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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8773370 No.8773370 [Reply] [Original]

>half of America trusts Breitbart more than they trust NASA

How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate? And how do we fix this?

>> No.8773371

You will never be able to fix this for the same reason religion is so hard to eradicate from people's minds. We are wired to hold irrational beliefs. Most of us are for sure. Luckily, science has been able to progress despite our nature.

>> No.8773381

I believe both. AMA.

>> No.8773384

How can you believe in climate change when Breitbart doesn't?

>> No.8773388

I'll pick science any day over "feeling logically." Climate change has been explained over and over again in most my bio classes and all 8 chem classes.

>> No.8773391

But you also said you believe in Breitbart

>> No.8773393

But I also said I believe science.

When I say I believe Breitbart, I mean I believe it over CNN, Huffpo, NYT, etc. That's all for politics but their views on climate change and abortion (to some extent) IMO are meme tier.

>> No.8773396

Public schooling was a mistake. My AP English teacher told us she was told in her doctorate program that the purpose of public schooling is to condition students for being behaved citizens, not for education. That's what college is for.

Two other educators I know, one in teaching and one in administration, say they were told the same.

The fact that we send people to an institution for 12 years to condition them and don't even half-ass educating them the entire time, then put a $20,000+ paywall on actually learning means the system is designed to pump out retards all day every day.

>> No.8773399

The irony is that trusting NASA or trusting science or trusting anything is just as religious as 'religion'

>> No.8773402

> meme tier

What does this mean? Is it just like a synonym for retarded?

>> No.8773407

Aren't most non-public schools in America religious? They push similarly retarded anti-science shit that sites like Breitbart do.

Religion and education should be kept completely separate

>> No.8773409

I guess you could say that. Basically implying their beliefs in climate change and abortion are a joke.

>> No.8773411

This silly phrase has been debunked a million times. Do you need me to go through it again with you?

>> No.8773424

Religion has been 'debunked' a million times, yet there are still people who believe in science religiously

What's your point?

>> No.8773459

His argument is that religion is dum but science should never be objected because

>> No.8773472

That's not my argument at all, what the fuck

Science can actually be objected unlike basically every religion. New ideas in religion are oppressed if it directly goes against thousand year old writings by some desert people. Science builds upon itself and if you think something scientific is wrong and can prove it, you are able to change the accepted view of that thing.

People "religiously" following the scientific method and trusting knowledge that has been evidenced and reviewed by thousands is totally different to actually being religious

>> No.8773474

at least tax dollars go to science

>> No.8773477

>some fireworks burn a bit of a church
>is extinguished immediatly
Breitbart :
>1000 Muslims burn Germany's oldest church

>> No.8773487

Prove climate change is a result of human intervention.

>> No.8773488

So what. I dont even believe in electron bullshit, and im a practicing Electrical Engineer.

I'll also tell u bout the climate dogma bullshit..
Earth magnetic poles are about to flip, caused by an end to a 200k year sun cycle (Nasa magnetic sun data actually), that's why the planet's acting up.
If u truly believe a higher level of CO2 (1/2 amount from dinosour times) is gonna be a problem ur the fuckin tard.

CO2 makes plants grow faster, expofuckinentially!

>> No.8773491

Are you mad that muslims actually do commit mass homicides frequently? It doesn't take science to figure this out.

>> No.8773492

You now realize those same Americans believe the earth is flat, it was created 6000 years ago, and heaven/hell exists to punish people who have anal sex.

>> No.8773493

If I linked you NASAs easy to digest page on climate change would you even bother reading it?

>> No.8773494

>electrical engineering
>preach botany

pick one

>> No.8773496

No American actually believes the earth is flat. I'm pretty sure that's just a joke/meme

>> No.8773498

We have nothing to lose breathing a cleaner air. Jobs in the "green industry" (like organic farms, renewable energy sources, recycling, cleaning up waste, and building better cars) can't be outsourced to foreign lands and have millions of available posts, for all levels of qualification.

And everything to lose if we don't do anything and it's real. Look who believe it is true (scientists) and who doesn't (lobbyists and industrials).

>> No.8773501

>Breitbart litteraly crafted a story from thin air
>lel Mooslems are bad
Nice change of subject here /pol/ster

>> No.8773502

Not if it doesn't conform to my current beliefs.

>> No.8773503
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>Why people do not respect a republican institution and prefer a private company to get '''''''''''''''''''scientific'''''''''''''''''''' news ? how do they fail to embrace the republic of the USA ????? wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa wwwwwwaaaaaaaa

>> No.8773506

Lol because I read Breitbart i'm a /pol/ack? What about Cologne germany? The recent London happening? "Last night in Sweden" where violent riots took place. What is it with this mindset of defending the bad guys? I don't see news of Asians, Hispanics, Whites doing these things.

>> No.8773510

Still not adressing the fact that Breitbart lied about that church.
Look, there are obvious problems with migrants and terrorism. I don't subscribe to a simplistic approach with lies as arguments.

>> No.8773512

planetery magnetic discharge is soo not bottany, and is the actual underlying cause..
But my point is that Im freaking out that nasa, an others, have the right info yet all we get from them is buttloads of dussinformation

>> No.8773515


Like what?

>> No.8773516

Its also a joke belief the some grandpa in the clouds are watching over millions of hard working americans and spiting on dirty commies.

Joke to the rational is legitimacy to the lunacy. The world will never run out of lunacy, and thats a rational statement.

>> No.8773521

>the world will never
eventually we will run out of world
the sun will consume the earth or maybe not but either way it will eventually come to an end

>> No.8773527

>implying lunacy is tangible

>> No.8773532

when it's all reduced to plasma inside the bloated corpse of Sol all traces of human influence will be purged
there will be nothing left

>> No.8773538

well lunacy is only relevant to the human context

>> No.8773546

if you don't support Trump 100% and would give your life for the president and the Breitbart editorial staff, you are a liberal cuck CTR shill traitor blacked liberal muslim leftist marxist globalist democrat cuck scum!

Fuck off shils!!!
I want shils off my board
Ban all communist and leftist shills and anyone who doesnt support Trump and advocate for him online!!!

Anyone who doesn't support Trump is leftist scum

Praise kek!!! MAGA!!!

>> No.8773547

I don't believe in bacteria but I study biotechnology.
We just bullshit through life

>> No.8773551

Similarly "the world" is only relevant to the human context as well.

Or more accurately a mayan vampire.

>> No.8773557

The earth is flat because if it was round, all the people would fall off. NASA are lying.

>> No.8773564

Because liberals are amoral scum and frank about it.

>> No.8773574

I mean, the vampirism was South American, but the man was British.

>> No.8773620

All scientists are liberals.

>> No.8773650

>How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate?
Religion. The origins of right-wing conspiracy theories and paranoid news outlets are essentially religious, driven by Evangelical needs for alternative facts (see: creationism). Combine this with mainstream media and government openly lying to people, and you get a backwards population who will believe anything a paranoid right-wing news rag says.

>> No.8773651
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The lead generation is in charge now, that's why

>> No.8773658

I like how violent crimes track previous lead counts in blood until 2002-2005, when it starts to diverge (but is still decreasing). What's the cause of this? Increased Mexican immigration bringing more crime?

>> No.8773701
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>How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate?


>Third lowest


>U.S. ranked 18


>In math, Americans with a high school diploma performed about the same as high school dropouts in other countries.

>"What makes this so sobering is that this is not a high-level test of math or critical-thinking skills,” Stephen Provasnik, a research scientist at the National Center on Education Statistics, told Quartz.

>And how do we fix this?

Make math a required second language taught in all levels of education along with teaching general math courses.

At this point the population as a whole needs to be forced to learn it. No incentives, no promises of better jobs, no feel good shit, just fucking tell them upfront that they will learn it and if they don't want to they can fuck to mexico.

>> No.8773739

>The solution is knowing math

I fucking wish it were that simple, but I really don't think it is. Something in the average American's base psychology needs to change.

For example, I've noticed that a lot of Americans (especially mid-to-far right wing Americans) have so much pride in their own thoughts and views, that if you point out something they do in a way that unambiguously villanizes them, they will often say things like "That's right", or "Yep!" or "What's your point?". They don't give a flying fuck about changing their ways, or even THINKING about changing their ways because they see it as a threat to

They're so fucking proud of their arrogance that they will defend it until they die, else they should be considered weak, or controlled.

t. American living in Canada with southern mom, seeing her blind American pride reflected in the news and in the Oval Office.

>> No.8773743


this isn't one i've actually heard before, but it kinda seems like the general idea behind the unwillingness of American's to analyze themselves

>> No.8773754
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yes this is the only possible answer

>> No.8773763


> CNN posts fake news
> CNN has a pro climate change stance
> CNN is fake, therefore climate change must be fake
Fucking hell you r/poltards need to stop shitting up this board

>> No.8773779


No, he reason we score so low is because we are the most non white first world country. Its that fucking simple. Controll for race and we do just fine.

