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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8727394 No.8727394 [Reply] [Original]

/mu/ edition
What's your favorite STEM field and what kind of music do you listen to?

Big fan of theoretical math, though I'm too early in my college education to know which subfield I like best

I listen to everything but a lot of my favorites are harsh noise/PE and doom/sludge metal

>> No.8727415

>theoretical math
>harsh noise
nice bait

>> No.8727433

and i am to smart to like music

>> No.8727437


>favourite STEM field(s)

Medicine and EE

>favorite music

Wave of any kind, house, emo, dub, math-rock and dnb.

>> No.8727447

What math rock acts do you listen to? I love math rock, but I'm not as well versed as I'd like to be

>> No.8727461

modern hiphop, kpop, grime, djent and other "technical" metal, dnb, glitch/wonky

>> No.8727464

didnt mean to reply to that mb, but u should check out oh no! yoko

>> No.8727471

Rock and Metal
specifically math/post rock and jap metal
might be getting into drone

>> No.8727491

Thanks man, will listen

>> No.8728311

I like programming language theory and electronics

Hiphop, grime, bassline, dubstep, garage, soul. Like a lot of stuff

>> No.8728331

I'm going to medical school next year because I got a bio degree, but I always like algorithm math most of all.

I like oldies like Roy Orbison, world-star-tier rap like Young Thug and some neopunk shit like Mitski.

>> No.8728340

semiconductor physics
ITA, Bluegrass,Old Time fiddle, Gypsy jazz

>> No.8728359

maths/theoretical comp sci.

>> No.8728368

I listen to mostly indie and metal.
I'm interested in mathematics, neuroscience and programming.

>> No.8728397

molecular biology, immunology

dream pop, shoegaze, indie pop, electronica

>> No.8728403

>all these meme degrees
>all these meme genres


>> No.8728413
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I'm listening to a lot of flying lotus recently, great artist

>> No.8728418

I did not take the Neopunk into consideration.

A good intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nad7SQhtno

Contrapuntal electronica: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-PM6y8OUz4

A good amalgamation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUTMw7rEsDk
Old time fiddle I assume you mean classic fiddler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vshl11U1PQ

You might enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlootZWeRoo

>> No.8728424

I suspect this comes under the category of something that will satisfy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtzh3rVw0P0

A desire to put a smile on your face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N15QjEOjKiI

>> No.8728428

(the bio anon here) noice, thanks

>> No.8728453

I like astrophysics and statistical mechanics.
I listen to lots of different types of music, but my favorite is classical (mostly 19th-early 20th century)

>> No.8728455

[Abstraction results]
Melody complexity = Increased Stimulation

Intelligence correlates to the required amount of stimulation.

Nostalgia + complexity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYKB6Lag-w

Simplified corollary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CYaZFydbA4

Genre shift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9186rZtCQM

Beethoven's original timings brings most people a realized appreciation for the man who began the romance period: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zucBfXpCA6s

>> No.8728467

I agree with your comment, but -5 points to Gryffindor for choosing a video of Valentina Lisitsa (listen to Arrau's recording).

>> No.8728474

as an aside, Arrau's version of Chopin's Nocturnes is outstanding

>> No.8728477

Anything Arrau touches is pure gold.

>> No.8728480

David Helfgott has been my performer of choice. Valentina was chosen more as a good interpreter of original pacing.

Arrau is quite the deft/soft toucher.

I have always considered the piano to be the king of instrument and a willing servant to all.

>> No.8728488

Mozart's KV 256, because "La matematica non può fallar".

>> No.8728499

Functioning adults don't listen to music.

>> No.8728524

I recognize that slide(or slip jig?) but I can't remember the name

>> No.8728528

>functioning boring people don't listen to music

also true for manchildren who only listen to vidya and anime OSTs

>> No.8728562

>Contrapuntal electronica
Like this?

>> No.8728567

It is somewhat incongruous to post Bach, the god of counterpoint/contrapuntal.

In MIDI no less.

Still, I am far more a fan of Bach than I am of Mozart.

>> No.8728569
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>favorite fields
EE and Astrophysics

New Retro/Power metal/Chants/Jazz & Blues

Aren't I original

>> No.8728572


>> No.8728577



>> No.8728582

Ah, that makes me recall that binarual music healing was based off some monk chant record. There is something compelling about the human voice. Does roll around in the mind.

