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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8738059 No.8738059 [Reply] [Original]

Is math invented or discovered /sci/?

>> No.8738063

Derived from axioms.

>> No.8738065

Math is an invented system which can be used to discover truths

>> No.8738175


>> No.8738203

Math was invented to explain systems that operate within in construct. The universe is discoverable but our brains have to take a third step after observation and analysis to understand its complexities. Making 2=B is an understanding between entities to describe the value of B or 2, not a discovery.

>> No.8738213

I say even God discovered it.

>> No.8738247

in my opinion it's an invention in the sense that we have some common agreement on certain rules and play the game from there

>> No.8738279

Invented but emergent.

In the same way we humans invented Smash Bros but discovered wave-dashing.

>> No.8738304

Is pattern recognition invented or discovered?

>> No.8738316

The rules are invented, the outcomes are discovered

>> No.8738321


Math is a language game, it's purely created. The "discoveries" mathematicians make are simply the consequences of the axioms they're "playing" with.

>> No.8738405

numbers were invented, but math was discovered.
I mean, the egyptians were slapping Pythagorean theorems long before him.

>> No.8738409

The biggest redpill is to realise Mathematics is a human tool like anything else and holds no objectivity whatsoever.

>> No.8738446

math is man's imperfect model of the world/universe. it will never solve any purpose outside of letting delusional people think they can play god.

>> No.8738456

It's engineered, architected, designed, and produced. On some days in tedium

>> No.8738458


This person has the right idea.


mealy-mouthed bullshit from wimps who think that not picking a side makes them look smart.


This person is a blithering idiot.


This is the worst post in the thread.

Mathematics is straight discovered, my dudes. The thing of it is that it doesn't even take but a little straight thought to arrive at that correct conclusion. Much of the wish to say that mathematics, of all things (one of the few things that /isn't/ invented, you ought to be reminded, just to get it absolutely right) is "somewhere in between" is again a wish from people who haven't actually thought very hard about the subject, to play-act an "even-handed", "educated" role.

>> No.8738460

>t. idiot who knows nothing at all about mathematics

>> No.8738465
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Nope, I have a bachelor's. Now you can wimp back about the degree itself, but the point here is that your intimation is quite false.

Do you see this onion? It is wrong. Like you.

>> No.8738470

Without doubt the worst post made today.

>> No.8738476


Not at all. You can't argue your corner on its own merits. You cannot destroy me. You couldn't even do it if you really got flustered and actually tried. And yes, I am goading you, in order to enjoy seeing you and others fail, once you are actually obliged to explain your views to a vigorous opponent; and this because most of /sci/ wrongly comes down on the "invented" side, or worse does the hemming-and-hawing stuff that has already been exhibited.

Mathematical truths persist independently of our observation of them. Fight me (you can't).

>> No.8738696

It's invented, vector spaces weren't observed by telescopes, integrals weren't dug out by archeologists and infinitesimals weren't found under a microscope, people just made up stuff and then just wonder what if I change this, what if I change that, do I need that assumption, how do I generalise that theorem for ridiculously abstract case. It just so happens some of the maths can describe models of reality. Note how most of mathematical concepts are first invented and they are used in physics or other branches of science years of tens of years later (if at all)

>> No.8738707

We invent methods of representing natural phenomena on paper, and then discover logical outcomes from there.

>> No.8738708



>> No.8738731

For these kinds of nonsensical questions,
the best answer is always one of the first posts.

True. Derived from axioms.

>> No.8738747
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If it's invented, who invented this?

>> No.8738751

It was always here anon.

>> No.8738754

Some dude

>> No.8738755

>Mathematics is straight discovered, my dudes. The thing of it is that it doesn't even take but a little straight thought to arrive at that correct conclusion. Much of the wish to say that mathematics, of all things (one of the few things that /isn't/ invented, you ought to be reminded, just to get it absolutely right) is "somewhere in between" is again a wish from people who haven't actually thought very hard about the subject, to play-act an "even-handed", "educated" role.

You could create a system of Mathematics around any set of axioms, buddy.

Wake up!

>> No.8738756

math is discovered
notation is invented

>> No.8738759

Mathematical objects/systems are invented
their properties are discovered

>> No.8738767

what if universal grammar does exisst and a special form of it applies to our quantitative understanding ("maths") of nature?

>> No.8738772
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If there are ayylmaos out there somewhere who are about as advanced as us, I wonder how differently they do math to us...

>> No.8738776

You sound like a teenage atheist who just realised god didn't exist and wanted to prove the world about it. A fair mix of retardation and autism.

To adress your point, mathematical truth exists, but the choice we made amongst the truths we exprime and the way we express them were invented.

>> No.8738780

Nonsensical? Most great mathematicians dabbled with them.

Mathematics is both invented and discovered. We invent the axioms and logic which we then use to discover the consequences of them (theorems).

>> No.8738792

>advanced ayylmaos come to earth
>we tell them about math
>"what the fuck is a prime number"
>"what the fuck is an integer"
>"what the fuck is probability"

The twist: they instantly understand Mochizuki's IUT and use it to trivially prove the Riemann hypothesis
>"what the fuck is a million dollars"

>> No.8738812

Mathematical models are created to represent the concepts we discover.

>> No.8738817

And such concepts are mathematical in themselves (even without their models).

>> No.8738976

I don't know actual shit about math, but isn't it simply the science of quantity? Quantity has its own intrinsic features, mathmaticians discovere them, describe them through invented models and convey them through an invented language. The concept doesn't seem different from any other science.

>> No.8738980

only real answer in this thread