>> No.8773781

If you ever wonder how the hell did germany go nuts for Hitler, how could they fall in a cult and totally ignore reality - well here you have the same thing going on.
Lucky that US' institutions are so strong that it will survive with merely a black eye.
I hope.

>> No.8773788

Terrorists commit mass homicides frequently. The current prominent organizations have taken up home in the middle East and use radical Islam as a means to push their agenda. There are many more peaceful Muslims than them. Specifically pointing out that MUSLUMS committed these atrocities is extremely xenophobic. Call them jihadists, extremists, whatever.

Also realize that our impulsive responses only fuel their agenda. We need to help the countries they have taken over, or else more of their citizens will join the terrorist groups. That's why taking the refugees is important.

>> No.8773791

>Its that fucking simple
Nothing is ever "that fucking simple". Besides, It seems like the vast majority of radical Christians (read: the ones that would like to remain scientifically illiterate) are white

also, I guess I forgot the classic
>It's not our fault, it's someone else's fault

>> No.8773796

Massachusetts has the best performance on PISA in the US, comparable to East Asian countries (except math where it's weaker) and it's far from the most white. It's not as if they have a ton of Asians either. Some of the most backward states in the US are the most white, like West Virginia.

The Evangelical Protestant Scots-Irish culture prevalent in much of the South and West is anti-intellectual and harmful to kids growing up in a global economy.

>> No.8773816

Actually, my Catholic high school taught science correctly and openly. Catholics aren't fundamentalists. We were always told that Science was for finding the truth of all that could be measured. Religion is for finding the truth that can't be.

>> No.8773818

>Using Pascal's Wager

So which church have you joined up with?

>> No.8773828

>Attributing motive without proof.

Sure is unscientific in here.

>> No.8773835


What a stupid oversimplification. It educates AND indoctrinates. And yes, indoctrination is vital to a functioning society.

>> No.8773841
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>"Last night in Sweden" where violent riots took place.
except there were no riots "last night in Sweden"; Orange Daddy made that one up out of thin air too, just like Breitbart made up the church-burning story. of course, you'd never admit it...

is this a motherfucking Jojo's reference

what we need to teach is critical thinking. there's been a push to teach schoolchildren to question what they hear, consider the sources involved, analyze what they hear to see if it's consistent with other information.

I admire your optimism.

>> No.8773872

Alexandre Bissonnettein, attack on Islamic Cultural Center, Quebec, Jan 29 1017, 6 dead 19 injured, white

Robert Louis Dear, attack on Planned Parenthood clinic, Colorado, Nov 27 2015, 3 dead 9 injured, white

Allen Scarsella and 3 others in ski masks, attack on BLM rally, Nov 24 2015, 5 injured, white

Dylann Roof, attack on black church, South Carolina, June 23 2015, 9 dead, white

Frazier Glenn Cross, attack on Jewish area of suburb, Missouri, April 13 2014, 3 dead, white

>> No.8773881
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[thoughtful expression]

>> No.8773882

The Paris attack alone killed more people than all of those put together, all in a single night. Stop acting like there's any sort of equivalence between whites and mudslimes. There isn't.

>> No.8773914


>Its that fucking simple. Controll for race and we do just fine.
>Being THIS fucking delusional

Reminder that America's mantra for over several centuries was taking in the lowest tiers of the social pecking order from european countries and importing manual labor everywhere else. And isn't like you can deny it because we had a Frenchman build a monument to explicitly express that purpose.

America never prioritized importing the most intelligent or elite, they just followed where the money was or escape their own nations bullshit. And honestly we got lucky that our core population was able to last this long without it becoming blantly obvious our demographic constitution (even in the white population) was academically weak and we depended on first gen immigrants for academia prestige.

This goes well beyond race because even American Whites are behind academically compared to European Whites. So either it's an issue with the education system or the population stock.

If it's the former we can fix it, if it's the latter then American Whites are going to have to face the reality their shit tier even in their own race and they won't be able to blame others because their own history shows they were low tier in the first place.

>> No.8773915

>whites doing these things

You know that the london terrorist was a white convert, right?

>> No.8773920

> nothing to lose
> except somebody has to put up a salary for millions of people
> also these millions will be diverted from other productive ends
Are you an idiot?

>> No.8773925



I thought I was supposed to be on /sci/. What's up with all this unscientific false equivalence you're spouting

>> No.8773926
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> implying this is white
Only in the MSM's fantasy land.

>> No.8773929


> Afghani
> White

Nice to see you completely denying any of the other terror attacks even happened, Ahmed.
Really stunning display of cognitive dissonance there.

Besides, by your logic wouldn't that mean kicking everyone out who subscribes to Islam would be a more viable solution than just kicking out the mud people and calling it a day?

>> No.8773930
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Typical libshit disinfo.

>> No.8773935

It has already been done

>> No.8773936

With just a small amount of critical thinking, you too can become a functional and intelligent person!

>> No.8773937

The "green" industry is nothing but a form of rent seeking. It exists so that liberal politicians can reward their donors and empower their cronies. Any dollar spent on it is a dollar wasted on corruption that could have gone to something actually productive.

>> No.8773939

> except there were no riots "last night in Sweden"; Orange Daddy made that one up out of thin air too
Bzzzt. Wrong.

>> No.8773948 [DELETED] 

Breitbart is more trustworthy. For years under king nigger NASA's mission has been "outreach to the muslim world." Not science, not space exploration, pandering to the mudslimes.

I'll take the word of breitbart over a bunch of leftist mudslime apologists any day.

>> No.8773954

Look at these fucking sources lmao

>> No.8773961

Still better than the trash the MSM puts out. Just look at the bullshit Russia story that they've ginned up, or the endless whining about Trump tweeting X, Y, or Z that no one cares about, or them still demanding Trump's taxes even though the election is over and they lost.

>> No.8773982

It's one thing to be critical and dubious of MSM, but you're literally putting faith in tabloids in its place. The MSM doesn't do the whining or the demanding, they're just reporting that it's happening. I don't consider leftist media (like CNN) as part of the MSM by the way. Don't watch CNN then, but it's literally the same shit as Fox News, Breitbart, etc.

>> No.8773986

>How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate?

The Humanities and mostly liberal colleges.

>> No.8773992

>mainstream news outlets get caught colluding with the candidate who supported climate change management
>hurts their credibility, so people start looking for news somewhere else
Gee, I wonder why.

I don't agree with it, but it's certainly understandable.

>> No.8773996

The MSM is a liberal sham. They report NOTHING except news that promotes their socialist agenda.

>> No.8774000
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> but you're literally putting faith in tabloids in its place
Conservative news sites have already shown how vastly superior they are. They might not be much, but they're still so far above the MSM that it isn't even funny. Just look at the sort of partisan bullshit an MSM publication like the NY times puts on its front page.

> I don't consider leftist media (like CNN) as part of the MSM
> implying there's a difference between leftist media and the MSM

>> No.8774004

>Oh no, not the pockets of fortune 500 CEOs, anything but the pockets of fortune 500 CEOs!

They can fucking deal with "putting up" a salary for people, they've got plenty of money.

>> No.8774010

> Don't watch CNN then, but it's literally the same shit as Fox News, Breitbart, etc.
Except objectively Fox and Breitbart are better than shit like CNN. Which side correctly predicted that Trump would be elected? Fox and Breitbart. Which side correctly predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote? Again, Fox and Breitbart. Meanwhile the MSM has done nothing but spew liberal propaganda that time and again has been proven wrong. For example, when Trump said that mudslimes were creating problems in Sweden, the MSM tripped over itself trying to claim that everything in Sweden was wonderful and how great the mudslime "cultural enrichment" was going for Sweden. Then literally the next day the mudslimes in Sweden riot and destroy half of a city. The MSM is nothing but an endless stream of blatant lies.

>> No.8774012

Because it's clear to half of America now that news outlets like CNN, who we only assumed to be partially dug into an agenda before, are actually shit deep into an agenda and incapable of the smallest trace of impartiality in what and how they choose to report

I can't even give most news outlets the smallest benefit of the doubt anymore, I only care about news wires

Breitbart has basically arisen as the anti-cancer, it isn't anything better but when your other option is so horribly impartial it begets a horribly impartial response

welcome to the awesome new age of Misinformation

>> No.8774016

*tips SS hat*

>> No.8774021

That's not what the original post was saying however.

The idea of religion surrounds blind faith; no matter how enlightened a follower can become, they'll never truly 'know' and must put their faith in the unknown. In the same vain, someone who according to OP trusts NASA but isn't scientifically educated enough (see: most of the world not trained in astrophysics, engineering and astronomy) to understand what they're doing similarly exhibits a blind faith toward science. Now of course the difference is that unlike religion, there is a way of attaining said knowledge so that their trust is no longer just blind faith. But very few people have the time or patience to do this.

