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8721113 No.8721113 [Reply] [Original]

Einstein had an iq of 160

In the 1905 he had his miracle year where he single handendly invented quantum mechanics with his photo electric effect and Brownian motion papers and relativity with two papers on that.

Average iq rise over time and accounted for that, his iq today would've been slightly less than 130

That means that quiet allot of you lazy faggots are as able as Einstein in disproving centuries of ideas if you didn't waste your time

Also Africans aren't retarded cause they're black, they're retarded due to years of malnutrition and lack of education

>> No.8721144

iq really doesnt mean as much as people with selfesteem problems think it does

motivation to work, privileges you were lucky enough to have from birth, mental health, perseverance, and most of all chance are the main factors in whether you will do great work or not.

>> No.8721150

>Average iq rise over time and accounted for that, his iq today would've been slightly less than 130

But he wasn't alive today. Whose to say Einstein would have accomplished anything if he were born in the 90s? I don't get the point you're trying to make.

>> No.8721152

his iq would be 145 if you adjust for him being jewish

>> No.8721193

>implying that iq has an actual meaning in these sorts of things

>> No.8721792

>Also Africans aren't retarded cause they're black, they're retarded due to years of malnutrition and lack of education
(Everyone should have safety, food, shelter, peace, friendship: People reject them. If you gave them healing vegetables, they would turn it into alcohol. Everywhere, people have some accountability for growing drugs rather than healthy vegetables. Even candy needs to use land for crap crops rather than healing ones.)
Most people around the world choose to be ignorant, irresponsible and careless. Ignorant people choose not to care if they die and so they do not care about how they affect others or if they die. They have a "not going to happen to me" attitude and blame other people for their own problems. They deny their civil responsibilities to society and others but expect it from others. People choose to use others and then call foul when they are used.
Incivility is rampant in all countries, ages, gender. Rather than avoid danger, ignor.ant people ignor.e danger. They choose to not think: but if they did think, they'd think "what did I expect would happen if I didn't pay attention, duh me!"

>> No.8721819

>Falling for the Einstein meme.
He is among he less talented physicists of the time.

>> No.8721837

>he had his miracle year where he single handendly invented quantum mechanics
kill yourself

>> No.8721894

>That means that quiet allot of you lazy faggots are as able as Einstein in disproving centuries of ideas if you didn't waste your time

Yeah, except that we aren't living in 1900 any more.

The problems we are dealing with are much much harder than whose they were dealing with at the time.

Also there is no fucking way in hell that Einstein would be an average bloke in Physics with a 130 IQ today.

>> No.8721908

I had a physics teacher in high school who told us he robbed his theories

>> No.8722993

>they're retarded due to years of malnutrition
What the fuck isn't nutritious about fried chicken and watermelon?

>> No.8723293

The flynn effect is bullshit.

>> No.8724727
File: 237 KB, 755x1543, einstien 1440251068290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

single handedly ?

>> No.8726739

>Average iq rise over time and accounted for that, his iq today would've been slightly less than 130
yeah except the IQ "160" is projected onto him from NOW

>> No.8728370

iq is pseudoscience tbqh

>> No.8728379

>Also Africans aren't retarded cause they're black, they're retarded due to years of malnutrition and lack of education

Right but black skin comes only from Africa, so the long term effects which have occurred from multiple generations of malnutrition in Africa can still be found in people with biological lineage back to Africa, which strongly implies black skin color as well

Nobody actually thinks black skin makes you stupider, thas some bullshit lib red-herring about how "I DONT SEE COLOR".

>> No.8728380

as if intelligence has ever been properly quantifiable.
if Elon Musk had a 170 IQ, I wouldn't call him Einstein-level brilliant, because he isn't.

IQ is only relevant at the 100 level,, in determining whether or not an individual is stupid or of normal 'intelligence'... otherwise it kinda sucks

>> No.8728421

Is IQ actually measurable when you go above a few standard deviations?

>> No.8728426

Mistake number 1
>You can't measure intelligence

Mistake number 2
>You continue to breathe instead of committing a suicide by jumping out of your window right now

Mistake number 3
>Even if IQ would exist, IQ wouldn't explain what your environment would be. You need friends, money, and chance to become successful.

>> No.8728435

Or maybe the Flynn effect is bullshit.

>> No.8728438

If Elon Musk had an IQ of 170, maybe he'd be doing something brilliant enough for you.
>niggers are dumb because malnutrition
You can make a case for that in Africa, but not in the civilized world. Eating better won't make an idiot any smarter, a lack of nutrients will prevent a person from reaching their potential. It's amazing how easily people miss the obvious conclusions simply because they don't want to deal with them.

>> No.8728456

Idiot. If you had to spend your entire day to get water and food for yourself, you wouldn't have the time to read books, fiction, do studies, and be curious about the world. Retard.

>> No.8728493

Now try having people purposfully hide information from you because you are black, and smile because they know I'm a stupid nigger because i didn't know it already. Chain reaction until 5 years later, i still don't know the thing and no one will teach it to me, they just like laughing that i still look ashamed for being a stupid nigger

>> No.8728496

Iq doesn't measure Intel, it assumes how many times per second you can iterate that Intel.

You are absolutely right about the friends, money, and opportunities though.