>> No.8728586

It also reminded me of this style of singing, which I feel is comparable culturally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgNTp8hjjWA

>> No.8728590

I know what you mean, I missphrased when I say I like only chants. I love strong vocal music in general, shit like this is my favorite:

>> No.8728596

That reminds me of that Mongolian throat singing. That stuffs neat.

>> No.8728603

Strong vocals/group/barbershop quartet styles. Vocalistic merging.

I wonder if that is a combination of the brain's preference for waveforms? A simplistic pattern can be enabled to be interesting by the inclusion of multiple/overlapping waveforms. When it collapses/rises that is the same as 'breathing' or expansion/contraction.

I think this would count also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbsQJBxICN0

Does have strong folk roots. Hm, there is a strong correlation with folk music being the most empowering form of simplicity.

Think of it like doing multiple simple formulas/equations at once rather than going more advanced. A simplistic form of bruteforcing the desired result?

>> No.8728617

I'd guess that it has something to do with evolution. I think it has something to do with the the brain recognizing another human voice. Another voice probably does a lot more for the health of the psyche than the noise of an instrument because of that. I'd wager that theres a connection between people liking vocal music and further back in our evolution when gutteral sounds played a more important role.

>> No.8728618

Systems programming and CS

>> No.8728626

It feels like a variation on one of the castlevania themes.


>> No.8728627
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>Favorite STEM field
Computer Science

>What kind of music do you listen to?
Pretty much any genre.

>> No.8728631

Now that to me is one of the more interesting points. It is the one thing that actually serves NO purpose evolutionarily, yet humans still pursue it.

No matter what country/culture/religion, you will eventually be bored and either whistle/drum out a tune to pass the time. The purpose of this does not SEEM to be conducive to much else. It doesn't stimulate/aid in any survival task I can think of whilst everything else is survival/propagation. Animals can also enjoy music (elephants dance).

The maths of music is fascinating because it is like you need to find a starting point of an irrational number and extrapolate from there, but even HOW you extrapolate is far more freebase and complicated than most mathematics.

Any genre + Computer Science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI57QHL6ge0 OR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9O2Rjn1azc

>> No.8728633
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>favourite STEM
Microbiology, specifically virology
>preferred music
Really broad range desu but God damn do I love some Rachmaninoff in the lab

>> No.8728639


Helfgott is just my go to for Rach.

However I would recommend some Bach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVxwuirUX-M

Russian revisionists are people I have a lot in common with (Rimsky-Korsakov).

The hungarian dances (Danse Hongroise) are also highly recommended pieces.

>> No.8728647

>everything that is at least marginally popular is a meme

>> No.8728650

You just caught me listening to his 2nd sonata :)

>> No.8728651

>Melody complexity = Increased Stimulation
>Intelligence correlates to the required amount of stimulation.
Yeah. People try to say that every genre is equally heard by intelligent people, but that's not true at all. The smarter you are, the more used you are to listening to complex music.

>> No.8728653

My favorite STEM field is M for Mathematics as that is what I study, and I listen to many things but mostly Jpop.

Jpop is undoubtedly the superior kind of music and specifically I like songs where there are like 10 different girls singing and they make it such that whenever a girl is singing the main lyrics, others are making cute sounds in the backgroun like fuwa fuwa uguu kawaii <3 and such.

Modern examples would be Ichizu Recipe and Psi desu I love you.

This kind of music really makes you think. It is a true IQ raiser, specially if you try to study while listening to it.

>> No.8728655

>It is a true IQ raiser, specially if you try to study while listening to it.
What if you can't focus while listening to something?

>> No.8728659

As an addendum, I do believe virology to be the more fascinating field of Microbiology. Transfer mechanisms, when understood, would be most beneficial. That may have something to do with my interest in 'memes' or how 4chan itself is able to spread its own information whilst simultaneously self-regulate/destroy the information that is only in the middle ground.

If it is really low brow, people will pick up on it and spread it. If it is extremely complex/complicated, it will still reach higher portions of society.

I come to think of 4chan as the site where the high energy allows for hyper-cycling of information. However the site is more a 'host' cell rather than having any actual desire to go out and infect others or even care if their message is received. There hasn't been any internal/concentrated effort to unify 4chan as an entity so this is what entropy gets us, but the host cell is still intact and will always be.