It's kind of like the people who hear about a 'recent study that says X prevents Y' and do not try to inquire further as to what it really means, and whether the study may actually be valid. They exhibit a kind of blind faith toward science, and that can be just as dangerous as a blind faith to God.

>> No.8774022

>my Catholic high school taught science correctly and openly
That is not an objective opinion. I think the US flourished under their protestant roots (Catholics were originally not allowed into government at all because of their questionable allegiance, putting a despot in Rome before their own country and countrymen) and now that the Catholic Church begins to get a firm grasp on the nation the degeneration begins in earnest.

>> No.8774027

But isn't Fox News MSM too?

>> No.8774032
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You seem to equate "NANA" with "Science." That is a false equivalence.

NASA is not a scientific institute of pure learning -- it is a large and highly bureaucratic agency of government, in a time when many people have come to distrust governments.

NASA has accomplishe miracles in the years before most of us were born, and has done some valuable work since then. But were they are now, they are an organization with a strong tool-kit of technical expertise whose mission has shifted from space, science and technology to survival as an organization.

I'd tend to trust them more than, say, the IRS or the State Department. But even with NASA, I think the wisest approach is to Trust Upon Verification.

>> No.8774043

>I chose this extreme because opposing opinions seem extreme to me

Wouldn't the best thing to do be weigh multiple reports of PROVEN reputable sources, and make an informed opinion? Sources like the NYT may be opinionated, but they have the resources to uncover more facts than your tabloids do. Learn how to properly read to separate the opinion parts from the factual parts. It's literally your fault if you think opinionated news = fake news.

>> No.8774047
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>Religion and education should be kept completely separate

I think by that you mean that religion should not be taught in schools. I disagree, especially in religious schools, where it will obviously be a key part of the curriculum. But even in pubic schools, we live in a world where religion has shaped our history and continues to do so -- the religion-driven conflict between radical Islam and everybody else is the obvious example, but not the only one.

Students in schools need to be taught about religion and the different world-views fo those who hold different faiths.

I would agree with you this far -- religion is not particularly useful in a math class, and should not be allowed to distort a science class. "The Bible is not a science text," and like that.

>> No.8774049
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>> No.8774050

>correctly predict

Fox and Breitbart are and always were Trump shills, of course they'd predict their lord and savior would win. It's in their agenda.

What the /pol/ retards are saying ITT, and also the reason why no one bothers seriously debating you faggots, is basically that it's not really bad journalism you're calling out (or else you'd hate Breitshit and Fox just as much as CNN or the like for now inaccurate and misleading they are). It's really just that Fox and Breit espouse the same alt right beliefs you have and that's why you pick them over more liberal news sources.

You're literally clinging to your safe spaces and bubbles because you can't stand it when a news source doesn't support your retarded ideologies. That's literally the same thing SJWs do m8.

>> No.8774062

the most lib of all lib states, Massachusetts, has the best results for students in science based on PISA scores

>> No.8774065

> Wouldn't the best thing to do be weigh multiple reports of PROVEN reputable sources
And Breitbart is one of those. It isn't the only one, but it's already proven its worth as a source, by correctly calling Trump's election and Brexit, and by its willingness to report on things like shillary illegally putting classified information on a personal server for all the world to see when the MSM refused to say a word about it.

>> No.8774068

I think you have your finger on a difference between how change happens in science and how it happens in religion. But I also think you overstate how difficult it is for new ideas in religion to arise and get a hearing (look at the number of "heretical"schisms that were running around in the early Christian Church which were debated, argued, accepted or rejected...)

I suspect you are also overestimating the ease with which new radical ideas are accepted by science. Though of course the "heretical" scientist has an advantage in that the proofs he can bring forward are of a more physical and indisputable kind.

>> No.8774070

Because they have fewer niggers to drag the scores down.

>> No.8774073

>People "religiously" following the scientific method and trusting knowledge that has been evidenced and reviewed by thousands is totally different to actually being religious

But what of the people who know fuck-all about the scientific method but simply believe what they are told by the Great Prophet Black Science Man and his Holy Acolyte of Knowledge, Scrawny White Science Guy? The people who argue a point of science not by pointing to proofs and data, but just by invoking the Holy Name of Science over and over again?

>> No.8774084

Massachusetts is a little above average in non-hispanic white population. It's full of Irish and Italians who have lower average IQs than Northern Europeans. And yet they still get good results. It's not like West Virginia is killing it in PISA scores either. It's almost as if fundamentalist Christian culture actively makes a population retarded.

>> No.8774086

>like organic farms, renewable energy sources, recycling, cleaning up waste, and building better cars)

Wait, what?

You really believe that building cars cannot be outsourced? Farming cannot be outsourced?

Recycling of plastic in my small city go by barge to Mexico to make new drink bottles. Chinese factories can make solar panels as easily as anybody else, and with the same labor cost advantage they use to undercut prices on so many other things.

Of your list, I guess picking up trash, if tha's what "cleaning up waste" means, would be hard to outsource, we'll just let illegal Mexicans do that one like we do now.

Helluva jobs program you got there, mate!

Your other arguments may be stronger than this one -- I would not use this one in a public forum where you can hear the people laughing at you; it might cause unhappiness on your part.

>> No.8774087

That doesn't happen and you know it.

>> No.8774089

>Breitbart is totally always reliable guys! I swear!


>Obongo is from Kenya
>Obama wiretap BS
>conspiracy theories galore

Yeah, no. Stay ignorant.

>> No.8774090

Those are just people on the street who have little to nothing to do with the actual scientific process. Sure, they're not going to know much about it. The difference is that if they were to actually investigate, learn, and delve deeply enough, they could see and understand the data. With religion, on the other hand, even the most learned of religious scholars need faith, because even if you were to dedicate your entire life to investigating and learning about the subject, you still wouldn't have objective data to derive a point of religious belief like the divinity of Christ. Science just requires that you gain the knowledge necessary to understand it. With religion, that alone is never enough, you always need the additional step of faith in something that isn't actually rooted in data.

>> No.8774091

>hundreds of people die each year by asphyxiating themselves in their sheets

This is shocking even without the correlation to cheese consumption.

>> No.8774092

This guy has a point I have stopped believing in pussy, as I never encounter any in real life. Yet somehow I keep seeking it out, like some Holy Grail of Randiness, even though in my heart I know it is somehow a ((((lie))))

>> No.8774095

> Obama wiretap BS
Except that turned out to be true. Devine Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, just went public with information indicating that US intelligence agencies were in fact listening in on communications coming from the Trump transition team.

>> No.8774097


They aren't "opposing opinions". They are outright fabrications. We knew the DNC got phished way back in July, it didn't become a "Trump is colluding with Russia" spin until this December when they decided they needed a concerted smear campaign. Since then the rest of their body of evidence has included such flimsy circumstantial evidence as "person X did business in Russia once" and "person Y talked to the Russian ambassador (among many others)". It's total fucking bullshit and reeks of agenda.

I picked up a copy of the NYT at a Starbucks recently and it was patently shameful. They don't have real sources, they have real sources because you want them to be real. They are still the same "unnamed source", "anonymous informant", "some guy in the CIA" shit as any other tabloid piece of shit.

And it isn't just in how you're presenting something, it's what you're presenting. How you consciously choose to run all anti-conservative, anti-Trump stories 24/7 and omit other big stories because you aren't actually a news outlet, you're a circlejerk leftist boom cannon. If that perspective agrees with your own I can easily see why you wouldn't consider that a problem. Personally my priorities don't revolve around opening my nation's asshole to floods of refugees and caring about what bathroom isn't letting trannies in anymore.

>> No.8774101
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>if it was round, all the people would fall off
Not us people on the top half. We're fine.

>> No.8774105

Predictions =/= investigative reporting, come on man.
And MSM did report on the e-mails. If it was contained all within Breitbart and/or Fox News I would be completely unaware of it.


Look, actual information without the extra insanity.

>> No.8774108

>Combine this with mainstream media and government openly lying to people, and you get a backwards population who will believe anything a paranoid right-wing news rag says.

You left out the left-wing people who believe anything the government and media say. You remember the government and media, the ones you just pointed out are liars?

>> No.8774111
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I have proof, look at my graph! It's SOOOOOOO purty.

>> No.8774113

>it didn't become a "Trump is colluding with Russia" spin until this December when they decided they needed a concerted smear campaign.
Stop fucking lying, there were allegations that Trump was colluding with Russia as far back as July/August, why else do you think Manafort resigned in the first place?

>> No.8774114
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>It seems like

Source: My arse, out of which I pulled it.

You never been to a rural black church, mate.

>> No.8774119
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More of these, they are so wonderful.

>> No.8774122

> And MSM did report on the e-mails.
Name a single MSM source that was willing to admit that shillary committed a crime. One.

>> No.8774124

removing lead from gasoline is the number 1 quality of life increaser WORLDWIDE

in every single country, a decrease in things like crime happens once 16-18 years have passed after lead is removed from gas.

