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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8740024 No.8740024 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so many retards in our civilization?

How can movie and music industry earn so much revenue while their production quality is so low? Take a look at IMDb 8.0+ score movies, they are all so braindead, recently they made a movie with only 2 characters, rest was CGI, it has a rating of 7/10. Take a look at most popular music on youtube, it contains basic patterns like 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 1. Complex music such as liquid dnb with 3 subtracks and 1 main track is barely known to humans. I believe that most of humans don't even think for themselves, they just glue whatever is popular and accepted by the group, without any logical thinking. I fear that in the future, 99% of the civilization will be enslaved by an AI that is able to generate a movie/song based on people's information, which they gave out for free to botnets.

Why does the universe award dumb people for their achievements? If a dumb person works hard on something thats challenging for them they will be rewarded 10x more than if someone who finds that problem easy but works on something more complex.

>> No.8740766
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it balances out the muh intelligence autists like you

>> No.8740809

God gave us dumb people to be ruled over.

>> No.8740990

>Why does the universe award dumb people for their achievements?
What the fuck do you mean by that?
If you mean they have more money, it's because "dumb people" specialize in more profitable things like business, investment banking, and white collar crime than they do in "more complex" things.
If you mean they're successful in the evolutionary sense, even you know it's because they can pump out more kids by having low standards and a weak sense of morality.

>> No.8740999

Stupid people don't worry about tomorrow. They just go on with life, finding any way they can to gain more. More power, more control, more food and sex. These are the basic needs of an animal, and many people have indulged themselves in it. Though, maybe I'm crossing into philosophy here.

>> No.8741006


>> No.8741012

>Why are there so many retards in our civilization?

>> No.8741019
File: 89 KB, 728x546, 1487789357511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here for the circle-jerk.

>> No.8741525
File: 352 KB, 1280x1216, 1482435552012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think of my gf when falling asleep u fgt

>> No.8741538


Tell me this is braindead brother

>> No.8741803

Fucking normies


>> No.8741819

Nope, OP is right but I have realized that I'm also trash like other normies

>> No.8741884
File: 206 KB, 800x800, 1487242293970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent for human relationships
>tfw too intelligent to have a gf

>> No.8741885
File: 32 KB, 256x256, goodg0y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right OP, I wonder who's behind it all?

>> No.8741890

>Why does the universe award dumb people for their achievements? If a dumb person works hard on something thats challenging for them they will be rewarded 10x more than if someone who finds that problem easy but works on something more complex.
Absolutely not. You sound like a jaded faggot that focused his intellect on the wrong stuff.
If a dumb person works hard on something and achieves success, obviously if a smart person works hard on that same thing they will achieve much more.
You are the perfect example of the average /sci/ poster: a prolific underachiever that expects to be rewarded by their deep understanding of math/physics and/or their high IQ only.

>> No.8741905

When it comes to music and movies (media) dumb shit is easier to digest so more people consume the dumb shit but that doesn't mean they're dumb. Most people don't have neet-tier time or patience to autistically pore over what kind of media to consume and just want a quick laugh or something catchy to listen to.

>> No.8741911

>Why do people like what I don't like????

Yeah, I know, I was shocked and upset the first time I encountered this as well.

>> No.8741939

You know how IQ is about discovering patterns?

Well, my theory that I invented just now, is that this can be applied to music, films, food etc.
A film usually followed a pattern / model, and smarter high IQ individuals will see these patters quicker that low IQ individuals, and when they do, they will start losing interest in it because the movie becomes predictable. Therefore, they stop caring about the mainstream content and dig deeper for content that challenge their mind. They need to watch movies, that surprises the brain or else they get bored. Therefor, higher IQ = a taste that do not prefer the mainstream content, which usually follow these standard patterns.

Not saying you get better taste, that's pretty objective, but your taste gets different from the mainstream.