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8773637 No.8773637 [Reply] [Original]

I'm asking this because you almost only hear of male mathematicians/physicists.

>> No.8773638

anyone who doesnt post here is pretty smart in my book

>> No.8773642

>anyone who doesnt post here is pretty smart in my book
Then you're not smart my triggered friend.
This is a serious question.

>> No.8773654

Smarter than their male counterparts in my experience. Usually if you see them at the upper-levels they had to be twice as good as their male counterpart. There are some really smart women in STEM. They key is to find a hot one and wife her.

>> No.8773660

>Smarter than their male counterparts in my experience.
Then how come almost all top mathematicians are males if the female counterparts are smarter?

>> No.8773670

80% of women are retarded no matter what "field" they are in, now lets say that leaves 20% of smart women in existence. Now all the women in fields of science can't be smart, because on average 80% of them are retarded. So out of 10 women scientists, 8 will be retarded.

Anyone that thinks men and women are equal is delusional. Women might have the same potential as men, but they fall short. Debate the reasons all day, you are still left with shitloads of retarded females who are not really good at anything.

>> No.8773827

The patriarchy forces them to have men take credit for their proofs.

>> No.8773834

Because the amount of intelligent people regardless of gender is very low. Plus, women have more to overcome than men to be where they are. The ones that make it tend to be as bright or brighter than their male counterparts.

>> No.8773838

poe's law

>> No.8773849

Poe's law was actually invented by a woman. {{{they}}}* don't want you to know this

*{{{reverberations}}} denotes toxic men

>> No.8773862

The ones actually in academia (at least in math, my field) are average for a phd. That is to say they are pretty smart, but aren't the smartest out there.

The problem is, there are all these pushes for diversity and shit so the few women get a disproportionate amount of grants/job offers/etc, making them look smarter than the men.

>> No.8773869


>Women might have the same potential as men, but they fall short.

It's just because their lives are so easy since they never have to suffer or work for anything. Western women will always be provided for simply by virtue of their existence. So there's no need for them to compete in academia or life in general.

In 3rd world and developing countries women work hard and have legitimate STEM careers because their lives are awful and they have no choice.

>> No.8773889

You are retarded idiots that post on 4chan pretending to be smart. That's not the difference of women. Men are pioneers but they are often reckless.

>> No.8773900

You mean they sucked more cocks, like Hedy Lamar or Marie Curie who simply didn't do nothing besides taking the D.

>> No.8773913


Well excuse me for taking 10 minutes out of my day to shitpost on /sci/ before I get back to my work.

>> No.8774046

The average female academic is as smart as the average male academic. I worked with some female postdocs, there is nothing wrong with them. Female professors are also not notably different than male ones, regarding research. I never had a good female teacher but that is not my problem anymore.

Now there are of course some women who got their position because of some quota or because the university needs somebody to show how progressive they are. Nobody likes them but they're all over the public image of the university.
Ironically these people tend to be the kind of women that know PR very well, so they end up getting a lot of grants and with a lot of students that push a lot of papers, while it is an open secret that the prof itself has no idea what's happening. So they also contribute to academia, even if not as researches in the strict sense.

>> No.8774828

The indoctrinated masses, of all gender, too stupid to escape their programming.

>> No.8776010

So you understand that reality contradicts your viewpoint?
How come top mathematicians (prize winners and theorem provers) are male if the female counterparts are brighter?
Do they steal women's work?

>> No.8776027

>original thought

>> No.8776042


Apply the logic "if you see them at the upper-levels they had to be twice as good as their male counterpart."

Say you've got to have an IQ of like 170 to be the worldclass mathguy of the decade (someone like Euler).

For an equal mathgirl to exist, she'd require an IQ of 240, which is absurd. (100 average)

I'm not saying that the premise is correct, (and "twice" is definitely too arbitrary for my tastes), that mathskill is based in IQ, or that _any_ of those numbers above are correct, I'm just saying that the general "shape" of that model provides an apt explanation.

>> No.8776237
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An example worth mentioning.
>She [Judit Polgár] is the first, and to date, only woman to have surpassed the 2700 Elo rating barrier, reaching a career peak rating of 2735 and peak world ranking of No. 8, both achieved in 2005.

>> No.8776240


maybe it will sound too /r9k/ but i think women just lack the capacity for original thought. they excell at shaping their opinions to other pre existing ones, but being able to generate stuff from scratch.. i really doubt it.