It seriously fucks up babies

>> No.8774125

>Since then the rest of their body of evidence has included such flimsy circumstantial evidence as "person X did business in Russia once" and "person Y talked to the Russian ambassador (among many others)"

>> No.8774127


Those were peeps. And they were disspelled by the FBI as unsubstantiated. This was dug back up by most of the MSM in tandem, suspiciously enough, and suddenly blasted everywhere a month after his win, with nothing having changed.

>> No.8774129
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Seems an opportune time to post this,

>> No.8774130

Wrong. The entire "Trump/Russia collusion story came out of the debates, when shillary blamed "Russian hacking" for her campaign fuck ups and the MSM took that and ran with it despite the fact that there was zero proof to back it up. And even now, months later, when they still have zero proof, the MSM is still running their bogus Russia line day in, day out.

>> No.8774136

> flimsy circumstantial evidence as "person X did business in Russia once"
Try again.

>> No.8774137

>And they were disspelled by the FBI as unsubstantiated
No, they weren't. Stop fucking lying. Comey himself has said Trump has been under investigation since July.


>> No.8774140

>The entire "Trump/Russia collusion story came out of the debates
You are factually wrong. Stop posting you fucking liar.


>> No.8774141


>person X did business with Russia

>> No.8774142

>You never been to a rural black church
It wouldn't matter if I did, because, surprise

>Woah, there sure are a lot of radical black Christians at this black church

I say "it seems like" because the white Christians are the ones (generally, of course. Im sure there are Christians of other races out there doing this too, just in much lower numbers) that are out there trying to teach abstinence-only and creationism in attempt to indoctrinate future generations.

>> No.8774143

>>correctly predict
Any news source that predicts the outcome of an election is no longer a news source, they are propagandists for a position. If, following recent elections in the US and GB, there are still people who believe that election outcomes can be predicted, then at least we have that as a handy "tell" to find the idiots.

>> No.8774144

prove me wrong

>> No.8774145

>literally paid by one of Putin's cronies, writing memos regarding things that benefit Putin regime
>"he's just doing innocuous business in russia guys xd"
Stop fucking lying.

>> No.8774146

Comey also stated that there was zero evidence of Russia actually doing anything that influenced the election

>> No.8774150

Nice unbiased source.

>> No.8774154



Indeed he has. And as is typical with a politically motivated investigation that doesn't really have any basis, they have turned up the same amount of incriminating evidence since they started in July: 0.

>> No.8774158

So he did business with Putin? Why is that suddenly a massive fucking crime when shillary was taking millions from the Saudis for years? Russia is at least also fighting ISIS, while the Saudis and the leftists that collude with them are supporting ISIS.

>> No.8774164
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Obviously that should have read "NASA," sorry for the confusion. This is NOT a Banana thread.

>> No.8774169

>b-but whatabout
So you admit that he was doing business with Putin?

Hillary Clinton isn't president, by the way, so nobody gives a shit about your claim.

>> No.8774173

Fine, then take a look at >>8774154
Even the MSM can't get around the fact that there is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. The whole thing is a politically motivated witch hunt led by leftist who are butthurt that America overwhelmingly rejected their shrill hag of a candidate.

>> No.8774175
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you don't get to bring friends

>> No.8774177

>PROVEN reputable sources,

Out of curiosity, name a couple?

I try to average out the sort of bias I here by listening to multiple sources across the spectrum -- I know of no sources for news that I would call reliable. Amusingly, Fox seems to get the facts out first in a straight-up news situation, but nobody is going to say they don't have an agenda when it is back to the regular news day.

>> No.8774179

I think when it comes to intelligence, America is a country of extremes: lots of very smart people, and lots of complete cretins.

>> No.8774180

>The people who argue a point of science not by pointing to proofs and data, but just by invoking the Holy Name of Science over and over again?

The thing is that science actually works.

>> No.8774183

> When Hillary does it, no one cares, but when Trump does it, it's a massive scandal!
This is what shitlibs actually believe.

>> No.8774184
File: 20 KB, 487x176, Screenshot from 2017-03-24 12-57-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but it's politically motivated
Why would they be investigating if there wasn't cause? Most honest people aren't under investigation by the FBI, right?

>> No.8774187

Saying she committed a crime would be beyond reporting of the facts. That would be taking the legal aspects into your own hands and forming an opinion. Per the NYT:

>An F.B.I. investigation into whether any laws were broken in the handling of classified information has concluded, and while the agency recommended no charges against Ms. Clinton over her use of email, it was called "extremely careless." Attorney General Loretta Lynch affirmed that she would accept the recommendation and that the Department of Justice would not seek criminal charges.

So... If you disagree with the FBI or DOJ, fine. But Breitbart is no federal judge with higher authority than the DOJ. Of course you will cry corruption and shilling etc. I personally am not a fan of what happened, but I'm not going to demand someone be jailed for things above my head. I don't vote for Hillary.

I do tend to see that the NYT is good with facts. Watch out for the [labeled] opinion pieces.

>> No.8774188

I'm not a liberal

I hope your bosses aren't paying you too many rubles, you aren't too good at this.

>> No.8774193

Oh, OK, you got me. Those people don't really exist, they are just Reptilians in disguise, wandering the streets and places of business where we all live to sow discord and disinformation.

>> No.8774194


>> No.8774195


>Why would they be investigating if there wasn't cause? Most honest people aren't under investigation by the FBI, right?

Because federal politics are one big grandstanding shitshow right now with a complete outsider that most people don't like taking office

That's what happens when 99% of Democrats and 30% of Republicans are against you

They need to find a new meme because Russia is 3/4th's of a year old and getting very very stale

>> No.8774199

> Saying she committed a crime would be beyond reporting of the facts.
Wrong. Comey flat out said that she did things that violated the law, even as he was saying that he wouldn't indict her.

>> No.8774203

>Those people don't really exist, they are just Reptilians in disguise

How can they be reptilians if they don't exist? Even your shitposting doesn't make sense

>> No.8774205

>I do tend to see that the NYT is good with facts.
> good with facts
Just look at >>8774000
and try to say that with a straight face.

>> No.8774207

>Even the MSM can't get around the fact that there is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion
Except for the fact that his campaign manager manafort was taking payments from pro-Putin cronies for a decade and worked for Yanukovych to advance Russian interests in Ukraine.

Yanukovych is wanted in Ukraine for selling out his country to Putin btw.

>> No.8774215


>we found an individual associated with Trump who had business dealings with Russia


go ahead and try to use that in court

>> No.8774216

Here's the statement, show me:

As I said before, opinionated news =/= fake news. Learn to separate the opinion parts from the facts. Get better at reading please. They provide plenty of reputable facts. And also you can ignore the entire right side of the page, because those are opinion columns. Yet you choose to show that anyway as evidence of fake news. I can only conclude that you are unable to navigate a clearly labeled website.

>> No.8774230

>just people on the street who have little to nothing to do with the actual scientific process.

Yes, exactly. They are the worshipers at the shrine of Science.

>Sure, they're not going to know much about it.

But they believe it, Oh Hallelujah, do they believe it"

> The difference is that if they were to actually investigate...they could see and understand the data.

You may overestimate them, but I do understand your point.

>With religion, on the other hand, even the most learned of religious scholars need faith...

Would tend to agree, to a large extent. I believe you can find EVIDENCE in religious matters, but not ultimately PROOF, which are two different things often conflated by those having this discussion. So there is, in religion, ultimately a question of Faith. As a person of Faith myself, I don't see this as a huge drawback -- but it certainly defines a difference between the pursuit of enlightenment through Science and the similar pursuit of enlightenment on other topics through Religion.

>Science just requires that you gain the knowledge necessary to understand it.

Fine, but that does not address the millions who have acquired no such knowledge, but believe fervently anyway that what Science reveals to them is True. To them, Science is a Religion.

>With religion, that alone is never enough, you always need the additional step of faith in something that isn't actually rooted in data.

Agreed, again noting that I see that as a difference that does not apply superiority of one over the other. The question of Faith makes religion ill-suited for trying to understand how the cosmos works -- I'd argue that the absence of Faith as an element in the belief system makes Science a poor tool for trying to understand the Why of it all.

I find them both useful in search of the appropriate sort of understanding.

>> No.8774235

Which is not "Obama tapped the wires in Trump Tower," but is still a Bad Thing -- just not the Bad Thing that President Trump lied about.

>> No.8774236


I can imagine that your perception of the world could be remarkably different if you ascribed to a leaning left (but legitimate) news source vs. a leaning right (but legitimate) news source.

Maybe it's not all fake but if it's biased you may as well live in a dream world where conservatives are minority hating Nazis and transsexualism is the path to true enlightenment.

>> No.8774241


> From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification.

> With respect to the thousands of e-mails we found that were not among those produced to State, agencies have concluded that three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received, one at the Secret level and two at the Confidential level.

> For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

She clearly violated the espionage act.

