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8752597 No.8752597[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>early morning brain fog
>post-breakfast brain fog
>mid day brain fog
>afternoon "oh my god it's sunny outside and i need to savour my free time and youth by going outside" existential crisis
>early evening going to the gym
>mid evening realisation that if i wasn't a loser I'd be socialising right now so even thinking about learning puts me above 99 % of the population
>early night rememberance of an article about bill gates working 36 hours in a row in college so i should easily be able to do a full days work from 10 pm to 3 am
>midnight brain fog
>late night false hope for the next day while browsing 4chan in bed

>> No.8752623

Get a job


>> No.8752626
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It's not a "brain fog" if you experience it all the time. That is simply called "being stupid".

When I have a brain fog, I act like someone whose IQ is 120-130. And it's very rare.

>> No.8752684
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You sound like a sadder version of me senpai

Take a tropical vacation, should straighten you out in no time

>> No.8752692

Get a real sleep schedule, stop eating shit. There you go "brain fog" fixed.

>> No.8752702

I feel this on such a deep level. Ever since I got back from co-operative employment my coursework has gotten so much more difficult. Concepts don't come to me like they used to and I have to study twice as hard to get decent grades.

Lads, this here is what a cunt looks like. Probably in high school.

>> No.8752703

OP here. I'm not sure if brain fog is the right term when i think about it. I think it's more a complete failure of will. Not only a failure to work but a failure to desire work.

I guess brain fog would be if i worked on something for a few hours then became bored / overwhelmed and want to do something new.

>> No.8752707 [DELETED] 

Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
I can take or leave it if I please

>> No.8752718
File: 118 KB, 645x773, 1398394447527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you OP.

I suspect it's our rewiring of brain from constant refreshing of 4chan or social media in general.

>> No.8752721

Sounds like depression senpai

>> No.8752738
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>Probably in high school.

Bitch, I'm 23 years old.

>> No.8752742

My point still stands, weeb.

>> No.8752845

I keep hearing about brain fog but how exactly does it look like?

Personally (I know this sounds pathetic) get headaches from thinking and I feel like my working memory is way too short to think of complex problems.

>> No.8753038

Vyvanse will clear up that fog

>> No.8753048
File: 264 KB, 526x523, 1385664468621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls are obviously korean
>calls him a 'weeb'
hi leddit

>> No.8753824

try exercising first thing after you wake up
make the fog and laziness go away (for me at least)

>> No.8753828

also learn to identify when you're making excuses

>> No.8753848

Whatever, wanker.

>> No.8753864
File: 37 KB, 604x340, 1424601962604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls are obviously korean
You must be in that 120-130 iq mode aren't you lad

>> No.8753938
File: 65 KB, 411x412, 1486166054028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think this is? Mid to late 2016?

>> No.8754241

You know how when your vision becomes blurry and you can't see clearly?

Except it's not your vision that's unclear, but your thinking. Complex nuances of problems become strenuous or impossible to resolve and your minds eye is fumbling in the dark.

That's what it's like for me.

>> No.8754315

Sounds like a thread I would've done kek

But yeah like someone said, try to get enough sleep everynight and eat healthy

>> No.8754526
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>tfw don't understand basic probability rules
>tfw have a presentation on them tomorrow

why am i such a brainlet? the rules and definitions are stated like they're clear, evident, matter of fact rules. Like here's one of the easier ones that I don't get:

if 0<A, and 0<B, then if B entails A, A is greater than or equal to B.

rule of addition, rule of multiplication, rule of conditionality. what the fuck, I try and plug in events and numbers to make sense of it all but it doesn't work.

If go to the gym, then shower. so showering is more or equally likely than going to the gym? RRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8754984

Post your authenticated IQ results.

>> No.8755005

This. I only became able to study when I started working for real.

>> No.8755032

Yea I have that feeling as well. I used to have a very clear mind back when I was in high school. Now in my mind it feels like I'm walking in a dark with a flashlight when it comes to piecing complex information together.

>> No.8755033

get a social life and find a hobby
what the fuck does this have to do with science
good luck and go fuck yourself

>> No.8755050

I am willing to bet this has nothing to do with social life and hobby. If this was true, those autists would have been all cured by putting them in school. There has to be some kind of medical basis behind this, perhaps a deficiency in something.

>> No.8755097

Not OP. Reposting this on /adv/ to actually get answers.

>> No.8755135

At a guess, if you always shower at the gym, they're at least equally likely, but it's possible that you might shower at other times, too (yeah right). So it's possible to shower more than you gym, but not gym more than you shower.

>> No.8755149

you're just not sleeping enough anon

>> No.8755252

Stop smoking dope before critical tasks.

