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8760167 No.8760167 [Reply] [Original]

Is black science man really this dense?

>> No.8760180


>> No.8760267


"Facts" are a white supremacist invention to always make black people wrong.

Shut up fucking racist and go back to pol.

>> No.8760280

puppet =/= robot

>> No.8760285

Prove it using mathematics.

>> No.8760353
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>> No.8760378

Assume he is a rectangular solid 100cmx100cm at a height 180cm.
Assume his composition is 90% fat 10% air.
He has a volume 1.8 million cm3.
.001225 g/cm3 x .1 + .981g/cm3 x .9
This gives us an overall density of .883g/cm3
With a weight of .883g/cm3 x 1.8mil cm3
~1.5 mil grams or 1500 kilos.

>> No.8760409

what's your issue with that tweet?
the school system does value grades more than students value learning
most students don't value learning at all

>> No.8760410

That's kind of true, actually.

>> No.8760412

Actually it's because the students are Asians who have no conscience. Whites cheat at a rate far less than Asians.

>> No.8760426

Your entire culture is founded upon theft, war, murder and slavery.

>> No.8760429

How long until he's black history?

>> No.8760440

>What is every culture?

>> No.8760514
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Yet nonwhites still want to move to white countries instead of staying in their native lands, funny how that works

>> No.8760563

typical tactic of the race of conmen. first he claims that he is superior to others. when there is no taker, he claims we are all the same. if someone was to mistakenly agree for the sake of humility, he would then turn the conversation around and claim that his culture is superior and your admitting of the inferiority of your culture is proof that you are inferior.

NO MONKEY EVERY CULTURE IS NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL. infact, your culture is UNIQUE in what you have been doing. you have been waging war against humanity for over 500 years and this war has only increased in intensity. there is no culture like yours. you are indeed exceptional as you so often claim. you are a parasite species. whereas others might do some wrong, YOU ARE WRONG. you are humanoid mimics that superficially ape human behavior to fool the human creatures and feed upon them. the problem is not what you do, the problem is what you are. you slave parasite species.

make one for the gulf arab countries filled with oil money. about 30% of the population in these countries is foreign workers. and if they were to offer residency and citizenship many of those would stay. millions of these people hindus, christians, budhists etc. i wonder if those non-muslims go to the land of arabia because of the great freedoms awaiting them there? you should make one image for all the non-muslims running to saudi arabia as well.

motherfucker. the movement of vast majority of non whites to white lands has to do with the bank. it is the same reason that people from rural areas are flocking to the big cities, because that is where you get more currency for the same amount of effort.

if you had not imposed your church of nation states, that crusades your religion, upon humanity there would be no banks in alll the lands. then you would have no people coming to the shithole that is europe.

>> No.8760573


>foreigners move to dune coon country
>only allowed there because they will be exploited for shit tier jobs, don't receive any handouts
>foreigners move to white countries
>given free housing, free food, free medical care, free education, no expectations for them to ever contribute to society or integrate
The white man's cruelty is truly depraved

>> No.8760603

bhenchod tell that to all the mexicans in america. tell that you all the people around the world that are enslaved by the banks you have erected in their lands and the nation states you have erected around the banks to defend maintain and expand the banks. you have made people foreigners in THEIR OWN LANDS . and you talk to me about compassion? you poiece of shit you talk to me about arab enslaving people ? haram zaday are those people moving to arab lands fools that have no idea what awaits them? or is it that what you have done to them in their own lands is much worse than what awaits them in the arab lands. when capitalism is practised by arabs in their own lands, it is slavery when you parasite scum impose the filth called civilization upon humanity that is called great generosity. you make it sound like the arabs are going into foreign lands and abduction people to being back as slaves. you did that and even worse. you made people slaves in THEIR OWN LANDS and you boast about the great benefits you provide these people who have run away from the hell your filth, called civilization, has created. your very blood lines need to exterminated. man, woman and child you must all be eradicated. your parasite species is a plague upon humanity.

>> No.8760611

He's implying that it's the school system's fault for putting value on grades, and that they should focus more on making the kids value learning. That shit has already failed for decades straight. Doubling down on it will only make things worse.

If you don't see what's wrong with the tweet, congratulations, you're one of the idiots he's pandering to.

>> No.8760616

But of course facts only matter when they confirm my stupid and autistic view of things.

>> No.8760620

It has always worked like that. Reap what you sow, bitch.

>> No.8760651

my favorite meme
asians are smarter than you, it's IQ

stop being in denial

>> No.8760670
File: 1.93 MB, 640x360, escalator.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw to intelligent too master escalators

>> No.8760674

you derived one hell of an implication from that tweet, sir

>> No.8760677

Okay. Let puppet be 1 and robot be 2. Now puppet =/= robot.