>> No.8774242

>he thinks there's only one individual
Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Jeff Sessions, Carter Page, Jared Kushner, Roger Stone and Rex Tillerson

If there isn't any collusion, why did many of these people go to such efforts to hide their meetings with Russian officials? Why is Carter Page talking through back channels?

>> No.8774245

No, instead Obama had them spying on Trump's team rather than Trump himself.

>> No.8774246
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>b-but it's just MSM making things up!
Nobody is buying your bullshit lies anymore. Russian/Trump collusion is getting more and more obvious by the day.

>> No.8774247


Actually uses the fucking scientific method.
"Believe us because the jews said so"

>> No.8774248
File: 35 KB, 500x375, meanigless statistic graphed accurately.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing lead from gasoline is the number 1 quality of life increaser WORLDWIDE

I am not in a position to refute or confirm that, but would not be surprised if it were true.

I am unconvinced by a graph with no sources for any of the data, though.

Posting a graph like that proves that you are capable of posting an image on 4chan, but that's about all.

tldr -- I am not making fun of your point, I am making fun of the worthless way you presented it.

>> No.8774250

There's nothing wrong with Russia trying to interfere in a US election, even though they didn't do it. We interfere in other countries' elections. If they had interfered, it would've been justified, because they were trying to save the world from Hillary, and were trying to save Americans from themselves. Russia is a natural ally against Islam and is really looking out for Americans' best interests - they are basically "The Good Guy" in the world today.

>> No.8774252
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>varying degrees of having interacted with Russia or a Russian business at some point in time

Who knew diplomats and major businessmen would do this

You may add one piece of turd evidence on top of another ad infinitum but at the end of the day all you have is a shitpile and the "smoking gun" is still the fact that some fuckhead at the DNC got phished like a child and exposed

>> No.8774254

>go ahead and try to use that in court
shit, trump's lawyers are posting in this thread

>> No.8774255

>Maybe it's not all fake but if it's biased you may as well...
But there may not be any completely unbiased sources at all. It goes both ways. The dream world where all liberals are gay Muslim SJW cucks etc, exists on the other side. The only solution is to take news from multiple sources who at least care a little bit about real investigative reporting. Breitbart belongs in a dumpster in that regard.

>> No.8774259

>No, instead Obama had them spying on Trump's team rather than Trump himself.

Possibly -- though I have not yet seen evidence that Obama was involved, I would also not be surprised if he was. I am comfortable with the idea that Obama was a crook and that Trump is a lying idiot. I see no reason those concepts would be mutually exclusive.

And as this veers off totally into /pol/ tpoics, I am off to lunch.

Seeyyou brainlets later on!

>> No.8774261


Most belong in a dumpster and I will stick to Reuters and my own critical thinking

modern journos are not worth listening to

>> No.8774263

>There's nothing wrong with Russia trying to interfere in a US election
lmao it's like you don't give a fuck about national sovereignty at all

That is treasonous talk, if you were an elected official saying that you would be convicted and hanged.

>> No.8774265

Reuters is good

>> No.8774270

putin disappears his political opponents

>> No.8774272

Liberal politicians are the enemy of the people. Russia is on the side of the American people, the same side as Trump. Liberals hate both Russia and real Americans.

>> No.8774276

So does shillary.

>> No.8774277

>the "smoking gun" is still the fact that some fuckhead at the DNC got phished like a child and exposed
no, the smoking gun will be the mountains of evidence uncovered by FBI investigations detailing conspiracy and collusion with Russian government against US sovereign interests.

Thanks for trying though Dimitri. ₽0.05 rubles have been deposited in your account.

>> No.8774280
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>all of this circumstantial bullshit supposedly "proving" Trump "had" to have been funded by Russia
>Obama's administration quite literally let them invade and annex a sovereign territory

How am I supposed to take any of you seriously

this is the most flimsy grasping at straws chumped up bullshit non story ever

>> No.8774281

>Russia is your friend hehe trust us ;)
You are a traitor and you ought to be hanged, but you're probably not even American.

>> No.8774284

trump's alive isn't he
obama is alive
sanders is alive
hillary is ruthless, she's not as ruthless as putin

>> No.8774286

The MSM simply report on what US officials say. They don't claim something is true, like Breitbart does.

>> No.8774288
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>will be

I'm out

>> No.8774292

We have a lot of people in this country, keep that in mind.

>> No.8774294


>we have uncovered a "secret dossier" from an "unnamed source" that confirms Trump has a piss fetish and is being blackmailed by Putin

this was about the time I turned the TV off permanently

>> No.8774296

Yeah Obama had his hands tied by a revanchist war in Crimea.

Better just dissolve NATO and let Putin have all the baltic states/eastern europe in that case ;)

₽0.05 rubles have been deposited in your account.

>> No.8774300

Is this a parody post

>> No.8774304

The real traitors to America are liberals. They're destroying rural, God-fearing Americans with immigration and free trade and spending all their money purchasing votes with welfare payments taken from tax dollars spent by rural, hardworking whites. They constantly antagonize Russia because it's one of the few countries that takes a stand against the American empire's materialism and upholds traditional Christian values, the same values many Americans agree with and want made into law were it not for the liberals paying off minority voters.

>> No.8774306

You talk about a lot of people, while OP talks about a fraction, that does not depend on numbers... Great job, you dun' goofed, nigga

>> No.8774307


>trying to flip a /pol/ meme on me with a leftist flavor

very original

>> No.8774308

To be fair Huffington Post is nearly on the same (low) level as Brietbart. It's just left leaning instead of right.

>> No.8774312

You literally advocated for another country to interfere in your own country's democratic elections, a clear violation of national sovereignty.

You are a traitor in no ambiguous terms.

>> No.8774318

BBC, how do other news agencies even compete?

>> No.8774319

>didn't deny being a Russian shill
How much does FSB pay you? Is ₽0.05 per Trump nuthugging post the going rate or have there been cutbacks because of slumping Oil & Gas prices?

>> No.8774322

What country? Until Trump, real Americans had no country. They've been suppressed and held hostage by liberal traitors. Russia is a better ally to real Americans than America itself.

>> No.8774329

t. Ivan Petroyovych

>> No.8774335

What's a real american

>> No.8774338
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Trump is President and Republicans control both legislatures.

I don't see the investment opportunity in paying me further, myself.

I am happy that you have a pet story to entertain yourself with, however. Should keep you from being on the streets and trashing businesses and stuff.

>> No.8774343

>God-fearing Americans
>upholds traditional Christian values
This is bait and i'm responding

>> No.8774345

A white christian who believes in the value of hard work and the traditional family.

>> No.8774346

>purpose of public schooling is to condition students for being behaved citizens

I thought this was common knowledge...
Is this actually surprising to people?

>> No.8774348

>da I am american, see? let me post picture of american golfball player, is good american hero for peoples

>> No.8774350

>What's a real american

see >>8774345

>> No.8774359


this just goes to show how closed minded and retarded /sci/fags really are. there's nothing "scientific" about "because the jews at nasa said so"

>> No.8774361


he plays football, you'd know that if you watched it :)

>> No.8774365

Reuters has been pushing the idea that there is an equal split in the scientific community between the idea that climate change is real or made up.

>> No.8774373


Probably more about addressing the significance of man's impact

which is a legitimate debate

>> No.8774379

Haven't seen it. Unfortunate if true, but they're still mostly spot-on.

>> No.8774385

Let me guess, you were born between 1960 and 1980, south of Kentucky. You have your own special chair that your kids are never allowed to sit in. Said kids probably dread when you speak at Christmas dinner.

>traditional family
To hell with tradition. It only causes people to be stuck in the past. To never be able to move forward and grow and develop.

>> No.8774390


>Breitbart News promoted the falsehood that President Obama was a Kenyan-born Muslim.
>Promoted ACORN undercover videos that were heavily edited, later turned out nothing was wrong.
>Heavily edited videos resulting in the wrongful firing of Shirley Sherrod
>erroneously reported that Loretta Lynch, President Barack Obama's nominee for attorney general
>False report of Muslim mob in Germany

Breitbart is literally fake news with opinionated garbage thrown into the mix. All the worst aspects of MSM put together multiplied by 10. This is not including other garbage like dailymail or infowars.


>> No.8774400

I can't, its just a gut feeling

>> No.8774402
File: 448 KB, 1604x1298, IPCC report p18 graphic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> which is a legitimate debate
The debate is in the political arena. But in the scientific community where people have actually examined the data on natural versus man-made forcing, that debate was resolved years ago.


>> No.8774404


If the MSM had maintained integrity, impartiality, and credibility, rather than littering legitimate news with their own bullshit, you would not be seeing this sudden surge of equal and opposite garbage

action reaction

>> No.8774424

Except conservative news "alternatives" like Fox News aren't new, they've been catering to the conservative audience who dismiss the MSM as liberal garbage for decades now.

