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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 452 KB, 695x937, nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8767288 No.8767288 [Reply] [Original]

>drumpf hates scien-

>> No.8767294

Learn how to use the catalog, brainlet.

>> No.8767300

Tracy Dyson is so cute.

>> No.8767337

Have fun making all that money just to blow it on impulse business investments and expensive out of country trips due2 hypomania

>> No.8767349

>/pol/ hates science
[site = (2^3)ch]
Link split because spam protection

>> No.8767382

>Link split because spam protection

>> No.8767386

1. Figure out what the site is
2. Try posting a link to it

>> No.8767393

Lurk moar

>> No.8767399

>tfw pseudo-""""sciences"""" get defunded
no more siphoning money for bullshit """"""""""research""""""""""

>> No.8767401 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 612x587, Screenshot_20170322-024633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go figure

>> No.8767409

>the astronauts, dahnald

>> No.8767410 [DELETED] 


Try next time big boy

>> No.8767415 [DELETED] 

Thanks friendo. You might get permabanned though, if a janitor notices this.

>> No.8767416

I waited until you saw the post.

>> No.8767418


>> No.8767425

what pseudosciences do you refer to?

>> No.8767447

Fun reminder that Trump didn't do this Congress did.

If you read Trump's 2018 Presidential Request from a week ago he assumes no budget would be passed for FY2017 and it would just be at the level of FY2016. His request is an overall decrease in funds and will end Earth science missions.


>> No.8767452

Wrong link.


>> No.8767495

go home, bluesharia. >>>/trash/

>> No.8767499




>> No.8767503

>/sci/ won't fall for bait thre-

>> No.8767540 [DELETED] 

that's great, honestly.

but the NIH which funds research for America's booming, state-of-the-art biomedical technology industry gets 7B US$ cut from its budget, while the biotech revolution in foreign developed economies.

he's robing peter to pay paul, because paul is the guy that votes for him. But that's not even the half of it, because we're scaling back on support for our most modern industries in which we currently lead the world to support growth in assembly line and menial labor work which any developing country will do for cheaper and which will soon be automated out of existence. And we're going to accomplish that by way of tarrifs and subsidies, so that our economy becomes even more insular, uncompetitive, and we all foot the cost of creating more work for unskilled labor.

As if that isn't bad enough, we're scraping the social programs that the unskilled citizens will need to survive when those jobs do disappear.

We're totally selling out our future. There is hardly a shred of nuance in his design of the budget and no consideration of long-term opportunity costs. Republicans are betting that whoever is in power 10 years from now when we reap the manifestation of our actions today will be blamed for the fallout.

>> No.8767544

>department of energy
>National institute of health

>> No.8767547

Says the /pol/tard bait / shitposting on /sci/. Get back to your hugbox please.

>> No.8767551

>claiming a thread is bait
>willingly responding to it
it just makes you look retarded, faggot.

>> No.8767552

That's great, honestly. But this by itself is hardly more than a photo op, it seems. The NIH which funds research for America's booming, state-of-the-art biomedical technology industry gets 7B US$ cut from its budget, all the while the biotech revolution in foreign developed economies continues..

He's robing peter to pay paul, because paul is the guy that votes for him. But that's not even the half of it, because we're scaling back on support for our most modern industries in which we currently lead the world to support growth in assembly line and menial labor work which any developing country will do for cheaper and which will soon be automated out of existence. And we're going to accomplish that by way of tarrifs and subsidies, so that our economy becomes even more insular, uncompetitive, and we all foot the cost of creating more work for unskilled labor.

As if that isn't bad enough, we're scraping the social programs that the unskilled citizens will need to survive when those jobs do disappear.

We're totally selling out our future. There is hardly a shred of nuance in his design of the budget and no consideration of long-term opportunity costs. Republicans are betting that whoever is in power 10 years from now when we reap the manifestation of our actions today will be blamed for the fallout.

>> No.8767557

>>department of energy
global warming
>>National institute of health
correlation fishing

Yeah, pseudoscience.

>> No.8767564

how much did you get paid for that post?

>> No.8767570

This could be a thread about NASA, but no

>> No.8767571

what would you cut then, you stupid faggot? you can make a case for every single thing that the government funds.

if it's truly a state-of-the-art biomedical technology industry then it shouldn't rely on government funding to succeed. i bet you're that biomed queer that always pops up in these threads and whines about muh NIH funding.

>> No.8767587

₽0.3 has been deposited into your ShareKremlin propaganda account!

>> No.8767646


>what would you cut then, you stupid faggot?