>> No.8760709


BB8 vs sand


The set, therfore, was probably a platform with some sand scattered across, or even more likely, CGed

herp derp, starwars people said its true therefore it must be true

>> No.8760718
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>> No.8760805
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>banks create value

>> No.8760834

That estimate is off by at least an irder of magnitude. Good enough for physics, but not engineering

>> No.8760837

>doesn't get the joke

>> No.8760838

You proved he has a lot of mass, but didn't actually say anything of density. In fact, you assumed a density. It should be the other way around, inferring density from measured mass. In which case the assumption that he is a rectangular object would give very low density figures.

>> No.8760839

>still doesnt get the joke, the joke about his density
>90% fat
>10% air
>used real values

>> No.8760847

Yes, but how did you get the 90% fat 10% air figure?

>> No.8760849

If you can't tell that that's what he was saying, you're thick as a fucking brick.

And I'm slightly worried that you're going to go searching for a ruler and a brick to prove me wrong.

>> No.8760856

Kek. Thanks for the pasta. Excellent mix of rebellious revolutionary teenager and passionately delusional sandnigger.

>> No.8760878
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>> No.8760879

he's shilling for the globalists

>> No.8760883
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>> No.8760888
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are niggers this delusional?

or are you a false flagging /pol/fag trying to incite racial hatred towards nonwhites? Because if so you are doing a pretty good damn job.

>> No.8760889
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>exploit and colonize the entire world
>b-but other people should stay in their native lands

>> No.8760901

So black science man was actually wrong, it wouldn't "skid uncontrollably" on sand, it would simply get stuck. But still, uncontrollably stuck.

>> No.8760906

Ben Carson is a really really good surgeon. D. Tyson is a pure meme, and it is well knowed it cheated when he was in uni.

>> No.8760909
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and read those comments, they apparently used a green stick to push it around

>> No.8761017

Why does this man keep commenting on shit outside of his domain of knowledge? The dude is an astrophysicist, what the fuck does he know about robots.

>> No.8761023

>what the fuck does he know about robots

more than you, kiddo

>> No.8761083

>domain of knowledge

University sheep detected. Enjoy your rat race.

>> No.8761132

Are Trump ?
Because you can't seriously make allegations like that and not provid a shred of evidence.

>> No.8761197

I'm thinking the actual robot, being larger, would have had maybe a little bit of traction do to his weight. Still the slightest hill or valley would be its doom

>> No.8761234

did she died?

>> No.8761254

The anti-spherical shape of the hole would naturally form a steep hill, depending on the weight of the robot and how deep it sank. The heavier you make it, the deeper it sinks, and the harder it is to get up over the edge of the hill.

Maybe it could work better on the moon. But it's still a shit design compared to wheels and tracks.

>> No.8761299


do people actually say this shit?

>> No.8761311

This is true, especially the Chinese. They just don't give a fuck.

>> No.8761392

Evidence was invented by white people to keep black people down.

>> No.8761397

They do, kiddo.

>> No.8761404

He's an entertainer. He runs light shows for a living and most users on 4chan weren't even born the last time he published a paper.

>> No.8761800

No, it's just the jews

>> No.8761921

But that tweet is completely correct.

>> No.8762016


>> No.8762018

my Grandpa says it often
take your meds and get some rest, pls Grandpa

>> No.8762539

Yes, she was crushed by the escalators gears.

>> No.8762549

Someone gets it.

>> No.8762564

If we assume that magical fiat money can have real value, then yes banks can create value

>> No.8762599

Black science man is speaking at my university tomorrow what should I ask him?

>> No.8762659

Hes only mentioning the problem. Which is correct. The current system favors the cheater. He has more free time and reaps the benefits of good grades. Its stupid for everyone to do homework. Just have one guy in a group of four do it and rotate. Regardless of your actual intellect you will get a good college based solely on your grades. Then you get a generic business degree and you are set to be a normal american citizen. Lack of a solution doesnt mean there is a lack of a problem.

>> No.8762801

/pol/ is always right, remember that. Even if this guy is a /pol/ fag, there are innumerable negroes out there that actually believe what he is saying

>> No.8762806

>typical tactic of the race of conmen. first he claims that he is superior to others. when there is no taker, he claims we are all the same. if someone was to mistakenly agree for the sake of humility, he would then turn the conversation around and claim that his culture is superior and your admitting of the inferiority of your culture is proof that you are inferior.
Okay but why are we talking about the Jews all of a sudden

>> No.8762888

Babys first reaction to natures injustice

>> No.8763013
File: 21 KB, 511x288, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike Bugatti Tyson has the same problem as rick from pawn stars, it's a sign of autism.
>say some random shit and then burst out into laughter every few seconds

>> No.8763017

Just target this post at kikes instead of whites and you're golden

>> No.8763025

>are niggers this delusional?

Some are, yes


Also if you can, watch Louie Theroux's Weird Weekend where he meets the Black Nationalists, it's on Netflix. (Make sure you watch the post credit scene with the Black Israelites)

>> No.8763030

The Chinese are literally that though for thousands of years of world history.

>> No.8763211

But I'm not African nor Muslim???

>> No.8763215

chink/nip/gook/dink/paki detected

>> No.8763219

Reminder that Malcom X was part of the nation of islam and referred to whites being dog hybrids in his speeches, he got killed when he left the cult.