I wonder if there is a viral comparitive that is apt.

Correct. I think people say that because they themselves aren't able to see the similarities between death metal/rap/folk/classical.


>> No.8728661

Go for music that doesn't have lyrics in your native language. The more proficient you are in a language the less your ability to 'filter' it out of your focus.

>> No.8728667

Songs that don't have a focus on lyrics (e.g. using vocals as an instrument and not a message delivery) you can get away with. For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEKUAz_gd0Y

>> No.8728668

>What if you can't focus while listening to something?

Well, that is what you want to train by listening to music. What I do is very simple. I read a problem until I have really understood it, then I play the music. I sing along having fun until eventually something, like if I brain had a second line of thought, clicks and then I have a solution or an idea towards a solution. Then I write whatever I have down, read it carefully and then repeat until I have a complete solution.

If I take more than 30 minutes I turn off the music and accept I am a brainet.

Oh, I would know that song but when it came out, I dropped Mob Psycho after the first episode.

And that shit has male voices wtf. Do you think I'm gay? I'm not gay.

>> No.8728677

Removal of all male vocals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzC4hFK5P3g

Does not satisfy the group vocal requirement.

This I believe falls short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0Zku8hut4g

If it doesn't, do let me know.

>> No.8728690

The second one does work. It's a good song, but I've seen better.

For reference, I consider this to be the holy grail of modern music:


>> No.8728692

My favourite STEM field is organic chemistry, which is the only non-meme field, and also happens to be the field that I'm studying.

I listen to a lot of punk and electronic. I've been on a big DiJ kick.

>> No.8728695
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>Any genre + Computer Science: (...)

Both sounded pretty awful tbqh famalam.

>> No.8728699

Even instrumental music distracts me. The thing is, I like to listen to music to let myself go with it, so I can follow whatever thoughts the rythm induces in my mind.

>> No.8728713

I can understand the composite.

Have you heard of The Pillows? They are a japanese punk-ish band that are quite good.

Refine the search parameters. I could only operate on the high intelligence + entropy requirements + any genre, so I went regex -> ?

Ah, this is more of an associative condition than it is a filtering problem. In your shoes I would simply be glad that you have the capacity to narrow your focus so specifically but not filter, as that is simply an environmental point (which is under your control). Unless you feel like something is lacking? When I require all focus I listen to nothing, but when I require guided focus (emotive matching tone; anger/fury if I want to accelerate the brain to understand a problem and calm when I want to let things wash over me)

>> No.8728737

I'm a paleofag and I like classic rock, prog rock, alternative rap/hip-hop, and some orchestral stuff. Kind of a mixed bag.
Artists I like: REM, the Beatles, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Talking Heads, Cheap Trick, OK Go, the Grateful Dead, Here Come the Mummies, Digital Underground, Das Racist, Modest Mussorgsky. Also listen to Russkaja for lels.

underrated gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6LWRE0OeA4

>> No.8728739

>Not a single post talking about BATS
It's a band which has songs about scientific topics.

>> No.8728748

I'm currently studying Biochemistry for my undergrad, digging it a lot (metabolism is beautiful) but I'm probably gonna do theoretical chemistry for my phd because I just can't get enough quantum mechanics.

I listen to mostly 80s and 90s indie rock like Sonic Youth, Unwound, Husker Du, Wipers, Drive Like Jehu, The Replacements, Archers of Loaf, etc. But I'm also big into psychedelic stuff like Animal Collective, Spacemen 3, 13th Floor Elevators, and Boredoms

>> No.8728761

That song sample reminds me quite a bit of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryDOy3AosBw

The artist selection I admire. Makes it quite difficult to pinpoint the thread.


Theoretical chemistry is fascinating. That is quite an eclectic range of music you enjoy. I wonder what the progenitor is.

>> No.8728769

Where did you find that image, OP? Tried everything, found nothing. Got more/source?

>> No.8728784

Physics, specifically aeronautics and astronautics

Vapourwave, indie rock, french pop, indie electronica, grunge and blues rock if you already didnt think I was a cunt

>> No.8728845

I like science.

My favourite band is The Red Hot Chili Peppers. It is one of the best bands ever.