>> No.8776248

Usually the females are way more dilligent than males, with seemingly slightly lower IQ and interest in the field itself(no idea how that works).But as always you also got the high IQ, dilligent, interested girls(super rare).

>> No.8776256

>seemingly slightly lower IQ and interest in the field itself(no idea how that works)
women dont know what having a passion is.

>> No.8776267
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i sometimes think women are doing better but they're the ones that socialize and pass around old tests and pull all the important exam content from the professors during office hours.
when the labs come around they ask the guys for help too

>> No.8776281

Honestly sometimes it feels like this is true, I am a brainlet and still have some contact to a few female friends that were much better than me at mathematics but they all wanna get away from it as soon as they can, meanwhile I really like it but am retarded

>> No.8776333

Women are good at memorising the material and get good grades. They then proceed to find themselves very intelligent (even though book learning has nothing to do with intelligence) and spend 90% of the time making sure everyone notices her and wants everybody to want her and pretend she doesn't know/want to.

Women are the fucking worst, especially the "cuter" they get/think they are.

They don't think, they can't use their knowledge in an intelligent or creative way. They just get good grades due to memory and then become expensive, cocky, braggy and power hungry things in the lab/office.

>> No.8776458

>This is a serious question.

>Then how come almost all top mathematicians are males if the female counterparts are smarter?
From what I can tell it's related to autism, but as I'm sure you're aware our knowledge of this issue is still lacking.
Perhaps you could lend yourself to a study.

>> No.8776528
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Why are you being hostile?
You're lying if you haven't questioned yourself about the male/female asymmetry in academia.

>> No.8776551

>You're lying if you haven't questioned yourself about the male/female asymmetry in academia.
I'm not into social science desu senpai.
Good luck with your gender studies degree.

>> No.8776593
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>> No.8777252

That's not true, you just hear of MOSTLY male mathematicians/physicists because there's more of them. You hear about female mathematicians/physicists when they have noteable enough achievements.

>> No.8777266

I think the anon you're replying to is talking about the fact that there are more men in physics and maths, so there's a wider distribution of intelligence; normies and autists. Typically the women who go into physics and maths are smart, because the normie women study other subjects, so it's only the autist women.

>> No.8777270


wow amazing men and women are different, it's incredible the new things science is discovering, now that people know that men and women are different, this will change everything. what would we ever do without scientists to tell us this kind of stuff.

>> No.8777283

>Plus, women have more to overcome than men to be where they are.
Like being harassed with endless scholarships; being the focus of various initiatives, schemes and events designed to get them into STEM; constant job offers from companies looking to meet their quotas, and educational reforms that feminise the curriculum to make STEM subjects more appealing to girls.
Must be hard.

>> No.8777289

I totally admire the lab and cell culture skills of some womyn in molbiomed and evo-devo. they are so disciplined and devoted.

>> No.8777334

women are more average because they have two X chromosomes. there are more really smart guys (and more really dumb guys). average people (both male and female) are stupid as hell compared to smart people and they're only interested in watching game of thrones and sucking chad's dick

>> No.8777349

I was asking people in academia to report about this anecdotally.
Calm your tits down.

>> No.8777368

Not sure how accurate the IQ charts for men/women are, but it could explain alot.

The bell curve for women has more people in the middle, the bell curve for men, has more people in the extremes, thus there are more "smarter and dumber men than women, but more moderate women" That's probably why there are a lot of men in blue collar jobs (lower end) and more men in STEM (higher end).

The way our brains are structured may also influence our thinking, i think there was an experiment where male newborns responded more to objects, and female newborns reacted more to faces. So that interest is probably natural in men. And I think male's brain's are more optimized for spacial thinking.

>> No.8777371

Isn't it true than males have more neurons?
Females having more white matter could be compensatory.

>> No.8777374

why do american stem students seem to hate women?

>> No.8777412

Nice strawman

>> No.8777426

My probably advisor is a woman. She does algebraic topology


>> No.8777429

Because math is literally a huge boys club and believe it or not, most women don't want to choose a career where they're surrounded 24/7 by guys.

>> No.8777450


Women are better at some things and worse at others. For example, women excel at calculation, but perform worse than men at problem-solving. Since we don't give prizes for calculation, but only for problem-solving, it seems that men are simply "better" at math overall, but this really isn't true, they're just better at the parts of math that are prestigious.