>> No.8755657

Stop going on 4chan. Seriously, it fucks with your brain

>> No.8755726

Spend less time at your computer. Sleep more. Eat better prepared food.

>> No.8755743
File: 94 KB, 300x225, Asuka_smiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain fog is the absolute worst. It seems to be some sort of inflamation.

I have found that quitting Aspartame (Diet Coke) and wheat based products (I am not coeliac), and in general eating less, but more greens, and taking more supplements and exercise has helped.

Also NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, stimulants like ephedrine and psudoephedrine, and steroids help, both corticosteroids and anabolics. I might try nicotine, but my fog is mostly better now.

Also try to avoid brain overload - sometimes brain fog is caused for reasons a little like having too many tabs open on your browser.

>> No.8756026

Can someone explain to me what brain fog is? I've heard of it before but the don't know exactly what it is or feels like.

>> No.8756303

I think it's just a brain stuck in a thinking loop

>> No.8757923

Here you go:

Ironically, I've found consuming diet coke on its own flatlines my bloodsugar (I guess) and make a habit of taking something sweet with it.

Quitting coke was a mistake.

>> No.8757928

It's not supposed to be sensibly interpreted, you're just being indoctrinated into thinking with worthless formulas, leave it.

>> No.8757934

Sugar replacements are known to trigger insulin response in some cases. Your mistake is still drinking sweet fizz at all. Keto/low carb is the answer to brain fog.

>> No.8757966

>so even thinking about learning puts me above 99 % of the population
found your problem OP, you are a delusional narcissist who thinks he is better than everyone else

>> No.8757969

>Can someone explain to me what brain fog is? I've heard of it before but the don't know exactly what it is or feels like.

I feels like when you wake up in the morning but you can't think a clear thought. You realise you aren't able to think clearly, but can't figure out why. You wander around, but aren't able to figure out what to do.

You can look at beautiful scenes, but you don't really see anything.

When you see people they appear complex and confusing. They talk too quickly and behave in ways you can't anticipate. They make you anxious. You try to avoid them.

Cooking food seems like an intellectual challenge. Even making a cup of instant coffee involves too many stages - too much low-time-preference to be possible, so you have chocolate and diet coke instead.

You realise today is cardio day, but you don't have motivation, so stay at home playing video games.

It sucks, and you can't explain why.

>> No.8758067
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feel you OP, i too am afflicted by brain fog, and it took me excruciatingly long periods of time to uncover the reason behind this

i had ADHD, so itried to get that under control, i decided to get amphetamemes to get better (and i did get better) however the effects are way too restricted as in they do not last long enough for me to not lose the rest of the day. I slowly made my way to realize that ultimately adhd coulnd cause me to feel so tired, so i investigated vital signs. i started with blood tests, that i did two times, and no result came out of it. in the meantime however, i realized that i had HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONs, SLEEP PARALYSIS, SLEEP INERTIA, FREQUENT NIGHTMARES and i conclusevly proved that i was SOMNOLENT by using a homemade MSLT (holding a spoon in your hand while falling asleep, the spoon set over a plate). time to fall asleep on a nap while being presumably well rested ? 10 minutes, while being at the time on 20mg of Addie. 10 minutse is the sign of a considerable sleep debt, but i was sleeping 8 hours per day ! I knew that it had to be a sleep disease: sleep apnea, narcolepsy, idopathic hypersomnia, or Klein Levine D. sleep apnea is ten times more common than narcolepsy, which is itself more common than IH and KLD, so i tested first the presence of sleep apnea. guess what ? me and my low BMI and my young age had sleep apnea ! SLEEP AP-FUCKING-NEA ! i quite certainly accumulated a sleep debt for around three-four years, and this shit was tearing apart my existence, brining down my performance, making me depressed and anxious because thats what sleep deprivation does to you.
if you re a sensible man OP, you ll listen to me: TEST FOR SLEEP DISEASES. sleep apnea is under-diagnosed, narcolepsy is severely under diagnosed, do at home this to see if its necessary https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_onset_latency#Home_testing_of_sleep_latency

>> No.8758072

This sounds incredibly frustrating. I feel for you my dudes. Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.8758085

This also sounds like depression. Check with your doctor

>> No.8758377

Agreed on all points.

I had great success with a ketogenic diet, but it broke down from inability to consume enough food. I kept losing weight.

At this point I'm too fatigued to cook for myself. I don't even know how to cook. Cooking is the art of making good food, but what is good food? I can't tell anymore. Eating is a chore.

>> No.8758381

Going through this right now. I have no motivation to do anything. I've been snowed in all spring break and since this isn't a vent board I'm not going to do that but just... You're not alone. How the fuck do you fix this?