>> No.8728872

>Prog rock, RIO, cabaret, glitch, hip hop

>> No.8728892

Mechanical Engineering
Metal (Sludge/Doom/Power are my favourites)

>> No.8728938
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Computer science or physics.

I listen to a lot of genres but mainly dream pop, hip hop, and all kinds of vaporwave.

>> No.8729259

Electronics and math

Vaporwave bc it's easy to study to

>> No.8729288

> What's your favorite STEM field
I really like classical mechanics and learning new techniques to apply to classical mechanics
> and what kind of music do you listen to?
so I've been listening to The Wall forever, but after seeing Pink Floyd live I've been getting more into them.
My music tastes change so often, it's hard to pick one or two I like

>> No.8729349

low tier b8

>> No.8729590

>pinpoint the thread
the only real thread connecting bands I like is that most of them are weird.
and on that note, forgot to add Barenaked Ladies on there. (Everything to Everyone = underrated album)

>> No.8729603
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>Probability theory
>late 90s rap

>> No.8729807

That's a very interesting thought anon. I can see the resemblance but no comparative comes to my mind.

>> No.8730492
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>tfw mongolian throat singing board stopped being mem

>> No.8730509

>What's your favorite STEM field and what kind of music do you listen to?
I'm an aerospace engineer

I've been on a 90s rock thing today
marcy playground
my life with the thrill kill cult
violent femmes

But I listen to every, actually spent the last week listening to stuff off the last sci music thread





>> No.8730514

Financial econ is my field, but since STEM isn't considered STEM, I'll say that probability and the intersection of computer science and game theory is probably my favorite.

I like any sort of metal besides traditional/brutal death metal (gay atmoshit like ulcerate is cool tho), trance and other uplifting electronic music, chaotic prog rock like TMV, and chaotic or cool proggy jazz like Coltrane.

Essentially, I'm laughed at on both boards.

>> No.8730519

*social science isn't considered STEM

>> No.8730524


>> No.8730527


>> No.8730533

unless /sci/ is talking about IQ, then its 100% legit.

>> No.8730543

OP here, I agree that social science is legitimate, but I understand the hesitancy when repeatability is not common in our experiments. IMO it's due to too many variables being present in the models, with human behavior, isolating and controlling behavior is not exactly possible.

>> No.8730548

yes reasonable poster. i was just pointing out the hypocrisy.

>> No.8730577

The end of bastion was so sad. This song always gets me:

>> No.8730686

Mathematics - combinatorics.

90s rave music and vapowave. I concentrate better with some noise while counting.

>> No.8730696

I like sucking dick in dark alleys I'm studying to be a pharmacist I only listen to bossa nova and trap.

>> No.8730870

Mathematicical Physics and Death Metal.

>> No.8731189

I amn't baiting, fuck. RHCP really is one of the best bands ever. John Frusciante is a top 10 all time guitarist. Flea is a top 10 all time bassist. Chad Smith is a fantastic drummer. Tony Flow is OK. Mother's Milk, Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Californication, By The Way, and Stadium Arcadium are all excellent albums. BSSM and Californication in particular are legendary albums. The number of good songs they have exceeds the discography of many artists.

>> No.8731329


>> No.8731412

>RHCP really is one of the best bands ever

>> No.8731434

Information theory and graph theory are my favorites.

For music, I like blues, stoner rock, doom/sludge metal, romantic-era chamber music, and field recordings of nature. Olhon's Sinkhole, and Bogert's Sounds of North American Frogs are top notch.

>> No.8731439

I like lots of different stuff but lately I've been really into jazz and psychedelic rock
I used to go to /mu/ a lot, I still love some of the basic essentials like Radiohead and King Crimson

>> No.8731447

Flea is a top 10 bassist but John Frusciante is NOT a top 10 guitarist, not even a top 100 guitarist

>> No.8731454

They really are. They might not be as good anymore without Frusciante, but they still have 5 top-tier albums under their belt (6 if you like Navarro). And these are some big albums, ~16 songs each, all great. Listen to:

I Could Have Lied/Funky Monks/Sir Psycho Sexy (BSSM), This Velvet Glove/Quixoticelixer (Californication), Dosed/Tear (By The Way), Knock Me Down (Mother's Milk), Turn It Again/Torture Me/Wet Sand/Slow Cheetah (Stadium Arcadium). That stuff is good.

