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8720276 No.8720276 [Reply] [Original]

I have

there is literally like 1 small section that talks about race, its not even the main part of the book

>> No.8720280

No. Why would I read statistical garbage? When I can read a nice book on Algebra or even philosophy.

>> No.8720321

Because statistics is not garbage.

>> No.8720337

fake news

>> No.8720379

>correlations with race
>smart people will herd retards into ghettos
>follow my policy proposals or america will be a fascist land for only smart people

I thought it was an okay read, the statistics presented were decent. But his conclusions section was a bit outlandish desu, especially when it started turning into Libertarianism: A Primer.

>> No.8720445

>reject even the slightest notion of scientific research on races because muh racism
>nah it's those darn anti-intellectual conservatives who are scared of science!

this post has nothing to do with the book in the OP btw

>> No.8720450

It's a good book, IQ science is very interesting.

>> No.8720852

>IQ science

>> No.8721217


This book is the proof that liberals are more anti-science than anyone else

a small section of a small book, all of which was backed up by evidence caused the crucifixion of a nobel winning scientist

p.s the book is right and basically all evidence since then supports it

>> No.8721260


>> No.8721284


>We examine differences in intelligence test scores of black and white 5-year-olds. The Infant Health and Development Program data set includes 483 low birthweight premature children who were assessed with the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. These children had been followed from birth, with data on neighborhood and family poverty, family structure, family resources, maternal characteristics, and home environment collected over the first 5 years of life. Black children's IQ scores were 1 SD lower than those of white children. Adjustments for ethnic differences in poverty reduced the ethnic differential by 52%. Adjustments for maternal education and whether the head of household was female did not reduce the ethnic difference further. However, differences in home environment reduced the ethnic differential by an additional 28%. Adjustments for economic and social differences in the lives of black and white children all but eliminate differences in the IQ scores between these two groups.

>> No.8721297

Not specifically about the bell curve, but about lynn, part of the source material

>"The majority of the data points were based upon convenience rather than representative samples. Some points were not even based on residents of the country. For instance, the “data point” for Suriname was based on tests given to Surinamese who had migrated to the Netherlands, and the “data point” for Ethiopia was based on the IQ scores of a highly selected group that had emigrated to Israel and, for cultural and historical reasons, was hardly representative of the Ethiopian population. The data point for Mexico was based upon a weighted averaging of the results of a study of “Native American and Mestizo children in southern Mexico” with result of a study of residents of Argentina. Upon reading the original reference, we found that the “data point” that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was actually the mean IQ of a group of Spanish children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain. Corrections were applied to adjust for differences in IQ across cohorts (the “Flynn” effect), on the assumption that the same correction could be applied internationally, without regard to the cultural or economic development level of the country involved. While there appears to be rather little evidence on cohort effect upon IQ across the developing countries, one study in Kenya (Daley, Whaley, Sigman, Espinosa, & Neumann, 2003[5]) shows a substantially larger cohort effect than is reported for developed countries."

>> No.8721304

>A more egregious example is provided by his treatment of the Eyferth (1961) study of two groups of illegitimate children fathered by (mostly) American black and white servicemen and brought up by their (carefully matched) German mothers. Eyferth reported an average IQ of 96.5 for the mixed race children and of 97.2 for the whites. Lynn reduces the former number to 94 to compensate for use of an old test, and compares it, not with the score of the white sample, but with an average IQ of 100 for German children. He is thus able to conclude that the IQ of these mixed race children is half way between that of Americans and Africans. He derives the same conclusion from the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992) transracial adoption study since, at the 10-year follow-up, the mixed race children had an average IQ of 94, mid-way between the 102 of the white children and the 89 of the black children. He omits to mention one of the more salient features of this follow-up, namely, that there had been substantial attrition in the white sample—with a loss of those children with lower IQ scores, resulting in an overestimate of the white group's IQ by some 6 points.

>> No.8721309


looks like they mainly just attack the credibility of the author

>> No.8721315

*the credibility of his sources
here's one of them
>I think the only solution lies in the breakup of the United States. Blacks and Hispanics are concentrated in the Southwest, the Southeast and the East, but the Northwest and the far Northeast, Maine, Vermont and upstate New York have a large predominance of whites. I believe these predominantly white states should declare independence and secede from the Union. They would then enforce strict border controls and provide minimum welfare, which would be limited to citizens. If this were done, white civilization would survive within this handful of states."

very politically and racially motivated i might say

>> No.8721395

>>>>>a small book
Have you even read it?

>> No.8721399


>> No.8721424

"All but eliminate" meaning there's 20% unexplained?

>> No.8721450

yes, 3 points

>> No.8721454


Here is a good website if you want more on psychometrics. It''s mostly about race, but that's mostly where the big differences in IQ, academics performance etc. are

The IQ gap increases with age, this has been known for 30+, it's very old news. It's also one among many points hereditarians point to.

