white rectangles? That way you can get familiar with how to handle moving and jumping on platforms.

>> No.8786692

depend the kind of game. some basic vector knowledge at minimum, if there is any physics, newton laws of motion.