>> No.8774450


Fox News was a lite alternative compared to the new arrivals

this is probably mostly CNN's fault since they went down the hardest and were formerly regarded as neutral enough

>> No.8774458

> IPCC report
The product of a committee made up of governments, not science. The idea of there not being debate is fundamentally antithetical to science. There are plenty of dissenting voices regarding whether climate change is man made or if it's just a part of the planet's natural cycles, the IPCC simply chose to ignore them in favor of "consensus." This ignores the fact that science isn't driven by consensus, but rather by those who defy the consensus and discover something new.

>> No.8774467

> this is probably mostly CNN's fault since they went down the hardest and were formerly regarded as neutral enough

Conservatives have been saying that CNN was liberal media garbage since before Fox News was even created. That's not a new development. More likely the rise of Breitbart and the like was driven by conservative dissatisfaction with Fox News being insufficiently conservative for their tastes. During the long 8 years of the Obama presidency, there was enough time and enough rage on the right at being out of power that you saw the rise of the Tea Party and other conservative groups who claimed that existing conservatives were insufficiently conservative, and Fox News was basically the conservative establishment by that point.

The people who gravitated toward Breitbart mostly didn't make the jump from CNN, but rather they were Fox News viewers who began using it as a supplemental source when they felt Fox wasn't being hard enough on the Obama administration.

>> No.8774485


I am moderately conservative. I didn't like Fox News prior to this election cycle. I realized CNN had a slight liberal tint but it wasn't horrible. This election cycle completely changed my mind and I watched them drown in their own hatred for Donald Trump to the point of regularly pushing out tabloid tier rumors.

I'm not a wholly neutral observer by any means but my assumption is that other people similar to my position also developed a similar amount of distaste, while your Facebook conservative grandma who may have been on CNN every once and a while before is now committed to her daily dose of Breitbart.

All I can deduce is that harder camps were created from this past election all along the strata and things have felt much more personal, which is where people get even more defensive.

>> No.8774504

> I am moderately conservative.
And that already separates you from most of Breitbart's readership. They wouldn't add "moderately" to that descriptor. So I don't think your particular case is representative of Breitbart's readership.


The only group that had more than 10% getting news from Breitbart was the most conservative group.

>> No.8774530

That data is from 2014, so it doesn't take into account the moderates who have started to look to alternatives like Breitbart after the 2016 election outed CNN and other "moderate" sources as shills for the dims.

>> No.8774556

That doesn't mean we should be debating things that are well known. Especially when there's obvious incentive to misrepresent science. I mean no serious scientific debate is going on about whether the Earth is flat.

>> No.8774565

>I mean no serious scientific debate is going on about whether the Earth is flat.
Because we can see that it isn't, so the evidence is fairly clear. With AGW, on the other hand, the evidence isn't at all clear that humans are the cause or if this is just the earth's natural cycles at work. So we absolutely should have debate over that instead of trying to ignore or silence dissent.

>> No.8774577

The geophysics has been known in detail for a long, long time. I'm only a uni student but when I took surface climate processes, my textbook was over 60 years old. Why? Because the way the Earth handles insolation hasn't changed and it won't for geologic time.

>> No.8774583

> I'm only a uni student
I prefer to take the word of an actual atmospheric physicist over a student.

From listening to actual scientists, it's clear that there is serious debate in scientific circles over whether the climate is changing because of human activity or if it is simply part of the earth's natural cycles.

>> No.8774586
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 15338495_1213414475408839_4515363499844567040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8774599

>serious debate in scientific circles
babby lern'd a new buzzphrase

>> No.8774607
File: 118 KB, 768x760, climatechange_countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whether or not evolution is real
>Whether or not GMOs are safe
>Whether or not vaccines cause autism

Like with the other topics above, the debate about AGW is larger in the public than in the scientific community. I think that's very telling.

>> No.8774609

But you refuse to take the word of every other atmospheric physicist because the one you cherrypicked agrees with your predetermined conclusion. How convenient. You people are really dumb if you think you're fooling anyone with such sophistry.


>> No.8774615

>just as
No, it's not "just as religious". Being a Scientologist is quite different from reading the Christian Science Monitor.

>> No.8774617

In the land of the blind the man with one eye is king.

>> No.8774626

americans and saudis commit mass homicides much more frequently. how many hundred thousand civilians have we killed in the last 10 years thru our occupations in other countries?

>> No.8774627


>> No.8774643


>> No.8774673
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>> No.8774684

"green industry"
"organic farms"

ha, no

>> No.8774690


people no longer have a reason to trust supposed authorities.

why shouldn't i trust breitbart more than nasa?

slurs such as 'scientifically illiterate' are just stones that progressives throw at people that disagree with their agenda. you're scientifically illiterate if you don't think children as young as 9 or 10 should be put on hormones and have their genitals mutated. you're scientifically illiterate if you think that there's any difference between men and women. etc etc. so don't use that term and pretend it's anything but a slur. i immediately lose respect for you when you attempt to use this sort of appeal.

maybe people lost respect for 'science' because they're not as stupid as you think they are.

>> No.8774704

t. idiot

>> No.8774716
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>Trump says there were riots last night
>riots break out a few days later
>mfw /pol/acks have no concept of time

>> No.8774720


keep it up.

>> No.8774746


kek, get raped

>> No.8774749

Anglo-russian alliance when? The US, UK, Australia, and Russia all have governments that have a lot in common.

>> No.8774766

>>Trump says there were riots last night
>>riots break out a few days later
Given that those statements are both true, there are two logical possibilities:

Either there is some causative relationship, where Trump's prediction caused riots to break out in a foreign country and Trump is truly the god-emperor of mankind able to manifest unrest around the world


Regardless of the details there is an extremely unstable social situation in Sweden and Trump's rhetorical point about unchecked immigration from islamic countries is valid.

>> No.8774775

>Lindzen makes absolutely no attempt to give his viewers an idea of how big the group of contrarian climate scientists is, relative to the entire community of climate scientists.

Hmm, I wonder why?

>> No.8774781

That's because there's literally about 4 of them, and only 2-3 of them still publish anything.

Lindzen's work has been BTFO so many times though, all the projections he himself has made have been absolute failures, it's really sad, especially since they constantly whine and cry about how the IPCC projections are inaccurate, even though they're pretty damn close to reality.

>> No.8774783

No, no. no, don't you understand, Trump never deserves the benefit of the doubt. Every technicality of everything he says must be deconstructed to falsehood.

also checked>>8774766

>> No.8774786

dat trend line

and it goes back to 1997?... wonder why

>> No.8774793

OR its simply a coincidence and Trump will exaggerate anything if he thinks it's convenient for him to do so. You can spin any lie into a grain of truth, first change the fact that a lie is a lie and the president is a big liar.

>> No.8774799

> Regardless of the details there is an extremely unstable social situation in Sweden and Trump's rhetorical point about unchecked immigration from islamic countries is valid.

THIS. Liberals keep trying to smear Trump for "lying," when in reality it doesn't matter if what Trump says is literally true. As he puts it, he uses truthful hyperbole, statements that while not literally true still get the point across. And, more importantly, they tell people that Trump takes their concerns seriously.

For example, when Trump said the murder rate was the highest it's been in 40 years, liberals tried to jump on that statement and accused him of lying. In reality, to most Americans it doesn't matter if that is literally true, what is important is that Americans are worried about rising crime after years of lawlessness under obama, and when Trump acknowledged that crime has risen to worrying levels it told them that he was with them and he shared their concerns. It doesn't matter if it's literally true that the murder rate is the highest it's been in exactly 40 years, what's important is that crime has become a big problem that worries most Americans and we need a leader who shows that he understands that.

It doesn't matter when the riot in Sweden was, what matters is that muslim immigration is causing massive problems in countries all over Europe. The American people recognize that, and they want a leader who recognizes that and will take steps to stop muslim immigration before we end up in as bad a situation as Europe.

>> No.8774818

So what if it's an exaggeration? The underlining point is still valid. No country in the developed world has been improved by allowing muslim in, and many have had serious problems because of the appearance of a group of people who have no willingness to abide by the customs of the country and want to impose their backwards beliefs on everyone else.

>> No.8774837

You're autistic. I'm not a liberal by any means but do you hear yourself?

What makes you think leaders that actually fact-check what they say don't care about or understand the issues? It's not that fucking hard to not make up facts on the spot in order to get a point across.

This is such a degeneration of evidence-based thinking I'm disgusted. You're defending someone for saying literally false things because you agree with what those things imply... that isn't how it works. Maybe people wouldn't be "worried about rising crime" if their leaders weren't LITERALLY LYING to them about the murder rate being high!

>> No.8774842

>yfw even the Chinks' general population is in on the conspiracy
truly they are the creverest race. Stupid Ameribrubber!

>> No.8774850

No one does persecution fantasies, conspiratorial thinking, and >muh empire like the Russians and Anglos.