Not him but at this point it's obvious that the only cuts that can make the difference now are defense and social security. And since cutting on defense is arguably dangerous in this global political climate, social security is the only choice.

>you can make a case for every single thing that the government funds.

This is true but out of all the things the government funds defense and social security contribute the most to debt. Other programs like science, health, education and HUD don't even come close and everyone knows it.

>if it's truly a state-of-the-art biomedical technology industry then it shouldn't rely on government funding to succeed

The problem with this logic is the private sector 8 times out of 10 will usually not support state-of-the-art technology unless it is proven to be profitable market wise in the short term.

Long term tech is a gamble profit wise, which is why research and development is done by schools and government instead. While businesses simply provides a means to produce it efficiently and cheaply to commercialize it to the masses.

>> No.8768141

>cut defense
Nah, we can just continue to cut questionable public programs and spend the saved money elsewhere. Anyone who has been exposed to the accounting side of public works knows how ridiculously bad they spend the money.
Absolutely no ability to function on a budget, nor make one with foresight of at least a year.

Only once this is fixed can we trust public programs with large budgets. As it is now, there is too much bloat associated with all government apparatus that makes it quite wasteful to the tax payer.

>> No.8768165

like you would have some credibility except for the part where EVERY SINGLE PENNY saved from public programs gets spent on defense instead.

like literally the only way to defend this is to argue that $54 billion more in defense spending on top of the $600b+ we already have actually in some way makes americans safer.

and if you are going to make that claim you are too retarded to talk to.

>> No.8768194

Why is that zodiac killer meme guy there?
I think Cruz

>> No.8768243

That's for FY2017, the FY2018 budget proposal for nasa looks pretty grim.

Now this is an authorization bill, it doesn't actually provide NASA with money, it just sets policy.

>> No.8768269

>lurking redditchan

neck yourself

>> No.8768271


Reading this post makes me feel ill.

I'm so fucking sick of everyone in the boomer generation coming into political office and then fucking everything up for people younger than 35.

Trump is going to rekt this country and there's nothing we can do. All because some ill-educated white people in the midwest still want to be fucking coal miners and assembly line workers.

>> No.8768319

how does it feel to be a willing sock puppet for the industrial military complex

>> No.8768326

Lmao defence is the most wasteful public program of all

>> No.8768342


>> No.8768617

It's our country, not yours, shitskin

>> No.8768638

time to fuck off to whatever third world shithole you come from then.

>> No.8768657

Let's face it. If Trump cut niggers and spics out of the country, we'd have tons of money to spend on any number of scientific endeavors. Our most expensive social programs are all failing because of them and the nigger tax is growing every year.

>> No.8768665

>All because some ill-educated white people in the midwest still want to be fucking coal miners and assembly line workers.

My uncle works in construction in the Rust Belt (the redneck part of PA, specifically) and he always complains about how he can't find workers. It pays 30 dollars an hour starting, which is not terrible in less-expensive regions for people who often don't have a high school degree. But people never show up for work, fail drug tests constantly, and so on. They're too dumb to get out of their own way.

Now, working on a production line is easier than construction, but coal mining obviously isn't. Half the US lives in large-ish cities, there's no reason to orient the system so much towards rural interests.

>> No.8768666
File: 222 KB, 1226x767, 1482549948411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They get the spotlight but the untold story of the election is basically everyone making over $40,000 voting for Trump

>> No.8768702

>basically everyone
>about every second person who voted in 35-75 range
t. high school or less

>> No.8768709


Looks like income level doesn't really have an effect. Education matters more in predicting support. This is only for whites though for some reason.

>> No.8769291



>> No.8769310

I don't care if Trump is pro NASA, physics, chemistry, engineering or other shitty sciences alike. Environment science is the only real science out there and everyone else can go fuck themselves.

>> No.8769406


>> No.8769409

Which planet is more likely to get destroyed first by Trump's iron fist of rage?

>> No.8769465

Spoken like a true pleb.

>> No.8769472

If by science you mean libtard climate conspiracy theories and godless evolution theories and yes, you're correct OP. Also kys millenials.

>> No.8769535


>> No.8769585

> Make Mars Great Again when?

>> No.8769622

>responding to what is clearly either a humorous jest or an unsubtle false flag with unironic disdain/anger

>> No.8769631

the one in your imaginary reality :^)

>> No.8769637

Ssshh no tears now libcuck. sorry nobody buys your Trump is an ebil white male propaganda

>> No.8769696
File: 494 KB, 863x621, dont_beg_the_NIH_for_funding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>National institute of health

>The NIH which funds research

Only poorfags have to beg the nih for money. pic related

>> No.8769765



Why do we have to suffer because dindus can't stop doing drugs, doing gangs and refusing to get jobs?