>> No.8777455


>> No.8777457

Doesnt matter, women have a thought process that impairs logical reasoning(feels before fact) making most women mentally retarded compared to men.

>> No.8777462

No in the Third World the men are actual alpha males who treat their women like complete shit and dont cater to them like castrated slaves like in the First World.

>> No.8777473


What part of that extremely clear and straightforward post didn't you understand?

>> No.8777476

Ridiculous. By this logic engineers should be running everything in academia.

>> No.8777497
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>women excel at calculation

>> No.8777516

Because they are women.

>> No.8777539


Try "all studies ever done on this subject".

>> No.8777574
File: 21 KB, 360x235, Brain_weight_age.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women physically cannot be as smart as men. Close this thread. It is over.

>> No.8777578


Like the brain capacity it's the only thing that matters when you meassure intelligence...

>> No.8777580

t. roastie

>> No.8777583

>hahahahaha like the muscle mass is the only thing that matters when you measure strength

>> No.8777586

Unga bunga...

>> No.8777594

>implying it is
I tend to use strength measurements instead of mass measurements to measure strength

>> No.8777603

I'm only finishing up my sophomore year, so maybe my observations are a little limited. But I find that my female classmates run the full spectrum. The stupid ones, I think, are there solely for political reasons. "I'm here to prove that women can do this". Those are really quick to blame privilege and inequality for their failures.

But there are some who fit the same profile as the men. Natural curiosity, high intelligence, and (most importantly) a willingness to accept responsibility for their grades.

There aren't very many of those to be honest. But I think that has more to do with how girls are raised to be political, than natural ability.

>> No.8777608
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>supposedly a science board

>80%+ of the people on here aren't scientifically aware enough to observe clear differences between two classes of phenomena, namely males and females

everything is the same, guys. we have applied materialist reductionism, and concluded that no statements whatsoever can be made about anything to establish distinctions or identify properties

by the way, the distinction between mammals and bacteria is a social construct, just like species, genera, order, etc.

>> No.8777612

the ones that stay in academia tend to err on the side of cluelessness, and seemed to have been pandered to just to boost the percentage of female professors in the department.

the ones that get out after a phd/post doc are a mixed bag. some tend to know what they are doing and some are clueless and only got recruited to help their adviser get funding. the ones that only have a bachelors or masters also seem to be clueless and often are carried through the courses by their male peers.

honestly, the safest bet if you see someone in academia that isn't male and white/asian (real asian, i.e. east asian not jungle asian) is to assume they are there only due to "diversity" unless they prove otherwise.

>> No.8777626

Do you have any basis to make that absurd calculation/problem solving claim?

>> No.8777638

Nobody denies differences between the sexes, what they deny is that the differences justify your fairy tale fedora land where only men can do the fun stuff

>> No.8777640

I think the problem is less that they're surrounded by guys, and more that they're surrounded by autists.

>> No.8777641

why do female tech startups always crash and burn

>> No.8777644

They treat their women like pets. That's actually pretty good treatment, you just don't have freedom.

>> No.8777645


>your fairy tale fedora land where only men can do the fun stuff

you're the only one who has mentioned such a thing. apparently, you're incapable of imagining that not many women are capable or interested in STEM shit, but simultaneously, nobody has a fucking problem with them if they can pull their weight.

>Nobody denies differences between the sexes, what they deny is that the differences justify

so, enlighten me... give me some examples of what the differences DO justify.

>> No.8777697
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is more easy to woman do blowjob to the teacher

>> No.8777721
File: 163 KB, 1200x802, Hidden-Figures-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any basis to make that absurd calculation/problem solving claim?
You missed this documentary about (black) women working for the NASA.

>> No.8777961

>we wuz professors 'n sheeit

>> No.8778372

notice how this guy is not making a list of at least more than 2 notable women in mathematics because he knows there is nothing to work with.

>> No.8778399

>3 employees at a giant organization to be put at the same height as geniuses who's work were irreplacable and key to their fields.
>because calculations

>> No.8778423

What's the dashed G at the bottom?

>> No.8778546

>"For the first years of their careers, the workplace was segregated and women were definitely kept in the background as Human computers."

>> No.8778574

It's a dong.

>> No.8778597

>tfw the female professors I interview with are almost always motherly and soaking wet
>one had a russian accent and was very cold and clinical
muh dick