Lit is incredibly bad when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.8721457

So there's a difference

>> No.8721463

nice alt-right website, i've been there, the "articles" are very low quality, makes me wonder about the quality of the brains they satisfy

>The IQ gap increases with age
yes, i wonder why

>> No.8721470
File: 94 KB, 678x512, Incarceration-by-net-worth-decile-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a distraction, the IQ gap between blacks and whites has been small for small children for over 6 decades. The large gap starts to occur at puberty. The people pushing this study are misinforming you intentionally. They know that the IQ gap increase with age and that this has been the case for more than half a century.

They also have a selective memory about parental income, race and the correlation with crime. If their narrative was true we would expect to see more crime during economic recessions and depressions, but all crime goes down during those periods. An honest criminologist will here point to base level stress factor changing as a large factor for the change in behaviour.

>> No.8721476

crime ain't iq
iq gap shrinks again for people who are retired

>> No.8721492

I agree that economic conditions do not fully explain the differences between races, but /pol/ wants to quickly jump to some inane conclusion about certain races being superior when in reality i it's more to do with culture than race.

>> No.8721495
File: 527 KB, 2650x1110, Majority overlap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice alt-right website, i've been there, the "articles" are very low quality, makes me wonder about the quality of the brains they satisfy
Does that invalidate the studies the articles are based on? It is an alt-rigth website, does this change that race is a stronger predictor for the amount of violent crime within cities and neighbourhoods than poverty? You can of course dismiss the data because people you don't like use it, and we should dismiss you for it.

Does the data get valid if I link to another website?
>The emergence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has made it possible to compare brain sizes of living humans, and in the ongoing hunt for a physical metric of intelligence, several researchers eagerly sought to correlate MRI measures of brain volume with IQ. Ten years ago, a meta-analysis that examined the results from 26 imaging studies concluded that the correlation between IQ and brain volume is consistently in the 0.3-0.4 range.
Here 0.3-.04 means 30-40%. For some reason people like to believe the correlation is 0.3-0.4%, even though they do not commit this error with respect to studies they link in response.

You could also go with the second link that show up on google for "iq brain size correlation":
This article however deals with brain-size between species, something quite different from IQ correlations with brain size among humans.

>yes, i wonder why
You don't, and you don't have an explanation with valid data. You have dishonest rationalization that glorifies blacks as something more than they are. You have heard quite a few times that black schools receive more funding per student, and you have thrown such factors aside and quickly forgotten them (as you must).

You should adopt the tactic in the picture

>> No.8721505

>I agree that economic conditions do not fully explain the differences between races, but /pol/ wants to quickly jump to some inane conclusion about certain races being superior when in reality i it's more to do with culture than race.

Most of pol has barely read any of the intoruction material race realist or HBD stuff. It's a shame, it would sober up many of their positions. However, from your post we can see that this is the case for you aswell. Some traits do not vary with culture, some vary a fair bit and some only because culture is a very good proxxy for race. For example, who do you think performs better on IQ test (aggregated) american blacks or mongolians? These tests are supposedly rigged towards white americans, yet they are somehow more culturally similar to central asian nomads than the blacks who live a couple of blocks away?

>> No.8721547

>Does that invalidate the studies the articles are based on?
look at who conducts the studies
it's in this thread
very selective reading, you are biased, please don't hide it


>> No.8721561

is that why black americans have nigerian tier iq's in spite of having 25% white ancestry
i'd like to see your study on mongolian iq, a study that doesn't just assume their IQ because their neighbors have a high iq just like was done here>>8721297
tell me why euros were warlike conquerors not long ago but now are cosnumerist mercantile democrats
tell me why east asians are adopting "white" culture, why the whole world is adapting a western model
why the culture in europe was complete darkness, when arabs and persians had something resembling scientific thought

unless you will have me believe different biological laws apply to africans than to all other races

>> No.8722558


>> No.8723601

-Intelligence is reducible to a single number.
-Intelligence must be capable of rank ordering people in a linear order.
-Intelligence is primarily genetically based.
-Intelligence is immutable.

>> No.8723612

>Intelligence is reducible to a single number.
It is.
>Intelligence must be capable of rank ordering people in a linear order.
It is.
>Intelligence is primarily genetically based.
It is.
>Intelligence is immutable.
No. I can vary a lot on an early age. By adulthood it is immutable though.

>> No.8723618

>These tests are supposedly rigged towards white americans, yet they are somehow more culturally similar to central asian nomads than the blacks who live a couple of blocks away?
Mongolians live in a culture that prioritizes logic and speak a language that facilitates it, as opposed to blacks, who live a culture that celebrates crime and ignorance.

>> No.8723639