>> No.8769771

Quick! To the safe space! But don't bring your microscope, those are the tools of the racists.

>> No.8769777

They threaten to riot and destroy the country if we don't pay their welfare though

>> No.8769791

Because that kind of welfare is drops in the bucket that is corporate welfare. Direct your anger to Walmart et al. receiving billions in bailout money

>> No.8769808

That "College Grad" section has so many implied meanings and errors, you should nekk yourself.

Keep in mind that you are guaranteed a grad degree with useless majors like Liberal Arts and Gender """"Sciences"""", which is appealing to retards.

And non-retards go for hard but useful degrees and sometimes they dropout.

>> No.8769813

My sides left orbit, have a satirical (you)

>> No.8769818

Worst theory is the theory of God

>> No.8769824

Nigger look at the mandatory budget spending. Social Security, health, and welfare spending make up over 50% of the budget.

>> No.8769830


I'm a white make American you shits.

Let's completely ignore the future and sell everything out for a couple jobs for 10-15 years, then when mechanization hits, I hope all of you lose everything and have to kill yourselves.

Fuck this country. "Leave then." Don't worry, I am. You guys can fade into irrelevance. I don't give a fuck

>> No.8769845

>If I can't refute atleast I can shitpost
never change libcuck

>> No.8769852

I dont know what I'm talking about : The post

>> No.8769856

He's cutting the NSF, EPA< NIH, DoE research, and pretty much everything except the military. He also lowered the NASA budget overall.

Just because he approved one funding bill for a project that was set up years ago doesn't mean he isn't against science.

>> No.8769869

>I don't know what against means

>> No.8769876

Claiming climate change is a Chinese conspiracy and defunding almost all scientific research is definitely again science

>> No.8769881

Lets be honest here the only people who actually go on Reddit are the ones that bitch about it on 4chan.

total chan is alright when you want to escape the cancer of 4chan once in a while

>> No.8769895

>muh automation will wipe out 80% of JERBS! I know it didn't happen the last 2947629483 times we said it but this time it's TRUUUUUUUU

>> No.8769902
File: 63 KB, 797x687, obama jfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tiny dip in NASA
>huge cuts in environment science which is full of scammers
You do know that science isn't about your global warming cultist agenda right? You do know that it involves dozens of other branches too right?

>Obama singlehandedly destroys the entire Constellation program
>Ares 1 and Ares V rockets and Orion spacecraft failed to be completed because of Obamas cuts
>billion dollar investments goes to trash

Compared to Obama, Trump is a saint in the scientific community. And we all know no other candidate would have given two shits about science. You can't really change facts by repeating the same thing and annoying everyone.

>> No.8769903

>I refuse to acknowledge basic logic
well, that was unexpected

>> No.8769906


>Compared to Obama, Trump is a saint in the scientific community. And we all know no other candidate would have given two shits about science. You can't really change facts by repeating the same thing and annoying everyone.

You know this is a fucking lie. Destroying the NIH budget and funding for computational science via the DOE is going to get us destroyed by Chinese science.

>> No.8769911

they made a special board just for you and your friends, go and enjoy it!

>> No.8769912

>my shitposting is my logic
looking back at your posts, it makes sense

>> No.8769915

irony at best

>> No.8769916

spam belongs to >>>/trash/

>> No.8769957

>computational science via the DOE
Get ready for the (You)s about
>muh programming

Yeah the cuts are pretty drastic, and I think it is a shame. Sure we should be smarter with our money, but these cuts are a real slap in the face.

>> No.8769992

Yeah and most of that "social security, health, and welfare" goes to social security. Unless you mean that by "welfare," in which case I'm sorry for debating semantics

>> No.8770599
File: 126 KB, 500x678, Hey Stormfront!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8770720

construction is a fucking shit job though. i'm certain your uncle also doesn't hire people on as employees but as contractors, so they get fucked on taxes, i.e. that 30 bucks/hour isn't that appealing.

>> No.8770725

NSF is a shit organization. they deserve to crash and burn.

>> No.8770822

Climate modeling ( instead of experiments)

>> No.8770842
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imitating pol memes
>thinks everyone who calls him a retard is actually a skinhead
oh boy...

