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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8720722 No.8720722 [Reply] [Original]

is /sci/ atheist?

>> No.8720725
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>> No.8720727

More scientific than religious.

>> No.8720734

they aren't commensurable

i.e. religion and scientific produce different truths

(you could imagine them on two axes)

>> No.8720768

True /sci/ is irreligious. But at the moment we are infected with pol which is basically the ISIS of Christianity

>> No.8720774
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>> No.8720777

>(you could imagine them on two axes)

I think I understand. Science is like an axe made out of metal, and religion is like an imaginary ax made out of wishes and pixie dust. Only one of them can actually cut down a tree, while the other one will take credit if it randomly falls over on its own

>> No.8720783


OP is from /pol/


Yes and that's a fake quote.

>> No.8720785

This, beliefs are usually unfalsifiable so belief is hardly a scientific question, I'm probably projecting myself here but I feel that Heisenberg meant that the more you know the more gaps of knowledge there are you can fill with god if you like

>> No.8720791


No, blue boards are Christian boards.

>> No.8720795
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Science is similar to politics (in relation to religion).
Technically, if you ARE a believer then you should place your faith as certain truth. However, due to the fact that others have different beliefs than you, you have to place everything at a neutral (in politics, this would be achieved through libertarianism).
This is where science differs from politics (and makes itself better). While politics have to do with shit completely made up by humans, science is finding out how the cosmos work, thus it takes more rigor.
You can't really deny science and place your faith over tangible evidence (because that's brainlet tier shit), however, you shouldn't just accept theories because scientists say they're true. So far I haven't seen any evidence that can be used against my religion, but that's because I do my research.
Essentially, what I'm getting at here is that anyone on /sci/ that still believes the atheism meme is obviously a brainlet who only goes toe deep in their """"evidence"""" against God.

btw I personally mix science with my religion as everything in the Bible is supported by scientific evidence, and vice versa

>> No.8720812

I guess so. Of course there is some kind of force behind the creation of the universe, but thinking of it as a singular, conscious thing with a personality seems silly to me.

>> No.8720816

You have to be drunk and irrational to be religious is what I understand from that quote

>> No.8720831

In my opinion, I do believe there are events that don't happen by chance and that there may be a higher power, although I do not believe this entity falls under any of the mainstream or cult visions of it. Religion is helpful to develop values to determine good vs evil and have a sense of ethic in what you do.

That being said, I think at least 70% of users on this board are atheists.

>> No.8720918

>no Guy in the Sky
fgt pls

>> No.8720927

Science is for understanding the physical world around us. Religion is for spiritual growth and personal development. Understanding Gods creation in all it's glory requires being scientifically literate. Science gives knowledge. Religion gives wisdom. Both are necessary for living a proper life.

>> No.8720929

I'm an agnostic atheist. Maybe you could lump me together with atheists.

>> No.8721232


>> No.8721258
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>as everything in the Bible is supported by scientific evidence

>> No.8721266

The smartest kid in my math class is a fundie Christian.

And she's a freaking genius. Made it into the National Math Olympiad team and won pretty much every STEM award she was eligible for. She's probably going for a Ph.D at a top 5 worldwide university. Only reason she didn't go to Cambridge for undergrad was cause she's two years ahead and her mother was scared of sending her to a foreign country alone at such a young age.

So yeah, I'm still an atheist but I have learned to accept that the world is just weird, like that.

>> No.8721282

I am, but I'm pretty sure some others aren't

>> No.8721292
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Nobody is perfect.

Shit like this is reason I try not to judge people for making a stupid mistake now and again. They can still be really good people who have their shit together. I think religion is retarded but I'll befriend a religious person, sure.

Incidentally I learned from this book there exist some genetic factors that can contribute to greater memory but might also come hand-in-hand with superstition. The book is a little outdated but you might find it pretty interesting nonetheless, especially if you're not really from a bio background.

>> No.8721299

I sometimes think about these kind of concepts, but I suppose there isn't really a lot I can say about it with certainty. The problem is that the concept of god is so personal and plastic that you can always move it outside the sphere of scientific inference.

>> No.8721311

Theology is the queen of sciences.