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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 404x251, geologist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8755665 No.8755665 [Reply] [Original]

based geologist reporting in

>> No.8755672

Significance of screw ups correlate with significance of work. Why else do you think governments let us work with dangerous shit, while they let you play with rocks.

>> No.8755685

yeah well...

>> No.8755695

Philosopher screws up:
Radical change of society, millions dead in civil war

>> No.8755706

Geologist screws up:
Fails to foresee Yellowstone eruption.

>> No.8755728

paleofag here, what up

>> No.8755736

my boyfriend is on that diet, how's it going avoiding gluten?

>> No.8755754

even if you could accurately predict the exact second the eruption would occur what can anyone do to prevent it?

>> No.8755761

Nothing, but getting the fuck out of there on time to not be annihilated sure would be a valuable use of that information.

>> No.8755791

start flooding the caldera
tunnel from the pacific ocean to the magma chamber
blame the devastation on North Korea in order to justify world war III

>> No.8755798

>People were nice and policed before modern ideologies and didn't kill each other all the time

>> No.8755813

Graduating in May. We have two student 'labs' on campus for us but one we designated a student 'study area' because the most dangerous thing we work with is dirt. That way the department saves money on hazard costs and such. We were required to have one by the school, the most dangerous thing in there is our mass spectrometer. I guess it could really be dangerous if you ground your face into a powder, placed it into the mass spec, and irradiated it but the face powdering part would probably be worse than the irradiation.

Might also hurt if you pushed it off the table and it landed on you but damn thing takes 3-4 people to move so that's unlikely to happen by accident.

>> No.8755846

it's pretty easy
most rocks don't have any gluten in them
and I can eat all the rocks I want!

>> No.8755889

>Revolution in Biology: cure for billions
>Revolution in Physics: fundamentally different understanding of literally everything, open potential for engines that work on spooky action
>Revolution in Geology: "oh look a new rock"

>> No.8755891
File: 160 KB, 900x750, karl-marx-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy talked like a quarter of a billion people to death

In fact he even accomplished the incredible feat of killing more people than religion

>> No.8755893

>there just wasn't the demographic to even kill that many people before
>"obviously it's le power of philosophy you guys"
>"war and pogroms didn't exist before that lmao"

>> No.8755897

>mathematicians screw up
>all science screw up

>> No.8755899

You mean "causes earthquakes in Oklahoma." Which is a legit thing caused by geologists not manning up and blowing the whistle when they did the surveys.

>> No.8755913

Seeing as physicists aren't making black holes (I could be wrong) and also considering the fact that creating viruses isn't really a big topic of research I don't know where I was going with this.

>> No.8755919

>creating viruses isn't a big topic of research
Boy is you retarded?

>> No.8755928

I should have specified, it's not a topic of biology it's virology. Which is technically a branch of medicine but I guess you could argue its microbiology.

>> No.8755960

t. Ted Cruz

>> No.8756040

>mechanical engineer screws up
>screws down to compensate

>> No.8756050


>> No.8756059

>engineer screws up
>retard-proof CAD program catches it and alerts you
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

>> No.8756061

>blame the devastation on North Korea to justify world war III
This one is honestly the most feasible

>> No.8756068
File: 93 KB, 934x534, 718fc0c654b5e8aeb3ef8d1abb9697281847598b14577ddd4828e9e1e29a5b38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah why fight back against the ruling class? Just be grateful for what you have and kiss your boss's ass for stealing from you.

>> No.8756075
File: 181 KB, 1024x1536, 1448360574889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is someone on /sci/ with a good sense of humor

Leave this place before these autists turn you into a sperglord.

>> No.8756081

>deadly black hole
as if a black hole needs some adjective to emphasize its catastrophic potential, if anything "deadly" diminishes its might

>> No.8756082


>> No.8756091

More like:

>biologist screws up
There's an extra blue stain on this piece of paper

Popsci fags are the worst.

>> No.8756092
File: 365 KB, 1100x726, 1456084551260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously claiming that I -- /sci/'s renowned kpop shitposter -- would've posted a message without a Korean idol in it?

Bitch please, you must be smoking rocks.

>> No.8756095

delusional as well as deceptive

>> No.8756111

Are you retarded? There have been many disease outbreaks due to researchers fucking up or not being careful.

>> No.8756113

>Revolution in Geology: "oh look the Earth is billions of years old"

A modern day discovery would probably be focused on the interior of the Earth, since it is a big open question.

There are quite a bit of interesting open questions in geology, they are just not widely publicized.

>> No.8756135

Name 1

>> No.8756178

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome (ctrl+F accident)
H1N1 China accident: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0011184

Off the top of my head. You can find more if you google it I'm sure.

>> No.8756180


>> No.8756194

>software engineer screws up
>code is patched and released as proprietary 2018 edition

>> No.8756235


black hole at center of the galaxy - not deadly
black hole at center of the earth - deadly

>> No.8756769

Back to the containment board with you

>> No.8756791 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 800x1000, 1470541059048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically supporting Marxism


>> No.8756795

he's right tho, the post he quoted was beyond retarded
>marx killed people

>> No.8756836

So you're a Hitler apologist too then?