>> No.8770884

>Obama singlehandedly destroys the entire Constellation program
>Ares 1 and Ares V rockets and Orion spacecraft failed to be completed because of Obamas cuts
>billion dollar investments goes to trash
Constellation program deserved to be scrapped. The only worthwhile parts of the program, a heavy lift vehicle and the Orion capsule are still happening. Ares I was garbage and most of the rest of Constellation isn't worth mentioning because NASA was never given the funds to do any serious work.

>> No.8770913



>> No.8770982

Having worked in a shipyard on some Army boats, yes.

>> No.8771022

Hey /pol/

Why not cut military spending?

The US already makes more arms than it knows what to do with.


>> No.8771026


>> No.8771047


>had 8 year of king nigger to disband the military ushering a new era of pacifism around the world

You dumbassess blew it. It's time for plan B.

>> No.8771049

The problem is with Congress tho

>> No.8771100

>The only worthwhile parts of the program, a heavy lift vehicle and the Orion capsule are still happening.

Neither of those is worthwhile
The idea that they can take this long to produce a shitty capsule is insanity
SpaceX's capsule is better in every way

>> No.8771102

>because NASA was never given the funds to do any serious work.
They had billions of fucking dollars, the idea that they didn't have money is absurd

Then fix the waste in all those places

>> No.8771122

defense is literally the most overfunded, wasteful bureaucracy in the world

>> No.8771131

good lucking getting a bunch of small business owners to change their wasteful practices

>> No.8771347

They could cut payments they make to these places easily
Or redo contracts to do more shit all in one building rather than spreading out contracts to every state

>> No.8771998

drumpfee is Putin's personal bitch
nuff said

>> No.8772067

you seem to have forgotten to close your true statement:
>Trump hates science

The NASA *cut* only looks good compared to the gigantic cuts applied to other departments.

>> No.8772391


>> No.8772470

>Cuts NASA funding
>Claims he supports the mission to Mars

The fuck?

>> No.8772679

Yeah but that makes sense

>> No.8772877

> buying into the Russian interference meme

Meanwhile, Obama was using US intelligence agencies to try to swing the election for shillary.

>> No.8772911

> Obama was using US intelligence agencies to try to swing the election
[citation needed]

>> No.8772925

Have you been living under a rock or something? It's all over the news.

>> No.8773000



Not even Fox News buddy.

>> No.8773061


>not understanding that money can be thrown down the drain
/sci/fags are not the smartest bunch, are they?

>> No.8773068
File: 149 KB, 800x600, Drumpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8773084

DRUMPF doesnt respect gender science

>> No.8773123

Maybe Trump is not so bad after all.

>> No.8773207
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 1466408586483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender science

No (You) for (You)

>> No.8773524

That's old news. Yesterday Devin Nunes, the head of the House Intelligence Committee, revealed that there actually was evidence that US intelligence agencies had been intercepting communications made by the Trump transition team. Shill Smith was flat out wrong, and was proven wrong within days of making that absurd little rant.

>> No.8773533

nevermind cuts to other science programs
anyway >>>/pol/ if you don't mind

>> No.8773876

> nevermind cuts to other science programs
Actual science is handled by the defense department, which is getting an increase in funding.

>> No.8773919

> Bu- but but Drumpf is cutting ____!
Too bad, we don't have the money to spend on every little thing that grabs your attention for five seconds. The fact is that the country is 20 billion dollars in debt and to pay that off we need to start getting serious about cutting government spending. When you need to cut enough spending to come up with 20 trillion dollars, you're going to have to cut some things that some people might like. Deal with it. We might not have had to do this if you people hadn't put king nigger in power for 8 years and let him run wild like the US budget was an EBT card.

>> No.8773977

You probably wouldn't be saying this if he cut defense

>> No.8773988

the US prints the world currency lel
>You can't default because you print the money
t. Donald Trump

>> No.8774009

shillary lost. no need for you to be here with your spams any longer.

>> No.8774045

Defense is the core mission of the government. In an era of greater danger, it's become even more vital. Defense is literally the last thing that should be cut when we have ISIS carving out a caliphate in the middle east and sending waves of "refugees" to infiltrate the west and slaughter civilians.

>> No.8774053

Like all bureaucracies, CTR has continued forward on inertia even after the actual election that it was supposed to rig.

>> No.8774072

Why the fuck can't the US cut defense? Why do they need new fighter jets to combat towel heads living in caves?

Why is everyone such a shill for the MIC?

>> No.8774098

> Why the fuck can't the US cut defense?
Why should we when ISIS is breathing down our necks? This is the last time to be cutting defense.