>> No.8774854

> Maybe people wouldn't be "worried about rising crime" if their leaders weren't LITERALLY LYING to them about the murder rate being high!
They're worried about rising crime because the have to live it. Not everyone is has the benefit of being a limousine liberal living in a gated community far away from the thugs, looters, and gangbangers that have been allowed to thrive under obama and even been encouraged by him. The American people want a leader who recognizes the truth, even if he says things that are somewhat hyperbolic but fundamentally based on a very real problem.

>> No.8774934

>misleading correlations exist, therefore that post is a lie

>the way you presented it
that's not even me

>I wouldn't be surprised if it was true, but i'm unconvinced because there's no source
don't even pretend that you care, it would take you mere seconds to google some of these well-known studies. even if he provided links you wouldn't even read them anyways


>> No.8774936

>How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate? And how do we fix this?
one word:

ok, some more words:
billions of dollars of lobby money

>> No.8775130

>serious problems
Terrorism was created by Muslim immigrants?

>> No.8775146

Is that Brietbarts fault or Nasas' fault

>> No.8775154

Nelson Mandela was a terrorist for opposing white supremacy in his home country. Everyone who resists white people is a terrorist. Doesn't make them all bad guys though

>> No.8775427
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This thread has been an extremely depressing insight into the mindset of Americans

>> No.8775434

The typical Ameriblubber is pretty retarded, but /pol/ is constantly raiding /sci/ to try to redpill us about the Jews and climate science, so it's hopefully not quite as bad as it looks.

>> No.8775440

it's easy, stop fucking using imperial system.

>> No.8775447

Hopefully things will work themselves out peacefully one day. We might still have a planet after a hundred years

>> No.8775478

In the defense of Americans, the majority of them are not that stupid. The problem is that in America the majority doesn't matter. For example, the republicans got fewer votes than their opponent yet once they get their supreme court justice confirmed they will have complete and total control of the entire federal government with no check on their power.

>> No.8775486

But rural America is more important than everyone else, so their votes should be worth more.

t. Trump voters

>> No.8775493

Only rural America is real America. You only have foreigners living in the cities. How could you call them Americans?

>> No.8775498

passport and birth

>> No.8775505

Plenty of rural American towns would have negative population growth and would've withered away completely, without immigration, so to say that rural America is somehow more Real American is not really correct. This is because most people who have the ability to move away get the fuck out as soon as possible.

>> No.8775540

Anchor babies don't count, birthright citizenship is garbage.

>> No.8775826
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I don't know anyone who reads Breitbart
>regulating something that isn;t public
I want technocrats to leave

>> No.8776061
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>when Trump said the murder rate was the highest it's been in 40 years, liberals tried to jump on that statement and accused him of lying. In reality, to most Americans it doesn't matter if that is literally true, what is important is that Americans are worried about rising crime after years of lawlessness under obama
the USA murder rate was literally lower in 2015 than it was in any year from 1965-2009; it's historically low. it was literally twice as high back in 1980.
>inb4 a bunch of crying and sniveling about how Snopes is LIBRULS or something
of course, that didn't stop conservative media (Breitbart, FOX, Infowars etc.) from claiming that crime was skyrocketing. and people believed them, and thought that crime was rising even though it was just a change in how it was presented to them and how they perceived it.

what you're saying is that public opinion should shape reality rather than vice versa. you're applauding Orange Daddy for being just as indoctrinated and delusional as the people who voted for him. talk about the blind leading the blind.

>> No.8776073

snopes is lying fake news media
trump will tear it down as it deserves to be
the lying media is our enemy

>> No.8776077
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>half of America trusts Breitbart

>> No.8776082
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>hurr durr snopes lugenpresse
not sure if liberal falseflag or just really really nuance-blind /pol/ack

>> No.8776091

Gee, I dunno
let's look at your own post
>snopes says Trump is lying
>(Breitbart, FOX, Infowars etc.) all agree with Trump
now, what's more likely
snopes is fake news
or all of those, including the most popular news network in the united states, are all lying?

>> No.8776103

Nah. Only CT, MA, VA, and NJ do fine when compared individually and they aren't even the whitest states

>> No.8776111

Really hope we don't suffer a brain drain

>> No.8776120
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>Breitbart, FOX, and Infowars say one thing
>Snopes says another
>Breitbart, FOX, and Infowars must be right
>bcuz THREE is more than ONE
I wish you were just trolling but the sad truth is there are millions of Trump supporters who are actually about this level of retardation, so I can't be sure.

>> No.8776127

>all the conservative media sources say one thing, in agreement
>the lying liberal media ALWAYS DISAGREES
>but muh liberal media can't be wrong about anything! it's impossible! we're the arbiters of truth!
nah, the american public saw though that shit so easily
why do you think Trump was elected?
oh right, because all 60~ million republican voters are racists, got it

>> No.8776165

>People who disagree with me are wrong, because they're disagreeing with me and I'm right.

>> No.8776177

t. liberal

>> No.8776222

Every problem you point to in America has massive underpinning systemic issues. Whether it's crowd psychology driven mass media brainwashing, or every entity being fundamentally corrupt, or being herded into a life as a wage slave... You don't fix this. Empires don't "fix", they collapse.

>> No.8776263


but they don't. you don't know any of those people.

this is what happens when you live in a hugbox and your favorite pastime is hurling stones at strawmen.
you're completely unprepared to handle an argument with one of those kooks.

>> No.8776264
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>believing anything the mainstream media has to say when they get caught making things up and retconning past stories on a week to week basis

Explain this /sci/

I thought you were smart. How many times can you keep getting lied to before you just believe it anyways?

>> No.8776265


lel nope

>> No.8776269


Not you though! You believe the cool and right news sources just like Robert Downey Jr and fucking Madonna do!
facebook trending "science" 4evur

>> No.8776273

>Fuck your propaganda you fascists!
>Madonna: Believe this!
>Yes pretty bisexual pop star!

>> No.8776277

>NASA is the mainstream media
I believe Breitbart over anything retarded like CNN or Huffington Post, but not over NASA

>> No.8776313
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>all the conservative media sources say one thing, in agreement
conservative memedia sources can't even stay consistent with their own reporting. they're parroting Trump's claims that he won fair and square in an honest and fair election BUT that the popular vote was stolen from him by illegals who voted. you can't be a credible news source and simultaneously push two mutually contradictory claims.
meanwhile, literally every "LIBRUL" source that commented on, say, the claim about the murder rate agreed that the claim was false for the same reason.
nice projection, fag.

>> No.8776392

you may need to borrow a brain cell from someone so that you can have two to rub together to understand this, but
>contradictory claims
those aren't contradictory
hillary had the illegal votes AND Trump still won fair and square in spite of that

>> No.8776399
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>> No.8776409

>fair election
>millions of fraudulent votes cast
pick one or the other

>> No.8776411

trump played fair
crooked hillary cheated
the election system in america is not rigged, it is fair
crooked hillary was the problem, not the election itself

>> No.8776479

I believe some of Breitbart but all of Nasa, what's wrong with both?

>> No.8776548
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>trusting any government agency
>especially one so desperate for survival it acts like every spec of dust on a telescopes' lens is a breakthrough
I don't trust a tabloid either but I wouldn't be surprised if nasa stuck a downs kid painted green in a tinfoil ufo in order to get more funding.

>> No.8776616

Have you ever even heard what Andrew Breitbart said? Because if you have, I'll chop off my dick and become a tranny.


>> No.8776623

yeah you're gay

>foreigners come here and want to make it easier to bring their problems to america

>> No.8776677

Is there actually a study that suggests this or are you just going with the "everybody who voted for Trump thinks exactly this!"

>> No.8776706

>We need to help the countries they have taken over, or else more of their citizens will join the terrorist groups. That's why taking the refugees is important

So your solution to terrorism is to import potential terrorists?

gg brainz

>> No.8776725

People who are running away from the terrorists probably aren't terrorists.

>potential terrorists
Isn't that literally everyone?

>> No.8776743

It's fairly accurate if you look at it through the context of climate change. About half of America seems to believe similarly to what Breitbart spews. There's even a sizeable chunk of Democrats who don't believe it's real or that man contributed to it

>> No.8776751

>People who are running away from the terrorists probably aren't terrorists.
It's a good thing that that terrorists are so noble as to not use the 'refugees' as an excuse to import terrorists into the west alongside any other alleged 'refugee'.

>Isn't that literally everyone?
No. As far as I am aware there are no organised groups of vegans, or car owners, or teachers, or any other arbitrary factor, going around with the intent of the destruction of Western civilization.

>> No.8776757

NASA is stuck in low earth orbit for over 40 years. Sure it has glorious past but it is also overrated.

>> No.8776765

>It's a good thing that that terrorists are so noble as to not use the 'refugees' as an excuse to import terrorists into the west alongside any other alleged 'refugee'.
Why would they need to? Terrorists have access to resources, so they don't need to go through the most heavily-scrutinised channels. They can pose as tourists, or as immigrants. Or they could just buy their way in illegally. Coming in on a crowded boat or as part of a line of people is only nessisary if you DON'T have resources.