>> No.8731460


Death Grips, Aphex twin, Radiohead, MF DOOM, Godspeed You! Black emperor, Boards of Canada, Pink Floyd. I mean anything that's good really, I like quality.

>> No.8731488



>> No.8731492

>Favorite STEM field
CS, physics, math
>Favorite music
Swing, jazz

>> No.8731562

>favourite STEM field

quantum mechanics
neuroscience/ neural networks/ AI

wouldn't say I'm too knowledgeable about either field, but I will be some day.

well fuck, I've been listening to a lot of Schnittke lately, and I absolutely love Giya Kancheli. Shostakovich is a firm favourite, and obviously Bach.
I also love techno. Artefakt, Acronym, F.U.S.E, Phase, Rolando Simmons, VC-118A, Boston 168, Binar, etc.

>> No.8731567

Underage b&

>> No.8731570

actually, I'm a physics student.

>> No.8731668

Techno, House, Tech House, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal

>> No.8731702

>Favorite Field

Biotech, Bioengineering
, Biochem

>Favorite genre

Post-rock, 90s "indie", Electonic stuff like Boards of Canada. I used to browse /mu/ like 4 years ago and dropped it when yeezus came out

>> No.8731703

you also like entry level hipster garbage?

>> No.8731735

He didn't say Neutral Milk Hotel, tho

>> No.8731749

>Physics and Robotics
>Stoner, Doom, Prog, Psych, Blues, Folk, Americana

>> No.8731754

You leave NMH out of this. Aeroplane Over the Sea is a masterpiece

>> No.8731765

Mathematics (analysis and probability)
I like Lana Del Rey, the Rolling Stones and Kanye West

>> No.8732543

I do like em too. Who the fuck cares man, I listen to what I like. Ya'll motherfuckers can go suck a dick

>> No.8733523

>analytical chemistry

I like almost every genre (if the song is good)
so basically anything, from metal to classical, depends the on mood and occasion
right now I'm into 80's pop/retrowave

but I generally dislike hip-hop (or at least 90% of it)
only genres I unconditionally hate are overly cacophonic subgenres like dupstep and grindmetal

>> No.8734520

>favorite STEM field
What's with that? Of course everyone chooses the field they're in unless you people here are filthy highschoolers/undergrads.

Experimental high energy physics

Classical masterrace you degenerate scum. Especially music of the Romantic period and especially Chopin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liTSRH4fix4
Op 48 No. 1 is a miracle of the universe and the best nocturne.

>> No.8734886

>What's your favorite STEM field and what kind of music do you listen to?
I'm in Materials Engineering. I like physics and math.

I listen to electro, pop, meme music, jazz and classical.

>> No.8734907

anyone here play osu?

>> No.8734947

I love math have since I took AP calc as a junior in high school. Topology is pretty great as is abstract geometry. I listen to post-punk and noise rock mostly.

>> No.8735074

Aerospace engineering.

I only listen to the smoothest of grooves, no matter the genre. 90's hiphop, Armstrong in the 50's, deep house today. Smooth, baby, smooth. Just like space.

>> No.8736602


>> No.8736608

Civil engineering

These days I pretty much only listen to noise and mumble rap

>> No.8736618


Software engineering. I like most music except metal where the scream the lyrics and country. I've been really house recently even though I've thought house was shit most of my life.

>> No.8736764

chopin nocturnes are sugary trash
it's only arrau's playing that gives them a bit of depth

>> No.8736775


Can't get this one out of my head.

>> No.8738431

I'm a big fan of EE and theoretical math, though i am SE.
Doom, Power, Prog and Thrash Metal, as for non-metal I go with Trance, Rap/Hip-Hop,

>> No.8738434


Lofi hip hop and sometimes classical, depending on the mood I'm in or what I'm doing

>> No.8738461

>everyone chooses the field they're in
Not true. I went engineering because muh job prospects but I fucking hate it. Should have stuck with math.

Also I mostly listen to early 20th century russian compositions and /shugazi/.

>> No.8738496

Physics and Neuroscience.
I appreciate most genres of music but listen primarily to tech death, doom/stoner, atmoshit and prog rock.

>> No.8738737


I don't have favourites, anything can be interesting.

>> No.8738841

Nanoscale materials/thin films
Mostly hardcore and classical, been listening to code orange kids a lot.