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8763706 No.8763706 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else blown their chances of ever achieving anything intellectually worthwhile?

I liked my subjects at school but thoughtlessly picked a chemical engineering degree. Even at its best, a chemical engineering degree is just introductory maths / physics / chemistry courses along with a load of job training-esque stamp collecting courses. A fourth year physics student could easily learn any part of the equivalent chemical engineering student's curriculum, but vice versa is obviously not true. I feel really sickened to have wasted my time in a glorified job training degree. I have my entire life to waste on pointless "professional" BS, so to have a university degree that is glorified job training is depressing.

In addition, I picked my nearest university instead of the best possible for my grades and realised halfway through that the courses have much less content and depth than other universities and employers consider me dumb. My courses were a huge joke compared to what I've seen from other universities. As an example, I got to fourth year without knowing what dev, grad, eigenvectors, or curl were, and I didn't know the difference between a model and a theory, (and this is the UK, so I took zero phsyics courses).

Sometimes I feel like an unwarranted snob to criticise my university so harshly, but it deserves criticism when it skips entire topics that other universities teach to all STEM students. And it got government money because I chose it. What a fucking joke, they have almost no incentive to offer courses with proper content. It loves advertising its old age but it offers shallow shit.

I remember one really stamp collecty course in fourth year that I really fucking hated and realising that other fourth year students at a good university, doing maths or physics, would be learning almost cutting edge secrets of the universe stuff. I knew that it made no difference whether I did well or not, I would still have achieved literally fucking nothing.

>> No.8763709

>Has anyone else blown their chances of ever achieving anything intellectually worthwhile?

Are you dead? If not, your premise is flawed.

>> No.8763710

Some more depressing randomly picked highlights):

Putting in literally zero effort in the last 1.5 years (3 terms), where, apart from attending lectures, I probably did less than 2 weeks worth of 9 to 5 on weekdays work.

My senior thesis where I quickly realised that a maths or physics degree would have given me 50 times better preparation, my lack of mathematical maturity left me as a type of illiterate (which was a brutal feeling), I didn't give a shit about the topic and procrastinated like a madman.

Being "that guy" in a major group project in my final year. I never thought it would come to that but I really was. I remember there was another all nighter but I actually couldn't stay up all night due to a lack of interest / willpower, even with tonnes of coffee.

Being at a job interview at canary wharf (that I failed and was surrounded by people from actually good universities) and then in my university the next day. It was like a brief jolt in everyday life where I could look around and see that everything was shit.

The old library that was too small yet always half empty, being knocked down for a shiny new library constantly filled with normies that opened after my first year. In my first year I literally overheard two people talking and one girl saying that only weirdos go to the library. These are the types of people that people like me are supposed to go to university to get away from (not that I thought that, but it should be true).

I could go on but I won't.

>> No.8763721 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shit, before you know it you're going to be dead anyway.

>> No.8763751

> but vice versa is obviously not true.
I'm not so sure senpai, shitposting aside, if you can do one you can probably do the other with little additional effort.

>As an example, I got to fourth year without knowing what dev, grad, eigenvectors, or curl were
How the fuck have you done that? Seriously I know people that did Mech Eng in the UK and they did this in like first year.

>I took zero phsyics courses
But what about thermodynamics and statistical mechanics?

>> No.8763756

what uni? also youre probably right that you wont accomplish anything in math/physics but with a chemeng degree cant you get a well playing job and play vidya or whatever for the rest of your life? Most people are happy with a decent job and a family.

t. math and physics double major autist going into academia who will probably die alone

>> No.8763758


Thermodynamics yes, though judging by the maths courses (i only mention those because they're easily comparable) they were probably dumbed down. Statistical mechanics, no.

>> No.8763761

remember that one asian guy who worked at subway? think about that anecdote

>> No.8763763

1. Get some mediocre job.
2. Migrate to somewhere where university is cheap
3. Work full-time, student part time
4. ???
5. Profit.

>> No.8763770

There are a lot of neat things going on in materials science right now you'd be work on with a chem. eng background.

Could do a graduate degree in something you're more interested too.

>> No.8763772

>How the fuck have you done that? Seriously I know people that did Mech Eng in the UK and they did this in like first year.
To be honest, the way they teach math to enginurds means they probably learned 1 formulaic task to be solved by memorizing some algorithm, and then put all those topics as "taught on the curriculum".

>> No.8763773

Is it possible for engineering graduates to apply for actual science programs, or does one have to go thruogh the whole bachelor's stage again?

>> No.8763779

yeah you can, most egnr degrees are bachelor's of science in {insert engr field}

fuck dude, someone in mathematical physics could be an engineer and vice versa

>> No.8763788

Most likely would just have to do some make-up courses first but I'm not 100% sure on that.

I'm finishing an electrical eng. degree this year and was considering a physics masters at my university, needed 2 quantum mech. classes and another EM class.