>> No.8774110

> Why should we when ISIS is breathing down our necks?
I'm reminded of a story I saw on Fox News during the lead up to the Iraq War. They were talking about how "Al Qaeda was preparing for an invasion of the eastern seaboard." It was fucking hilarious.

>> No.8774112

Reminder that brainlets are brainlets no matter how white.

>> No.8774155

>ISIS is breathing down our necks
you amerilards are hilarious. if ISIS is a threat to anything its Europe, mainly UK and Germany, and even with their shitty border security nothing happens.

You're just paranoid and trying to justify your wasteful military budget by pointing the finger to some towelheads with shitty guns that live on the other side of the world. You had Bernie to help you out but ofcourse you ruined it. You are a joke.

>> No.8774189

>even with their shitty border security nothing happens.
ISIS is literally killing people in the streets and shitlibs call that "nothing." Not everyone is willing to accept the idea of mudslimes killing people at will like the eurocucks.

>> No.8774197

Who is ISIS killing exactly? Are we gonna ban all white people after every school shooting ?

>> No.8774212

It's our fucking country
Sooner or later we'll have to take it back
The more non-whites, the more dead bodies we'll have in the end

No biggie

>> No.8774217

It's funny that this gets posted in the context of /pol/ shitting up this board amidst the idea many of us have come to recognize as "everyone thinks /pol/ is retarded, so they are trying to get /sci/ to side with their political beliefs to solidify their shitty opinions". Sure, it's good that he's funding science, but that's something that should have been a given in the first place. The orange retard deserves no praise for not fucking us over.

Besides that, we don't like him not only because he's defunding DoE and other science sectors, but because he is literally the antithesis of logic as is /pol/.

>inb4 pol boogeyman

>> No.8774220

> Who is ISIS killing exactly

Multiple attacks in Paris, just one of which killed 130 people.
Attacks in Brussels, Nice, Cologne, Berlin, and one just this past Wednesday in London.

> Are we gonna ban all white people after every school shooting ?
Nice false equivalence there, school shootings aren't because of the shooter being part of a religion that demands violence against infidels. ISIS attacks are. There's a big fucking difference there.

>> No.8774222

>we'll have to take it back
Back from who? What kind of schizo scenario did you stir up in your head? Or do you think americans can't be american if they aren't white?

>> No.8774227

>Or do you think americans can't be american if they aren't white?
"Americans" who don't contribute aren't Americans, and non-whites pretty much all fall into that category.

>> No.8774229

Correct, Americans are white by definition
Non-whites cannot ever be American, thats not how it works

It's going to be just like a reconquista

>> No.8774243
File: 19 KB, 600x393, black-man-white-woman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to crush your retarded worldview but America doesn't have a race and the orange president guy who you can't seem to stop sucking off to is crashing and burning down as we speak.
So go be a /pol/tard in your containment board.

>> No.8774244

>"Americans" who don't contribute aren't Americans

Identity has to be based on something meaningful, something that matters, something concrete, something easily visible to look at a person

Ethno-nationalism is the only way to go

>> No.8774249

>but America doesn't have a race
The founding fathers & everyone up to the 60's disagreed with you

Marxist agendas from the recent past do not define America

>> No.8774262

>Marxist agendas
The last I checked, liberal governments aren't trying to abolish private property, the state, wage labor, production for profit, and money. They aren't Marxist.

>> No.8774266
File: 24 KB, 500x279, American-Falg-Hijabi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but this is America now. It's multicultural, its vibrant and it's tolerant. Neonazis don't even have a voice, yet alone have any power. Trump will be made an example for the remaining /pol/tards like you and your diseased backwards white supremacy movement will be scraped off the face of the earth.

>> No.8774273

b-b-but m-muh cultural marxist jewish interracial cuckold porn conspiracy

>> No.8774274

>society is and should be static rather than dynamic.


>> No.8774291

> Trump will be made an example for the remaining /pol/tards like you and your diseased backwards white supremacy movement will be scraped off the face of the earth.

> implying Trump won't be president for 8 years, followed by an equally based successor

Once we have national voter ID, the dims will never get back into power. Millions of their supposed supporters will mysteriously disappear, and they'll continue their slide down into irrelevance.

>> No.8774297

Cultural marxism involves destroying all the things that prevent a communist movement. Things like religion, family, race, nationalism, etc

When the founding stock of a country is replaced by the peasantry of failed states, is that a good or bad thing?
America was built on the back of whites, and continues to exist because of whites

Every republican who isn't a traitor knows full well you animals can never be allowed power again.