>> No.8756845

>mathematicians screw up
>this happens literally all the time
>someone catches the "mistake" decades or even centuries later
>frequently nothing of significance changes
>infrequently a physicist says, "no wonder the model didnt make any fucking sense"
>everything else continues on as normal

muh pure science

>> No.8756851


>> No.8756853

Marx wasn't responsible for deaths anymore than Milton Friedman or Louis Blanc was for the deaths under the capitalist status quo
Take your Chinese Cartoon reaction images back to pol

>> No.8756866
File: 32 KB, 400x280, 1487863459196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physicist screws up
>invents hypothetical dark matter to compensate

>> No.8756868

>he's unaware of subversion in media by government and NGO actors who want a one-world government

they have created the illusion of peace, but we are actually in full, unrestricted ideological war, formerly known as psychological warfare


>> No.8756871


semi related

>> No.8756872

Mind explaining why the ruling class would want communism? That wouldn't be in their interests.

>> No.8756878

Your logic is flawed. The ruling class always stay in power, it's only the puppet faces that change. In fact, the ruling class gets even more benefits from communism.

t. ex commie shithole

>> No.8756882

Communism means the means of production are in control of workers. Are you telling me the ruling class is sick of their cushy jobs of investors and instead want to work too? If so what's the problem?

>> No.8756885

PLEASE don't derail this thread with political bullshit, it's all right, nazism is good and we hate niggers, just let this thread continue, it has some potential

>> No.8756891

eh, you are free to destroy your country if that's what you want, just don't say you weren't warned

>> No.8756896
File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-geeks-like-to-think-that-they-can-ignore-politics-you-can-leave-politics-alone-but-politics-richard-stallman-75-52-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8756897

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8756911

>wtf you're trying to abolish slavery? Well good luck with that just don't say I didn't warn you about people dying

>> No.8756916


nigger detected

>> No.8756921

cuck detected

>> No.8756958

>economist screws up
>doesn't care and proceeds to encourage shit policy decisions

>> No.8756985

>psychologist can't screw up, because he's not even wrong

>> No.8756989

>philosopher screws up
>doesn't notice and tells everyone disagreeing with them that what they are saying is not an argument

>> No.8757047

What is /leftypol/?

>> No.8757220
File: 508 KB, 1020x875, Geologist's weapon of choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about rocklicking
>immediately turns into thread about communism
fuck sake, this /pol/ invasion has only gotten worse since the Russians and rednecks put a new orange star in the firmament.

>> No.8757513
File: 262 KB, 653x715, 183-world-annihilation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your picture reminded me of this.

>> No.8757523

>philosopher screws up

>> No.8757739

>Unironically falling for the employment = slavery meme

>> No.8757754

fucking rekt

>> No.8757809
File: 12 KB, 736x537, 1489676425873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a hard rock geologist
>not going into a /comfy/ GIS role

>> No.8757815

And? Thats just fewer mouths to feed that would destroy the eniveonment. He did a service to humanity. Marx literally dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.8757839





>> No.8757957

I would go for a Ph.D. in geology, but I don't have the stones to do it

>> No.8758580
File: 750 KB, 800x626, geo vs geophys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your office job instead of getting paid to go hiking and look at actual rocks
man, the one thing we have going for us that none of the other sciences do (except maybe conservation biology/ecology) and you wanna just throw that away to be a cubicle dweller...

>> No.8758653

>Geologist screws up

>> No.8758669

man, was there anything the Soviets couldn't fuck up?

>> No.8759066

Actually a geochemist tho

>> No.8759123
File: 349 KB, 1600x1200, 1386319701847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8759177

>Geologists set it on fire to prevent the spread of methane gas
>it has been burning continuously since then.

>> No.8759751

Thanks for reminding me again why I love being a Geology major.

By the way, any other geofags about to graduate in this thread?

>> No.8759865

I am. I got hired at a geotech firm in the winter. im just counting the days.....

>> No.8759888

paleofag M.S. student here. off to a PhD program in the fall.

>> No.8760326


>> No.8760444

>Mathematician screws up
>The NSA has back doors in emergent cryptosystems before they're even published

>> No.8760446

Nihilism is logically sound.

>> No.8761460

Geologist screws up: tanks can't traverse Omaha Beach on D-Day.
Geologist screws up: fluids from a uranium mine enter an adjacent aquifer.
The list goes on, stop treating geology like a meme.

>> No.8761478

>mathematician screws up: wastebasket fills up
>philosopher screws up: new book is published

>> No.8761496


>> No.8761515

>Geologist screws up
>causes massive mine accident leading to the death of over 20 people and ending in the geologist committing suicide in shame
This board can ruin you if you let the echo chamber take hold of you. Geologists do some good work from supervising there mines to maintaining our fresh water reserves. Hate how /sci/ treats them like a meme here

>> No.8761523

>screw screws up
>structure collapses, killing trillions

>> No.8761663
File: 629 KB, 661x442, cancer of the hand caused by arsenic exposure Guizhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Geologist screws up
>housing development buried under landslide, dozens dead

>Geologist screws up
>people with coal-burning furnaces and ovens in rural China suffer from chronic, pervasive, gruesome arsenic poisoning
>pic related