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8764370 No.8764370 [Reply] [Original]

How long away is full gender change at will? I'm not talking about chromosomes or reproduction, just the way you look and sound. How long until I can look, sound and feel just like a woman, with vagina and all, but still have my male brain, no menstruation, prostate etc?

>> No.8764374

Sooner you'll have a working uterus and lactation than the brain. Less complex wiring, really.

25 years?
>read: I have no idea, and it doesnt seem to be anywhere near anytime soon.

>> No.8764380

lmao never

>> No.8764399

Is it even possible to make someone look like a woman without fucking with their hormones which in turn fucks with their brains?

>> No.8764419 [DELETED] 

Just wait for full body prosthetics. Then you can have any body you want.

>> No.8764431
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Just wait for full body prosthetics. Then you can have any body you want, or even interchangeable "bodily appendages." Companies like Bad Dragon are the way of the future. Invest in their stock if you can.

>> No.8764436

There are two growth curves to consider.

One growth curve is of out understanding of arteficial tissues and genetic engineering.

And the other is our understanding of mental illness.

By the time its possible to change gender, there will be a cure for the mental illness that makes you want to.

>> No.8764440

>disk drive skipping whenever she's not stationary
yuck, this brand of cyberpunk was doomed in its infancy.

>> No.8764443
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>Just wait for full body prosthetics
>Bad Dragon are the way of the future. Invest in their stock if you can.

This is a joke.

>> No.8764447

>implying humans aren't all sick as fuck
>implying humans in the future won't change bodies on a whim just to see what it's like

>> No.8764486

Still have a male brain ... never. This is due to the hormone therapy you will have to undergo. Female hormones to change the body leads to the brain being more female like.

>> No.8764500

You could create a drug that doesn't pass the blood brain barrier. Maybe something that makes estrogen receptors respond to testosterone so the body produces the same hormones it normally would.

>> No.8764725

That change looks like it could have been done in two hours with makeup and camera work.

>> No.8766365

>not considering the third curve which is to artificially create humans, whereby all newborns no longer have reproductive organs