>> No.8774301

> It's multicultural, its vibrant and it's tolerant.
> implying multiculturalism can be "vibrant"
Having everything universally the same brown color is the exact opposite of vibrant. All the left is doing is helping the most violent and intolerant culture suppress all the others. Sharia law doesn't leave any room for other cultures, or "vibrance," or "tolerance."

>> No.8774302
File: 45 KB, 539x468, animepro[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what the average /pol/tard actually believes
now back to >>>/pol/ with you

>> No.8774311
File: 853 KB, 750x1334, 1479266450376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the galactigates, dahnald

>> No.8774316

The blacks kill gays/trannies all the time, the liberals just ignore that.
Vicious rapes/harassment/assault of whites by non-whites is the day to day norm
You see thousands of these single mothers with non-white kids and ruined lives...

We'll make an example of the marxists that will be remembered for a thousand years

>> No.8774324


>> No.8774344

Marx theory says the opposite of this, that religion, family structures, and conceptions of racial identity in society are mutable and change with developments in the mode of production. What /pol/ calls Cultural Marxism is literally an inversion of Marxism, saying that you can create a Communist state by changing religion, family structures, or conceptions of racial identity.

>> No.8774349

Shut brainlet white trash. Niel degrasse tyson is worth a million of you despite being black. Really makes those neurons fire.

>> No.8774353

But a thousand Degrasses doesn't worth a Dawkins :^)

>> No.8774354

Marx was a whacko neet, obviously nothing he said bares any relationship to reality
Modern Marxism is colored by the fact its pushed by jews & satan worshippers

>> No.8774366

>Modern Marxism is colored by the fact its pushed by jews & satan worshippers
I guarantee you 99% of them have never even opened a book written by Marx and think socialism is equivalent to raising taxes on the rich, and maybe having universal health care if they consider themselves really fucking radical. Most of these people are mentally ill college students clinging to some kind of identity, just like the typical /pol/ack. Marx arranged for feminist, anti-racist, and free love movement supporters to be purged from the first International for being insufficiently dedicated to class struggle. What you should really call it is social liberalism, because that's all it is.

>> No.8774370

Tips fedora

>> No.8774394

Sure old fashioned marxism was focused on economic/materialistic stuff, and the working class
But the working class rejected marxism, while marxist thoughts on economics has proven to be a dramatic failure

>> No.8774437

Then you should criticize social liberalism instead of making yourself sound like a complete idiot by accusing everyone of being a Marxist

>> No.8774446

They are marxists, they consider themselves marxists, they talk openly about marxist concepts like intersectionality

This is where they intend to go with their views

>> No.8774452

Ask any Asian what race an American is and they will say WHITE, they know the truth, why don't you? Denial?

>> No.8774455

Marx didn't invent intersectionality.

>> No.8774476

They don't know what goes on outside America

>> No.8774507

Muslims destroyed Europe, I feel so bad for them. Look at what happened to France.

>> No.8774952

We're literally not in a war against anyone, our military power is ridiculous given that we're fighting people who live in sand dunes

>> No.8774970

too bad burgers can't crush the sand people because of those pesky human rights, civilians used as shields and bad PR

>> No.8775023

The US military is currently fighting in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Afghanistan. North Korea is likely to start something, and would almost certainly have Chinese support. We need to have ridiculous military power because much of the world is against us.

>> No.8775056

> because of those pesky human rights, civilians used as shields and bad PR
The Soviets totally disregarded all of those things and they still lost in Afghanistan. It turns out that ignoring those things actually makes your job even harder, not easier.

>> No.8775129

God bless the white supremacist nation of USA right?
Jesus was somehow """white""" despite how he came from the middle east.
I don't know what keeps americans going despite how they know that they're the bad guys of the human race, literally picking fights with the entire world.
God bless the greatest nation on the cinder.
Climate change is shit also!

>> No.8775246

> Jesus was somehow """white""" despite how he came from the middle east.
Being from the middle east isn't the problem, being a muslim is. Middle eastern christians are fine people, while muslims from other parts of the world still join groups like ISIS to slaughter innocent people. Liberals are the ones trying to make this about race, when in reality it is about the genocidal ideology of Islam.

>> No.8775259

>impulse business investments
literally what are you liberals talking about? do you actually get ALL of your news from the liberal media camp?

>> No.8775480

But he is funding nuclear.

