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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8721680 No.8721680 [Reply] [Original]

Thread on the left is a dumb gorilla post shitpost made one day 13 hours ago with almost 100 replies. Thread on the right is a neat real science thread made 15 hours ago with no replies other than OP himself. How the fuck can you explain this?

>> No.8721684

/sci/ has always been shit.

You don't get replies unless you say something that is a) controversial and b) at a level in which brainlets can understand.

>> No.8721693
File: 38 KB, 465x640, Nunivak_maskette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first discussion is all philosophy 'n shit and anyone can do that, while the second thread requires scientific knowledge to discuss properly but we're all charlatans who barely know anything besides calculus, so...

It's 4chan; what else did you expect?

>> No.8721697

Even /r/science is better than this shithole, kek

>> No.8721701

This desu. I've been here a while now and this has always been the case. However it has gotten worse over the past few years, but I can't tell if that's just because the board has gotten more active or if it's reflecting a lack of /sci/-related posts.

>> No.8721703

There are threads like the String Theory General that have over 70 replies and use nice theoretical physics.

>> No.8721709


A few years ago, threads would take days before being removed by the limit. Now a thread can disappear in less than a day thanks to the retards spamming troll threads (which can hold interesting discussions nonetheless). It's just that we should limit troll thread and retarded threads so that real threads have a chance to live.

>> No.8721733
File: 7 KB, 153x179, 1447551071846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd estimate that only about 10% of posters on /sci/ have any real background in math or science, the rest are CS and engineering undergrads or shitposters. There are simply too few people to have actual discussions.

>> No.8721738

This thread is a shitpost unrelated to science. Even the gorrilafag post is better

>> No.8721747

/sci is just a shitposting playground for uppity Christ-cucks to make troll threads about flat earth/fake global warming/creationism or whatever their facebook feed bullshit triggered them into feeling cocky enough to think their scientifically illiterate garbage is worth spreading.

also college freshmen failing calc 1 reeeee ing about how they are "smart but lazy" and whatever other meme garbage comprises 90% of these thread.

>> No.8721749


It's a meta thread pertaining to the quality of post and discussion as outlined by global rule 6.

>> No.8721752
File: 151 KB, 860x758, IMG_2528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to reddit if you want to actually talk to scientifically educated people about science faggot. I will continue gorillaposting on this board without remorse, what u gonna do about it bitch?

>> No.8721755


>> No.8721783

The gorilla thread actually has good discussion though

>> No.8721802

>what u gonna do about it bitch?

Being such a man. Can you even hold your testicules ?

>> No.8721809
File: 2 KB, 221x160, IMG_2489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my hands retard

>> No.8721850

You made the post on the right didnt you

Now you are venting out your frustration on yet another non-sci related thread

>> No.8721929


>> No.8722880

Most of us are math students. Try a graduate level math thread and you'll get some discussion. Biofags are very rare on /sci/.

>> No.8722912

>Thread 1
Good discussion + interesting info
>Thread 2
pop sci thread hyping for funding

Butthurt OP is mad that his popsci thread did not get 200+ replies

>> No.8722929
File: 749 KB, 696x419, ouch my brain!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about reading shit in voices is inherently interesting as we all do it.

Using DNA as storage is old vaporware news, its boring and while may one day be practical is currently just a bottomless money pit that funds scientists to wright papers and for (((journalists))) to click bait you on.

>> No.8723050


That gorilla post spawned an interesting discussion.

>> No.8723069

There WOULD be enough people, but:

>A few years ago, threads would take days before being removed by the limit.