>No. As far as I am aware there are no organised groups of vegans, or car owners, or teachers, or any other arbitrary factor, going around with the intent of the destruction of Western civilization.
You missed my point. Any of those vegans, car owners or teach MIGHT also be a terrorist. You can't know for sure. So directing your suspicion ONLY on refugees is completely unreasonable.

There's no reasonable grounds to conflate "being a refugee" with "likely to be a terrorist".

>> No.8776807

This comment is so fucking uninformed that I'm actually offended

>> No.8776810

You are an idiot
There is no magic person known as a "terrorist", they are labelled so after they do something
All these mudshits are doing is following their religion to attack the kufar

>> No.8776813

So ban religion? Sounds okay to me.

>> No.8776831

Funny, Canada let in 40000 refugees and the only terrorist attack in recent history here has been against muslims by a /pol/yp. I'm beginning to think /pol/ is more dangerous than refugees.

>> No.8776835

/pol/ is very similar to extremist Islam in a lot of ways

>> No.8776836

But muh rape gangs man
I can't go on other boards than /sci/ (and now apparently not even /sci/ anymore) and not get yelled at and told my country is a shithole now and destroying the whole of human civilization by ignorant americans living in cities like Detroit or Flint

>> No.8776837

Are you leaving out your nightclub shooting on purpose?
>ban religion
Commie statement, edgey self hating teenager detected.

>> No.8776846

>There's no reasonable grounds to conflate "being a refugee" with "likely to be a terrorist".

There's no reasonable grounds to support that these people are even refugees. Once they are inside the Turkish borders, what war are they fleeing from? What wars are taking them from Syria to Calais?

The fact that they are Islamic is ground to believe that they more likely to be a terrorist than the average person. Like it, don't like it, your choice, but those are the facts.

>> No.8776856

this is /sci/ not neogaf

>> No.8776859

>only terrorist attacks count as migrant crime

>> No.8776860

>Commie statement, edgey self hating teenager detected.
Seems like I struck a nerve and all the boogeymen of your mind came out to play at once. Doesn't feel so good to be hated for beliefs, does it?

>> No.8776872
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>> No.8776877

interestingly, American Muslims used to be a Republican constituency before 9/11 because they favored the family values social conservative rhetoric and were pro-business. one Republican said Bush won Florida and thus the presidency because of the Muslim vote. of course after 9/11 they became the great boogeyman, and the US government tried its hardest to make them into an actual boogeyman by convincing the Muslim world that we were indeed out to get them.

>> No.8776879

The conversion of a large chunk of Christian extremists in America to Islam would be hilarious

I actually think it's possible too

>> No.8776883

It wouldn't be Christian extremists, it would be previously atheist /pol/acks who reject Christianity as a Jewish lie to keep Aryans down but like the other aspects of Islam but are otherwise fans of Islamic social norms.

>> No.8776901

One of the main pillars of Islam is charity, and muslims were an early proponent of the concept of a welfare state.
Also the Quran actually states in Al-Baqara 2:256 that there should be no coercion in matters of religion.
So it's not really /pol/'s thing.

>> No.8776907

Who gives a shit about the quran dude, muslims certainly don't.

>> No.8776936

>One of the main pillars of Islam is charity, and muslims were an early proponent of the concept of a welfare state.
Charity is allegedly an important part of Christianity, and yet American protestants have managed to merge Christianity with Ayn Rand to create monstrosities like Biblical Capitalism and prosperity theology. Such an ideology could only exist in burgerland.

According to Albert Speer, Hitler liked Islam, though he thought the Arabs were racially inferior. He that it would be suitable for a heroic Islamized German race to spread by the sword. The /pol/acks would just adapt it to their worldview, emphasizing hatred of Jews, conservative values, and proselytizing (redpilling).

>> No.8776964

I would say so, as someone who went to a religous day school K-12 (and a religous preschool as well). Though I didnt have it so bad, it was still a college prepatory school. The things I did in high school were as challenging as commumity college courses and we often used entry college level textbooks in our classes.

Further, while we did have mandatory religious classes, we still had a normal science dept. We learned evolution, and in English classes we got to read from the banned books list.

All in all, after 12 years of attempted conditioning im not a very good citizen (didnt even vote), or religous at all.

>> No.8777049

That doesn't relate to the "rising murder rate" being totally made up

>> No.8777057

>You're not a citizen if you were born here, only if your family was born here some arbitrary number of generations ago
>Unless you're brown, obviously

>> No.8777058


so your answer is nihilism? I don't believe anything ever. I don't even believe that I can't believe in anything ooo fuck just neck yourself faggot

>> No.8777380

non whites. Fucking kikes making us a laughing stalk, can't go to /int/ without being bombarded by the le 60% meme

>> No.8777523

>the election system in america is not rigged, it is fair
>but also California secretly lets millions and millions of illegal immigrants vote
the above is mutually contradictory. are you really unable to see how this works?
>crooked hillary cheated
if Clinton was going to try to steal the election, why would she run up millions and millions of fraudulent votes in California (a reliably Dem state anyway) instead of trying to get a few hundred thousand in swing states, where they'd have done her some good?

the thing about /pol/acks and other delusional freaks like them is that they decide what happened and then make up claims to support it, rather than basing their opinions on actual evidence. they swallow what they are fed and engage in all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify believing it (because to reject part of it would mean to admit they were duped) even when two of their positions are in direct contradiction.

>implying you have a dick

>> No.8777579

Trump played fair and followed the rules, do we agree on this?
Trump is now the president, do we agree on this?
Therefore, he Won Fair And Square, do we agree on this?

Since Trump Won Fair And Square; and he is recognized as the current president, the election system must not be that rigged. Do we agree on this?

Since Bernie Sanders is way more popular than Hillary (even according to Fox News polls), yet Bernie Sanders was not the democratic nominee, this implies some level of corruption/rigging going on by the democrats. Do we agree on this?

Great, so now you agree with me.
Trump won fair and square, the election was not rigged, and Crooked Hillary was the problem.
There is no contradiction.

>> No.8777624
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let's take a look at your """"""reasoning""""
>Bernie Sanders is more popular than Hillary Clinton
>therefore for Hillary Clinton to have won the primary, it must have been rigged
but wait:
>Hillary Clinton is more popular than Donald Trump
>therefore for Donald Trump to have won the general, it must have been rigged
congratulations, you played yourself

of course, the real contradiction that you're stubbornly incapable of recognizing is that Donald Trump is simultaneously claiming that the vote totals were fair and reliable but also that millions and millions of votes were illegally cast. if millions and millions of votes were illegally cast, how can we be sure that Trump won legitimately? if there really were millions of fraudulent votes cast, how do we know they weren't responsible for him narrowly winning states that don't usually go to Republicans?
you brainlets deal with the cognitive dissonance by assuming that all fraudulent votes are by definition for Democrats, since you're incapable of understanding complexity or nuance. but as it turns out, in the real world it's usually Republicans who commit voter fraud...

>> No.8777659
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>>Hillary Clinton is more popular than Donald Trump
Trump is more popular than hillary
hillary didn't even make the LIST
she only got as many votes as she did because of the two party system
go ahead and ask any conservative or liberal you know how much they like hillary clinton, I'll wait

>> No.8777760

Most (nearly all in fact) of the terrors attacks were perpetrated by resident citizens of second and third generations, with a past of violence and petty crimes with no inclination for religion. The guy that run people over in Nice, France, was abusing booze and drugs only months before the attack. We cant do much to counter this type of things except increase fundings for intelligence services and hope they make a mistake.
I'm far less worried about migrants that I am of the fact than a random brainlet thug will decide overnight that his hate for society, thirst for violence and lack of meaning in life is better expressed within the new hype ideology

>> No.8777780

Solution: stop talking about terrorism, and stop reporting about terrorism in the media

Then it will go away.
We'll be back in the good old times where school shooters were just considered deranged people with mental health problems.

>> No.8778044


>this terrorists are just trying perpetuating their agenda, they are trying to bait us peaceful people. we must not pay attention to the shameful acts
>keeps reporting this shit

u w0t m8

>> No.8778076

the problem is that some Islamic fanatics believe that if they just go on a Jihad before they die allah will forgive them for drinking. You will have a proportion of nutcases in any group, but I worry that Muslim nutcases are more likely to hurt others because they can find a way to rationalize it with the Quran.

>> No.8778089
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>Trump is more popular than hillary
nice appeal to anecdotal evidence, but people actually like Clinton significantly more than they like Trump. (and that was BEFORE he actually took office and hilariously shit the bed.)
think of how unpopular Clinton is...and then realize that people like Orange Daddy even less.

go ahead, keep posting your (((alternative facts))). some people just aren't cut out to live in the real world...

>> No.8778603

There's very little evidence that Islamic terrorism is actually rooted in radical religious beliefs. Basically everything I've read points to a mixture of feeling hopeless, group pressures, and a need to feel significant as the primary motivations to join terror groups.