>> No.8775531


Not really how funding defense works. It's not really about actually defending anybody. More military funding doesn't translate to more troops around every corner. It's a massive industry, and is one of the US's primary exports. Every country that deals with the US offloads their military spending onto the US in one way or another. Whether that's arming their military, training their military, leading their national defense policies (as was the case with the EU until a few years ago), or outright being their military in some cases. The military industrial complex is beyond massive. And is basically the only market the US has cornered besides debt, entertainment, and consumerism. A lot of that funding will go to newer technologies, and useless bloated technologies that act as artificial stimulus packages.

It's hardly the worst thing to make an investment in, and furthermore this is coming out of Obama's budget which cut military spending by 200 billion. This change is not even remotely drastic from a historical perspective.

Anyway not defending this budget as I've only closely examined his education proposal, but military spending is more nuanced than just "buy more guns."

>> No.8775542

He's funding an expansion of the nuclear arsenal. The rest is getting cut.

>> No.8777253

>shillary lost. no need for you to be here with your spams any longer.
Nigga, there is a leaked picture where the guy from ctr start to ask questions, to then do a better job.

Another guy from ctr tell him to stop making question and ask him to search about seth rich (that is the suspected leaker of dnc emails and was killed around the time).

If they continue to work people that threaten to kill them, while they are just trying to do a better job (and so fucking help ctr), do you think they will stop because of some anon telling them to?

>> No.8777291

He doesn't need to fund nuclear power
He just needs to end the regulatory jewry that prevents it, and stop the lawsuits

>> No.8777317

He cut all research funding for better nuclear power plants, and fusion.

Also, there is simply not enough uranium to replace the massive amounts of fossil fuels we use every day.

>> No.8777327

You can't have "better nuclear power plants"
when the NRC takes 15 years to approve a new design, and another 10 years to approve a permit to begin construction

>Also, there is simply not enough uranium to replace the massive amounts of fossil fuels we use every day.
You are a nut, there is ample
Currently at 25 dollars a pound of u3o8

>> No.8777343

Look up how much power the US uses daily. Look up how much power most types of nuclear plants produce. Calculate how much uranium you would need.

>> No.8777350


>> No.8777354

>Yesterday Devin Nunes
Well Nunes said it therefore must be true.

1) He himself said that that his so call "new information" was not evidence of Trump's surveillance/wiretapping claims.

2) He has actually not shared this information, saying that he does not have access to it...

3) Was part of Trump campaign. Literally had to apologize for what he did. No one but Trumpist gives him any credibility.

4) Your own propaganda machine can't keep up with your emperor's lies.

>> No.8777418

Looks like some shitty anti-nuke site that cites problems caused by anti-nuke campaigners as something inherent..

It's also totally wrong about everything

>> No.8777428

A: Noone "wiretaps" anything today, Trump meant general surveillance
B: Obama has been proven to have illegally/immorally surveilled people
C: The intelligence agencies are desperate to keep from people how much surveillance actually happens
D: Make America Great Again

>> No.8777461
File: 206 KB, 320x320, a guy got to sometimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noone "wiretaps" anything today
literally a lie. it's a common form of surveillance both by police forces and intelligence agencies
>Trump meant general surveillance
he explicitly said that his phones at Trump Tower were tapped, using terminology specific to actual wiretapping
>Obama has been proven to have illegally/immorally surveilled people
[citation needed]
I sure hope you're not comparing legal surveillance of foreign officials by intelligence agencies to claimed illegal surveillance of Americans in America
>The intelligence agencies are desperate to keep from people how much surveillance actually happens
you're saying that covert intelligence agencies try to keep their activities hush-hush? no shit. take your autismal conspiracy theories elsewhere.
>Make America Great Again
I'm very sorry to hear about your benis, hopefully it recovers

>> No.8777748

Holy shit, 30 is over twice what I could get at any engineering internship. I should drop out and move up there.

>> No.8777753

>it's a common form of surveillance both by police forces and intelligence agencies

You don't tap wires because everything is already surveilled constantly

>he explicitly said that his phones at Trump Tower were tapped, using terminology specific to actual wiretapping
Are you going to argue with the president over what happened?

see: wikileaks

>you're saying that covert intelligence agencies try to keep their activities hush-hush?
They keep the liberties they have taken with the law, and how much they skirt the limits/pass the limits, or how much they abuse foreign surveillance laws to spy on Americans secret

How does General Flynn's conversation with a Russian Ambassador become common knowledge in the media? Numerous illegal activities are happening there

And you can bet it was the CIA responsible for these assassinations of Russian diplomats too, more illegal activities

>> No.8777775

>meanwhile, he cut nasa in the new budget

>> No.8778075
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>You don't tap wires because everything is already surveilled constantly

>> No.8779057

Because the military does more R&D and thus more good for science than all of your ABC departments put together, cuck

>> No.8779281

Subsidized healthcare, housing, and food alone cost many billions of dollars. In 2015 I ran some numbers based on race and proportion of low-earning families and, going by the gov't's own numbers, figured that hypothetically removing (low achieving) hispanics and AAs would save ~$275-350 billion a year.

You can blame large corporations for the cultural failures of a skin color sect of humanity if it makes you happy.

>> No.8779350
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this is probably b8 but I'll give you the serious answer
>going by the gov't's own numbers, figured that hypothetically removing (low achieving) hispanics and AAs would save ~$275-350 billion a year.
what you neglect to account for is that you can't simply "remove" those costs. cut social programs? congratulations; not only have you just reduced sales for supermarkets and other essential businesses, but with less societal support, poor people become more likely to turn to crime. so you have costs associated with policing the streets, increasing court throughput, incarcerating criminals, and cleaning up the damage done by street crime.
there are costs associated with social programs, but there are also costs associated with not having them. you can't just snap your fingers and make those expenditures disappear. you might as well eliminate military funding, since it costs a lot and most of that doesn't produce anything directly. it's a false savings, inspired by ignorance of what the spending keeps at bay.

>> No.8779354
File: 2.85 MB, 528x400, mfw i read that drivel you just posted.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how retarded do you must be to actually believe that drivel you posted makes a shred of sense to anyone who isn't as brain dead as you?

>> No.8779356

I would imagine fostering an environment that completely shuns the cultural failings of broken groups of low intellect peers would be the better answer but we tried that, for decades.

It isn't a bait post and you can go crunch the numbers of exactly how much the lesser capable, lesser morality inclined peoples of this nation cost us as a whole (whites included - which was the actual bait you chose to overlook)

>there are also costs associated without having them
In the 60's welfare was sold to the politicals and people because "poverty causes crime"
In the 2010's poverty in this nation is at an all time low yet crime rates remain little less than they we 50+ years ago.

Sounds like a poor choice of investment in trillions of dollars.

>> No.8779358


hippies pls go back to sucking dicks

>> No.8779365

doesnt prison labour make most military equipment, furniture and paint?

why not change prison labour into prison space labour?

>> No.8779368
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Not An Argument™ :^)

>poor people are poor because they're inferior and immoral
>poverty rate is the sole factor influencing rates of violent crime
>War on Poverty was justified by claiming it would reduce crime, rather than by humanitarian grounds
is this nigga srs

>> No.8779379

You know those signs they put up in parks and zoos?

"Don't feed the animals
They will become reliant on handouts,
And ruin their natural capabilities of survival"

Thinking on realistic 'humanitarian grounds' would wager that creating ever more dependent peoples will in turn create ever more need to provide for them, because we'd be removing the potential for their own advancement by fostering complacency.

>> No.8779391
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it's a good thing for you that megafauna in a wilderness environment are exactly like human beings in a civilized society.
I mean, if it turned out that things worked differently in a dense and highly structured population with division of labor and communal care and inalienable rights than how they do in a primitive condition where most individuals don't make it to adulthood and resources strongly limit basic survival, you'd look pretty stupid.

you know what other animals live in complex, highly structured societies with communal care and division of labor? bees. you know what happens when a hive is low on honey in early spring, and is in danger of starvation? the beekeeper feeds the hive sugar syrup. you know what the bees do? they keep foraging, during and after the provision of free sugar.

shit analogy, 3/10

>> No.8779408

Your comparison is equally invalid when we're discussing the lowest dregs of society which willfully abuse the system and foster an environment of laziness, crime, and further abuse of the system.

>> No.8779433

>humans work the exact same way bees work
Go back to watching some black science man to become educated enough to go back to /b/.

>> No.8779438

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.8779445

>In an era of greater danger
This is literally the safest time in human history

I think you conservatives are all LITERALLY delusional at this point

>> No.8779471
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>what is wikileaks

>> No.8779651

you're from /pol/ and they're stupider than /b/

>> No.8780325
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so what you're telling me is that arguments claiming that humans and wild animals respond the same way are facile, self-serving, and generally worthless, and should not be relied upon when crafting complex social/domestic policy for a world power?
thank you for making my point for me.

>he thinks Wikileaks conducts surveillance
even for /pol/esmoker conspiracy theories this is pretty autismal

>> No.8780634
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> this thread

>> No.8781149

> This is literally the safest time in human history
Tell that to the people getting gunned down and run over by ISIS in the streets in Europe every fucking week.